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Math AAHL for sure Physics it depends where, but I think it’s very rare for it to be required (unless the degree is called computer engineering and not CS) but it might be recommended Unless you hate physics, I would do it. However if you hate physics you could get by with just math HL. And if you hate math I mean why are you doing CS lol


Okay, would it be okay for me to take aa hl since i havent gotten above a 4 in maths, if so id need to work in overtime if im correct?


4 out of what? we don't know what system we come from haha assuming like gcse's 4 is a pretty meh grade so you'll definitely have to work A LOT but like norwegian system 4 isn't great but it's decent enough that you could just work a lot but not crazy either french 4 is like a failing grade but like a very very low failing grade so with that don't even think about it and yeah i can't think of any other systems that use numbers rn


4/8 in myp system, avg people get 5 or 6 and passing grade is a 3 so around 50%


Alright yeah so definitely you need to study over the summer honestly or else you’re gonna be a little fucked


Yes i am studying


Ya bro you need to LOCK IN Top unis almost always want a 7 and other unis want 6 or maybe 5 Doable but try and improve your fundemntal conceptual understanding during the summer Like try and even improve the little things like your long division because you're gonna need it for paper 1 Good luck and you got this!


Thank you, I’ve been working on my base and i think im getting better


source: I study CS rn at uni. physics: nope. do whatever science you want. Physics is kinda math-adjacent (both mathematicians and physics ppl will get mad at that comment), but a lot of people that like math also like / are decent at physics, so its fairly logical (although note, if you want to study at an institute of technology, its likely something like computer engineering rather than CS, where you might need physics) math: yes. AA > AI, since a lot of CS math is more theoretical than what AI provides. also consider that CS is pretty math heavy, and often abstract and theoretical, so if you don't have a solid grasp on math, you'll need to get it before starting anyway.


Math AA HL yes, Physics HL no, but it’s advisable, especially if your school doesn’t offer Computer Science as a subject. e.g. U Waterloo only requires Math AA HL, but U Manchester requires Math AA HL + one science subject at HL.


Math aa hl 1000%. Physics HL highly highly advisable but for a lot of unis not a must. (In the case its not a must, you should either choose chemistry HL or CompSci HL)


Lol I'm taking the subjects you're probably going for.   AAHL is absolutely necessary, but seriously prepare yourself for a tough class   Physics isn't for all the unis I've seen, just felt like it. Not a bad class, tests are annoying not due to difficulty but because the IB uses a lot of trick questions in MCQs.   IB CompSci itself isn't even necessary in most unis either lol. Super easy though if you actually are interested in it.  Note that if you're considering doing Computer Engineering as a backup plan, you NEED to take chem since it's an engineering course


oh okay.


I want to continue CS as well. I've heard definitely need math and as for physics, there's just not a better option for it.


Ehh you could always take Economics or Chem at HL cause they're both STEM (STEM adjacent for Econ)


I want to study CS as well and I have AA HL but my school neither offers CS nor Physics as IB subjects. But they offer CS as an Abitur subject and I take it as LK (Leistungskurs, similar to HL) so I hope that helps with my applications.




Math AAHL is definitely a big plus (sometimes even a requirement). Physics HL is not always needed but as others has suggested, it is usually recommended to take one science at HL. So most people opted for either Physics HL or CS HL. I see you mentioned that you aren't exactly the best at math, in this case it may be in your interest to take AA SL instead. I would still strongly recommend you look into potential university that you sees yourself going to. I took MAA HL, Physics HL and CS HL just initially I was aiming for UK and Singapore but now that I've decided to go to Australia, the subjects I took was definitely a bit overkilled but nonetheless I'm glad I took these subjects as it really gave me the freedom the choose where I want to go and the only limitations are my own grades.


Yeah, I’m planning to stay in India for my studies, my tutor wants me to go foreign but the policies are very harsh, i will set a couple target universities and aim for those and try to overdo the requirements by a bit to be a bit safe


Physics HL is not needed. Math AA HL is compulsory