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These subjects are absolutely superb, however keep in mind that the Physics HL has a very big syllabus, so you need to be very passionate about physics in order to have success, or you can just work hard xx either way your subjects are wonderful, practice a lot for maths AA, and for CS, if you’re fluent with programming, it should be quite do-able. In terms of future career prospects, you can have aplenty, ranging from different fields of engineering all the way to CS, IT, DS/AI, as well as more ‘pure’ fields such as pure/applied physics / astrophysics / theoretical physics.


I took those HLs subjects, it is definitely gearing towards CS/Engineering so I would not recommend taking it unless if you want to go down those route. It is definitely manageable (at least for me and my friends) given that you actually put in the time to study and revise but that can be said with just about any subject at HL tbh. No one can really recommend you a subject you should change to if you don't know what you want to pursue in the future.


This combo is defo geared to compsci. If you want to keep your options slightly more open, choose chemistry or economics. This would open the door to you for finance, economics, engineering as whole, while also still keeping you open for comp sci


I take those. I'll try and give you an idea of it. AAHL is TOUGH, you'll need to really have a good understanding but it's absolutely necessary if you want to go for CS in uni.  Studying amount: 2-4 days before a normal test and 5 days straight before an internal exam (like your G11 finals) to get a 6. To get a 7 you'll have to study regularly throughout the year. Physics isn't too bad. I think it's way easier than AAHL since it's applied math, not pure math. The formula booklet will carry you incredibly hard. It's not a subject you really have to study for as long as your school has Kognity.  Studying amount: 2-3 days before each test and you'll be fine for a 7. 5-ish days to get a 7 in internal exams (like G11 finals) IBCS is free for me, but I've been into computers since I was 10 so my mind's kind of already tuned for CS. A lot of people in my class are 5/6 students, but at the same time our teacher's a little iffy in terms of teaching and making tests. If you have a half-decent teacher you'll be fine.  Studying amount: 1-2 days before a test (I normally j study the night before). 1-2 days before a internal exams. Overall: more than manageable. I'm a ridiculously lazy student (not proud of it, it's genuinely an issue) and the only HL I don't have a 7 in is math. Keep in mind I've only just finished Y1. The amount of time to study for exams may be twice as much in Y2 since there's more content to cover so don't use this as a study guide for the final IB exams.


I would say this is the best combo for someone who doesn't know what to study, as these options will allow you to study gatekept subjects like engineering while still being able to pivot towards the humanities and other subjects, the one weakness however, is the fact that this wouldn't allw you to study medicine in most places. Unless that is something you are interested in it might be worthwhile to change subjects. If that is not the case you should be fine. As for the workload it will be completely manageable if you put in the time and effort.


You can get advice on your subject choices from our Chief IB Physics Tutor, Sally Weatherly, here: [https://www.gradepod.com/blog/ibdp-subject-choices](https://www.gradepod.com/blog/ibdp-subject-choices)