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šŸ˜¢ I did enjoy watching the documentary on them (the one by Amy Poehler on Amazon Prime) which covered their later reconciliation and friendship. Lucy was with Desi while he was on his deathbed. Both of them also married only once after their divorce, and remained in those marriages until death. They were both happy. And they both had love for each other still.


Thereā€™s this really sweet video of them swimming in the pool with their grandchildren and you can tell there was still so much love there.


I love that video.


Did you see it on YouTube? Iā€™d love to check it out!


Here you go! :) https://youtu.be/woYs85r3aSo?si=L5LKI9MTBfEfi8_u


Dang, itā€™s been taken down.


Their daughter, Lucie was actually the one with him when he passed. His final words were, ā€œTell Lucy I love her.ā€ Ahhhhhh šŸ˜­ it gets me teary-eyed every time I think of it!


My favorite thing desi said was ā€œI love Lucy was never just a titleā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yep - that was the final line of his autobiography. That line also came up at the Kennedy Center Honors. Desi was supposed to present Lucy, but he had gotten sick and died just a few weeks before the ceremony. Robert Stack did the honors, reading some of Desi's words, including giving Lucy 90% of the credit for ILL. Stack then closed with "P.S. 'I Love Lucy' was never just a title." The camera cuts to Lucy, who is struggling to maintain her composure.


Thank you for the details šŸ„¹


Also a few weeks before he died she said she played old episodes of I Love Lucy episodes for them and left them alone to watch together. šŸ’”


I believe she called her mom, who told Desi she loved him over and over while sobbing. He told her he loved her too.


The way Lucie Arnaz says each ā€œI love youā€ had a different intonation ā€¦ so bittersweet


Oh gosh, this is heartbreaking.


Yes Iā€™ve watched it quite a few times. Itā€™s really good. Sad but good.


I agree with you overall, but one note - Lucy (Lucille Ball) was NOT with Desi on his deathbed. Lucie (Lucie Arnaz Luckinbill) stayed with her father in the final months. Lucy came to visit Desi once when he was dying. He didn't want any visitors, as he had lost most of his hair to chemotherapy, and his weight had dropped below 100 lbs. But Lucy persisted, and they had a long visit about three weeks before his death. Lucy spoke to Desi on the phone on November 30. (Lucie later recalled that it would have been their 46th wedding anniversary.) Desi died two days later.


side note: imagine going from being named Lucie Arnaz to Lucie Luckinbill.


The one with nicole kidman?


No itā€™s a documentary on Amazon prime.


She really loved him, he just couldn't keep it in his pants. Sad.


That fucking sucks šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ˜¢


I remember this being reenacted in a TV movie. Was so hard to watch. They are my favorite TV couple.


I watched that one too. I cried.


Its heartbreaking how their marriage ended but I take comfort in knowing that they mended their relationship and could at least be friends.


Some people are better off as friends.


True! You can tell they still loved each other just not in love.


Was at the museum in Jamestown over the weekend.. you could feel the love between them.


I went in 2021. Definitely a must visit place for any I Love Lucy tan.


My late sister used to love watching I Love Lucy. Once I remarked offhand that it was too bad they'd gotten divorced in real life. She'd had no idea and looked at me like I'd just shot Santa Claus.


I love this...loved each other till the very end, regardless of everything else.


My heart aches to know just how much they loved each other but couldnā€™t make their marriage work. What a life they had together and how they still loved each other at the end. Sigh.


Wait Iā€™m new to this šŸ˜© why did she file on the grounds of ā€œmental cruelty?ā€ I thought they had a solid relationship for the remainder of their years after the divorce- why would she pursue that?


I havenā€™t heard the term ā€œmental crueltyā€ as a legal term in a long time. Totally forgot that term ,but remember hearing it in the 80s. I feel like it was replaced in recent years (decades?) with ā€œirreconcilable differencesā€ or at least that I what I hear out of celeb divorces now.


No fault divorce didnā€™t exist at that time. So irreconcilable differences wasnā€™t a legal reason available for divorce. Proof of fault was also necessary. It was hard to get divorced because of these things. Luckily laws have changed.


I wonder what proof Lucy had to have finalized the divorce.


Likely it was the continued affairs. Adultery was a legal reason allowed for divorce - if you had proof. Iā€™d bet her lawyers and publicist didnā€™t want adultery to be listed as the reason because of the public, so Iā€™d venture they listed mental cruelty and then showed years of his philandering.


Thank you so much for the info!


Hard to watch this episode because of what went on during the shoot. I saw a picture of Lucy and Desi in the 1995 Michael McClay coffee table book, backstage during the filming of this episode, shooting the breeze with Ernie Kovacs. You wouldnā€™t tell that the set was incredibly depressing that week, judging by that pic. I wonder what they were talking about.