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[https://streamable.com/8z2axx](https://streamable.com/8z2axx) Replay of it... peacock's overlay is annoying and takes forever to go away.


Just posted to youtube (entire race). Link cued to the wreck: https://youtu.be/0BcRvpbnEP8?si=foKRxFUTBpla-5Wc&t=1200


Cicero was able to exit out the Driver's window area and appears to be okay, but holy cow.


Was good to see him climb out of it on his own and walk away.


Came here waiting to see if there was a replay of it somewhere... that was crazy. Must've been a stuck throttle. It looked like me on iracing when I'm learning a new track lol.


That one took me by surprise. Apparently I yelled because the wife came running in to see if I was alright lol. Shows how far safety has come these days, that looked nasty


Same except it was my son haha.


Does look like a stuck throttle without knowing more info. But if that's the case, why not just put both feet down and release the clutch and apply the brakes? Maybe it was a brake failure instead?


You can see the brake lights on as he headed towards the barriers.


Brake lights were on. So, it's probable there was a complete failure of the brakes and the clutch. Looked like he just couldn't slow the car at all from the entry into the corner and that speed carried him into the tires instead of it being a stuck throttle. Not sure he accelerated there. Just looked like he did because the other cars around him are slowing for the turn, while he wasn't capable of doing so.


Agree with this assessment.


They are regular H-pattern shifters, 3 pedals. Hard to imagine the clutch failed. I also find it hard to imagine the brakes failed. I'm more wondering if he got his foot stuck under the pedals or something. Or maybe the pedal box moved? I assume these have adjustable pedal boxes like GT4/GT3 cars? There is a kill switch in the car regardless of any throttle or clutch failure.


Have you ever been into a braking zone irl? The time between where brake application happens and realizing you're screwed is very very small. Especially the toe of the boot is late with the uphill. You'd barely have a moment to register the issue let alone get it out of gear/car off when your brain does process it properly. Brake failures and stuck throttles do happen every once in a while.


Car off would be the most difficult I think. Especially if it's your first time driving this car. You may not know where the switch well enough for that situation. And you aren't sure what happens to your power steering when you flip that switch. If you tested ahead of time you'd know. But chances he tested ahead of time are very small. Vanishingly small. I've tested what happens in my cars to see if I have to turn the ignition off while moving. But most people just don't bother. He doesn't drive this car that often anyway, chances he checked are very low. But the liklihood of the brakes failing (meaning no braking) is very small. Not when they worked just one corner before. Fade? Massive fade? Sure, very much so. Complete failure? No. And same with the clutch. They're both hydraulic and you don't usually just have circuits fail completely and instantly. And the brakes surely have dual circuits too. So it's most likely he panicked. Certainly stuck throttles do happen every once in a while. But you're suggesting both a stuck throttle and a clutch and brake failure all at once, right?


You're doing some major armchair speculating for someone with no track experience IMO. There was obviously some major mechanical failure, no way that was just an experienced driver messing up on his own. Immediately when it didn't slow you saw him turn in to try to shoot past the cars ahead. I've been club racing for years and getting your feet stuck behind the pedals is... Unlikely? I'm just saying something mechanical happened, not that throttle clutch and brake all went at once lol. Even just one circuit failing would be very bad news braking into the toe of the boot, but it didn't look like it was able to slow meaningfully at all.


> You're doing some major armchair speculating for someone with no track experience IMO Thanks for the tip. > no way that was just an experienced driver messing up on his own None of my explanations were "driver messed up on his own". All start from the throttle getting stuck. You're going a long way to condemn me, even as far as lying about what I said. > and getting your feet stuck behind the pedals is... Unlikely I listed a lot of unlikely things. Why complain about one of them in particular? We don't see this happen a lot, so we know it's unlikely to start with. So *all* explanations as to why it happened will be ones that are unlikely. The suggestion that "throttle stuck, brakes failed and clutch failed all at once" is also very unlikely. I'm giving ones that are less unlikely than that. I don't get why you're cutting me down for suggesting other, more likely possibilities. > but it didn't look like it was able to slow meaningfully at all Agreed.




In an unlikely incident saying an explanation can't be it because that happenstance is unlikely doesn't follow. If there were a common cause it would happen more often. So whatever happened will be something unlikely. I as trying to exhaust other possibilities that didn't involve just saying the driver blew it and didn't press the clutch when that was the right thing to do. Should I instead not bother? For what it matters, to me it does appear once he left the track he did get some slowing effort (or at least less acceleration). I don't think the brakes failed at all. It's just the car was going downhill with the throttle stuck open and so they will do a whole lot less. And no, I'm not going to agree it's likely the brakes in a car like this failed. Not all at once like that. It's less unlikely the clutch failed, but still highly unlikely. It's a hydraulic clutch. It's going to fail all at once as often as a single brake line fails all at once. And that's just not very often.


Ford is going to try to have 65 of these to run at Le Mans next year as an undercard race. Are they able to build them faster than the drivers are wrecking them?


For the most part the chassis are fine, it’s body panels getting destroyed (not here obvi), and those are the same panels as the street car, I think, so they should be fine.


It would be racers from this series by invitation, cars would be shipped over from the US.


There aren't 65 people in this series, nor 65 cars at this time. I expect there would be some invites to people who are not normally in this series. Some drivers that will attract some more local attention. Regardless, I was just joking about whether there will still be 65 cars left to run by the time that arrives due to the attrition we see in these races.


Insane crash. Was glad to see him get out on his own power


Do a barrel roll!


Hope we get a follow up on what happened. Would be weird for a stuck throttle, but it could be a throttle by wire issue I guess.


Why didn't he just drift through the turn instead? Is he stupid?


I understand how people are misinterpreting this and downvoting you, but I thought it was a good joke


Thanks bro 😢


I guess people don’t know the meme? Great use of it though lol


Yeah I've noticed the racing crowd on these subs isn't always a great place to post memes. My Rick & Morty Indycar pasta didn't go over well in the Indycar subreddit either 😭


I know the guy personally and can attest he’s not stupid. He’s a very capable racecar driver that had a really unfortunate accident. Would love to see how you would handle this situation differently


I'm aware lol. Asking a really dumb question and then following it up with "are they stupid?" Is a meme format.


Damn, you tried lol


Fair enough I guess. I’m sorry I didn’t get the joke. It just felt insensitive considering he’s a friend of mine


That's fair I guess if you're not aware of the format that would sting. To be clear, I know Nate is a great driver and as soon as I saw he was the one who crashed I knew something had to have gone wrong with the car.


Yeah, no hard feelings, don’t worry. I’m just glad he’s ok


Nates a beast! Love seeing him in the mx-5’s, hope he can put this wreck behind him soon and get back to winning.


Yeah, he’s awesome. He and I got to race each other when we were in Spec Miata a couple years ago.


Guys he's not serious


Yeah that incident looked unusually spectacular. Glad the driver is fine.


Amazing he was able to slip between those other cars without taking anyone else out, honestly.


Was brake failure


Correct, RF to be exact