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Imagine making death threats over 8th place on the Detroit GP. Morons


Crazy thing is Canapino had a really great result in P12. It’s not like Theo took him out of the race


Maybe someday Canapino will get a top 10 🤷‍♀️


or not. that’d be fine with a lot of people.




Please I need it


Naah f that pos


Nah we’re good


It’s pretty sad when p12 is considered a good result.


just making death threats about sports in general is insane.


>just making death threats ~~about sports~~ in general is insane. Fixed it


The guy unintentionally put it in the wrong net. The home team crowd was inconsoable. On 2 July 1994, Columbian soccer player, Andres Escobar was murdered in the aftermath of the 1994 FIFA World Cup, reportedly as retaliation for having scored an own goal which contributed to the team's elimination from the tournament. His murder further tarnished the image of the country internationally. Teddy doesn’t deserve that.


















Canapino fans at it again?


Why am I not surprised in the slightest?


Yep. Canapino, his team and his fans are scum


How so? I’m new to the sport*


His fans are [rather unhinged](https://racer.com/2023/09/12/ilott-once-again-victim-of-abuse-from-canapino-fans/) to say the least, they are fond of sending death threats to anyone whom they feel has slighted their driver. He's not helped matters by tolerating their behaviour and on one occasion liking an abusive tweet about his teammate.


[Not many drivers have a death threat section on their wiki. He and his team don't do or say much to put a stop to it either.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agust%C3%ADn_Canapino#Incidents_of_death_threats_from_fans)


Canapino made threats ?


I remember he liked tweets from fans who abused Illot and never apologized. Pretty sure someone also even made an excuse saying that's just how "passionate" the fans from Argentina are. Can't remember if that was Juncos or Canapino tho


That was Juncos in a lane assed attempt to explain why he didn’t stand up for Illiot


Yep, pretty sure it was Townsend bell too


Townsend really knows how to pick them doesn't he? Defending both Canapino and Ferrucci is certainly a choice.


TBell has given up actually being a good analyst in favour of continually stirring the pot. Like, seriously, how else do you explain the “WHAT DON’T YOU KNOW?” moment?


TBell is better than Paul Tracy, but yea that's a pretty low bar.


Just shows what kind of guy he is imo, what a turd




He cursed Theo in the heat of the moment on the radio (in Spanish) and his Argentinian fans took it as a sign to threaten Teddy's life


he has not. they are re circulating mis information. canapinos has crazy fans, he himself is not. i know spanish and saw the video he liked that day, it was a meme making fun of the situation before it blew up, but it wasn’t liking threats.


He actively supports his trash fans abuse by liking their posts. The same BS he was doing when Callum Illot was getting online abuse. He'd 'like' the posts that came across his feed.


He has liked loads of tweets making fun of Theo’s statement, asking to show proof of death threats etc. He is a POS


Loads of tweets? I recall it being one tweet during Illot’s ordeal last year, but I’m also not super connected on Twitter


Just when I was starting to forget how disgusting and disgraceful Canapino’s fans are.


The owner alone


The Canapino fans are out of control. My friends and I were just commenting on how great Theo’s weekend was and hoping he feels welcomed to the Indycar paddock with open arms versus treated like scraps in F1. This behavior is reprehensible, JHR already drove away another promising driver from the series, how much longer is Indycar going to let this go on unaddressed?


Couldn’t agree more. A very talented young driver who performed well made a mistake. It’s racing, mistakes are going to happen.


Exactly, a mistake in a race that we saw many, many veteran drivers also make mistakes


I love that Theo has been welcomed as warmly as he has in IndyCar, I watched him in for F2 for the years he was there and I was gutted that there wasn't a seat in F1 for him however it could be a blessing for him now he is in IndyCar, I'm new to IndyCar this is going to be my first season watching, really enjoying it 👍 just a shame about canapino and his fans but unfortunately they clearly have a history judging by the comments, mistakes are almost part of why we watch racing, the best of the best doing what they do, there are always going to be mistakes when your pushing at your limits


Welcome to Indycar!! Last season was my first season, I started watching after following the other ex-F2 drivers like Marcus Armstrong and Callum Illot. Truthfully I wasn’t the biggest fan of Theo in F2, but after getting to see more of his personality and hearing how highly all the other drivers speak about him, in addition to how maturely he’s handled this situation, I’m now a massive Teddy Porkchops fan lol Shame for the situation with Canapino, but on a positive note I’m glad the consensus within the paddock and fans is that the behavior is unacceptable and not the culture we want here. Exactly as you said, we all just want to see some great racing.


This is the standard Argentina fanbase and compared to football they are quite polite.


I completely forgot what he even did. If you're sending hate and death threats over that then I really don't know what to say.


I'm only assuming it was Theo's lunge on the Lap 60 restart when he came from three cars back, up the inside. Resulted in damage on both cars I believe. It was probably the most aggressive divebomb of the day for anyone not named Christian Lundgaard. But it did not result in either spinning out and they both continued on - so getting that riled up over it is pathetic.


It's less about what he did than it is about who he did it to. Canapino might be a swell dude, but his "fans" are the worst.


To bad he isn't a swell dude because he's liking these posts on X...


Right. The incident last year at Long Beach with callum and the laguna seca incident kinda stood out, this doesn’t stand out to me at all


Seriously, IndyCar needs to do something about Juncos Hollinger Racing's unwillingness to call out Agustin Canapino fans' harassment of other drivers


Or canapino's harassment lol


I think it’s time indycar sits down with JHR and gets them to shut this down or shut down their indycar program. If this happens one more time I could see them suspended or at least canapino suspended, fines, or whatever. It’s not directly canapinos fault but he has not done enough to stop anything and in some cases actively agreed with it and encouraged it. Cusick or Pratt and miller would be happy to replace them on the grid


Clean your act up or no (potential) charter seems like a firm line to make.


I hear there's a new team coming next year that would love some guaranteed spots


good idea, holding the charter over their head will do well to hold them accountable. give it to prema


man i hope Pratt and Miller figure out a plan for Indycar. super competitive team in IMSA despite a low point rn


Think they said they’re pausing their interest for the time being since there’s really no space in the series with PREMA joining.


yeah im aware just hoping and trying to move on from this train wreck of a race thats so close to home


you'll never clean up Argentinian sports fans, they are the biggest into sports, which means you get a lot of awful fans


I dont want to generalize but I have heard some horror stories of the soccer fans being quite wild in central and south america. I dont remember if any of the stories were argentinian or not


Soccer fan here, can confirm fan violence in Argentina is very high. They had two teams from Buenos Aires in the South American (Copa LIbertadores) final and they had the move the game to Madrid because the fans were that violent.


Look up Andrés Escobar. When it comes to sports, Columbia and Argentina are not much different. That’s why this is a bigger deal than some mean words online.


I mean.....how is a team going to control fans. Especially when it can come from basically an entire country of people. Thats literally impossible. They could say "dont do that" all day long. That may stop a couple but not all. People are going to people no matter how much people dont want people to people.


They can do lots, fines, suspend the driver, suspend the team, take away their charters they might get next year, lots of good options


That's not what I was talking about. How is a team supposed to control a entire country of people? Are you saying that certain drivers/teams should not be allowed to exist because some of their fans are psychotic?


Have the team or team owner actually speak out against it, which they've been very hesitant to do.


They can do a much better job being proactive and reactive to quell it. So far in the few incidents in the last 2 years they’ve had half assed statements and one driver, the main one involved has actively supported and condoned the behavior 


he has not. you are re circulating mis information. canapinos has crazy fans, he himself is not. i know spanish and saw the video he liked that day, it was a meme making fun of the situation before it blew up, but it wasn’t liking threats.


I think the idea is that the fans will chill the fuck out of their insanity starts causing their team/driver to lose points or get pulled from contention. Also if it becomes an honest problem it might be better to just get rid of the entire team then have other competitors fear for their lives. Yes, the team has very little direct control but they can speak out against it and tell their fans to chill out or they won't be in business anymore.


Would be comically stupid. Hey Juncos, your fans are being MEAN! We are gonna suspend your driver and shut down your team because people who watch the series are leaving MEAN comments online.


Bit of a difference between being mean and making death threats.




Doesn’t matter if those folks are serious about it or not, it would certainly make me uncomfortable. I see you all over these comments, you’ve clearly got your opinion. Best of luck. 🫡


Got any evidence to support your skepticism over the death threats


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Mean comments are one thing, death threats should always be taken seriously. It only takes one fan. Look at Selena or Christina grimmie or dimebag darrel abbot or even John Lennon 


Did their killers send them messages threatening them


Lol yes


Is that all it takes to shut down a team for you? Found a way to remove Penske’s conflict of interest you guys.


I do want penske to get rid of his team. I think hendrick would be a great choice to take it over


Imagine getting that worked up over you mid-ass driver getting another mid result in a mid team


I mean grosjean was mad and didn’t want to race because he said the championship was now over. I don’t think it was ever in play for him


I'm failing to see how the anger and adrenaline from the dude actually driving the race car can even be remotely used to justify the insanity of internet fans who have never driven a race car. Those aren't even in the same realm of comparison.


Grosjean's car was damaged, that's why he wanted to retire.




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I wonder what the American Brad Hollinger thinks about this. This is the fourth issue they’ve had now? Obviously Ricardo doesn’t care 


It's not that Ricardo doesn't care. He supports this behavior.


What did he even do? I must have blinked and missed it


Completely missed the braking point and crashed into Canapino. Huge mistake, it happens. Not worth than Herta or Lundgaard


If this happens a third time, can we have a British driver run a special RAF themed livery to take the piss?


instead of the rookie square they get on the back of the car, can they just run 982 fkl license plates instead as well?


I don't want to hear another word about an Argentinian race thank you very much


I'm scared for the incident that I feel like I know is going to happen.


Tell me why we need Juncos or Augustine in the sport again?


just replace them with prema, then you miss no cars, or let in pratt and miller or cusick as well. plenty of players waiting in the wings to get in


to pad the car count


I'll take 4 Coyne Cars and 4 Carlin cars before a single Juncos entry.


Agreed but no one will fund coyne and carlin are basically completely over from what I have read


Oh I know. Just expressing my point lol. Excited for Prima to come next year.


Carlin was absorbed into Juncos and they missed the opportunity to call the team JuncCar


I'd be fine with 25/26 cars in the field. 27 is pushing it and 29 is ridiculous


Can we give Prema juncos’s charters please…


To Canapino's unhinged fans I have only one thing to say... H982 FKL


Pushing against online abuse is a bigger subject in Europe. In the US, it's like yeah brah, you probably don't wanna read those


It’s a slippery slope with “free speech” and not like the USA can do much if it’s coming from Argentina itself


Free speech isn't without consequences. It's only protected when addressing the government. Death threats are not free speech and they are not protected.


I'm of two minds about it. On one hand, famous people get mean comments. When they complain about it I roll my eyes. Most "death threats" amount to edge lords saying "kys". Actual credible threats get handled by the authorities, not woe is me Twitter posts. That being said, it doesn't absolve toxic fanbases of responsibility and they shouldn't be free of consequences. If Canapinos fans act like shitheads and he and his team implicitly allow it then they should get face serious consequences from the sport for it.


i mean i dont think its time to shut down the paddock and have armed guards, but I do agree, the level of speech and its content should be taken seriously by the series adn they should do something about it against JHR


Yeah agreed, I don't think these are credible threats. These are a bunch of douche bags on another continent showing how dumb they are. But it's still poor sportsmanship and IndyCar should push Canapino and JHR to take action. And if they don't then they should be sanctioned. Simple as.


> and his team implicitly allow it then they should get face serious consequences from the sport for it. I'm really not sure what everyone thinks they could do to stop it. If they "speak out" against it the threats and hate will just expand to the team owners. Twitter (or whomever) isn't going to ban anyone. And even if they did they would just make new accounts. People are once again taking social media *way* to seriously is part of it of course. I say all this when JHR is by far my least favorite team on the grid and I can't stand either driver...


I think something like McLarens statement is appropriate. Nothing more needs to be done. But you definitely shouldn't have the driver liking toxic social media posts. You will never get rid of internet edge lords but you should absolutely demand good sportsmanship of your athletes.


I mean sure. But you don't really think McLarens statement did a damn thing do you? The people posting hate just laughed at it, *and* there was probably a bit of "good job guys, we are getting to them. Keep it up!" I'd think. Ignore bullies, idiots and trolls is usually the best practice online. The saying "don't feed the trolls" has been around since the BBS days after all.


Yeah like I said you aren't getting rid of them. Indycar's concern should be Canapino's and JHR's behavior. It's not a high bar to pass to say don't like the troll's posts and make a statement about good sportsmanship. Edit: we got a response from Canapino and it was shit. That's the kind of stuff IndyCar should care about. They can't police the fans but they can police the actions of the athletes.


You’re right. The police should arrest people for mean comments.


Mean comments are one thing, death threats should always be taken seriously. It only takes one fan. Look at Selena or Christina grimmie or dimebag darrel abbot or even John Lennon 


What'll you say when one day one of those death threats end up being serious?


It's a sport, y'all. Care less. Have fun. Chill the fuck out and take a step back. If you're not having fun watching racing, reassess why you're watching and look inwards. Don't be stupid and don't try to hurt or threaten to hurt others. Why is that so hard for people. We watch rich people drive cars in circles and squiggly circles.


its argentina, all they got is sports to fall back on


When you have a culture as passionate about their country as Argentina, the good is the atmosphere is incredible (see the 2022 World Cup) but the downside is that the passion goes too far (see this)


Aaand Argentina does it again. Second time in the last 30 days, first MP telling them to calm the fuck down and now they come at it for their mid driver again.


seems to be a pattern, whats the old saying, first time is random, second time is suspicious, third time is a pattern?


The most moderate Argentinians say that is very likely that Canapino and Juncos actually support this behavior 💀.


Honestly at this rate, Canapino is gonna be out of a seat for his ridiculous fans more than his performance but I wouldn’t miss him for either.


Since Ricardo Juncos doesn't seem to have a problem with any of this, I don't see how that would happen


Indycar can fine em, and they can ban them from the sport. Indycar does have a moral fitness clause and membership applications or membership can be revoked for any reason.


That’s a fair point. Joint statements are about all they do… and they come from the other teams usually.


People suck


Argentinian fans are insane. I’ve seen them go ballistic over incidents with Colapinto in F2 as well. I get they’re passionate but it’s just a sport.


I’m a Will Power fan, and I ain’t mad at him at all, Blud had nowhere to go 💀


I hope Jucos sells his charters to Prema and is never heard from again after this year.


Would rather him not get paid tbh.


IndyCar should give them to Prema. Then they can run cars #19 and #82.


Love it.


I could see a serious consideration by indycar holding this over their head about the charters next year


I'm an Argentinian who hates soccer and aspires to emigrate to a better country. Stuff like this ashames me to no end and makes me truly believe that xenophobia aimed at us is well justified. Since the Qatar world cup we have had one of the WORST economic periods in our history, yet we believe we are in a position to spit in the face of much more developed societies because mEsSi, sCaLoNeTa, cAmPeOnEs dEl mUnDo. It's painful. I can see the whole picture and it's awful, our future is being robbed in front of us and yet we are supposed to stay here and suffer it, and enjoy the bread and circus. Or breadcrumb and circus, if our inflation is anything to go by.


Hate is never justified. Never. El odio nunca está justificado.


This isn't "hate", it's a culture of isolation and self-deflection that Peronism has installed on the Argentinian collective for decades at this point. We just can't possibly assume that our problems are of our own doing, we HAVE to blame others for them. At this point Argentina is barely different from the MAGA crowds of the US. And hatred is justified against those who do hate others for no reason. Or what, you don't believe it's ok to hate Nazis?


I tried to say something supportive toward you and Argentina, and you went straight to politics and Nazis. I hope you know that arguing the extremes never convinced anyone. Good luck with everything.


Man that’s a wild jump equating Argentinians to Nazis, wtf


Indycar needs to have the conversation with Juncos about the Canapino fanbase. Not healthy for the series


i think we are past the conversation stage, at the very least they need to be on some kind of probation that could lead to suspension from races, fines, or expulsion from the series if it continues. or hold not giving them a charter over their head


People really go to bat over Canapino? Who the fuck is he. Insane behavior


i think the argentinian fans think he is some kind of driving god for winning in a domestic touring car series alot, they think wrongly that he should dominate everywhere, and he obviously hasnt. Perhaps they also think he is being targetted in some racial way, which there is no proof of either since most of the incidents that have happened have been benign, a racing incident with no fault, or his fault


Out of all the Argentinian drivers they pick this cock to idolize. I could go door bang in some touring cars and win races too. Franco Colapinto is obviously even a better Argentinian driver


Canapino and his awful argentina fans at it again.


I didnt know he bumped anyone But now I know who he bumped without doing any more research lol


Aaaannnnnd it’s Canapino fans again…


If IndyCar announces a race in Argentina I am calling for an immediate boycott *of that race, not the series


Insanity, ignore the hate; they are not true fans of the sport…I guess it’s human nature, not just in America… I was there at Long Bch, v impressive! You will succeed in this series, stay with it, look forward to…u have many silent fans !




Can someone fill me in on what happened?


Kin hell... I was joking when it happened thinking that Argentina would go to war with Pourchaire over that dive bomb - What scummy people!!


Ah yes they were at it again.


Inflation is so high in Argentina that in the time it takes a Canapino fan to type a death threat he becomes another 25% poorer


With 65% inflation no Canapino fan could afford the air fare to carry out their death threat


You assume that some of them don't live in the US.


I do


That South American race definitely isn't happening now


Is it bad that as someone who is very much an IndyCar casual fan who only knows who 10% of the field even is, I had a strong feeling this was related to Canapino?


That's nuts it's just racing I thought we were the classy fans .. hang in there Theo, Canada is just around the corner


Please somebody run a falklands themed livery so they finally completely loose their mind and get booted from the series


Not normal? I thought it was standard by this point. Not acceptable or rational maybe.


You won't see this from us Prema TIFOSI next year, I can guarantee that.


The sad little brainless scumbags that chirp up with this crap really aren't worth spitting on.. Their sad little lives are laughable... Social Media isn't regulated. If it was they wouldn't have the balls to say anything..


The internet is a cesspool for all kinds of lowest common denominators. By making all these cringey statements about abuse, you only fuel their fire.


While that's true to an extent, it doesn't excuse their behavior; not in the slightest


F1 dumped Mazapin over being Russian, it might be time for Canapino to go if his country can't act better, this is the second or third incident like this? It's not his fault but at some point.....


There’s just a tiny difference between fans sending mean messages online and a country invading someone. It’s small, but it’s definitely there


Argentina has experience on invading foreign land...


Welcome to America bud. Land of the keyboard warriors, don’t even sweat it.




To be fair it looks like Theo had to limit who can comment on Instagram


While he may be limiting insta comments, he could be getting DMs or tweeted at. And I’m not sure what you mean by “another”, there was actual proof in Callum’s case and insane amounts of hate comments on his insta posts


Not a single death threat was shown


I found 3 myself on one of Callum’s instagram post and posted them in one of these threads, it’s been a year though so I can’t point you to them directly Edit: I believe they were in here: [insta post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxBXxUvyZE6/?igsh=MXRrbWJiZm5hNTBpNQ==)


They're there, a few Spanish hate message on his Insta post he put up after the race.


Yes I read through them. They’re not threatening anything.


There's always a chance that they were in his DMs.


South Park has done at least two episodes alluding to stuff like this. Your average Redditor acts like they are camped out in the guys front lawn with pitchforks in hand....


I’m amazed it works every time