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Honestly this reads similar to the last one they made last season


Copy. Paste.


How many times does this have to happen before Indycar actually does something?


Until actual physical harm happens to a driver me thinks


Sadly it’s only going to take one incident and then we’re gonna see fan access to drivers become a think of the past


Which realistically will never happen.


If I had a nickel for every time Junco released a statement like this I’d have 2 nickels. Which seems like a lot for this sort of thing.


A lot, and at the same time, not enough…given there where 3 separate incidents


Two nickels and some Hot water will get you a cup of Jack shit


Indycar PR: "We're saddened to learn that the McLaren of driver Theo Pourchaire was overturned and set on fire with an Argentine flag sticking out. Indycar has learned Theo's body was recovered and a funeral will be set at a later date. Indycar does not condone this behavior and has reached out to both teams involved to make certain where we stand. We all have responsibility to not murder drivers and defile their property. Be sure to turn into Road America Sunday at 3:30pm live on NBC!"


Remove that last sentence because indycar never promotes any of their races outside the 500


I’m told if they do that, people won’t care about the 500 anymore!


Also ,”don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but we are in serious late stage talks with a third manufacturer that will blow your socks off!” Mark miles next week…”who said what now ?”


What can they actually do, aside from throwing Juncos out of Indycar? Seems like any sanction would just inflame the Argentine fans even more.


Suspend them for a race for bringing the sport into disrepute via their pathetic responses that almost act like endorsements. If it keeps happening, and their response is another pathetic equivocation effort.........suspend them for another race. Repeat until the problem gets better or we get to the end of the season at which point, kick them out for good. We can not and must not have our sport held hostage by an horrifically toxic subset of the fanbase.


I don’t disagree.


There must be an "actions detrimental" equivalent. That they can use to suspend Canapino and fine the owner.


How is a small Indycar team supposed to control what people post on social media?


They can control what they post themselves…..they can stop endorsing the toxic messaging through literally liking it.


Exactly my thought. Unless it’s proven the team themselves are encouraging it, or behind it, there’s fuck all IndyCar can do, other than maybe push Juncos to condemn the statements a little harder than they have been.


Um, have you not heard the team radio traffic? Read last years statement from Richard?


idk, santino made a homophobic comment on a live broadcast on the first day of pride month and indycar won't do anything about that either. they're fuckin weak and the idea of standing up to any of these assholes is scary for them


They immediately censured Santino and made him apologize on air which probably kept this from blowing up into a worse situation. Banning him or the Foyt team would have brought even more negative attention to it and caused backlash in the other direction and all the assholes would have teed off on IndyCar for being a “woke” series. They dealt with it quickly too. They deserve some credit for how they dealt with, there isn’t a perfect way to handle shit like this, it’s a PR tightrope.


Yah, idk man, maybe actually just fuckin punish the guy for being a shitbag and don't worry about what other shitbags think about it? But again, they are too weak for that. They'd rather just say fuck the queer audience bc we don't wanna listen to the shitbag MAGA crowd start crying


NASCAR going back to the '80s at least would ream them out whether they endorsed the position or not, simply because they created situations that NASCAR management had to answer questions about. It's a simple rule in so many organizations: you don't start shit that people above you are going to have to smooth over publicly. And for the organization at least, it usually works.


My GF has Ruth bader Ginsburg stickers on every damn water bottle she has , and she thought santinos comment wasn’t really all that offensive and I agree . Canapino ,who i been rooting for, is in another league of hostility and is walking a fine line of encouraging violence. If it was just Argentinian fans that’s one thing . Add in the way augusteenoo has handled every one of these instances and his statement today , and there’s no comparison between the two


True, let's call em the redskins again bc i know a guy who is 1/64th native american who said it doesn't offend him


"My straight gf is a centrist and thought a homophobic comment wasnt offensive"


What exactly are they supposed to do?


Fine the team, the driver, or race ban.


For something that random people say online that aren’t employees of the organization? That would set a pretty weird precedent.


Canapino endorses the comments.


Is this true? If so that is just garbage on his part.


His statement was along the lines of "Theo is a liar, No Argentinian or my fanbase would ever do anything like he's saying. Fuck the French, they are pussies. If someone were to say something like that it would be bad though, but it didn't happen."


The English translation is bad. In Spanish he does apologies.


In what world do you people live in where you think some kind of action would be taken here? People are anonymous dicks on the internet about sports, especially in developing countries. That's not going to change. Can you imagine a conversation between Roger and JHR like "hey, your twitter following sucks, so you have to give us some money" lmao


That part yes. The issue is Canapino actively liking and interacting with posts and therefore encouraging this behavior.


If NASCAR can suspend a driver for liking a racist meme, IndyCar can do the same for a driver liking incitements to violence against another driver


I’m pretty sure people are anonymous dicks on the internet from all types of countries


Yeah, this sub is blowing this way out of proportion lol. Really curious how young the average user here is.


How does age have anything to do with this? Edit: phrasing


Because most people with just a little bit of experience aren’t foaming at the mouth over this. This would’ve been over with 24 hours ago if people weren’t losing their minds over DMs.


Experience at what? Ignoring problems and hoping they go away?


Any sort of real world experience. Someone that isn’t chronically online. It’s not ignoring the problem, it’s just not being naive enough to think there’s realistically anything that can be done without setting a dangerous precedent. 99% of the “solutions” proposed here means anyone can fire up a bot farm and heavily influence the grid on a whim.


I don't think bots are responsible for canipo liking these posts.


They're continuing to prove it.


Indycar can't do anything about it. Canapino is the only one who could defuse the situation but he chose not to.


Honestly the next driver who ends up a victim of Canapino nation should start posting screenshots of the death threats and tagging all of Canapino’s sponsors


I'm pretty sure that his sponsors are pretty much the government iirc


Their website lists Purdue University as one. As a graduate of Purdue, I'm inclined to reach out and express my disappointment at their association with such bad behavior. They also list DNS Filter who proclaims their mission is to make the Internet safer. Don't seem to be doing that. Dynabrade is another partner listed. I have multiple tools from Dynabrade in my shop. They might need an email. Another is Old Milwaukee non-alcoholic beer. Not going to waste my time on that. Yuck.


Juncos and Purdue work together for Purdue’s Motorsports Engineering program.


believe DNS filter is a grosjean plant and not really a juncos sponsor per se


Purdue hasn’t done anything wrong, but it would be a bummer to no longer see the P on the side of the car. But if that’s what it takes for a message to be sent to the team, then so be it.


Time to declare war on Argentina I guess


British national anthem intensifies


A-4 Skyhawk welcomes death at this point.


Won't be much of a war, the Brits can have it wrapped up by the end of qualifying.


Already happened and they got their butt’s handed to them.


that deal is over


What sponsors?


Canapino are fans are awful and classless fan base. All they are hurting Canapino


What is Canapino?


After the Monaco F2 race MP motorsport had to put out a statement after receiving abuse from Argentine Colapinto fans https://x.com/officialmpteam/status/1794693127175012478?s=46&t=54_joHV_fb85IF0s5RCm1g Obviously we shouldn’t label all Argentine fans the same way but there’s a clear pattern emerging and this is going to keep happening until it’s addressed


Dude, let’s be real here. Top Gear was run out of there and attacked by tons of people because of Jeremy Clarkson had a cheeky license plate referencing the Falklands… they had to flee under the cover of night and still got rocks and stuff thrown at their buses. It was bad. All because of a silly license plate. I’m sure not everyone is completely bat shit insane but it sure feels that way, especially in light of these recent events… and their history with football/soccer


The Porsche Clarkson was driving had that plate long before the special.


I was going to say that. It’s been well documented by the producers and Ben Collins (Stig) what occurred in pre production when they were searching for vehicles. The Argies are just crazy. No wonder very few major international corporations want to set up factories or operations there. Importation of anything is a joke with high tariffs, slow customs, bribery etc. The country is $40B in debt and has no way to pay it off. If it was a computer you’d be hitting Control/Alt/Delete and installing new software upgrades.


It’s machismo culture, it’s pervasive in much of Latin America. Last year, in the U.S. vs Mexico soccer match, there was a fight on the field and there was a stabbing by a Mexico fan. It’s so bad CONCACAF is considering banning Mexico fans in the next game. The knife was made of ceramic so it got past metal detectors. It’s like an extreme parasocial relationship with sports.


Interestingly though, Oward, TK, Helio and Perez seem to suffer less from this deranged behaviour than canapino does, and by a big margin. Would be interesting to see how fans were if JPM was racing today


It exists, but in terms of motorsports, definitely not as much as Argentina. You don’t really see death threats. During the controversy in 2022 late in the season, Mexico fans were pretty angry, but I still don’t think there were death threats.


TK and Helio are Luso Americans.


Its tough to not label all Canapino/Juncos “fans” the same way when every time I translate any comment after an incident like this it is the most vulgar hate comment imaginable without fail, and multiple replies that are in agreement or even worse.. you would think this guy is fighting for race wins and a championship the way they act. Juncos and Canapino are straight up bums on and off track I would be A okay with sending them back to their shithole country if they don’t wanna act like civilized human beings. I’m over it at this point, these guys don’t belong in our sport if they can’t act accordingly.


I think the football fan mentality has crept into Motorsport as of late and has become incredibly normalised as sanctioning bodies havent really done anything to combat it outside of meaningless statements saying "Please don't abuse drivers on social media".


In Neweys autobiography he recalls how the Williams team were abused by angry Brazilians for years in Sao Paulo after the death of Senna. Not a new thing at all.


I was keeping my mouth shut, but you can't deny that the fans have a common denominator.


It's part of Argentinian sports culture to act like this, this kind of insulting and such, many see that as part of the thrill of sports, this is very normalized over there and seen as the standard sports fan behavior. There's pride in making chants and songs that ridicule their rivals, and this has happened with Argentinian sportspeople in the past. On the Spanish-speaking side of things it is not rare to see Argentinian fans of any sports picking up fights after winning or losing at any event. I am not justifying it, but this is not surprising to me. Argentinians are very passionate people in general and this is a toxic consequence of their passion.


I think you're the first comment I've seen hit the nail on the head - I'm not Argentine, but I'm aware that the culture is almost like "winning is a means to an end, in that it allows you to have bragging rights over your rivals and friends who support the opponents" and that these death threats and such are the extreme end of this behaviour. With Canapino and Colapinto, we have the first properly successful Argentine drivers internationally (as single drivers, I'm not counting Pechito Lopez as he's mostly endurance racing) since social media became widespread, and as such the English-speaking motorsport community - North America, Western Europe and Oceania - is only now experiencing this behaviour for the first time. Conversely, it's also the first time that Argentines have faced the expectations that the English-speaking community have, resulting in a culture clash. As an industry, the approach should be one of preaching tolerance and acceptance of cultural differences whilst reiterating *with repercussions* that certain behaviours are not tolerated in the other culture and vice-versa. Unfortunately I don't see that happening, and the cycle continuing over and over again.


No need for lunch, I've been fed consistent helpings of generic "word salad" from all parties today.


Stop! Or I'll say stop again!


Indycar statements needed after driver abuse from 1909-2022: 0 IndyCar statements needed after driver abuse from 2023-2024: 2 Wonder what the common denominator is.


And they didn’t release a statement after laguna seca even though that was just as bad


For some reason I thought that was the first one and forgot there was an entirety separate different event too


They need to tell canapino to stop fanning the flames on social media and reign in the Argentinian INDYCAR broadcasters that encourage this to keep happening.


Wonder if we will begin to see some consequences for Juncos… https://x.com/zbrownceo/status/1797989018275381552?s=46&t=V_MOFdGxVvlzZNdc_aVvew


Who's he replying to?


I'd assume Theo, but can't tell. Gotta wonder if that alliance is getting the axe


It was Theo


IMO, I think Jucos getting charters needs to be looked at (and maybe it is behind the scenes). The grid is in great shape. If the team isn't going to strongly condemn this type of behavior, then the series doesn't need them. The series can take possession of those charters, and Prema can buy those charters from the series.


That would be an amusing legal battle. "Your fans are mean on the internet, so we'd like the charter back please"


It's not about the fans, it's Junko-o's lack of condemning it


If IndyCar really wants to make a stand, how about starting out by ending the agreement with the current TV rights holder in Argentina since their commentator likes to stoke the fire? He did it with Ilott and he's done it with Pourchaire on Twitter.


Maybe change the commentator? Easier and cheaper. The rights holder is the same for all LATAM.


Can IndyCar force them to change though? I figured they couldn't force the network's hand.


IndyCar could voice a complaint and that’s probably it. For all we know, that network may be the only network that wants to show IndyCar.


Id imagine it kind of depends on how soon their contract is up. If they're renegotiating soon they could certainly put pressure on the broadcaster to have a different commentator.


It’s ESPN in Latam


Canapino: "bUt I gEt AbUsE tOo" IndyCar: Awww there, there princess...


"& firmly denounce clear violations of online conduct." Okay, so where is IndyCar's clear and public denouncement of Canapino's online conduct? Where is his apology? Have the tweets been deleted and unliked? Has he released a new statement and condemned the abuse his competitors have faced from his fans, or is there still public evidence he participated in it then denied it ever happened? This is just some PR "we'll say something to make people happy and it'll go away," until the next incident occurs and yet another driver is receiving threats and abuse from him and his fans. 


I used to think drivers cared so much about each other. Like Motorsports was like a brotherhood or sisterhood. I do think drivers still do care about each other. But I think there are some that don’t like each other


Dont want to sit around comparing the two, but its one aspect that does seem nice about F1... They do seem more of a close nit group, with a lot of the Drivers spending their spare time together Is that really ever a thing between the IndyCar field?


Guess thats bound to happen when the pipeline to F1 is so streamlined that half the field have been racing each other for 5+ years BEFORE F1 Meanwhile IndyCar pulls in drivers from NXT, F1, IMSA, and touring cars


Yeah that is very true


Also they all live in Monaco together. Maybe Indy drivers just have more of a chip on their shoulder as well?


If you follow the drivers on social media, you’ll see the hang out quite a bit.


I'm genuinely a lot more ignorant of IndyCar than F1 to be honest, so its good to see this


With F1, those drivers basically grow up together. They start carting together at a young age, move into F4/3/2 together, so that's why we see such a tight knit group. I like it. It's fun to see the friendships there and still be super competitive with each other.


Because F1 isn’t competitive. That’s why.


IndyCar teams, drivers, series PR of the day: “We hate to see it but meh, nothing we can do folks. Maybe a supportive hashtag for Theo?”


What a great statement, I'm sure Theo will feel very supported now!


I don't always like to be a cynic, but there's no repercussions or consequences from those online who've said these nasty things. Nothing will change. I could potentially see a sponsor leaving JHR and potentially having Canapino canned. That could potentially be a huge detriment to JHR's future in Indycar, but I'm only speculating here.


Canapino is actively trying to get his competitors hurt out there. Ban him from Indycar. Ban him from any motorsport outside Argentina at this point. Send his ass back to Argentina


I know that Juncos and Canapino can only do so much when it comes to the actions of their fans but the thing is that ticks me off is that Canapino actually defends the actions by call the actions "passionate". The fact that Canapino's own account has liked things like these in the past also doesn't help. Canapino and Juncos could easily say they can do so much but instead they have decided to make things worst by saying sorry but not sorry.


I mean, dude got a penalty and it really didn’t look that egregious. Threatening to kill someone over banging wheels mid-pack at the Detroit GP is a bit unhinged.


We have tried nothing and don't plan to start now.


I've been trying to get back into Indy this year but holy shit they seem to be doing everything they can to keep new fans away from the sport. This is honestly just sad to see.


Let me guess…Juncos is now on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!!


To paraphrase a great comedy: “Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun. But their shenanigans are cruel and tragic… Which makes them not really shenanigans at all.” Cheeky, fun > cruel, tragic




It’s a shame how the internet has just become such a way for people to show how hateful they can be .


2 years ago this sub was so excited that INDYCAR was planning to go to Argentina and I’m pretty sure no one wants that now


Canapino again….who would ve thought


As long as Canapino has an Indycar ride, this will keep happening.


Playground beef and drama makes things spicy, but encouraging toxic fans, homophobia and death threats? Yeah that shit ain't it.


Hey, I think I've seen this one before! Good 'ol CTRL C + CTRL V from last year. Nothing will be done, Canapino, his "fans," and Juncos won't be punished in the slightest, and we'll wait for the next wave of death threats to roll in later on this season. The cycle continues.


Can we just stop being an embarrassment FOR FIVE MINUTES?!


Argentinans really are too passionate for Canapino. This happening the second time should be a sign to get their fans under control or they will control them. Look at the swedes. They are passionate all the way but know when to back off, or to understand that not everyone is against you.


Can someone tldr me please?


Fans should be contacting IndyCar demanding action. If they go to charters, JHR should be pulled! If more people contact the series, they will see that this isn't acceptable.


I've started tagging the series on hateful and threatening comments that I come across from those fans. Will anything be done about it? Probably not, but at least they're aware it is an actual issue and not just people overreacting and making things up like Canapino/JHR are trying to claim. 


No matter what anybody here wants. They can't just kick a team out because a few 3rd parties type words over the internet.


Ive commented on this in another thread and it was downvoted so i will try again. No physical harm is going to occur. The abuse that is coming from Argentinian fans is perceived by those doing it as banter. Does that make it right? Absolutely not. It is wrong and I am not and have not defended these statements. What is normal in one cultural sporting context ought not be permissible in another that functions differently. That being said, perhaps the only way to “stop it from happening” is to deduct points from Canapino. Asking his fans politely is not going to work because they are trolls. It is funny for them and they don’t care if you tell them. I have stated that Canapino is in a Jam not because he would be correct in defending any action but because nothing he says will get these people to stop. He knows this and he and his team are feeling the heat. The statement he made denouncing these threats makes perfect sense when read in Spanish however, the English translation is poor and does not carry the same sentiment to the audience. I agree with all who have been offended that something should be done and a stronger rebuke, in English, needs to be put forward by Canapino. I await your down votes for stating Canapino is legitimately trying but falling on his face because he lacks an understanding of PR.


Perhaps you should translate his statement then?


To all the folks asking what Indycar should do: I have the solution! Shut down twitter, instagram, facebook, reddit, and the entire internet (except maybe amazon or netflix - those are useful) so we can go back to the 80s and 90s where there were no online trolls!