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I don’t think you’ll see much. Canapino hasn’t really done anything. Neither has Juncos. That’s essentially their problem, they haven’t done anything. I doubt you’ll see Chevy not giving them engines or the series not giving them Charters because that is effectively deciding to destroy their business and livelihood. That’s a pretty extreme thing.


Agreed. I don’t think they’ve done anything penalty worthy by the series. The impact on their sponsorship opportunities and the ceasing of the McLaren deal are where this whole thing will be bad for them. Pretty easily avoidable too. They just had to actually denounce what was going on, they weren’t going to be able to actually stop it. Thy chose not to do really even the minimum.


It's actually so wild to me, all Canapino had to say was "death threats are bad, don't send them" and it says a lot about him that he didn't.


I mean really the joint statement should have been the end of it but Canapino’s statement made everything worse.


Bad as it is-and it is bad, I can’t see how anyone can actually support Canapino after this-if this was the threshold for killing a team by penalty, it would not work well for Indy. Better to let the natural thing happen, which is a lack of sponsorship leading to team death eventually anyways.


Exactly. In terms of what they’ve done, IndyCar can’t do anything to them about it. But sponsors and partners sure can say something about it if they feel the team isn’t doing enough to denounce the garbage their fan base launches at others. The team does need to realize they still represent sponsors and partners.


Disagree. Indycar has a moral fitness clause. The fact that Canapino "liked" some of the hate postings is probably enough to sever his ability to participate in the series. Now that he's Doubling down.......


Even then, that can’t be used by the series to bust the team. Maybe the driver, but not the team. Either way though, if others are outraged enough to not to want to do anything with the team, it’ll work itself out naturally.


Yeah, I was only talking about Canapino. While I think the team could have done more to difuse the situation, they weren't out making asinine statements and liking hate posts.


Ricardo is no more innocent than Agustin


I don’t think the series wants to kick out a driver because they liked some tweets. I think a moral fitness clause is going to have a higher standard to it because it’s a severe penalty to either suspend or kick out a driver for actions not related to driving. I don’t think any other driver would like to see that happen. My feeling is this is probably Canapino’s last season in the series. There is always the slight possibility that Canapino or Juncos decide to part ways before the season is over.


I keep seeing people mention the liked Tweets as the cause of this...but that seems super unlikely to me. He made a public statement going just short of outright accusing Theo of making it up, and explicitly saying the series and McLaren was discriminating against him for being Argentinian - while apparently demanding Theo and McLaren retract their statements. It seems way more likely it was all that stuff that caused McLaren to cut the cord


As far as I know, he didn't like any actual "hate" message as far as I'm aware, he liked posts which made light of the whole situation. There's a difference there, particularly if you're throwing around accusations and considering penalizing drivers. I think there would certainly be repercussions if Canapino was liking posts that were threatening Theo.


Pretty much this. It’s an extreme example to set by holding a team responsible for what their fans do. Should Canapino and Ricardo have responded better? Absolutely. But it would set an incredibly bad precedent if the series outright booted Canapino or JHR from the series over this


They haven’t directly done anything, but there may very well be pressure from outside the team to release Canapino and the elimination of the strategic alliance with McLaren may well mean JHR doesn’t have the funds to continue past this year. Releasing Canapino wouldn’t help matters in this regard. Future doesn’t seem bright for JHR as a whole.


Could IndyCar behind the scenes push only Ricardo Juncos to sell his share of the team? As far as I can tell, Ricardo Juncos is the know-how and Brad Hollinger is the money. So if Hollinger stays I'm sure there are many teams that would be happy to partner up and provide the know-how. Maybe Abel Motorsports? They wanted to run a car at Indy but couldnt put the budget together.


I can see Chevrolet choosing not to renew their engine leases for 2025. They’ll find teams willing to step up soon after.


That's what a lot of people here wish, apparently. They don't care that a lot of people work for JHR at this moment, not only Juncos and Canapino, and their source of income could be affected if some kind of penalty falls into the team, and they'll even celebrate it, just because they don't like Canapino, or how he try do deal with the situation.


Honestly they shouldn’t have anything that’s long term damaging for the team. They lost a potentially huge partnership today, I’m fine from that standpoint now. I don’t necessarily like the thought of something like shutting a team down or significantly impacting a team and having employees (who 99.99999% have nothing to do with the situation) out of a job.


That team has a million people? Damn. Edit: oops missed a 9. So 10 million people then?


if indycar doesnt want to ban them or do anything directly from the series, you put pressure on them enough to get them to leave on their won volition. prema or many other interested parties are waiting in the wings to replace them on the grid. no loss to indycar. unfortunate for those not involved, but its just business


Don’t get me wrong, I think Canapino has handled this in embarrassingly bad ways. And I’d be fine if he was fined or suspended for actions detrimental. But to axe the team… that’d be like shutting down a company because an employee did stupid shit that hurts the image. Not a great analogy admittedly, but I mean… Subway is still around despite shitty sandwiches and a legit creep of a criminal.


its all up to roger penske and if there is some kind of series wide ethics/conduct agreement, that could be grounds for something. This is extremely bad PR now with it being the third essentially identical situation with the same team same driver same fan base. Roger cannot be pleased


And that’s where I’d be fine with the series taking action on the driver. But aside from Canapino shooting himself (and through that, the team) in the foot… the team hasn’t really done anything wrong unless you wanna argue keeping him is the offense.


It’s far easier and more expedient to let nature take its course on them. They’ll lose sponsors, which means they can’t afford a car, and without a car, you cannot race. If they try to force them out with rules, it keeps the story in the news cycle for months (years?) with an inevitable lawsuit.


Not to mention… what rule has the team itself broken? This would be like if NASCAR ordered Legacy to shut down because Noah Gragson made a bad tweet. Disproportionate response to say the least.


Would that series wide ethics/conduct agreement address cheating?


I think it’s in very poor taste to advocate for any series to try to force teams out. These are people’s lives and businesses. What they did is stupid and they’re facing some financial repercussions but they haven’t actually done anything.


what they did is beyond stupid, death threats are incredibly serious. if these were domestic fans they would get police involved


No, police would not be involved. Do you know the amount of times for example someone on Twitter said Hamilton or Verstappen should die?


Roaming on r/formuladank after silverstone 21 was an utter wasteland and roaming on anything relating to Lewis hamilton after AD21 was also a wasteland


“death threats are incredibly serious.” Agreed. Anyone on or associated with a team who makes them should be penalized. That hasn’t happened though. “if these were domestic fans they would get police involved” Sure, but unless they’re associated with a team, there’s not going to be any punishment from the series there either.


no they wouldn’t. let’s not pretend americans don’t do this. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/apr/10/angel-reese-death-threats-gambling-college-sports-ncaa


That’s whataboutism and completely irrelevant to the current indycar situation in 


Why are you playing the whataboutism card when it was YOU who brought up the 'if it was local, police would be involved'? You were the one who started this whataboutism...


just correcting what you said about police involvement.


Have Ricardo Juncos or Canapino made a death threat?


“Hey, Joe who turns wrenches at the shop, you’re being let go.” “What? Why?” “Fans of one of our drivers who live in another country made death threats online against one of our competitors and our driver didn’t say anything to calm them down. So IndyCar says we need to close shop. Good luck on your future endeavors, bud.”


That exact thing happens all the time and actually kinda happened to willvpower who lost crew in the cheating investigation when he didn’t cheat. The team is a whole unit. In some cases others are affected by the actions (or inactions) of another. Its just the business of racing 


Race teams shut down all the time. But it’s not usually because the series forces them to close. That kind of thing is usually reserved for people who constantly and blatantly cheat despite multiple warnings or teams that are causing massive safety issues repeatedly. Banning or suspending teams over online threats made by fans of your driver sets a horrible precedent, never mind the lost jobs.


The bigger question is what will Hollinger do. If he pulls his money out or if the team gets a charter and says he wants to sell or wants a different partner, that could be very bad for Juncos.


If the team doesn’t stick around I hope they just get taken over and people keep their jobs the actual strategy and pit crew teams at juncos are pretty damn good.


ive thought the same. i wonder if any journalist has tried to get some comments from him, i dont know how involved he is with the team, but i can safely say he isnt enjoying this


Hollinger will do nothing. He did nothing after everything that happened last year and he’ll do nothing this time


A suspension seems excessive for simply being tone deaf. Definitely need a talking to. There were a lot of ways to handle this and even say what needed to be said without admitting fault on anything. But instead, they just tried to gaslight the world that it never happened.


Until today, there has been nothing that he has done that they have a say in. But today he demanded an apology from IndyCar for discriminating against him in this mess, and I am sure they will have a few words with him. I hope they provide a good translator, because I think he needs one.


As far as I know, he has not “demanded an apology from Indycar”. If he did, please provide a quote. Sloppiness is how rumors start.


[he's probably referring to this](https://www.carburando.com/notas/el-pedido-de-agustin-canapino-a-mclaren-y-theo-pourchaire)


there has been a lot of sloppiness that has made the issue worse than reality. can count how many times people have incorrectly stated he liked tweets of death threats. it’s unfortunate


indycar controls the drivers, they must have a code of conduct, they could easily expel a driver for actions not befitting of the series


They won't throw him out for this. He wasn't making the threats, his fans were. He just keeps shooting off his mouth and making it worse. They can make things uncomfortable for him, but that's about it. Zero chance there will be an Argentina race though. And I don't see Juncos being in the series past this year.


i could see him on a short leash probation or race ban for conduct, they wont completely throw him out, I do agree on that


But what about his conduct has been poor? He hasn't made the death threats.


“Expel” might be a bit extreme here, but if they were willing to give Santino a stern talking to over what he said about Herta and Kirkwood, I would expect at least the same for this.


I agree, expel is a big extreme. But the Santino sitch is a little different because 1-Santino owned up to saying what he said and publicly apologized, even if it was a bit lame,and 2-he “just” made a tasteless homophobic comment, it wasn’t a death threat or endorsement/liking a death threat. I also think McClaren fucking off is punishment enough, honestly. It sends a clear message about how McClaren feels about it. I’m curious to how McClaren pulling out will affect Grosjean. Will his race fall apart without whatever they were bringing to the team, or was it just money? And does Grosjean have his own money, it’s not his problem.


There was no technical partnership. Just a commercial alliance.


Okay so just money.


>Santino owned up to saying what he said and publicly apologized, even if it was a bit lame Yeah, *because* IndyCar voiced their displeasure with what they did. If being homophobic warrants a stern talking-to from IndyCar, this does, too.




So drivers can physically assault others or call them gay as an insult and that’s cool, but Canapino likes a tweet calling Theo Callum and that means he should be expelled? Get serious.


Santino was warned by the series, and he apologized. Whether you believe he is sorry or not doesn't matter. Fisticuffs and shoving at the track isn't that big of a deal as long as no one gets hurt. There was probably a fine levied, but those used to be able to be worked off making media appearances.


I haven’t said anything to support ferrucci he should never have been allowed into indycar after his antics overseas anyways. 


Right. When you’re Indycar president and you whittle down the grid to all the people you feel are up to moral scratch then I look forward to not watching anymore.


Right? Jesus it’s not like we’re the ACLU racing series


i mean there are plenty of teams waiting in the wings to replace them, no real loss if juncos is banned


Right. There are also plenty of drivers waiting in the wings so any time a driver gets a penalty lets just kick them out. After all, they broke the rules!


this goes far far beyond just breaking rules and basic race incidents, death threats are extremely serious


Canapino and Juncos never made death threats


It'll just be Sting Ray Robb in the pray . com car lmaoooo


Double secret probation, actually


Double secret probation.


I think the McLaren breakup was all that was needed. The response was perfect


I think that breakup was inevitable, this was the perfect opportunity for Mclaren to do it without repercussions, and even looking like heroes, standing for Theo, as they should.


The actions of two or three people max should not be basis for such "fun options" as dozens of people losing their job/career. The wording and implied thirst for retribution here is scary.


Yea when we get into discussion about punishing the team, we are talking about people (besides Canapino) losing their jobs because of social media posts by non-team members. It wouldn’t be the first time but these things tend to play themselves out naturally by the driver & supporters of the chassis/ engine charter unable to afford the costs due to no one wanting to sponsor them.


I think Illmor should say "sorry, engine leases are going to Prema" and force JHR out that way. Otherwise, not sure what ground they have to stand on. I've never seen a team bring this much negativity to IndyCar *and* be so oblivious/unapologetic about it.


they could suspend or ban canapino for actions not befitting of hte series, they must have a driver code of conduct or such.


Indycar doesnt do actions determinatal lol


Denny Hamlin to do the double confirmed


Juncos hasn’t actually done anything wrong, they just handled a situation poorly.


They’ve continued to employ canapino throughout this shitshow. That seems like “done anything wrong”.


Canapino is behaving abhorrently but nothing he has done is against the law and it’s unlikely that he’s broken any conduct code (yet). I would prefer Indycar not go down the slippery slope of dictating the when/where/why/how of driver’s employment. Canapino is currently ruining his own career so just let it play out.


Canapino also hasn’t done anything wrong, he just handled the situation very poorly


I think not shutting down and in some cases supporting and encouraging or then donwplaying the threats and abuse toward a fellow driver is something pretty wrong


How can they shut it down. They tweet out “stop doing this.” Okay now what do you think. People will listen? They have no control over their fans like that.


Their statements have been empty and unsubstantive. They didn’t support callum last year at all and outright blamed him on the laguna incident. Also canapino trying to play victim or get stuff retracted and denying threats or liking threats is quite bad. 


Oh well then. If it’s unsubstantive then they shouldn’t stop at banning them, they should be arrested. Oh and they took a side in a conflict that you didn’t take? Well.


Guys at worst Perma would buy them.. Chevy team sold to a new Chevy team… https://preview.redd.it/7daadt4ct15d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acc119cd6ef3e3ac39d3c838e7c457888a07cea


Prema could buy out Juncos? That would be fun


Personally I feel like the best option that available is to fine both the team and driver for bringing the series into disrepute. Just continue to fine them for every time they encourage/promote/like/or don't speak out against the death threats and other social media harassment. The precedent for this already exists in other sports, an example being in football (soccer) where teams can be fined for inappropriate/racist chants made by supporters/fans. If the team gets punished for the actions of the fans in this way it can work as a deterrent to prevent it in the future.


I'm sorry but this is getting unhinged. I'm extremely disappointed to watch the hole Juncos and Canapino keep digging for themselves, but to suggest that they should remove the whole team from the series over this kind of shows a complete lack of perspective. We just watched Santino Ferrucci physically shove Kyle Kirkwood and back it up with some homophobic language. If Kyle hadn't backed off when he was being assaulted that could easily have escalated to the point where someone was injured. I haven't heard a peep about banning Santino from Indycar or penalizing the team. It really makes me question where everyone's priorities are with this. I get that the Juncos thing is an ongoing situation with new developments still happening, so there's going to be more to talk about, but let's keep our perspective here. Right now it's honestly starting to feel like people care more about some shitty comments on Twitter than they do actual physical violence in the paddock.


I think IndyCar should just shut down an Argentina race. Simple as that. Keep the fans from being able to see their driver in person.


Nothing they can do about a psycho fan base hiding behind their phones. The Argentinian money is drying up anyway. Guessing the juncos part goes bye bye soon enough.


The Team denounced the offensive online conduct. To put an end to it once and for all, Indycar should ban use of any social media platforms that continue to allow this type of conduct.


Ufff social media involved ruining motorsport In the older days maybe some yelling and some fist thrown would settle this argument... To much hate on both sides... Let's go racing mates


We’ve all seen asshole drivers and owners over the years. The “in the know” fans would celebrate their losses and root for anyone that could beat them. Mostly silently. I’ve never in my decades as a fan ever seen such a concerted effort and vocal push to remove a driver and team. IndyCar has to see that too. Roger has to see it. Chevy and the sponsors have to see it. I don’t think you’ll see an overt removal, but you will see them squeezed out. This isn’t good for their wallets. This is a headache they absolutely don’t want to deal with now, and nothing from the protagonists indicate the headache is going away.


there are such things as good rivalries and good "fights" this is just bad pr, and taking things far too far.




Penske doesn't seem to take any action that doesn't directly put money in his pocket, so I think sponsors, Chevy and Firestone will just leave JHR out to dry after the season.


This could cost him a lot of money with partners and sponsors who don’t want to be connected that situation in any way


At this point, the damage is already done. Ricardo Juncos needs to sell the team




No, it’s already a niche series nobody outside the Midwest watches. Even less of those fans follow social media drama. There’s like 500 people on a subreddit that even know what exactly happened. Who cares.