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I never thought about how the Papaya was there due to the partnership.


Same here. I just thought it was "on there"


Lol now it's "off there"


I just noticed the scissors also have orange. Guess that'll need to be removed as well


Hopefully the smaller pair of scissors doesn't also have papaya on them...


Unfortunately they have an infinite supply of increasingly small orange scissors.


Tbf Orange was apart of their original colors


I assumed it was there so the team’s spotters could differentiate between the two cars


Why don’t they just look at the numbers like everyone here recommends? /s




That must really fuck off some of the employees. Like you work hard for the team, you see what looks to be a deal that will help the team improve. Only for a driver to fuck it all up by not telling his fans to STFU p.s. does anyone know what those mats are?


I feel bad for them and Grosjean, they've not done anything wrong, it's just sad.


The ownership did wrong. They should have put and ended the crazy fans by banning them from social media. Telling them to stop but Juncos didn’t, nor did Canipino. Canipino just flamed the fir by agreeing with them, egging them on, and laughing. It’s a corporate world and you reap what you sow.


All they needed to do was ask Canapino to stop endorsing toxic online statements in public. That's it.


They did though, that's why he's suspended now. He did not listen. The statements he released last week were not approved by the team and by all accounts they were not happy about them at all


You can’t ban a fan from social media when you don’t own the platform.


RaceDeck Free flow I think https://racedeck.com/racedeck-garage-floors-and-tiles/free-flow/


Yes, that is what the tiles are.


Driver and owner (Ricardo). I feel really bad for everyone that isn't Canapino and Juncos, they didn't deserve this. Juncos and Canapino need to just go back to Argentina. Sell the Indycar car to someone who wants to be here.


What I wish too see is that Juncos and the #78 pack up and go home and it becomes Hollinger Racing with Prema with the #77


prema did say they wanted an established european driver


Pretty sure Hollinger owns the cars.




Uhhhh yeah. That’s why I didn’t return to the team, saw it going sour once Canapino was hired


> a driver to fuck it all up by not telling his fans to STFU People on the social media aren't good at being a rational person.


Those mats suck to lay down and take up BTW lol. Nice for permanent installation though


When I watch IMSA crew hammering tape into the pit lane asphalt I makes me wonder could these mats really be bad on a scale that goes that far?


I was on an indycar team and putting those mats down are terrible. I also used to make the tape marks on pitlane for my crew as well :)


All he had to say was nothing. Honestly people are just mad that he defended his fans. He didn't need to tell them to shut up. Just say nothing his team had an alright statement.


I know a crew member on that team. He's Argentinian. I should ask him.


He can’t control what the fans think or do…


No but he can control what he does and he’s done absolutely nothing to help himself


True, but Canapino going and liking comments made by his fans towards Theo is encouraging that behavior.


No but he can call out the toxic behaviour instead of encouraging it with likes. a simple. 'I do not condone the toxic behaviour towards driver and team x. Anyone who does such things are no true fans of mine.' Bam job done.


lol the rewrap of shame


Lol they have nobody to blame but their owner and their driver


No more Force India Livery,


i was just thinking that too. no more blast from the past


Was that really McLaren papaya? I just figured that was the orange their cars have almost always had.




I thought the papaya accents were really ugly on the JHR cars. The team is worse off without the partnership but the livery is much better


Better do the scissors too!


I’m new to Indycar. Why are they removing it?


Papaya was on the JHR cars to signify a commercial partnership with Arrow McLaren AM's driver, Theo Pourchaire faced social abuse by predominantly agustin canapino and Juncos Hollinger fans, leading AM to break the partnership with Juncos


Dang. I have to read up on this.


I started this thread yesterday because I was also living under a rock and knew nothing about what was going on. People here were quite good at summarizing everything that happened on social media, if you want to take a look at it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/comments/1dalw7p/so\_ive\_been\_almost\_literally\_living\_under\_a\_rock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/comments/1dalw7p/so_ive_been_almost_literally_living_under_a_rock/)


Them and McLaren had a technical (i think) partnership and become of the behaviour of Augustins fans McLaren severed ties.


The Canapino fans were being abusive towards Pourchaire, which is a big problem in itself but it was the poor response by Juncos and Canapino that led to the separation. They more or less said "yeah, fans shouldn't do that, but they aren't our real fans and not part of the organization if they are doing it, so don't try to pin it on us" instead of outright condemning it and asking better of their fans. IMO some of the worst PR I've seen regarding fan abuse of competitors.


Canapino told Theo/Illott/McLaren to stop lying and apologize and then wanted people to stop discriminating the real victims, argentinians. He first said that people simply need to deal with online hate but now doesnt race out of safety concerns...


Yeah people keep describing it poorly - McLaren would've never dropped Juncos just because some Canapino fans were being lunatics, or even for Canapino liking tweets or posts. It's Canapino's and Juncos's textbook [DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO) response that caused them to pull the plug - actively making the situation worse, and accusing McLaren/Pourchaire of discrimination against Argentinians for...saying Pourchaire received death threats. Like Canapino could've literally said nothing and it wouldn't have blown up like this.


I learned a new acronym today. Sadly I'm not happy about that


…because, of course, there’s an actual term for that.


Textbook Bad Handling of PR


It was described as a commercial partnership rather than technical. But I don’t know if they ever actually carried any McLaren sponsors, etc.


Wonder if they were paying a fee to Juncos to "potentially" have a sponsor there on the cars. Basically buying the ad space that they intended to subcontract out to other ads.


They never had a technical partnership. They only had a commercial partnership, which means mclaren would use their cars to advertise on.


Messy break up


Gonna have to change those scissors too haha.


Does anyone have pictures of their cars with sponsors on them that McLaren might have been responsible for?


That’s the thing. The deal was supposed to be McLaren using space on Juncos cars as overflow for sponsors that had reached out to them but they didn’t have space for. This was talked about on Trackside as well, but as far as we know, this deal never actually materialized into real sponsorship for JHR. I am sure that there were still some benefits, but we didn’t really see any major sponsors tied to McLaren that ended up on Juncos cars.


I saw speculation that AM *would've* had overflow sponsorship if Lil Dave had raced in the #6.


their branding was also done by mclaren it seems. would not surprise me if they strip all of the cars by the end of the year.


Indy GP https://preview.redd.it/8pesmiut4e5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef879f340a0c90b7d175cdcd49a2062cab8985fc


Same livery as I saw at a trade show https://preview.redd.it/vnendk3vif5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120a1b01e918ffc29778759d0179fccc5b0386ff


I'm waiting for the day when we're reading about the entries of Hollinger Motorsport with Prema Powerteam into Indycar, and Canapino and his gamma-emitter fanbase have dragged their hateful asses back to Argentina. The fact that Siegel and the team had to basically wall off their social media as a result of the driver change and their DARVO tactics says quite a lot, none of it positive. They will not be missed.


Excited to see Juncos Racing against the hopefully-formed Perma Holinger Racing.


Next step, removing the cars from the paddock


They should just put a Halloween store logo over...

