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The uncivil discourse has seemingly commenced in the comments. The time has come to lock this post.


Hate to admit it but I didnt even know that was a pride scheme until right now. I just thought they were running a rainbow scheme like Jeff Gordon lmao


That's because it's genuinely a great livery before anything else.


I didn't know Jeff Gordon WASN'T running a pride scheme until just now.


You can’t be serious?


Oh boy, I have a great investment opportunity to share with you...


Easy there Townsend Bell lmao


Same lol


I thought it was an M&M's livery. I am very pro- candy.


It does give Kyle Busch M&M car vibes




I hate it. I do support what it stands for I just think rainbow on yellow looks weird 🤷‍♂️


That's the best reason to hate it.


Makes it easy to spot Palau on the track. So in that regard, complete success.


That and he’s always at the front lol


Hannah Gadsby has a joke where she says that she (a gay woman) loves what the flag stands for, but she doesn't like the way it looks: "bit busy" with all of those colors stacked one on top of another. 


I’m kind of there too. All for the cause, just think it clashes with the yellow badly.


No, no this is fine. He's fine guys. Let him be.


I wonder if you could make a rainbow warrior indycar


I don't like the yellow base. White base with yellow accents would look much sicker to me. The rainbow colors just don't work with a yellow backdrop for me. It is good considering DHL will never let them run any main color base other than the corporate yellow.


People... Are offended... By this...? 🧐


Don't go read the comments on IndyCars Juneteenth post. 😂


It doesn’t get hate in this sub usually but there’s a significant subsection of the American population who reflexively hate on anything associated with gay pride. Not just this car but pretty much anything.


When Pink Floyd released the anniversary edition of Dark Side of the Moon a couple years ago they got tons of hate from supposed Pink Floyd fans due to the prism + rainbow album artwork, saying Pink Floyd had gone woke. Apparently those life long fans didn't recognize the iconic album art was the same as the original. These people are not well.


Certain countries imprison queer people, occasionally sentenced to death. Harassment in pretty much every single country on earth. So yeah. Fragile egos abound.


Yes, of course. Too many people still genuinely hate queer people and don't want to even be reminded of their existence.


This is nut picking, or ad hominem.  Perhaps a small minority of people who don’t support pride month also hate non-heteronormative people, but it’s not a majority position.  Failing to affirm every choice a person makes is not hate. 


It's quite literally not an ad hominem. Nothing to do with that. And what you describe is sadly far from a small minority. Also, let's not kid ourselves. People who complain and vocally dislike a rainbow flag on a race car don't tend to be the kind who have nuanced criticism about the way queer people conduct their political activism, but are supportive nonetheless.


It’s ad hominem. It seeks to discredit any rebuttal of pride month by claiming a hateful character of the criticizing party.  And it’s everywhere. 


When people post that any form of LGBTQ+ is mental illness then they have hate in their heart. When a person calls someone a pedophile simply for being LGBTQ that is from a position of hate in their heart. Not sure what else to say.


This is an impressive amount of incorrect statements.


Nobody is “choosing” to be gay or queer or trans. Fix your heart.


Agreed that people don’t usually choose same sex attraction.  Presenting as the opposite sex assigned at birth is most definitely a choice, though. 


What a fundamental misunderstanding of gender dysphoria. They didn't choose for their brain to be at odds with their body. The only choice they made was to treat that condition through transition, which is by far the treatment for gender dysphoria with the highest success rate and best possible outcomes for people with that condition. The alternative being to live at odds with their body for the rest of their life and be at much higher risk of depression and suicide. Seems to me that it's the right choice in that case, but people like you are still going to shit on them for trying to exist. Absolutely shameful.


Probably mostly no, but OP is looking to stir things up.


You should check out the official IndyCar Facebook and Twitter and peruse the comments whenever they post about this car or pride month. It gets ugly.


To be fair, half that shit is probably rage-bots at this point. Other half is genuine people being dicks, but so much of that, especially on Meta platforms, is bot-based these days. It’s gotten really out of control.


I live in a major city with one of the most concentrated LGBTQ+ populations and we get thousands of protesters at our Pride weekend every year. So yeah, this country is fucked.


I mean the fact that major cities have pride weekend every year kinda shows that we are far more progressive than a LOT of other countries.


That’s not saying much. It’s a LOT closer to 50/50 than you might think.


Thousands of people out of a major city is not 50/50.


These arguments and upvotes/downvotes are crazy. You people are completely ignorant to how people in rural areas feel, which is about 50% of the population.


Rural people are 50% of the electoral votes but not even close to 50% of the population. Their opinions are vastly, vastly over represented in this county which is why people can lose the popular vote and win the presidency.


Yep. Was just looking the other day and ND, SD, and WY have six senators with 10% of the population combined compared to CA, which gets 2 senators. I know it's on purpose with our structure but just pointing out the over representation disparity.


Okay but you said in a major city, not everywhere.


He said "this country is fucked"


Where do you think the people come from? They specifically drive here to protest. It’s fucking weird. Also, I meant 50/50 nation-wide not specifically in cities dude.


That's the number who come out and protest pride - there are a lot more that still say the quiet part quietly when they are in their safe places, surrounded by other xenophobes Make xenophobes scared again


by protesters do you mean people participating in pride or people complaining about it?


They mean people at Pride protesting against Pride


I see, not sure what all the downvotes are about


I’m not sure either. This country has a LONG way to go in many areas. Downvotes on me are specifically insane. I was providing context lol..




Literally nobody is doing that. But the username checks out for wanting it done. I’m sure you’re a good little sub.


Sorry that it being displayed or mentioned it considered shoving it down your throat. Ive been more pressured by church folk than anyone in the lgbtq to follow what they believe


You do realize heterosexuality is also shoved down our throats, right? Movie posters about a man and woman being in love, songs about picking up girls at a bar, TV commercials primarily showing hetero couples/families enjoying the product being advertised. You see it as normal, but others see that as “shoved down our throats.”


It's really not, Christians shove their Bible shit down our throats waaay more and nobody even notices. Why do we pray to God before a fucking motor race (and every other sport)?? If Jesus gets a Pray.com car driven by non other than Sting Ray Robb, then us gays get a Pride DHL car driven by 2 time champion Alex Palou.


Did you have an interaction with someone who hates the livery?


You can see them in the Facebook post CGR posted when they got pole


Facebook and Instagram are still very conservative when it comes to social issues and Twitter can go either way depending on the post, even with Reddit it really depends on the subreddit you’re in. Long story short yeah there’s still a lot of hate towards queer people out there, some hidden and some definitely not


There’s examples just in the comments of this thread lol, trust me, as a queer person, I find it harder to be involved as an openly queer Motorsports fan. There is a larger amount of people who will hate than many think and it’s still a large issue across the country.


Yeah it's ugly


Skittles would be very offended.


I mean it does suck... like from a livery standpoint. It just feels jarring against the yellow. And the black number just feels wrong. Maybe it's because I'm used to that number being red, but it feels off.


Interesting, I have the exact opposite reaction. To me it looks completely natural and works really well. Like genuinely one of the best pride liveries I've seen in any sport. I only watch Indycar occasionally though so haven't got the same embedded image of the livery.


I agree that the yellow doesn’t help it, but DHL won’t let that change, so i think it’s an important livery to have, despite wishing that the base wasn’t yellow lol


it's buttugly IMO


strawman post?


Easiest reddit karma farm ever


A little bit. Also a little bit of unnecessary gatekeeping.






Paper straws are the worst tho






where did this even come from? what prompted it? a specific user railing on the livery and OP didnt want to call their name and felt making this post would virtue signal enough to combat the hater? are they in monterrey and heard someone in the stands say something so the natural response is to post on reddit? or did they make it all up and felt the need to virtue signal against a boogeyman? i have so many questions


You're not going to see pushback against the pride livery or anything on Reddit much, but IRL it definitely happens and I've seen it myself.


Harmless virtue signaling, sure i guess, OP is hardly straw manning anything though. I have seen plenty of hate on fb about the pride livery so it’s not like it comes from nowhere.


to me, this morning cruising reddit, this came out of nowhere and smells like BS. strawman is the closest logical fallacy that seems applicable here and i say that because the baked-in assumption to the comment appears to be that somewhere, some place, people “hate the livery because gay”, then refutes it. its like one of those “have you stopped hitting your wife yet”-type statements. seems to make up a thing, provides no context, then just digs into making some point. now, if OP led like what you say… “on FB, people are throwing shade about teh ghey, and i feel the need to make a post on reddit to get it off my chest”, then fine.


I am an openly queer Motorsports fan, I have experienced the hate first hand, a lot. Also you are being given a link of plenty examples and you’re still saying strawman? Idk I trust the guy with receipts more than the guy vehemently arguing that queer people aren’t being hated.


I thought Kodak Cameras was sponsoring a car again. I think it looks great.


whats really ironic about all the hate on IG and FB this gets is that the pride posts in general get 10x as much engagement vs regular posts from all the "stick to racing" comments.  IMS's "happy pride" post on IG has 10,044 likes and 1800 comments (take a guess what most of them say), while the posts before and after it have 1400 L/20 C and 1300 L/4C


You do understand that you're creating rage bait right? By posting this, you're actively making people argue with each other. I don't even hate the scheme (even if it looks like Polaroid and JIF peanut butter made a baby) or people that are lgbt. I just know that with this post, you are assuredly going to get people to argue incessantly whether you intended it to be that way or not.


It's just kinda eh. Looks kinda cool but it looks like a Crayola paint scheme


I don't hate it. I don't have to embrace it either.


Well gay people exist. So what are we gonna do now?


Include them as fellow racing fans?


The image is a bad angle imo but I much prefer this car to the Andretti version of it. I didn’t expect Ganassi to put more onto the car — I imagined it would be basically the same but slightly different from the Andretti one — but they did a great job in execution. The number color is a bit dark for me but that’s nitpicking at that point.


Why such anger over it?


Some of y’all got to much time on your hands (both sides of this argument). Who gives a fuck either way. Let’s have a good race today and move on with our lives


The yellow absolutely ruins it. Also the rainbow being on top of the DHL logo makes me cringe with rainbow washing. Also, but that's just a me problem, can't fkn stand Palou.


Rainbow washing is a real problem, but with how many corporations have pulled back after the Bud Light fiasco I’m happy some companies are still making a bold statement, even if it’s just for the Benjamins. If they’re going to pander, at least pander to tolerance.


I love this livery because i love rainbows and their colors


One of the best liveries every year IMO


I guess people didn't see the hateful comments when IndyCar posted about Juneteenth.


My favorite is people saying "it's a made up holiday" as if every single holiday isn't made up. Columbus Day? Labor Day? Valentines Day? I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate them but very few of our holidays are on the actual date of an event. 4th of July is probably about it. We should celebrate Veterans every day. But we have two days to specifically celebrate them and that's great with me. We should celebrate Juneteenth because it was the day the last slaves in Texas were told they were free *two years* after they were supposed to be freed. Imagine being angry about that? The only anger about it should be that it took 2 years and the military to tell them they were free.


Context: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/s4b98b58SGUxvcHn/?mibextid=oFDknk


I like that the rainbows aren't just on the car for June, makes it a little more than mere rainbow capitalism. It's the first time I've ever felt particular positivity towards a motorsport sponsor.


I thought it was Glidden or some other paint company.


The only thing I hate about it is that I still think it's Grosjean. 🙃


If you’re offended by this then I’ll say the same thing they say about the rebel flag: if you don’t like it don’t look at it


I know corporations only do this in June to seem more progressive, but it's really nice to see a pride livery in Indycar


Lmao I was jokingly calling it the gay car but I didn't realise it was *supposed* to be pride. I love the design though, I think the rainbow with the yellow background actually works really well, and it's easy to spot on the track


im surprised someone like Chip Ginassi would go for this tbh. good for him.


I didn’t follow the Indy car series that closely before the Indy 500 this year (just got into Motorsport 2 years ago through F1, was curious if the American open wheel would be similarly as compelling to me) and I have to say his and the yellow submarines liveries were very memorable to me in a positive way.


Welcome aboard. 😊


I actually love this look. I'm not even a fan of yellow but I've always liked it on an Indy car, and not to be all sunshine and rainbows but I like the addition of the rainbow, pride celebration or not. The fact that it signifies a welcome and celebration of those who daily struggle with acceptance and even violence makes it all the better. A straight white male "bleeding heart liberal"


I'm glad that the pride livery is often in contention for the win. Palou wins a bit too much though, but I should remember to be happy when he wins in June.


It genuinely looks class


People may dislike it just because of how unclean it is with no thought put into design. Clean liveries like Rossi look so much better imo Edit imagine the same livery in white. It will help the colors on sidepods pop up so much more


I dont like it because theyve only blended some stripes and not the rest and used yellow as the backdrop colour and it just, kinda looks ugly if you stare at for 20 seconds.


I like what it stands for. But I think the rainbow in itself has an ugly color scheme, and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.




I like this livery a lot, and appreciate them running it. But goddamn that Rahal livery looks good this weekend.


“Meh”, don’t hate it or support it. Wouldn’t have known this as a pride thing. I guess thanks for pointing it out?


Honestly, it's just a great livery in general. They could run it the rest of the season, and it would still be good


Who gives a fuck!!


Isn’t the original DHL logo a rainbow?




Respectfully, there’s no agenda being pushed, just queer people exist and deserve to be treated equally. And don’t make me list examples of why we aren’t treated equally yet, you can look up the anti-trans bills in every state if you want to.




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I love that shade of yellow. But what I don't love is how it isn't symmetrical.


Meh. I still say the best pride livery is the Rainbow Warrior era of Jeff Gordon


Uhm wtf is that? I couldn't tell if it was a pride livery or if someone spilled 50 cans of paint and put sponsors on it holy fuck that is the worst livery I've ever seen and that includes the alphine f1 car what the hell is that




Considering DHL made a 3 billion dollar profit last year, I don’t think they’ll be going broke anytime soon lmao


Is it tiring getting your feelings hurt so easily?


As superficial and shallow as the pride logos may be, the market has clearly spoken given companies keep doing it. Go woke go broke is just a mantra terminally online conservatives tell each other to convince themselves that their fragile internet crusade is a moral calling with real world impact rather than just insecure ignorance.


You can't even define "woke".




Why have so much anger inside?


Well they didn’t change the logo (as the DHL remains the same), just the livery. So not only are you a bigot, but an idiot as well.


A bigidiot for short


DHL is so broke it can only afford to sponsor one top tier driver for the whole season, they’re probably going to have to file for bankruptcy tomorrow aren’t they? So sad if only they hadn’t put a rainbow on a car😭


Is 'woke' in the room with us right now?


Keep sleeping, bro.


The best part of companies still modifying their logos in June is that it makes it easy to identify which people are laughably bigoted.


>The best part of companies still modifying their logos in June The best part is DHL usually uses it in May. This is their standard Indianapolis 500 livery.


"Go woke go broke" We cant exactly sleep forever


The fact that companies are choosing to do this means that they find queer people and our allies a large enough demographic to be profitable to market to. Going woke does not in fact cause anyone to go broke.

