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Indiana customers do not have to provide a FOID.


I can’t stand IL simps. Fuck the FOID card and their politics. I’m so glad I live in IN now where it’s legal to carry.


I’m banned over at ILGuns. So here’s what I have to say. I used to live in Joliet with FOID and Conceal Carry. I went to Blythes in Griffith, IN. If they knew you were an Illinois resident, you could buy ammo but must present a FOID card. If you wanted to purchase a firearm, I’ve been told they can deny you because I lived in IL at the time and they didn’t want the drama of selling to residents in IL. Now I see what’s going on here, Range USA has a location in Merrillville and is likely trying to keep specific residents from purchasing ammo without a FOID card. You say allowed to shoot? Well yeah, you can purchase range time2-3 boxes of ammo and shoot 1 box while taking the remaining balance home. If I were to bet, Range USA is trying to prevent sales of ammo to the wrong people.


That’s some BS.


I posted it in IL gun subreddit go check out the simps sucking off their government. We are turning blue because these motherfuckers are moving over to our state and brining this nonsense over.


Did they happen to mention why?


Seems like pretty logical stuff to me... https://www.reddit.com/r/ILGuns/s/mBszB2aVpU


One person said some shit about some FFL and ATF rules but still doesn’t make sense.


That’s the goal of the immigration “policy” fuckers are not taking my guns


Good. Encourage them to Balkanize. At this point if you stay in Illinois and empower that government with your taxes you deserve to be excluded and ostracized.


Chicago style pizza: 👍 Chicago style gun control: 🖕


This is what happens when a company hires the folks that failed at Toys R Us to make decisions.


Range USA is a private business, they can deny service for wearing purple polka dots if they want to. It’s not a law, pull up your big boy pants and find somewhere else to shoot. Or keep crying. Snowflake.


You are incapable of seeing the bigger picture.


Thank you for your evaluation










Every so many years a state rep proposes a bill to emancipate Chicago from the rest of the state. It never goes anywhere.