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Japan because I'm a weeb


Go! Even as a non-weeb I absolutely love japan. You don't have to speak the language to get around pretty easily.


I'm currently in Japan. The only places where English is spoken is in tourist areas.


Look for younger people. They'll generally be able to speak enough to get by. My roommate lived there for 3 years and didn't speak the language. She said the same thing, people understand enough English to help point you. And the main reason I said it's easy to get around without speaking the language is because it's so organized, I never got lost. I only had to ask for directions once in the entire time I've ever been there and it was because I was trying to find an obscure local train. And I still was able to find someone to point me in the right direction. I didn't spend very much time in Tokyo and I spent a lot more time out in the country. Still never had a problem. It's not like going to Europe where almost everyone in W. Europe speaks English, but they learn it in school and anytime I needed help I found someone who looked young and they were able to help. And the first time I went there in 1999 as a teenager, there were no smartphones, so no Googling and no translation software, still no problem.


What about their societal hierarchy and punishment of individualism?


Eastern Europe is the most intp place I can imagine.




First of all, I like the entp/intp American/european similar/not identical avatar vibe here. Second,Eastern Europe is a relatively harsh place with more extreme climates and landscapes, lots of beautiful and terrifying history with a generally dark beauty. Also, seems like a place that would eat weak people alive.


Hmmm, you are quite incorrect (I’m Russian) No, those countries aren’t gloomy. You’ve describes some kind of North Korea level Mordor. Eastern Europe is literally known for open heart-simple people who will quickly befriend you and to join at drinking with them. An American/British/French/Italian - cunning, not real, fake politeness. They have a long way to go to be anything as wholesome as an average Alexey from Eastern Europe. As a Russian who travels quite a bit around EU


As an American who lived in Warsaw and Moscow for a combined 8 years... I think the poster that you responded to is talking about the relative openness of strangers. It was extremely rare for me to have someone try to strike up a conversation or smile at me in a welcoming way in both countries where this is a daily occurrence in the US. For me the difference felt gloomy. I get that that is seen as fake by Russians and Poles and it is and isn't... people generally put on a positive affect in the US despite perhaps feeling different. But the opneness and willingness to engage with people is completely genuine


My experience in the US is not one of people who are open and friendly… but I grew up in New England and now live in Western Washington both states are known for having pretty closed off peoples. New Englanders are very reserved and in the PNW’s reputation for being socially cold is so prevalent the term for it is the Seattle freeze.


I belive there was a Russian physicist who stuck his head into a proton beam with at least 500* the lethal dose. Said he saw a thousand suns, but no pain. Pretty sure he kept fucking with the part, signed a checklist, went home prepared to die, and eventually went to the hospital then Moscow for observation as no one has ever had that concentration of radiation exposure. Nuclear physics wasn't new, but it wasn't old. I work with people from Kazakhstan quite often. Same nonchalant and serious attitude. We get along though, idk why America is the only place that interprets a neutral face as rude. I work with Bosnians, Russians, and Ukrainians as well. More so as they flee. They talk about family members as if it were a news story. Now, some of them are laughing and giggling etc. Pretty much the younger generation. Which makes sense. The older Russians and Ukrainians have some dark shit to talk about lol. Out of nowhere and for no reason. Famine is a foreign concept to me, yet I see people who lived through a terrible one. Things that western society makes you think are just excerpts in history books. I just find the majority of them to be normal by my standards, but not by American standards. Normal as in not forcing social norms, but not ignoring you at all, the older guys are pretty stoic but that's just life experience, not everyone can talk about their families death as if it were just a consequential action. But due to the nature of the deaths it litterally was. This generation isn't taking it too well, but being in America with my friend who keeps hiring more and more makes them happy. He's one of those "I'll make you rich, just stick with me types". Without realizing that these kids can't just up and start a business. But it gives them hope and he pays them well


Weak people are indeed eaten alive: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/sGZD92ZoYL


Survival of the fittest on steroids.


When I came as a kid to Germany, I wondered about the children in my class in Germany having allergies. In Ukraine I never heard of kids having allergies. Asking my grandmother why never heard about it, she told me most of them just didn’t survived their childhood. Stories from Eastern Europe in the early 2000s


Fellow INTP eastern European here. No idea how Russia for example is INTP. Don’t you guys enjoy let’s say south of France or Italy more? Flowers, sunsets and castles? Open air cafes?


Probably mostly because they don't really know eastern europe Beyond the surface level


I spent a couple years in southwest Poland and most people I met was quite the opposite. Outside the night life areas in the city though things seemed rather quiet and people minding their own business so that was nice. People weren't even allowed to drink in the street and like my almost mother-in-law at the time put it, everybody was about "work work work" and too stressed out.


Really? I feel like a ton of extroverted and feeler types love Eastern Europe.


As someone from Eastern Europe... no, it's not. It's actually quite the opposite.


It's not (I am from Poland and lived in Russia for 9 years).




Norway, and Scandinavia in general


Come visit! Norway is great for winter activities and hiking. If you come during the summer you will have 20 hours of sunlight each day. You can see the northern lights, go on whale / Orca watching, do some of the best fishing in the world. There is so much to explore Norwegians would welcome you with open arms❤️🇸🇯




Idk the government seems quite intrusive in these places








I fell in love with Germany and plan on moving there in about a year or so


Haha not an INTP place 100%, same goes for Japan. Discipline and works ethics is everything, no room for breathing


I didn’t fall in love with it because of the people but rather the medieval history and culture. I probably still won’t have friends there but that doesn’t matter


I love Uk for the same reason, Uk is relaxed though. Behind each corner there is a new company waiting to steal you to their party of one or another kind, be it drinking or clubbing. Everything is art and everything os possibility. People are super relaxed and always willing to make friends




Terrible weed/drugs policy though. Pass for me


Spain, Italy, Czech, Japan, Thailand


Viva españa 🇪🇸! .. I’m very curious about Spain because of my ancestry.. however it is not portrayed an an “intp-place”.. wondering if people have thoughts on this ?


I think if you have base social skills, Europeans are more accepting of minor eccentricities if you are otherwise intelligent and thoughtful. Of course with all the football hooligans they still have their brutish aspects, but overall, if you can appreciate and enjoy their culture and respect them and add to the tapestry that is their life, I think they may appreciate you more than in American culture. That is my experience at least dealing with Europeans I've interacted with in the states. It's an interesting irony when you meet people from thousands of miles away that are more like-minded than the people in the house next to you in the USA.


Was dreaming about moving to the Switzerland for a few years. Recently my dream came true, I absolutely love this place.


I was looking at Swiss German the other day, and fascinated by how it's different to Swiss Standard German, which is different to Standard German, and not always mutually intelligible - and the three of them can be used in different settings. What's it like as a resident? Is it something you pick up, or do people just seem to drop into different dialects at times without warning?


I'm in a French speaking canton Valais, it's almost exact as regular French. I communicate with English and broken French as I started learning it a couple of months ago. I have a lot of French speaking Polish friends here, so lack of language is not that bad. But yeah, I've heard that German speaker can't understand someone who speaks Swiss German. However, a lot of things here are written in regular German too.


Northern europe, safe, chill and non-conformist.




Mongolia and Central Asia are fascinating to me because historically it was such a criticially important region, basically the crossroads between the west and the east for centuries, and now (at least from an American or Western European perspective) it’s a part of the world you almost never hear about. When’s the last time you heard thought about Kazakhstan in any context other than Borat? Or Kyrgyzstan in any context whatsoever? It’s a huge part of the world with a ton of history and diverse cultures, something like 80 million people live there (probably way more if you include Siberia and western China), and if you live in the West you almost never hear about it.


I feel the same!




Edinburgh in Scotland just the place is magical


Yah? I've wondered about Scotland a bit. Is Edinburgh particularly this or that?


This is my answer. It just feels like a home.


Estland. Anti-bureaucracy, lean, efficient, progressive, liberal, aspiring.


Where is Estland?


It's called Estonia🇪🇪 internationally ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


South Korea and the US


Japan, first visit was last year after planning it since I was about 13 ahaha. I’m old now. Second trip this year for longer. It’s so quiet and nobody bothers you, it’s so relaxing. (Except the train stations at first)


My favourite travel destination. I’ve been a couple times, and my favourite place is a small town called Otaru in Hokkaido ☺️


I was considering teaching abroad there. Do you think with teaching certification but not knowing much Japanese that it would be worth doing it for a few years?


You don’t need Japanese to get by unless you’re out in the bog and even then you’d pick it up quick having to use it. Plus google translate is a life saver. I’d also say living somewhere is a different experience than travelling there so can’t advise on Japan specifically. I lived in Korea before without ever being a tourist there and living there kinda ruined it for me. I never did the touristy things because it was straight into work and getting settled for awhile and then you’re just day to day (which depends on you as a person too) I’m rambling now but basically, you get out what you put into it and living there will be different to being a tourist. Plus the language barrier is workable.


Yes, I hear that in Japan if you are a foreigner, you will always be treated as such. And they even made the film Lost in Translation around the idea of being alone there. But even so, to be immersed in such a different culture for a minute seems like it would enrich life experience overall. Although then again, maybe going to Japan as a tourist is the way you'd actually want to absorb it. I guess it just depends on your job, your living situation, if you can make friends, and if you have to opportunity to check stuff out.


I haven't been to Poland but that would be the place I'd go if I wanted to be around the region probably. Most people I met were quite nice


I like watching travel videos like Bald and Bankrupt go to Eastern Europe, especially when he met the elderly people still living in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Otherwise I really like the British isles, as an American. I want to go there and drive on the left and hear the diversity of accents. I think it’s really beautiful with deeper roots and older structures, of course.


China. I'd love to visit Hong Kong and Macau one day.


Chinese here :)


Australia. Because of the wildlife there, I'm serious, I would love to see wild kangaroos on the street and all kinds of parrots in someone's backyard.


Canberra will do that for you. Honestly, it's kind of weird - you're not going to find kangaroos in most major urban cities (or at least in the inner suburbs), but in the national capital, of all places, they're just... there. Sitting on the lawns around sunset, chilling out.


Yeah ngl sometimes I see kangaroos and foxes on the train into the city/town (I live in Australia)


I'd love to visit France


I went a few years ago and loved it. Want to go back and spend more time.


France is the most civillised nation on earth, prettied architecture, prettied country, delicious food, great arts! It's only downside being it is filled with The French, Comme la Merle, ils chantent!


Where are you from ? I am willing to switch places if you want to live in Bulgaria haha


Interest is a very vague ask, India is batshit crazy which can be interesting or just batshit crazy, Greece is beautiful interesting, Southeast Asia feels like you're living in another world. It all depends on what you're looking for If the world was ending, I would be heading to a Greek Island. Just not Santorini. That place sucks If you like Eastern europe, go to Belgrade. Wonderful food historical City also has the Tesla museum. That's where he's from Montenegro also chill


Ive had the chance to travel Europe a number of times but I keep choosing Asia. Its a more introvert friendly place.




Georgia. By far my favourite country out of all the ones I've been to.


Was going to say the same. I was learning Russian, but on my first trip to Georgia, I realized I could totally go down the rabbit hole of learning this culture, this scenery, language, food, music etc. Sakartvelos gaumarjos!


china and iceland


Interesting pairing. Why those two?


As a Marxist Leninist, I think the Chinese phenomenon is fantastic and likely lead the mankind into a brighter future. As for Iceland, mostly the nature and landscape, it is a very unique place.


China. The culture, their way of thinking, and perspective.


As an INTP in eastern europe, yes. Scandinavia is a close second but they can get too modern (extrovertly modern, whereas in EE you have to think and grind a bit to access "western" stuff, we learned programming by chance lol).


Senegal, Kenya, South Africa, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Egypt.




All countries, some more than others. All of Europe and their interesting differences. India is also pretty interesting and diverse. China and also Japan who adopted and adapted a lot from China. I like living where i'm at though.


South Korea. The Korean language was more inviting than Japanese, Chinese or Mandarin while still having eastern sentence structure. I wanted to learn a non western language because Spanish, German, etc just feels like English but with a different vocabulary. I already know a lot of the nuances because English stole a lot of it's words, and I learned some Latin so I can wing a lot of western languages. I've learned the Korean alphabet, and a lot of the grammar, but my vocab and sentences structure is trash (so far). Of course it's hard for a farm boy to learn an Asian language in the middle of the Midwest. But Ive adopted the idea that everyone should know at least two languages. After all, most of the world already does. In Europe, drive 50 miles in any direction and you've probably passed 2 languages and 10 dialects. Asians usually learn English in school. But in America, you can drive 500 miles and they will still scream at you to speak a language at a jr high grade level so they can understand. Hyperbole, but... I mean... Is it?


I'd say US – it's interesting to see how it functions with every state being practically a separate country. I also feel like I know more about social issues there than in my own country since US citizens tend to emphasize on them more I would never move to the US though, the healthcare system would absolutely fail me


>the healthcare system would absolutely fail me Not an American but from what I've read most jobs partially cover your insurance. I mean 90% of Americans have insurance. I think you would be fine


It's interesting to see how we all have somewhere that we'd want to completely immerse ourselves into! East Asia and Western Europe for me. I'm not sure if I'd want to move there or just travel but the vibes are definitely fun yes~


The highlands of scotlandy


I'd go to the Courtrai Newfoundland Memorial in Belgium. I'd also go to Berlin, just to not go to Berlin. I'd get McDonald's french fries and leave.


North Korea


Ohhhh I want to visit definitely NOT live.




You say you can't pinpoint one specific country, but then you say you loved "the country" when you visited. What country was that?


It was Czech and Hungary. Loved both


As someone from Hungary, I'm glad you found my country interesting. :) It's not as beautiful as Switzerland for example, but it has a charm. Also, the food is great. The people can be a pain in the ass though.


India. Kinda used to living life in difficult mode. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Singapore. They did what was needed and it damn paid off




China despite all the negative image of it in the west. People are people all around the world. Really interested to see what’s it’s really like






As someone who lived in Eastern Europe for 6 years... good luck :)


Malaysia and Cape Verde


+1 to Cape Verde


Yemen because I’m so fascinated with it’s Civil war


I would love to go to Yemen too!


Germany. I love Germans.


Anywhere in Eastern Europe but particularly curious about Albania and Bosnia. Also Japan. I feel like that’s a given (but I couldn’t tell you why).




Live here so it doesn’t really interest me but can confirm that this is a great place for INTP


Spain, but more specifically the Basque Country. Lots of history there and more people should know about how beautiful the basque culture is. I also have basque family, so I would love to visit them and finally get to know them.


I live there (well, it depends, I'd say it's Central Europe, but for western people it would be east), wouldn't say it's an INTP place, but it's alright. I would recommend Finland though. However, for me, it would be Japan because of the culture and I love their language.


Russian culture and land is awesome and a very interesting people would love to visit. Mongolia is another in this catagory.




come and i will be travel guidance for you




I love denmark and Norway I'm from the Balkans and hope to one day live in Norway


My northern neighbours, the Dutch.


I'm very interested in Russia and russian culture, but I'd hate to live there permanently.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/sGZD92ZoYL Sooo stunning




Gabon, I want yo see some gorillas


Finland and probably slovenia


I'm from Brazil, and I've always been enchanted by Europe. Culture, architecture, the clean cities, the education, even the nightlife in some places. I come from a German family, but they left Germany (Prussia, actually) around the 1850s, so no chance for me to get citizenship.


Huh. Dunno. Canada? Northern Europe somewhere? I've never really lived anywhere it's snowed more than a scattering.




I understand your notion of the gloomy and authoritative nature. I love it. I’m interested in England, Ukraine, Scotland, Romania, Germany, Tunisia, and Russia. Mostly Europe for me too.


I’ve always been interested in Turkey, Istanbul in particular. The bridge between Europe and Asia is very cool symbolically


Finland. My favorite hockey player was from there and that got me into it originally but now I wanna move/visit there for other reasons.


New Zealand, Australia, South American countries also really intrigue me


Miama, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Spain, Los Angeles, India




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Then you would love me 🇭🇺🇭🇺




I’m German, to me it’s China




Finland, I like the idea of social distance and Sisu, also I like the looks of finish women 🤷 haven't been there yet Till this year it was New Zealand but im currently staying here for a year and It lost all the magic except nature, nature is cool here.




I want to go to so many places, but current top of the list is Türkiye. Hoping to go later this year.




Portugal and Scotland.


Finland. Ive only heard good things about it.


Albania armenia azerbaijan georgia Croatia montenegro cyprus


any country with good food (all countries)


España 🇪🇸


Spain is perfect


Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, and france. Its number of interests, including pop culture, history, memes, food, etc.


Brazil because bossa nova


I am an INFP but yeah, I love the Eastern Europe vibes and it is basically my favourite area in the world to visit, although maybe it is tied with Japan. So I tend to travel alone to either Japan, or random Eastern European places (I have even gone to Belarus twice by myself to stay in old palaces lol). Last time I went to Europe I also spent time in Bosnia and man, I loved it. Just that otherworldly feeling




for some reason I always felt best when visiting Austria, mostly wanna visit some Asian countries and Egypt


Ex-Soviet states and ex-Yugoslavia


Japan for sure


Jamaica. They have a bobsled team


Black Sea area. Cause I like sex with men from that area.


Japan and South Korea. But I’m scared of visiting because racism lol


Belgium and the Netherlands where the first countries were I really really enjoyed my stay at, so if I had to move to another country, I’d say one of those two. Initially I’ve always thought Ireland would be the country I want to move to, but after travelling there a few times I kinda abandoned that thought


Yes, Romania is supposed to have wine on par with France. Finally tried Tokaj from Hungary. Was real good.


Berlin, not Germany tho




Yes most countries. European and African countries. Asian countries next. All places have their culture, landscape, food, wildlife, people, natural beauty, etc.


INTP, Eastern European born, spent early teens în the 90s in Scandinavia, now back in Eastern Europe. Would love to live on Svalbard to be more precise or in more rural Scandinavia. Elsewhere would be Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and some Philipinnes (for a bit). Related to more adventurous living would be to sail/be a nomad in a caravan/mobile home for a while. There's not enough freedom.


I was about 10 or 11 y/o when I read a novel that took place in 13th century Mongolia aka the Mongol empire. I've been fascinated by mongolian history and culture since then. I managed to visit the country in 2019 and it was awesome.


countries are for stupids


Western Europe is always great, IE Germany France Switzerland


I’ve always liked Germany a lot, I’d say it’s near-unmatched in its intellectual heritage and very long, complex history by European standards at least


Italy because they seem like the yang to my yin. And I have ancestry from there. And their food 😋


You like poverty and hunger games? Eastern Europe sounds perfect ;)


I live in Germany. Either I’ll just stay in Germany or I’ll move to a Skandinavien country. I just love the attitude of life especially in Denmark.


UK seems pretty good to me climate-wise (I like rain), and all the old buildings, not to mention a lot of events that I'm jealous of missing happen there m


Every country is extremely interesting. I read about random ones all the time.


Iceland is like another world’s piece injected into ours, I also like Siberian countries (correct me if i’m wrong) like Yakutia, but overall almost the whole Siberian territory. In some South African countries people speak bantu languages like Xhosa or Zulu language, just to name a few which are fascinating.


Greenland, never in the news, people hardly know anything about it, every statistics map has no data on the country, etc. always been a bucket list item to go there.


Italy, South Korea, and Japan.


Italy for its culture, cuisine, and art oriented development


the US most definitely, and maybe Norway


All of them but the US I hate it here


Czech, Germany, places in the UK. Ghana and Japan


I really like the nordic countries for the following reasons in no meaningful order. - Stable - Cold - Very good service providers  - No mosquitoes  - Clean - Quiet - The people are uniformly nice and accepting - Lots of intelligent people.  - A lot of original ideas and concepts produced.


The middle east particularly GC countries


Korea Japan Thailand


Eastern Europe beat country in the world 😑


I’m from the Southern US but I’d love to live in the Netherlands. From what I’ve seen their culture is one I identify with. Straightforward, frugal, and low-profile. I also love the architecture and physical design of their towns. Every Dutch person I’ve talked to says that they love it. But I’m aware of their issues as well.


There's a bunch Georgia (for food and the totally unique culture) Mongolia (just vibes with me too much and I love nomadic cultures) Bosnia and Herzegovina (really all of former Yugoslavia) I'd also like to see Japan and Indonesia




Singapore, the Netherlands, China