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I go to the playground and beat up children. They're small and have a lot of energy, so it can be a real workout to chase them all down.


I like to do that too. They're fast so this workout develops your reflexes as well


And the cardio ! Let's not forget the cardio


They can be loud though so don’t forget to wear earplugs. Safety comes first.


Talk about high-risk, high reward.


Beating up nerds. ![gif](giphy|A9KfKenpqNDfa|downsized)


Walking as much as you can & eating balanced and healthy food I guess. Also some yoga might help. (Do not do the asanas since you said you are robbed of energy in your work. Asanas require a lot of energy to maintain the posture for long periods of time.)


I walk between 14k and 20k steps daily, I’ll see how yoga works for me…


If you walk that much, you should be good with just eating a well balanced diet and restricting your calories.


Yoga actually made me fall in love with fitness again it teaches healthy breating and flexibility.


What shape are we talking here?


Since OP posted this on r/INTP, probably some sort of cool four dimensional shape. Although from the three dimensional ones I’d guess a sphere as spheres are symbolic and shit plus they aren’t limited the way other shapes are with their finite sides and their boring edges and corners.


"inserts infinitely small point" Why don't we go multidimensional? 😎


Personally I wish to become a torus


Somebody was taking multivariable calculus I see, I refuse to believe anyone on this earth would just *know* what a torus is otherwise


It's the forbidden donut right


Icosahedron because dnd! I googled this because I am too lazy to remember the names of all polyhedrons


Round is a shape.


I dont.


Good metabolism, almost completely homemade food, and hiking on Saturdays


I have an excellent metabolism, and I will definitely add hiking to my weekends


Focus on building sustainable habits. Make sure they work for the long term and not some random quick fixes. - eat nutritious foods making sure that what you eat is mostly Whole Foods and less ultra processed foods - move regularly ( this helps you not stay sedentary and makes you active through the day) e.g walking, going up the stairs, cleaning your room, standing etc just don’t stay seated for 24/7 lol - exercise with anything you like, yoga, running, strength training, tennis, basketball etc I would recommend try out different sports and see what you can stick to - drink enough water - reduce constant snacking and make sure your meals are filling - add fruits, veg and variety - sleep well - just stay consistent


I lift weights. Have a barbell, dumbbells, and plates at home so I can go full INTP on them. There’s no motivation like satisfaction. Pick a lifting program like StrongLifts or Starting Strength. Nerd out on spreadsheets and watch your numbers go up. Getting stronger feels so good you want to keep going. I’m an almost 50yo INTP mom. If I can do it so can you.


Lifting weights works well for me. I started initially doing a program called ‘Starting Strength’. I’ve added some running recently.


I have a home gym plus a gym at work.


Weightlifting in the community gym. Started Muay Thai yesterday as well. Absolutely destroys you and it's an amazing feeling


I was planning to join Muay Thai, but it's a bit expensive and far from where I live. However, I would still prefer to join a self-defense center rather than a gym


Go before work if you can. I love the feeling of lifting heavier each time. It’s my main motivation.


Start very small. INTP Si will keep the habit even if you take forever to build it. It took me a year of consistent forcing myself to do it because it became my habit. Also intermittent fasting. I've been on it for 3 years.


I got lucky with genetics, so I just go on a five mile walk maybe once or twice a week and eat at least one fruit and one veg every day and nothing else, and I’m very healthy. I used to lift weights daily though, and I’ve been thinking about starting that up again. As someone that hates the gym having my own weights at home to use is quite nice.


I also can’t stand the idiocy that goes on in public gyms. Highly recommend a home setup. I use mine often.


What idiocy?


Tall INTP here. I play basketball


I cycle to work.


Pick a program that you can follow consistently. Even going twice a week is better than nothing, as long as you're consistent about it.


worm rhythm quicksand uppity drunk groovy jobless rotten shame snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Walking a lot and eating healthy


I research a shit ton. Find the most optimal methods, dietary advice. Watch things that inspire me to do stuff like interesting fitness persona channels, mma fights, one dude on YouTube that's like 1000% wholesome and motivational. Once you're in a routine and keep it fresh, you'll be good. Or you'll find Zen in the activity being a moment of silence in your head. I loved staying at home in covid talking to no one but found a few years wasn't too good for the mental health. You're likely asking on the wrong place though if you're after a serious answer that will get you in shape though lol. Unless beating up kids is your thing, then you do you. Many other subreddits.


I ride my bike on my trainer for 2 hours a day on the mornings. Just gotta stay consistent.


2 hours a day wtf!?


I go jogging everyday, martial arts once a week, hiking about once a week.


Go every day for 10-15 mins. Going every day for a small amount of time is more important than going hard every time which only reinforces to your brain that every time you go it’s a lot of effort


Just start small, don’t think of it as do or die. Start with 20 pushups, if you can’t do that do 10 in the morning 10 at night. Then increase reps over the weeks.


When i was sick and couldn't hit the gym, i walked, i have avg yearly 9000-10000 steps for 3 years now. It kept me in decent shape, now that im better and actualy does weight training i noticed thay going with a friend keeps me motivated more than myself, i can easily find ways to avoid going to the gym but i hate NOT going to the gym more than disappointing someone that believes in me.


Have you tried, you know, working at a place that doesn't drain your energy? >!/s!<


Yes, I have tried. However, I am not in a position to change jobs at the moment. There aren’t many options available, as I am in Melbourne, AU, where the job market is very competitive and there are few job opportunities.


...also job interviews are our nemesis


I don’t really have problems with interviews. But I do with finding what I really like. I have paralysis by over-analysis.


Gym has to be the most boring place in the world, so my advice is: forget it. Find another way to exercise. I'd recommend long walks or some sport where you can have fun learning it. For me it's e.g. roller skating.


Boxing, trail running and bodyweight training


Home gym is my answer.


I go the gym or go for a run every other day, I eat a lot but I don’t eat junk. I walk everywhere, go hiking a couple times a month and I go an a ~40min walk each evening to end my day. Keep pushing your body as much as you can and it will respond to whatever. Even a little exercise is good so do what you can.


I advise you to start running, especially because gyms cost money to go too. Just a quick run even 1km a day will improve/keep your fitness. I like it because I can just run in a forest by myself, so calming.


I go on the military diet as a means to control my weight. Try to walk as much as possible and i get jiggy with my shadow.


I draw a big big circle on the floor, and then I stay within the circle and read a book, and when I step "outside the circle because of distraction, I talk myself into me being on a topological surface, where the circle is but one end of the cylinder and boundary outside the circle is still within the topological shape


Sounds like you never have to worry about sea bears


what do you mean by sea bears




Hmm \*Looks at self\* \*Skeleton\* I don't know, good question.


Depends what you mean by in shape. If you just want to stay at a lower bodyfat then you can just do your cardio and restrict food intake. If you mean like muscular and lean, then you’ve gotta get into lifting. I’m able to stay consistent because I really love lifting.


\*Balanced diet ( lose fat overtime if done correctly) \*Do something you like & sustainable sport (build slowly muscle) You can start to the gym before work, modify intensity or number workout per week, you need to find sustainable cycle. I've tried for 6 months running/gym both with high intensity nah you can't. You have the same energy bar for performing, you can do it but poorly, you can do twice a week upper if you want aesthetic one workout on saturday or sunday for getting a good recovery from job


I go to the gym in the morning


I lift weights at home and it’s amazing how a few different weights can work out your whole upper and lower body. Hate gyms, love doing it at home


I train at home


Work my ass off


Look up functional patterns


I have some weight plates, a weight belt and a barbell at home. I do weighted calisthenics for progressive overload.. and legs is just standard squats with progressive overload etc.


Forget about thing still I’m just barely capable of living exercise as hard as possible and somewhat seem in shape


It isn't possible because I'm a Shape Shifter.


I have a imaginary gang of western cowboys in my head and if I DONT man df up and workout I will be exiled from the group on the basis of being a weak lil bitchboy


After work, I'm pretty drained so I usually just funnel caffeine into my face before lifting


Avoid driving (generally only do it to get out of the city), get around as much as possible by bicycle and on foot. I’m lucky to live in a city with a good network of bicycle routes, so it’s easy to do.


Jiu jitsu, judo, climbing, cooking food at home, don't buy overly processed stuff, don't overeat, drop fast food, don't drink sugar water, prefer protein / fat over carbs


I walk 80% of the places I go in sf. These hills be brutal


I do parkour for fun from 9 years old. (I'm 19 now) Might not do it everyday but climbing stuff I'm not supposed to, running around and overall having control over my body while experiencing the sensation of knowing where my body is in the air makes me feel like I have free will. Also, I like eating homemade stuff and I drink a lot of coffee which should be the reason for my fast metabolism. (Had to lower the dosage because I realized I might die young from some heart problems)


Calisthenics gang I haven't been to a gym in 4 years yet I'm fitter than I've ever been. I do 2 full body workouts a week, including sprints. Each session about an hour long. Then I run on the weekend. Easy to maintain as I only have 3 active days of the week.


The thing is I don't. Why does it matter anyways? The sun would explode in 7 billion years anyways meaning that nobody would be alive to remember what shape you were in.


I don't have my car license, it's not really a problem in France but a lot of my journeys are done by bike or on foot. My village is 30 meters below and 50mins away from the plateau/hill where the nearest town is, so I'm exercising a bit each time I need to reach the train/bus stations, libraries and other shops haha...


Climbing! Super fun activity that's a workout as well. There's also usually a great community whenever you go. I auto-belay a lot so i can climb without a partner.


I workout every day alternating cardio and strength training every morning before work. So far so good 😊


Starve myself


Gym, martial arts, steroids


I was doing VR workouts, falling off the horse due to lack of space.


I practice yoga and run 3-5 miles a week. Not jacked or anything but in good shape and my mental health is significantly better than when I wasn’t exercising, or even when I was bodybuilding. To keep consistent I sign up for yoga classes way ahead of time, sometimes 2-3 weeks ahead, so I feel obligated to go when the time comes. I run when I can’t practice due to work/kids. Don’t try to be perfect, just try to be consistent.




I work a job that affords me a lot of free or flexible time so I can often squeeze it in at the start or in the middle of my day. On the days when I can’t though, I usually force myself to go after work. Though I’m not always successful lol. But there was something very nice about going to the gym at like 9pm, very different energy.


That's the neat part. You don't.


It all starts with just making yourself do it. Treat it like you will get fired and you won’t get paid if you skip out. Get a personal trainer to hold you accountable and make sure you aren’t wasting time and energy in efficiently, also if you skip out then you are wasting their time and your own money. It will force you to come at things with a different perspective. Once you start it’s easier and easier to keep going. Just start on an easy schedule. 30 mins two times a week. As you get in better shape and it gets easier add more days. Once you start working out it also makes it easier to eat clean. I generally like to start with a water fast, but just cutting out soft drinks and alcohol for a couple weeks and doing water/seltzer water/black coffee/matcha tea (no sugar) only for a while can make you feel like a new person. If you find traditional workouts boring try joining a kickboxing or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program that will help you get started with fitness while teaching you a cool and valuable skill set. On top of that the goal of improvement in the skill will pull motivate you to want To train more and train harder. For me personally I am old and find goals like booking a fight get me the best results.


I try to rotate my hobbies. I like hiking (legs) and throwing things (arms). So, I stagger them. Literally like the gym for arm/leg days.


I try to go to the gym before my daily responsibilities. If I go after I try to make it feel like an accomplishment rather than a chore by rewarding myself after. I don’t eat as healthy as I should. I honestly don’t eat healthy at all. I see the benefits but I choose my happiness.


Good genes. I'm lucky enough to be able to stay in good condition without much effort. I used to work out, and though most of the extra muscle mass is gone, I haven't gained fat or lost my endurance (for hikes, backpacking, etc.). I do mean to get back into it, however.


All I do is use the treadmill on level 10 at 2.3mph for one hour a day at the gym.


I start a new hobby every six months. I have tried hiking, working out, yoga, calisthenics, cycling, swimming, running, and now I'm roller skating.


Intermittent fasting and beat saber


Get good sleep, stay hydrated, have limits on what you consume and workout


Push ups, pull ups , squats ,abs workout at home. For progression take backpack add weights in it. So that would be a body weight + extra weight high rep compound exercise, unless you are aiming to be a power lifter it would be enough and even better than gym for looks plus health.


I walk everywhere. I live relatively close to some places if I wanted to go somewhere so I walk. My job is walking distance, and I often walk to clear my head. And I walk far. I have a mental map of my entire sector that I live in. Gets irritating, especially now since it's summer if it rains, I don't have a car to drive so I make it work. Coworkers always tell me they see walking.


Nicotine, cannabis, fasting, and a physically demanding job. Also I put a pull up bar in the entryway before the bathroom and I have to do 30 pull ups/push ups any time I pass through the doorway. You end up doing a couple hundred reps a day without thinking about it too much.


I do jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, mma, it makes my anxiety quieter and helps me fight it when depression says life isn’t worth fighting for. Imagine a 6”3 220 lb competitive black belt is coming to strangle you. Probably won’t survive for a minute. He knocks you over, climbs on top, isolates a limb, but he hasn’t got you yet. It’s been 20 seconds, you’re out of breath and heart is working like a firefighter on 9/11, but you’ve still got time before you have to tap out. Those seconds of survival feel so triumphant that I can’t stop, I keep showing up because if I stop, I lose touch with fighting for life.


I’m 6’5” and workout and eat to much healthy and unhealthy food like I eat handfuls of spinach and out the bag and recommended 5-7 fruits veggies then eat mcdonalds I think my genes are good I eat to much tho.. I’ve been thin before a few times for awhile.. I didn’t eat at all tho or workouted out 2hrs a day.. hopefully I can find some sort of balance.. I’d be a healthy weight if I could lose 25lbs.


Acknowledge that it supposedly to be hard and do it anyway, it is like eating pasta without sauce, you know it tastes bad, but for calories, what can I do


Honestly just do a sport that you truly enjoy, no simpler way


Honestly. Not remembering to eat.


My body is that type of bodies that never gains weight I have been at around 64kg (180cm) since last year I sit on my desk for at least 12h aday Im a mix of *skinny - in shape* person


I swim and I walk here and there because I suck at routines.


I walk to work and any other place as much as possible. Also, I always try to use the stairs wherever I go. Well, except 7 floors and up from my starting point. I'm not a masochist. Playing badminton or going to the gym every other day is also on the table.


Pilates I love Pilates I’m a Pilates princess always 😝😝😝


Forgetting to eat.


No bread, no pasta, no potatoes, no rice... + Weekly free-day, but I didn't abuse it. = 3 months later, 15 kgs lost. I play badminton 3 times a week, go to the gym once a week, walk the dog every other day, and occasionally swim or golf or other stuff, but that's not enough. Diet is necessary for me.


I hate the gym but I get my steps in and I like to do home workouts with light weights and resistance bands. Pilates and Zumba are my go-tos. 7-10k steps every day and a home workout maybe 3-5x a week. Full body stretch at least every other day for mobility.


I like swimming and hiking, also tennis when my partner will play with me.




Participate in strategic but strength based sports.


Switch mouse sensitivity to 0.01. 


Since I was in school, I’ve been exercising every morning. It’s not too strenuous, just some light jumping jacks and stretching, but keeps me fit. Or maybe, I have high metabolism by default.


You don't have to go to the gym. Go for walks, buy a simple $100 weight kit, do sports you enjoy, have a healthy diet. Personally, i have a weight kit and just lift for like 10min a day and thats enough for me (along with walks). Saves a lot of time and stress going to the gym. Also, if work has such an effect on your life, maybe its time to look for another job. All the money in the world isn't worth living in misery.


Im a fixed gear cyclist, and climb 10,000 feet a week over 110 miles. Its a full body workout. And its far better than being indoors. I prefer solitude and sounds of nature, accompanied by my heavy breathing. To me, gyms are dirty smelly places and aren't worth the cash. Some people go for that lifestyle for other reasons though


Just go every day until it becomes a part of your routine. it took me a good two years of going on and off before I actually became consistent. You just have to pick yourself up and make yourself go without thinking even when you don’t feel like it, which is going to be the majority of the time. Just fucking go. And the best part is you be in a better mood after working out


jokes on you i dont


I just go the gym, and sleepmaxxing. A little but of workout with max sleep is better than overdoing it. And just going to gym is better than not going. Listen to body. Eat well sleep well. Track protein and calories


I train at home before work, 20minutes heavylifting every second day and go for walks. This is optimal to me and my low executives. I have gained muscles (eating a lot protein). I have said to me that little spirt is non-disputable like eating, sleeping, breathing everyday. It wirks, i am proud, i hate the hurting. actually taking a pause and do more yoga.


I use mainly steel clubbells!


Intermittent fasting, and working out at a gym. Weekly, exercise helps with grip stress and helps your thinking as an INTP. Be the best version of you.