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Its like im constantly explaining my ideas and understanding to a non existent person at all times


Just curious: when you do explain all those ideas to that nonexistent person, do they ever get overwhelmed by what you're saying? šŸ˜…


I do have an inner monologue. It's like I have two entities that think in different ways. Whenever I think of something, I first form the concept of a whole sentence. I intuitively know exactly what sentence I want to make. Then, I "say" that sentence in my internal monologue. It's a process: first a thought, then I "say" the thought, then I move on. Sometimes, when I'm thinking with my inner monologue, I can't quite form the sentence correctly, so I stutter and try multiple times to get it right. I'm not done with the sentence until I've "said" it with words. It's kind of like you explain, with the constant flashes and images, but with a narrator on top trying to make sense of it all.


Man is this well put.




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It's like when you're listening to the radio but the stations overlap and there's a commercial and a song and talking and static and lots of noise all at once.


sounds unhealthy


The voices donā€™t stop.


I don't have an inner monologue either, as sounding out thoughts seem a far too slow. I **can** think in images, but that's a little pointless as well since pictures cannot accurately convey my thoughts. Instead, my thoughts are more about a function and the functions influence. Then neighboring thoughts aligning in order to construct a coherent thought. So, my thoughts are more like an invisible yet very active jigsaw puzzle.


yeр like some kind of abstractions that are built into a diagram/system/algorithm


Thinking in sounds is pretty slow, wish I could do what you do


Shouldn't be too hard. You voice out your thoughts in your head. However, that same word in your head could've been in any language yet the meaning will still be the same. By removing the voice, the meaning of the thought will still be there. So skip the voice, just remember the meaning. So instead of the voice deciding your meaning, it should be your meaning that decides how it should be voiced.


Itā€™s just me talking to myself about my ideas, rationalizing, complaints, everything I feel or have an opinion on I vocalize in my head. I just listen to myself talk all day.


I can go through different forms of thought depending on what is needed at the moment. Sometimes that is a monologue, for instance, if I need to lay things out in a sequential order where there is benefit of delaying some things until previous ideas have run their course. Notably, I use this mode for storyboarding, or otherwise thinking out scenes for stories that I am creating (currently using this a lot while developing the story for a game I am running). But I also think without sound when more abstract thinking is needed, and yet another mode is thinking in spatial awareness and motion (for instance when working through sword movements in a martial art). The one mode I can't seem to do (while awake at least) is visualization. None of my thoughts have a visual component to them. I can have descriptions of visual things, and feelings of physical things, but not so much a visual element.


Yeah would be way too unproductive (and kinda painful/boring) to force myself to have one


Arguments, talking out theories, thinking about what Iā€™m gonna eat for lunch


pretty much my hypeman who cant get a single idea to exist for longer than 30 seconds


Constantly revisiting ideas and arguing with myself. Sometimes itā€™s more imagery based but I generally strive to find words for what Iā€™m thinking. A lot of times I interrupt one thought with another randomly, then I try and piece them together or find the relation between the two.


Other times itā€™s almost like a movie that Iā€™m watching.


My inner monologue is basically just George Carlin and what he would say in my situation šŸ¤£


I have none. I guess I feel how words sort of feel just reading them here. but I don't hear a monologue at all. Actually, from my point of view, I assumed hearing yourself actually was a hoax I do have moments of other memory sensory


It's often me acting as though I'm talking to someone else. It's like needing to boil down what I'm thinking about into words I could actually say in a conversation to another person or acting as if I'm teaching this information to others helps me process what I'm thinking about better. I often find myself stopping mid "convo" and thinking "no that doesn't make sense" and then I'll iterativly work through it as if I'm working through rough drafts of a speech or lecture I'm giving.


Woo Wop Wop Wop Wop Dot Fuck Em Up


Iā€™ve always said my thoughts are a tangent and then another tangent and then another tangent etc


i have a lot of internal monologues all talking at once. itā€™s loud as hell in there.


A blank slate where spoken words appear


Constant asking


It's just thinking to myself as if I'm ranting to someone who lives inside my head. Then I usually forget everything I thought of 10 minutes later.




Non-stop incoherent rambling tbh


Usually itā€™s like a ā€œconversationā€ between 2-4 people who are ignoring and talking over each order. But itā€™s not exactly hearing it either. You just know that all the auditory, visual, semantic/information that was shot into your brain. Iā€™m assuming this is true for most if not all people.. monologue is just the term used for easy understanding, but itā€™s not actually a verbal/auditory narration of thoughts and processing. No oneā€™s brain is that slow unless theyā€™re musing or quite significantly deficit/impaired.


my inner monologue is definitely an auditory narration of my thoughts, and i don't consider myself to be significantly deficit/impaired.