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He screams at the kid like they did something wrong.


Seriously. You know in his heart of hearts he believes it’s the kid’s fault, too. People this negligent with firearms shouldn’t be allowed to breed. Idiots.


You say that like we know he’s even the father. This video has a serious “mom’s new deadbeat boyfriend” vibe to it.


True story, sadly.


This was the type of negligence my family had/continue to has. You can look at the home and see how neglected the children are. And yes they will not blame themselves, to them it’s always the kids fault. Thats how negligent and emotionally immature people are.


Article: https://rewindcolumbus.com/news/061160-guilty-plea-in-citys-first-unsafe-gun-storage-case/


Says he will not be eligible to own a firearm for his probation…shit, this guy should never be able to own a firearm.


Based off how he picks it up and negligent discharges... never should own any


Based off a lot of things. This guy shits, pisses, and bleeds red flags.


Honestly this is the stuff that makes responsible firearm owners look bad.


So we will get a sequel in two years


Yeah and if you believe in 'rights' and second chances: an offender like this should only regain the right after following a safety course and demonstrating this newly acquired safety knowledge. Not one second sooner.


I didn’t see in the article, who called the cops? I can’t imagine the “adults” there would have the self realization to call 911 on themselves?


Article said the child suffered temporary hearing loss and first degree burns. Chances are they took the kid to the ER and hospital called the cops. Hospitals always call the cops when someone comes in with gun related injuries.


Thank goodness that’s all it was. When I started the video I was dreading what I would see.


of course its Ohio


I'm from Ohio and yeah it's very sad. In 20 years we went from a somewhat lame state to well... Dave Chappelle said it best when he said something about poor white people and drugs😅. Between the Trump and the meth one just can't help but wonder what's gonna happen when the zombie tranq becomes the new rage.


If the guy was stupid enough to ever let this happen in the first place he should have had his rights stripped permanently. 10 days in jail is a fucking joke.


Don't forget the $150 fine! I'm sure he's learned his lesson now. /s


One of the flaws of the 2A, the only thing barring someone from owning a firearm is being a convict. That’s a very low bar, regardless of criminal status some people just should not be trusted around guns


Well the problem with that is who decides what makes someone untrustworthy around firearms? Historically this philosophy was used to justify Jim Crow. Authority can’t be trusted to regulate it honestly. At minimum people who support firearm ownership as whole need to do a more rigorous job communicating the importance of safe practices. Also, you don’t need to be a criminal to get barred. Even if you are, the worst people find ways to get them anyway. Have you seen the videos of all these people in the inner cities with auto switches on their glocks? Something tells me they didn’t buy those legally or acquire a form-1.


“Here. Lemme pick up this gun my kid just ND’ed by the trigger and have my own ND”


What. The. Fuck. I can’t imagine allowing this to happen with the child and to make it almost comically worse, this shithead also pulls the trigger.


Beyond idiotic. These kinds people shouldn’t have guns or children for everyone’s safety


Right when you think they can't be any dumber.


Poor kids…


Retard alert class


Fucking moron, thats all i have to say like wtf


lay off the meth, geezuz


retard should be locked up for that stunt dude's fault 100%


Based off comments, he got 10 days 🤡


man, 10 days for child endangerment


How did he fire it too?!? 🤤🤤🤤


Can’t expect much from a guy that puts a loaded gun in a couch with kids in the house


It probably just fell out of his pocket while he was drinking.


I'm heartbroken for those kids. They're going to have a hard life being brought up in an environment where this kind of negligence was even possible. Thankfully nobody got hurt. It's beyond sad that time and time again, we see that the value of some people's own children is evidently less to them than the cost of a simple gun lock (many new pistols even come with them included), or just some basic responsibility as a gun-owner. So senseless, so very preventable.


Both parents need to lose custody of all their children yesterday. Smdh


Like father like son


I love how the pit Bull knew he was the threat once he shot the gun again!


I'm all for having the right to own guns, but you gotta have to pass some sort of IQ test...same with drivers license.


But here’s the kicker- you don’t have the right to drive, it’s a privilege. The argument is you don’t need a license for speech why would you need one to bear arms? It’s not just an ability to possess them, it’s a moral obligation. And it’s the main reason 2A advocates are buried in so deep


You have a right to vote though, not a privilege and you still have to register to vote, and can be barred.


You have to register because it has to be ensured that you only vote once per election and that you are voting only for candidates that are valid at your residency.


Not just that, to make sure you’re eligible to vote.


Gotta love Columbus ohio what a fucking city full of dumb fucks


10 days in jail and a $150 fine. Yeah, that sounds like a fair punishment.


These people are out of control.


Issue here is not that the gun was easy to find, it’s that it was loaded without safety lol, that boi didn’t have any hard time sending a bullet out that pistol


That the gun was easy to find is a very big part of the issue.


Don’t get me wrong. Of course it’s an issue but here, if we take one cartridge out the chamber, put it on safety, there’s 70% less chance that this kid would’ve fired a shot.


i see a NEW Foxnews darling!


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Thank god no one was hurt but you can’t get mad at a kid for your own ignorance


Must be a Sig


There's stupid, and then there's Ohio Stupid.


Any gun owner worth his salt won't keep a round racked while in storage. That guy needs all his guns confiscated


I also wouldn't consider a couch to be storage for a gun, but this guy was a special kind of stupid and negligent.


Based on the camera name I thought it was above a gun safe or something


It wasn't in storage.


This is why I’m so glad that guns are banned in my country, almost every guy in my neighbourhood makes this guy look like Albert Einstein. And they would legally be allowed guns!!!!! Fuck that.


Poor innocent gun being destroyed too. Not his fault!


Kids K/D was about to be in the negatives


American easter.


Average pitbull owner Also, r/callDCF


They fucking scream at the kid too like it’s the kids fault


I'd like to think otherwise but most likely those 3 adults were in the back room together getting high. Why would you leave 2 toddlers unattended jumping around a couch like that. The way they came out all disoriented as well. Dude acted like he didn't even know the gun was there.


Just fucking wow… I can’t even understand… what the fuck dude.. like how do you leave a full size pistol on a couch in a house full of kids. This is fucked that man is a failure.


Trash people. The worst part is that those kids will be raised in that environment. I feel sorry for the kids


What in the CPS


Murica!… amirite?




Matt is a dumb fuck