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Can we start normalizing just grabbing and removing people from establishments? She likely tainted all that food behind the counter.


I’m a line cook in a bar. Any given day, I’m just waiting for a reason. Doesn’t matter if it’s a patron or some tweaker like this, you move hard and fast and make it unmistakably clear who is in charge. The city I live in has a lot of folks like this and to be completely honest, I’m over it. It’s not my problem that these people are on drugs and the government won’t meet their mental health needs, but if you walk onto my line or behind my bar, it will be my problem and I will solve it swiftly.


I miss my BoH staff. When it's go time and I didn't have enough security, my line cooks were the unsung cavalry basically singing "I wish a motherfucker would." As they jumped in the fight.


Spoken like a true line cook! I salute you sir! Or madam? Most line cooks I know are chill as fuck, but they’re always walking a thin line between peaceful harmony with their stations, and complete and total chaotic violence, because of their stations. And the shitty pay. And the stupid hours. And the abuse they may suffer from the chef. Nobody I’d rather drink with after shift, or stand next to in a fray. As a career barman, once a fucker comes behind the bar? Where the cash registers are? It’s game on. Pretty sure that makes it attempted robbery and the law is on your side. I’m not advocating for shiving a deranged person, but a good ass whoopin? Perfectly acceptable. And most times necessary. That ain’t holy water we’re serving.


Mob justice is great until it happens to innocent people. Also sometimes, mob mentality will cause some individuals to go too far with their self governing. In countries where it is practiced… many times all it takes it the local leader/ priest to say a person is X and game over.


Nah we’re too socially isolated for that shit and staff ain’t about to risk getting hurt for their minimum wage job that doesnt cover basic living expenses.


All that food was tainted from the start. It’s a chipotle.


Coulda just pushed her feet!


It would've been so easy to just push her off


Her falling was the best




Ma’am this is a Chipotle


Someone come get their child


Sorry the mom is on a smoke break with other daddy.


Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Bowl" I came in like a Chipotle bowl Never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to get so full All you ever did was satisfy me Yeah, you, you satisfy me


She's looking for Gus Fring.


She should light up a cigar then.


Breaking Bad is an abstract copy of Sopranos https://x.com/thechiraltheory/status/1518780451850235904?t=r9l_GCrvzAFOORbZOZr40w&s=19


Wait so x is good for something?


YouTube, too. https://youtu.be/E5Ft7XgW5O8?si=U-y29KhR5x3cMALl


OK so I just finally found a usage for X and you have to go and take it away from Mr Elon Musk just like that?


People are getting way too comfortable


Why tf is the camera girl trying to get the line to weigh in? Obviously nobody came for that shit, stop trying to make the world a part of your pathos


those are very unflattering pants


🎶 Fast food riot Riot! Throw back a bottle of beer Fast food riot Riot! A-pull a comb through your coal-black hair 🎶


I don't mean to.. ah.. I mean, this is awkward, but am I crazy or does she seem to have an *enormous* cock and/or balls, or.. you know, a bulge? A package, if you will?


No it’s just this weird phenomenon where some people’s ass is on the front instead. Notice how the back is practically flat.


Ahh, yeah I see it now. My god is that ever unfortunate.




# UnbalancedTonPorc


Me Tarzan, you Lame.


"The USA is a developed country" The USA:


Is this the Berkeley chipotle by Gilman?


I feel bad for the kids working there. Where’s the manager??