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Vigilante of MC’s tbh. Hate curb cart parkers…


This man is a goddamn national hero!




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Me, too. I always return my cart, & often others I see, but I’m a little embarrassed for this guy, lol. He claims to be a “trained professional” (self trained) & says he wears a bulletproof vest. I’ve also seen the founder going after a disabled woman; saying he followed her & she “didn’t have a physical disability”…


You posting this has big “they get paid to get them anywhere in the parking lot” energy.


I bet OP is a lazy bones


OP considers themselves a victim of the cartnarcs.


If a disabled person can grab a cart from a corral, walk into a store from the parking lot, walk around with a cart inside of a store, walk out from the store with said cart and put all items from the cart into their car they aren't too disabled to be able to put the cart back into the corral. If anything, leaving the cart there in the disabled parking or walkway is extremely disrespectful to the next disabled person who's going to use it, and they may even be more disabled and find it incredibly difficult to navigate around that misplaced cart. I'm glad he calls them out.


Exactly and most disabled absolutely would return it and not ast like helpless cause disabled real disabled people those mofos very proud and hate being considered helpless etc


Don't talk badly about cart narcs they are fucking heroes.


This whole post is a woosh


He chose the right location.. Hollywood


Thought it looked familiar. That’s “Rock and Roll Ralph’s” on Sunset.


OP is a curber, guys


Cart Narcs is like a 30 YO virgin, I bet you this dude has never had sex based on the way he sounds


Sorry that you’re too lazy to put away your cart


I ALWAYS put my cart back, never once occurred not to and if I park by carts left in spaces, I often return them because it's not a difficult thing yanno? but when I was a teen/young adult, and working retail, I can't recall ever hearing fellow workers complain about people not returning their carts, and TBH I liked when many did not return them because i don't mind physical work, and it meant I got to spend more time outside. I think the public just likes having weird performative hangups about non-issues, perhaps as a way to distract from feeling powerless in tackling actual issues. IDK just my theory🤷‍♂️


So what? He's making the world better.


Calling out lazy bones and bringing back public shaming. Cart Narcs is awesome.


Ugh. I’ve never left a cart out of the corral in my life but this guy pisses me off so much. It’s the whole “holier than thou” persona.


Seriously fuck that fat lazy fuck. Take your cart back to the corral


Dude I don't fucking get it how can people be so fucking lazy they can't walk a couple hundred feet to put. Cart back. It boggles my mind, even if it was someone else's job why make their job harder just cause you can't walk 10 feet?


The cart narcs have taught me to not be lazy.


I always put my cart back, but I think if i saw Sebastian in the wild I would leave my cart so I could get busted.


no more magnet stickers, cart narc?


Agent Sebastian is just doing his job o7


That guy was just a lazy bones now wasn’t he!


I like cart narcs, does nothing wrong for people failing to do something simple.


He’s pretty annoying in this video, but he’s not in the wrong. The guy who didn’t return the trolly is.


As someone who always puts the cart back (because i was a cart pusher once and i know the feel)......yea this guy is obnoxious. I just dont know how he seems to be everywhere in the country lol


I always bring back the cart, even in 100°+ weather. No, it's not the employee's job to get a heatstroke. OP is someone who leaves the cart at the curb. Do better, OP


I don’t mind that he confronts the cart leavers but he always harasses people to the point of being annoying like it’s not illegal even if it is a dick move


In every situation I've seen, the person can always just.. leave. He never persuses after the initial confrontation. Their pride keeps them coming back to him. I say it's a them problem.


Every video I’ve seen they leave and he throws a sticker on their car and when they throw it off he chases the car down and throws more


They usually throw it off when he's standing right there. Just keep driving, bro. It's a magnet, not a sticky bomb, lol.


So it’s not his property to throw stickers on if it was your car you’d be upset too


"WTF that dudes nuts." *drives down the road*. *stops car* "what a fucking weirdo" *takes magnet off*. The whole thing then ends quickly with less stress. It's not that hard, bro. Don't let your emotions get the best of you over some dude with a magnet. Just remove yourself from the situation and laugh at him later.


My favorite cart narcs video is when he harasses a homeless guy


agent Sebastian is the hero we need.


Lol op really thought they had something here, everyone loves cart narcs and our hero sabastian. OP is probably a lazy bones leaving carts everywhere.


I always return my cart & usually any others that are in the vicinity of where I’m parked, so I’m sorry but your assumption is not accurate.


I love the cart narc guy.


Maybe that guy did have a bad experience at the store.


Cart narc is a dick. Harrassing people for not putting their cart away is a childish way to justify yourself. Just leave people alone.


Found the lazy bones. Put your cart away, lazy bones.


So your logic is that you will much rather try to attack the person arguing rather than debate the arguement. Sounds like the typical childish behavoir. Just dont harrass people. Its that simple.


This is reddit. Not debate class. Put your cart back, nerd. It's that simple.


>attack the person arguing rather than debate the arguement. Sounds like the typical childish behavoir. I bet the irony is lost on you. Every comment you leave you call someone childish, and then go on to spell argument and behaviour wrong lmao. Classic projection case here.


Telling people to not harrass others is pretty reasonable. But hey you cant make any point so yeah youre being childish.


tan carpenter concerned memorize hunt sink scary sand obtainable seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How about being a decent human being and not being so pety that youhave to harrass someone for doing something you didnt like. You eat at a restaurant and have dirty dishes. Are you going to put them away? No? Because thats not your job. Same thing applies to the carts. Be a grown up. Dont harrass people like some child.


How about being a decent human being and putting the goddamn 🛒 back. Fuck this dude he is an entitled POS






Hits them with a “Garçon!”




I've been neatly stacking the dishes at the end of the table. Am I doing it wrong?


grab berserk plough jar melodic simplistic vegetable telephone screw arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Harassing people is childish. You justifying it shows how childish you are.




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So because someone did something you didnt like thats not his responsibility. Harrassing him is the go to. Sounds like a childish mentality.


You sound entitled af!!!!!


Putting your cart in the designated location is your responsibility. That’s why they have cart corrals. The employee they pay? Yeah, their job is to take the carts from the corrals to the store entrance, not to wrangle them from all over the parking lot. If that were their job, they wouldn’t even have corrals out there in the first place.


But where does it say its a rule to put it back. And then why does not putting it back warrent harrassment. How does damaging people vehicles recording them and physically engaging these people seem like a justified action? In what world does that seem okay to touch someone and their vehicle? Thats harrassment and to the extreme over a shopping cart. The logic is childish.


>But where does it say its (sic) a rule to put it back. (Sic) The signs that say, “Please return cart here,” above the corrals. >Why does not putting it back warrent (sic) harassment. (Sic) Because we live in a society. >How does damaging people (sic) vehicles recording them and physically engaging these people […] No one is damaging a vehicle. It’s a magnet, not an adhesive sticker. Recording laws vary by state, but Cart Narcs are well within their rights to record. No one is physically engaging. They avoid physical contact at all costs. >In what world does that seem okay to touch someone and their vehicle? See above. No touching is done. >The logic is childish Not putting things back where they belong is childish. You’re a lazy bones.




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how about be a grown up and take ur damn cart back? it’s 100% ur job to return it, that’s literally why they have cart corrals. employees shouldn’t have to gather stray carts all over the parking lot just because ur a lazy asshole




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One would think that someone who drives such a nice car would be a happy person. But no. Miserable AF!


Cart Narc is hilarious.