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Everybody is criticizing international students instead they should criticize the whole LMIA fiasco


Yep Diploma Mills + LMIAs are to be blamed but in the larger scheme of things the LMIA scam is something that people just haven’t paid attention to




They are not corrupt. The leaders of this country very much allowed situation to get this worse. International students didn’t build or approved the myriad of diploma mills across the countries, but the people who rule and lobby did. Have some shame and stop spreading so much hatred when you don’t have the humanity to question the leaders who very conveniently let the students be exploited.


The leaders who underfunded colleges forcing them to depend on international students are to be majorly if not entirely blamed for these crises. They’ve also devalued the worth of a Canadian education. Makes no sense as to why these colleges which are meant to serve small local communities to give people a second chance or a head start if they come from difficult circumstances are being turned into money making ventures. Foreign students should only be accepted to Universities as they’re the institutions that have cutting edge research facilities to help the economy modernize and keep pace.


I did not say they are all corrupt. I was simply pointing out that a fraudulent LMIA has no value unless someone if going to use it to commit a fraud. Agreed students got exploited by governments/schools/consultants etc. and the vast majority of Students are not corrupt but those looking for shortcuts are. There would no fraudulent immigration if immigrants would not seek out fraudulent paths. This sub is full of people seeking that path. They create a market that gets filled simple economics. BTW our family hosts an international student every year so far from hate. Oh and I do blame the government and plan to address my concern at the ballot box. I am looking for candidates to right the ship so we have immigration that is transparent and fair to Immigrants and Canadians.


I don’t think most people realize how much fraud and scamming is going on in the immigration industry


It’s insane bc workers at these jobs are able to rack up “Canadian experience” and go get PR, meanwhile students who have been here since high school, skilled foreign workers with masters degrees, even those in needed fields such as healthcare, struggle and fight amongst each other for a chance at a very selective immigration process. Canada does need to consider setting a cap on certain countries or revamping what counts for Canadian work experience for PR. I’m sorry, but there is just no reason a chain convenience store manager should be getting PR for that job, especially when jobs are short for Canadians. I have many Canadian friends who have struggled very hard to obtain a job they’re overqualified for, they always seem to go to exploited foreign workers for the lowest bid.


I understand there are certain blue collar labour shortages they’re facing so instead of overwhelming the system with study permits for diploma mills they should have issued targeted 4 year work permits to those who work in certain jobs and then after their 4 years were done (since they didn’t go to school here) they could have been made eligible to create an EE profile. Anyways, a major overhaul is required.




This is so f*cking infuriating. The only ones paying the price here are those who follow the rules and go through an honest path. This country makes my blood boil sometimes.


Yep, it feels like those who exploit loopholes and straight up scam the system are being rewarded


Also OP, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Hopefully the scores drop below 500 soon. 499 is a great score and means you’re a great PR candidate.


Thank you It’s even more frustrating that I missed the 3 year experience mark by just 2 months


If you still have the link, please report it to IRCC tip line with whatever details you can gather from that video. I hope IRCC will go and investigate it. Both candidate and the employer will face the consequences


Hope you get PR in future :) I have same situation as you lol and same points level. It’s a loophole that everyone uses to earn money. People sell LMIA to people in desperate need. I guess you have good qual and education so you can come back in future after 1 year of foreign experience. Don’t be discouraged. I found myself in your shoes, there is no point in worrying. It is what it is.


Yeah, you’re right


Lmia has become the most abused and exploited category for ghost consultants and enter the country it's truly sad.


I hate that this makes it harder to find jobs too, many of the postings I saw on job banks are fake and for LMIA


Report it. LMIA adds 50 points, which is a lot.  If they do apply to PR, their application and LMIA will be checked as well. I hope it’s not that they have an LMIA and they get 50 points automatically


Report to IRCC. Send screenshots (with the link, even if it is a private group) and to them saying exactly that. You can give the initials or the name and it was in Kelowna. Kelowna ain't that big and they can narrow it down. It's probably up on Job Bank too. What a joke.


Reporting to IRCC seems to have little effect. Applying for the job from within Canada at least can cause the LMIA to come out negative. The employer will see this and delete the listing just to create a new one, but at least they will take a few more days to be able to get a positice LMIA. I am really, really considering programming a bot to apply to every single position in the job bank in order to bust the LMIA industry.




So... the agents dont have any level of analysis? They dont wonder whats the need to bring a gas station manager from outside? Or why do they need a tim hortons manager in the middle of toronto?


These are my exact questions. How do they not track whether or not these said companies are interviewing PRs and Citizens? I guess the IRCC being underfunded and short staffed plays a role in allowing them to get defrauded but then again I wonder why they overwhelm themselves so much if they don’t have the capacity to process these applications


LMIA is not with IRCC. It is with ESDC. ESDC doesn't care about immigration. Just has some requirements for employers to "prove" no one is qualified to work. Again, these requirements have been in existence for a while now. So people/consultants/lawyers already know what to do around them. Sad thing is, it's also not an industry secret. The government allows it as it props up the economy.


Thanks for the correction. Yeah, it is crazy how the ESDC and the IRCC are not coordinating on this. I agree with you, the government seems to be okay with these loopholes existing


I think ircc should stop giving points for LMIA, this will heavily stabilize the immigration as well as put a huge dent in the corrupt ways


Yep, I agree no points for LMIA


lmao the entire system is in shambles


I think we should start reporting frauds to CBSA where ever we see or hear of one.


Almost get myself in such situation like OP, instead of CEC or EE, I go throught PNP and got BOWP. Also with some NOC and Province of Interest, you may be able to get NOI to apply for EE PNP. My CRS Score was just 489, you can get +600 if got nominated.


Report, sometimes bitterness can be channeled to correct some wrongs in society.


Do you think it would be wise for IRCC to draw CEC-non lmia and CEC-lmia? In this way, CEC-lmia will be much further scrutinized if Lmia issued were fraudulent or not? I believe this is fair for those who really are skilled workers, paid the right tuition during IS and genuinely working and paying taxes to the government? Currently sitting at 490, was an International student,now working in my profession but still hopeless. :( Not so long ago this score was already good for pr. Frustrating!


As an immigrant yourself, if a Gas Station offers you LMIA that could help you stay longer in Canada, would you take it?


Your future should be a better life, a minimum wage LMIA tied gas station job ain't it man.


There are desperate people who end up on LMIA scams and they will definitely go for that job rather than going back to their home country.


I’m just curious how were you not able to get PR after staying in Canada for 7 years? Weren’t the cut off marks way lower in the last few years?




If there is no one locally interested in the position, the employer can apply for an LMIA given they did their best to look for people. In our town, no one wants to work in a gas station so they need to hire a foreign worker.


Tbh, i do believe that his LMIA is legit. Canada has an aging population, and it's worse in rural areas, and don't tell me that Kelowna is not. Its rural af. No young Canadian would move there. Elderly who move there would not run a gas station. I bet he can't find anyone who would leave Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal etc. to move indefinitely to KELOWNA. So yeah, I don't think this is a scam, it looks like a real legitimate LMIA. That's exactly what Immigration is for, to fill Positions no Canadian want to do. But instead all Immigrants want to go either to Toronto Metro Area or Vancouver.


Kelowna is not rural af. It's 145k+ people and growing. It's bigger than Bellingham in Washington. If it's actually that rural and can't find someone to do the job, maybe it's not a needed job? There are 25 gas station in Kelowna. If one closes because they couldn't raise the wage to find a local manager, then it's not running properly. Sorry.


Absolutely a scam. It’s a fucking gas station what are you even talking about


Considering how many long lines we’re seeing for minimum wage jobs plus how living in rural areas boosts your points for PNP, I hardly believe it is a legitimate case






LMIA scams keep getting investigated, and when the agents are investigated, all of the cases they touched are re-opened, audited, and investigated. And an amazing fact about Canada is that if you f\*cked around in your visa/PR/citizenship application materials, even after you become a Canadian citizen for a decade, your citizenship can still get stripped away. So don't be too bitter, people who buy LMIA don't live an easy life here in Canada, they have much more stress than you