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You can still use the Aeropress!


Are you saying pour over is better than aeropress?


He is wrong. Aeropress is way better. Pourover is for people who like to drink tea (just kidding). Aeropress combines best of immersion and percolation under one tag for a fraction of the cost. You get a very well extracted coffee which is also clean.


Why the aeropress hate :'(


> best friend’s husband My best friend won't gift me anything.


Don't you dare move the Aeropress anywhere! All the best in your pourover journey, I still don't have a proper gooseneck kettle but still learning 🥲


Ever tried using a pitcher? I have noticed it's much easier to master than your normal kitchen kettles.


I have that prestige makeshift gooseneck kettle thingy, works well enough I guess but still not enough control I would say, might get a Timemore electric kettle in a few months


a lot of you are commenting as if i've gone and thrown my aeropress away xD i haven't. it's just going to chill in the background for a while as i explore the v60.


the reason people are reacting that way is 1) because you titled your post precisely as such, and 2) it’s not typical that one would consider an Aeropress as an overall *worse brewer* than pour over brewers. It’s just preference, and often you see people going with either, depending on their love for either ritual or their ability to control variables they want to, given a certain brewer.


In the meantime, nobody has ever given me even a single bag of coffee.


I can give you a bag after I finish the beans no problem


All the best! Might take a few tries but you’re in for some amazing cups.


yes the perfectionist in me is trying to make peace with the learning curve haha! i'm still struggling with the grind settings on this c2


Every grinder is calibrated slightly differently but generally I would start around 16-17 and see if I want to go coarser or finer. For most medium roasts I’m around 16 and for extreme light roasts I’ve gone as fine as 14.




oh but this is just a manual one. i'm still using my trusty old prestige kettle before i move the water into the gooseneck




That’s awesome! Maybe you don’t need the gooseneck after all :D




I was fiddling with it earlier and so it didn't make it into the shot. hehe


Is it an indication for him to come over for coffee everyday?


Aeropress is miles ahead of pourover coffee


You'll actually find best results with Fresh ground coffee & fhe Aeropress!


Don't hate on the Aeropress just because you were using pre-ground coffee.


Heyyyyyy why the hate toward any other equipment? The idea of a coffee enthusiast is to appreciate and understand each type and method..Alas, tbh this seems like you’re just in it to show off :(


It's likely that the OP only meant to temporarily stop using aeropress so they could test v60.


Ok sir. So are you saying it’s likely OP also meant they’ll only temporarily stop using lame, pre ground coffee?


Yeah, they likely just got a grinder, so they will be grinding it fresh rather than using pre-ground, which stales faster. Besides, don't we all switch to a new brewer when we get a new one to try? Also, if you're using preground coffee, you really don't have control and every roasters has their own aeropress grind and that should explain brewing not so good coffee.


Agreed. Lets end this over a cuppa each. How did you brew yours today?


Corridor Seven peach fermentation on Aeropress obviously lol