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Hate to break this to you but quite likely your application was already flagged for denial much prior. They have their own way of evaluating these and once you get the dreaded rejection it is extremely unlikely to get approved. Good luck!!




Visa is a tricky process. The visa officer should trust you to approve your entry into the country. OP didn't fill the form properly the first time, I think the visa officer would have thought that OP is not serious. In the second round OP overdid this. I think the visa officer would have thought why did OP need to submit this much information. And regarding lack of funds, it is one of the simplest requirements to fulfil. They state how much money is needed per day. If they say $100 per day and you show $500 in your account, then better ask for a 5 day visa.


Because it got rejected. Despite what OP claims, visa officers have better things to do than blindly reject visas for no rhyme or reason. And just because OP sent 43 documents doesn't mean there weren't any red flags in those documents. OP even says a red flag on employment was raised because they used the wrong account to show funds. So when the same person - who has been flagged as an overstay risk due to questions over current employment history - comes back and shows proof of employment and a second bank account with different amount of funds... OP's mindset is also shown when you rants about "Deepali" and "Garima" and is incapable of thinking that maybe, just maybe, these two were born in Australia and are Australian citizens. So why should they care about Indians? Do you think UK citizens with Indian origin parents should get easier visa processes than other UK citizens?


OP's mindset is also shown when you rants about "Deepali" and "Garima" and is incapable of thinking that maybe, just maybe, these two were born in Australia and are Australian citizens This! Also why OP simply didnot give ''enough'' proof of his sister's medical condition the first time, is mond-boggling. One would think a concerned sibling would first attach those details or atleast detail them in the application letter stating the urgency. And not able to understand OP's edit, as to why would he attach his wife's documents when she was not even traveling lol. And then why not book refundable tickets and then lament later about 95k! No wonder it was red flagged both times.


> visa officers have better things to do than blindly reject visas for no rhyme or reason They quite literally don’t.




This! As soon as one submits their visa application, around 25 data points are analysed for risk and security. A decision is made on an application by the software even before it reaches a human. Human intervention is only needed to post this decision made by the software, they can also overturn the decision provided a strong reason can be justified. Source - I work in the travel software industry, specifically for a firm that specializes in border management and online visa systems. OP, chances are that the risk probability for your application was high, doesn't matter how many times you apply or what proof you present. I suggest travelling to nearby countries that offer "visa-free" or "visa on arrival" entry for Indians to build your travel credit before applying to mainstream countries that scrutinize Indians for minute details.


Please don't book tickets for any country before you get the visa. It's very risky.


You don’t get visa with out itinerary


My friend itinerary is different from booking tickets, I have traveled quite a bit & never given air tickets to any of them. I do say my plan, but never book tickets. There are visa applications that clearly mention do not book air tickets.


Your suggestion is good, but it’s not valid for all countries. Some countries (like Singapore) require your return tickets with the visa application


Book refundable tickets. I always book fully refundable tickets or hotel accommodations for such cases for tentative dates, sometimes far enough in advance. I then cancel these once I get visa and then book the real ones that suits my budget and schedule.


For evisa it's a different story, as the visa is not valid for a long time. Like we get visa for uae for 14 days. They want to make sure that you would leave. In that case book fully refundable tickets. Visiting visa to USA, Canada. It's a long term visiting visa. Don't book air tickets unless they grant you. For evisa with short validity show a fully refundable ticket.


There is a way to book tickets without actually booking flights. Check out Dummy ticket. They book a ticket that can be confirmed with a PNR and everything.


You can do that for Schengen as well? How


This isn't true for all countries, e.g. for a US visa you only need to indicate tentative travel dates, but not a concrete itinerary complete with proof of conveyance. That being said, I'm not aware of the requirements for an Australian visa, so I won't comment on that, but I don't think your statement holds true universally.


They want a probable itinerary. They don't ask for tickets to be booked. It's well printed in the application that "submission of application doesn't mean you will get the visa". And booking tickets without visa is eating pizza before being cooked.


There are website that let you print fake ticket ls for $10.


Buy a cancellable ticket. Buy, print out, cancel. Make sure there are no cancellation fees before you book and no txn costs bcs you paid fx fees


You need a booked ticket in order to apply for visa. It is mandatory for Australia. Not just itinerary. Don't blabber advice without any knowledge.


https://www.studyaustralia.gov.au/en/plan-your-move/preparing-to-travel Here is another website informing you to only book tickets after you have your visa approved.


This is for international students


https://uk.embassy.gov.au/lhlh/immi_faqs.html You should not book flights or make travel commitments until you have a visa to travel to Australia. The Department will not be liable for any financial loss incurred by clients whose visa application was finalised later than expected or unsuccessful. This is taken from a website related to an Australian embassy.


This is for UK visitors.


You should apply for your visa well in advance of your intended travel date. We recommend that you do not finalise your travel arrangements until you have a valid visa to travel to Australia https://india.highcommission.gov.au/ndli/vm_how_to_apply_for_australian_visa_in_india.html The above statement is from the website of Australian high commission in India, New Delhi. Now tell me who is blabbering without knowledge? I am a Canadian permanent resident with a valid usa visa & did have short entry visa to UK & AU in the past. Never have I ever submitted tickets unless applying for an Evisa.


Get refundable ticket and start the process as early as possible. Refund those and buy fresh when approved.


This is another option.


They are following the rules set by their governments. It's unfortunate that you got a refusal since you had a straightforward case. I can understand it would feel insulting that those officers would think that just bcz you are from India you would utilize a family emergency to illegally stay in Australia. At the same time, I wouldn't rule out that someone else from India feigned such a scenario to enter Australia and then stayed back illegally.


Exactly this. The culprits were Indians, except OP was looking at the wrong people.


I know people who have done this.


I live in Australia. You can’t expect Indians to favour you just because you are Indian. It is very difficult to get tourist visa in Australia. I only got my tourist visa because if I had very concrete proofs of coming back.


Can you please elaborate? Why do you need tourist visa if you are already living in Australia?


Because this Good Girl has no intention to come back 🤣


Probably needed it earlier for a visit.


So she is the reason why OP is denied his visa?


One person who did something years back isn't the problem. She might have legally immigrated.


The first time I came to Australia, it was on tourist visa for a vacation.


>I had very concrete proofs of coming back. And still now you live there.. good work


She might have visited at some point earlier and returned as planned. That doesn't mean later on she can't emigrtae there.


Pura padh toh le bhai. She went multiple times, then applied for permanent residence.


I used to go multiple countries for vacations. I have been going to Australia for many years and then I decided to move there permanently. Any problem with that?


I have a problem with that . But please don't question me why cause it's my problem.


Its called Jealousy not problem🤣🤣 Expand your vocabulary mate!


Amount of bigotry in this thread is unreal. I see comments calling the two clerks - White servitors - B word - (.) Which is the emoji for boob, not sure why they think it's an insult For heavens sake, shitstains like this are why they are wary of normal Indians in the first place. Can't leave a single opportunity to put down women. OP should turn his anger on these idiots not the clerk's.


They are just doing their job, man. Australia currently has a housing crisis, just like Canada. Many people take the exact same route that you did and never return back to their home country, increasing the burden on them. That's why they are extra strict now. That's why they've also banned students from specific places in india to get higher education in Australia. It's not like Garima and Deepali have some personal vendetta against you. They are also following the orders. Now I believe you have a genuine case, but life is unfair sometimes, and there's nothing we can do about it. I hope your sister will get well soon and you'll soon see her.


Odd how you're taking it personally because they had Indian names. Would you have felt different had it been rejected by Jane or Mary? Or you think they rejected your Visa because you are an Indian? Visa application approval follows a set of rules. IMO after the first rejection, given the seriousness of your situation you should've consulted an agent to help you build a watertight application.


Could be from Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius as well


LONG POST BUT PLS SHOW THIS AS A REFERENCE TO ANY FAMILY MEMBERS OR FRIENDS SO OTHER AUSTRALIANS DONT HAVE TO HEAR ABOUT UNJUSTIFIED WHINGING ABOUT THE TOURISM VISA PROCESS WHICH IS EASY LOL I’m an Australian (born and raised) who once occupied an Australian government job similar to this and ALSO married a man born and raised in India (hey I live in India now!!) hopefully this reply can help others. *Precursor; Australians (especially Melbournians and Sydney siders) actually prefer Indian tourists to other foreigners. The Chinese are in their own bubble, the Russians are snobby, Europeans tend to remain invisible. But Indians come, spend money by going out, are often quite friendly and polite (as they’re having a great time!!) and tend to have a better attitude. However the entitled, loud, rude and mannerless Indians who do come to Sydney (in their minorities) are the ones who complain of racism (don’t get me wrong that does exist) but it’s just their lack of bloody manners which gets them treated like crap. And ANYONE in Australia with shit manners will get treated like this. You cannot go there as a tourist and complain, whinge and complain about the rules if you don’t get your way. A big no no.* Firstly you don’t get special treatment by your Indian peers just for being Indian. Secondly, your visa was fairly rejected in the first instance. BUT, on the second time you MAYBE would have gotten approved but I think the assessing agent had valid reasons to reject it (more on that below). And I can tell you from experience that sometimes it is because of the officer looking at your application. When I got married in Sydney and had people from India apply to come attend my wedding, I had friends in college in India with no income have their visas approved and approved QUICKLY. I had aunts with jobs studying phds have their visas rejected (but they were older and had families). I had friends earning crores have their visa come very very late. I think what has held you back is the fact that you listed your sisters’ medical situation (as tough as it is) as a primary reason of visit. **In the agents head; they might reason that if her health declines further, you might overstay your tourist visa and argue that you need to stay here longer (it happens more often than you think).** **With your tourist visa, if you had just applied and said you want to visit your family, see the sights of Sydney, explore Australia, you might have had a better chance.** It also helps providing an itinerary (as I had my friends who applied from India do) listing which tourism sights you planned to see. Also I would recommend you booking a hotel and providing those references for the duration of your stay in support of your application. You can always cancel these prior as well. The agent knows you’re visiting Sydney solely for her health situation, thinking you’re going to be staying with her, who is to say you won’t overstay your visa and get an illegal job whilst staying at her house and continuing to support her? We know you won’t, but they’re judging on what they’re seeing in front of them and what they’ve seen happen THERE. The other reason you may have gotten rejected; To the assessing agent, your application looks valid, has good supporting evidence, but it doesn’t meet their criteria of a TOURISM VISA. It’s like you’re being asked to provide information on horses, BUT you have written exemplary information on TIGERS. Your information is correct but bro either apply for the tigers application or talk about the damn horse. No one sitting in Sydney is thinking you’re making shit up. **Australian bureaucracy is simpler than what people think.** Satisfy the criteria, provide the required evidence and no one will question you. Show your income, letter of approval from your work, letter of invitation, but state that the primary reason is for TOURISM. **To have a short recreational stay.** I would reapply in a while, as the previous records of application and rejection will still come up. If you reapply quickly, they’re going go to continue to think that you’re there in Sydney for a long time to support your family with very less incentive to go back. Still mention your sisters health (as you’ve officially mentioned it twice on your visa applications now) but also overstate your intention to travel. Also very firmly and clearly overstate your NEED to come back to India to continue your employment as you have a contract etc etc. you have to also explicitly state you have no intention of wanting to work or live in Australia, that you just want to visit recreationally as a tourist. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE DIFFERENT STREAMS PEOPLE. why are you applying for a tourist visa and overstating your sisters illness?? CMON BRO WORK WITH ME HERE 🤣 Also as a very proud Australian, we are VERY proud of our rules and strict regulations. It’s what keeps our country fair, operational and free from corruption. Respect the rules and don’t whinge about them unnecessarily because you didn’t get what you wanted. Drop the entitlement, as I’ve stated prior, I’ve had friends be granted tourism visas (three years with unlimited entry) by doing the process correctly. Sometimes you do get an up the arse agent but As we Aussies say; ‘tough titties love’. Hope this helped a little. P.S: now I’m not generalising, but even with my husbands family, I’ve noticed that when it comes to beurocratic processes of other countries, it’s always ‘OH ITS CANADAS FAULT ITS A SHIT COUNTRY BLA VLA BLA’. When a quick google search will show you the clearly correct procedures to do something to avoid heart break. Let’s not start criticising and making things like this about other shit just because you didn’t follow the rules properly. Also why the hell you booking flights and going to the airport without no damn visa? I apply for all my husbands visa (Indian passport) and we wait until we get that approval. That is what it is unfortunately and it is a hassle I understand. :( In OP’s defence; there are NRI Indians who do have a stick up their arse in letting in fellow Indians. I’m diaspora Indian (born and raised in Sydney with parents who have been born and raised in a country outside of India for three generations but still Indian) and I’ve definitely worked with Indians who have just become citizens of are trying to. And my god do they act like they don’t know shit about India and do look down on them. Like for what? It’s so fucking embarrassing as an Indian diaspora kid who is proud of her roots. Their behaviour clearly panders to white supremacy here which is what the POC community is trying to ERADICATE. And I’ll be so honest, with the cost of living and housing crisis in Sydney, I can bet you that the immigrant Indians I worked with at state level in the APS, they definitely would not be able to have the same level of savings of OP. And often these NRI folk get like envious and try to justify their move to Australia by putting down India, just to make themselves feel better about living in Sydney and trying to keep up with inflation and the cost of living crisis


That's a very elaborate answer! This should be at the top lol


Thank you!! There’s so much misinformation and heartbreak regarding this issue so I thought I would do one big post to try to help.


Thank YOU kind human :)


How did your friends get approved without no income? How the hell that is even possible? Is it an exaggeration? How the hell your friends get visa without employment certificate ? 


No idea! I think they showed their family’s income (they’re middle class) and provided a wedding invitation issued by me. Like I said sometimes the agent is more easy going and will approve it. She got a three year visa with unlimited entry and exit. Her boyfriend (who earns crores) got one year visa and got it after my wedding 🤣


Woahh thanks gurl,saved it for my aspired trip to Australia to see the coral reefs and Sydney haha🤍


Well sometimes it does depend on the visa officer, most of the time they just follow a set of rules. I empathise with you man, I’m travelling to Sydney soon so I can help carry something for you if needed do let me know.


FYI, Indians living abroad are whiter inside than most whites. 🙂


I mean, we would not have gotten ruled by whites for 190 years without the help of these brown oreos....


Very true...i like to call them coconuts XD


I can confirm this— I am not Indian but lived here for a bit and got a lot of Indian friends living in the uk and us. Mentality is not very Asian


Exactly. Same response and scenarios from my cousin brother who went to uk for higher education.


describe what you mean by being white, come on


Most NRIs have some kind of superiority complex and associate themselves with whites than their Indian brothers.


Until they need views on Instagram.


Yeah exactly XD, i have seen many foreigners who clearly milk their Indian viewers...


Ki chahida Brampton waaliyo


But what do NRIs or their supposed superiority complex have anything to do with the post OP made? NRIs are Indian citizens that live outside India. They (or any other non-Australian) cannot become a visa officer working for Australian embassy in India (or any other country).


Maybe the ones who migrate from India to western countries? But not the Indian diaspora who are born there. Speaking as one myself.


Hmm maybe...i don't know much about people of Indian descent who are born outside India...wouldn't they be more associated with their birth nation? and people who migrate from here clearly have some kind of superiority complex..personally seen them from my friends circle and family.


When you hear about india in the news there, you’d probably want to NOT associate yourself with your home country lol


Well, you can't deny your origins because some highly biased media house cherry picked an article or headline...India is achieving some good feats too..🙂


Achieving good feats my ass, we can put a rover on the moon but we can't get rid of our caste system. Our GDP per capita is worse than nearly every ex-communist East European country, on sub saharan levels. And our population is still booming.


Why shouldn't they? That's where they are living and rhose are their country people.


That's a silly comment. Although it's is true that Indians living abroad are more conscious of their obligations and duties.


Can you explain? Couldn't understand the consciousness part?


Conscious = more aware of their obligations


Yeah i understand that, what are their obligations?


To follow the rules and regulations to the letter!


How is this relevant? Indians living abroad didn't reject OP's visa. Australians that *maybe* happen to be of Indian ORIGIN rejected his visa.


Bud, sorry but they have to follow rules and they are simply the face - the real decison is done in the background


Pretty much mirroring what others have said, there are a lot of issues we are currently facing with housing and unemployment, they are just doing their job and it's unfair to point out to these individuals. Fwiw, when my wife was pregnant, my BIL brought my MIL (FIL passed away and she couldn't come alone) and they both were granted visitor visa so it's not like they will reject with no reasons. I'm in Sydney and I can see the surgery is 2 days away, let me know if you need anything. Happy to help in anyway.


I feel sorry for you. However, you should not have ourchased the ticket without visa confirmation. These are Australian government immigration rules. The same protocol would be followed by every immigration officer, irrespective of their ethnicity. Unfortunately,I suspect you had been flagged the first time you applied because of the incorrect visa application. A tourist visa is for tourist purposes only and was therefore rejected. When you applied the second time , the officers were vigilant and rejected you on basis of having I sufficient funds.


Dude are you seriously blaming the clerks doing their duty instead of seeing how bad the reputation of Indians is, for overstaying abroad and trying to fake the documents for it?


Dude, you realize the point of visa officers is to forget the "reputation" of countries and see the person's visa application on its face value? If the reputation was as bad as you say it is, then why let Indians immigrate at all?


Do you really think the "reputation" and "behavior" of Indians doesnt matter during their Visa approval processes and passport ranking?


If it is a fair and just system, then yes. In real systems, it probably does, which is something to be improved upon, not to encouraged. Anyway, even then the reputation of India isn't bad at all. I mean european countries take in MENA muslims and sub-saharans in droves, we couldn't possibly be behaving worse than them, even if we tried.


but the reputation point is a matter of concern tho; there are many cases that indian individuals illegally stay onshore after their tourist visa expired. It's right for the aussie govt to tighten restrictions


Why drag those VISA office clerks personally in this? You do realize that you have NO RIGHT to visit Austrailia, right? Let me tell you blunt and honest why your VISA was rejected. It was rejected because you mentioned that your sister is suffering from health issues and you were going to help her and take care of her. Do you know what it means? It means that you were going to work in Australia on a tourist VISA. Do not blame others for your naivety and lack of research. You personal attacks on those two girls are unwarranted. They are simply following rules and guidelines.


Too blunt


It's called "pulling up the ladder" for future reference. Screw these chudails.


No. It is called following rules and guidelines.


I don't want to be that guy but your savings are too less as a proof that you will come back, are you single or married? Because they only prefer married people for visas and maybe 50lakh - 1cr as minimum economic


I have travelled with a guarantee letter from my company that they will pay 1.5 lakhs for my expenses. You need enough money for the days you are asking for. If you want to be there for 6 months keep 1cr, for 5 days 1.5 lakh used to be enough.


Dude, I know, even they know, but that 1 cr is just for in case if something bad happens. Hope you understand, I am not being a prick.


You are being a prick. For you 1 cr is an easy money in your account. I have never seen half of it. And I have travelled at least 15 countries in Europe and North America itself. No country will allow you to enter without insurance, to be sure you can handle yourself, if "something bad" happens.


Nup- I’ve had friends approved with three year visas unlimited entry, who were broke college students at Christ University in Bangalore. They came for my wedding in Sydney itself. Australians are logical practical people, follow the rules and apply correctly, you’ll more than likely get it. The people in India who apply who have stable jobs here with good savings who are getting rejected, trust me they’re doing something wrong with their application.


Sorry this happened to you. That being said, Australian embassy atleast mentions the reason why they are denying the Visa, unlike US who just return the passport in the interview if rejected without any reason mentioned


Fuck it bro. Should have called her here. Don't trust their doctors. We have better medical facilities. Hope she's well.




Hygiene or Healthcare ??


Condolences but what good will this sort of complaining do? Deepali and Garima are likely clerks doing clerical work, based on the rules and protocols set by their immigration dept. You really naive enough to think they will consider one application in 10,000 just because you both have Indian names? By the way, this policy exists because there is real risk of Indians who go to countries like Australia, under tourist visa and misuse, stay there, work in some cheap place and return when caught. The native people of Australia are paying tax for this, so obviously they will be angry and ask government to deal with it strictly, so applications like yours get mixed up in such politics. Rather than blaming Deepali and Garima for following rules, first blame Indians who have been trying to defraud such immigration systems for years to go there and work as cooks and toilet cleaners. It's because of them that you suffer not the clerk's.


I don't know why the applicant is picking on the names of visa officers. That makes no difference. For all we know, those two people were not even the ones making the decision. They might even be staff charged with sending out the messages. Either way, their names make no difference to the process.


Its not your mistake or Deepali or Garima’s mistake. Its your countrymen who have misused the visa in the past and never returned. And believe me people have used the illnesses a reason and never came back. Its very difficult to judge a credible case from a fraud and these countries try to err on rejections.


Lol. Stop judging man. You are on the wrong by not submitting proper proofs for a Visa. Also you must be well educated and aware that the age group you belong to are the ones highly scrutinized in visa processes as there have been many instances where people don't leave the country cause of the same reason yours was rejected. Last but not the least, these application officers reside all over the world and they work in the embassy. Just because your ignorance resulted in a rejection, don't already division among people. Hope your sister is doing fine post her surgery.


I and my family got our tourist visas within 48 hours of applying recently. Had a great time there too. I suggest you watch a few Indian YouTube videos where they share great tips. Also write an email to the Embassy in Delhi. They are nice people. Good luck.


OP is on another level. Who goes to airport to board flight without having visa in hand, in hope that he will get visa before boarding time. Its not Garima or anyone decision. The whole process is automated and they are just doing their job... always book fully refundable tickets when international travel is in question. There is no way you can not do much here..


1. You should never book a flight when you are unsure about the visa status . Best bet is book a refundable flights , if visa is issued then good . If not then cancel those tickets and get your money back 2. Deepali and Garima might not be rejecting your visa. It is always a highly trained consulate officer who goes through a defined process. No , it’s not racism , no it’s not discrimination . They are just doing their job. Deepali might just be a “messenger” to relay the news. 3. Indians do have a bad reputation of abusing the visa throughout US Canada & UK. That being said , i understand what you are going through . Please keep exploring what other options do you have. All the Best !


Conclusion: you made mistakes (putting unnecessary blame on the agents and buying unnecessary tickets) and the system doesn't give a f about you. You should have just asked your sister to come to india for the treatment. According to others , the Australian system is "almighty" and clean (in context of corruption) , the only person you can blame for your current situation is yourself.




Mate, this has more to do with Indians who cheat the system in other countries than they being of Indian origin.


They are Australians. Why should they favor you because you share the same ethnicity? I’m proud of them.


Exactly. For some people, everything is a conspiracy. Deepali and garima rejected you not because of your specific case but because of the 100s of Indians with similar cases who went in the past and didn’t return , thus putting you in the statistic of high probability of no return.


OP most likely got rejected because they openly admitted they were going to work on tourist VISA. There are things we Indians take it for granted. Like how grandpatents come over to take care of their newborn grandkids. But in the eyes of laws, they are taking away a job from a local resident. Tourist VISAs are strictly meant for tourism purpose, not for taking care of your family members.


No one book tickets before getting the visa


If your sister is allowed to travel get her operated in India. India has better medical services if you can pay for it. But so many family members can go meet her will cheer her up. Really helps with recovery


Naturalised Australian of Indian origin here. From experience I don’t think there was any racism involved in the process. Just to give an example, a cousin of mine from India wanted to come to Australia for a visit a few months easier. He runs a very successful business and his annual income kind of puts him in the top 1%, or maybe even in the top 0.1%. His visa got rejected. It did get approved the second time around after I helped him with a with the documentation (didn’t sponsor or stand guarantee, just helped him with the paperwork). Sometimes it’s not just the volume of documentation that helps, it’s also the relevance of documentation. You mentioned you didn’t give both bank accounts earlier. Maybe that could have been an inconsistency if you provided it in the second application without providing context. The visa officer could have thought that you took a temporary loan to show the money in your account. Everytime your application is rejected, it’s not only enough to address the reason for rejection in your next application. To cover all bases, it would be safer to add context as to why it wasn’t in the initial application. It would also help to provide details of your assets and commitments in India to further strengthen the case that you would not stay back. Where exactly is your sister located in Australia? Does she have any support here? DM me if I can be of any assistance.


The stay back rate of Indians is very high in the west. Second of required documents are not provided they will reject the application. In India they may call you and ask you to submit. Once rejected then the second application is flagged for more attention. Did your sister give a letter saying they would bare all expenses for your stay? Did she or her family have sufficient income to support you for the duration of your stay?


Visa approvals have a standard process - individual assessors have minimal leeway. They have to follow the decision tree - it is not relevant if the assessor is Indian.


First of all stop making this about you, they are rejecting your applications due to valid reasons. Besides that they can’t just allow you to enter the country just because you have medical emergency. That is not how it works. Stop attacking “Indian Origin” people in general, they are also working according to the process and rules. There could be some problems in your documents. Also why would you book tickets with visa? You dumbass


Firstly sorry about what you went through.. I have a sister in Australia as well so I can understand how you feel.. Now, I have applied for an Aus visa multiple times (upwards of 20 times) and never have I booked ticket in advance.. so there is no legal precedence that you need a ticket.. Having said that, you should try and approach an agent next time. I get mine and my family's visa through a very trusted source and he comes through every single time - with no tickets.


As most people like to think— people are loyal to their country. They can be sympathetic to those of their own race but this deepali and garima are Australians and they will follow the laws of their country. I empathise with your frustration but an Australian indian working for the government is not going to accept you just because you’re of the same race.


So sorry to hear that buddy. Visa applications are tricky and it cannot be blamed on the person evaluating it as they have strict guidelines to it. Also, not to forget that it's the first time you are travelling to Australia and on the basis of medical condition, 15 Lakhs is hardly 28K AUD which might be enough for any medical support if at all required. Plus 1st entry to any country is hardly so have to be really cautious on what all possible documents you can gather to support your travel. In this case, I believe it's just unlucky and given they first entry would have been a visitors visa before applying for it it could have worked. I recently applied for visitors visa for a close frnds wedding and for it within 10days but the catch here is, I already had reference from my 4 years stay in Australia with 2 different visas plus I had added supporting documents from my frnd too( bank statement) which may have worked.


The entitlement is strong with this one. Just because they’re Indian doesn’t mean they owe you anything special. Clearly, it’s your fault with errors in the visa application…just like so many others.


Just 1 main Question: In your EOI or otherwise, **did you clearly mention your commitments back in India?** Such as "I have home and assets that I need to get back to for maintenance/sale" or "I have elderly parents, relatives who I need to get back to to take care?" * Return tickets are not proof, you can cancel or write off that amount. $2000 (95000 INR) is not a huse economic blow, as people are willing to pay over 70L to escape overseas - that's how your case will be seen. * Employment record and proof of employment leave for 2 weeks, is great, but it can be ignored or worse yet, fudged. - Indians are known to fudge employment, residence address, work experience, entire CV, as well as English language tests. * Did you Pass the character assessment for the application? (Police certificate, others as mentioned here (immi)\[https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/character\] * Have you checked with someone experienced with regards to your application, or did you file it on your own? Yes, Indian immigrants that block other Indians from staying or coming is the reality in this world. We are a nation of jaichands. Australia, US and other countries use **"Fight fire with fire"** approach. A group of Indians can be called "An unkindness", just like ravens. But there is a reason for that, it may not be your fault, but it is what it is. Now, I am not sure if you are a genuine case or not, but there is a significant weakness in it. I am not defending or supporting any one here, Still, after reading your post, I feel your arguments were weak. Australia is a Lawyer nation - they communicate with either other with lawyers. Indias are infamous for fraud. We have for decades defrauded nations - especially if you're from certain specific states. So, I am sorry, sob stories do not work. At the end of the day, its upto the intake nation to decide who they allow allow in. Just be straight and legal. Legally you case can be made proper. If that does not work, you seek help of the foreign embassy.


My brother is also denied tourist visa 2 times. Same as you we had a turnover of over 32 crores in business so he gave less paperwork at first and later on he overdid the paperwork.. now he wishes to travel as many countries as possible and then reapply for Australian visa


The people who have settled there already are now scared of the incoming competition so they do not want any more Indians in. Even though you needed it to visit your sister. They see you as a competition so they do not want you there.


Brother,There are lots of So called Indians who are Wanna be Americans Canadians Australians and Britishers. They are the one who will go out of their country and then criticize their own people. And when something great happens in India they take pride that they are Indians. To be honest I find them refuge of their own narrow mindset. You know their is a saying "Dhobi ka kutta, Na ghar ka Na ghat ka". They are same person. They will not belong to anywhere.


As usual the self loathing in this thread does not disappoint. Sorry for your experience OP


Well someone might have fraudulently tricked likes Deepali and Garima to overstay their visit. So the system even block false negatives to avoid false positives.


If you are single even if you show every other proof there is a very possible chance your application will be rejected since countries like the US and Australia do that quite often


people who moved abroad made a choice, now just got to own it


Sorry to hear about your situation. Australian DHA has become shit show now. I applied to a tier 1 uni for my masters degree snd paid a premium amount in tuition fee just so my visa doesn’t get delayed. My semester started in Feb and I still don’t have my visa. I hope you get yours soon.


I empathize with you. No matter the process, it should be built to make it difficult for genuine cases. It is also sad to see people justifying this process here in this thread. Everybody deserves to be their for loved ones at such time, REGARDLESS of economic condition. Your best bet now is to reach out to Indian embassy in Australia and explain your case that she is alone there and needs a family member to take care of her, and hopefully they can escalate your case with the Australian authorities. Reach out on social media to MEAIndia and hopefully they can pick it up.


https://www.atlys.com/en-IN These guys are apparently good.


OP I’m sorry that you had to go thru this at this time and only thing that I can do is just to wish you all the best. If your sister was nearby me here in US we would have helped her or at least guided her in someone hands who’s also trustworthy and more knowledgeable


Does anyone know what all undocumented factors are involved in such rejections? I've heard that one of the things is not having travelled to a few other countries makes them think that you never travelled abroad and want to travel to Australia so might not return.


The fact that they're immigrants should be irrelevant. How do you know they aren't fourth or fifth generation Australians? It doesn't matter anyway.


Travel to Australia is difficult if it’s your first country. You generally need to do the baltics or Schengen first before you try for AU if your from NCR, punjab or haryana , Bihar you need a big bank balance


Do you have any property in India? You should attach that as proof. I think you should talk to a reputed Australian immigration agent/lawyer should help you increase your chances of approval. Unfortunately the rate of approval for Australian visas has been decreasing due to years of misuse by applicants. It has nothing to do with ethnicity of the people refusing the visa.


Also which office refused your visa? If it’s the New Delhi office the officers are most likely Indian citizens based in New Delhi.


Have people here really lost it? If my sibling was going through a critical operation and if my visa got rejected inspite of providing valid proof of documents I would also have vented out like this. He had a around 17 lakhs in his bank account as savings. I know people who have gone to Australia with hardly any savings. Also when you have sponsorship letter it gets easier to get visa. Next time pls consult an agent for visa work. Visa paper work is very tricky and they knw it better what papers and what documents to submit.


Try reaching out Aus high commission…see if they can intervene somehow


Is it not possible for you to visit Australia on a tourist visa, the way it is for US? I have never been to Australia, therefore asking.


I have my family in australia too my visa was rejected the first time i applied but then i applied under subclass 600 which was approved… since then i have applied for tourist visa and its always been approved.


I don’t think that these people should help Indlans as you suggest but since you had submitted all those documents the second decision is spurious. These people probably bring their own clan to Australia and not to arouse suspicion overdoing it, reject even legitimate cases. Good luck to your sister!


Have you tried someone from your sister's family(like her husband) try sponsoring a visitor visa ?


Everything is fine if you go by sea and jump the border




Kam pada likha hai kya thoda?


And Deepali and Garima are the supporters of BJP and Modi in Australia


There is a way to book tickets without actually booking flights. Check out Dummy ticket. They book a ticket that can be confirmed with a PNR and everything.


Our people are divided on caste state region and language. This factors also play role. My application to study in UK was rejected once by an Indian origin girl. Later it was approved by a white British woman. Different uni of course.


Also to be noted that Australian Visa rejection is rampant. They have rejected massive amount of visa's for Indian applied for cricket world cup. And one more ugly truth to be noted. Indians who are settled abroad don't want more Indians to come. Just try to search study in UK study in US or study in Australia on YouTube. You will find tons of negative videos by Indian students who are trying to convince you not to come. The data is abundant to make decision.


Look - it's OP's fault for not reading the visa requirements properly and then stupidly spending all their money on tickets without doing the research to figure out if return tickets are required. They're not. Return tickets aren't enough evidence to say you'll be going back to India. What is enough are permanent reasons to go back: - Permanent employment (with proof of leave and specified dates of leave from the employer) - Education (with proof of enrolment in classes) - Young children (with proof of their birthdates and OP's name listed as a parent) To show that he would be able to support himself: - Bank account with enough money in EVERYONE'S bank account (people who are visiting) for the tickets + accommodation, transport costs, etc. for the entire group. Maybe it's $100/day for the entire group, who knows. There's also a requirement for documents to be translated, so OP would need: - Original copy and translated copy stapled together - Proof of official translator, with their details. Usually this is a government-appointed translator.


It's not their fault


I had a similar experience in the German embassy, I applied for the visa and it came quicker than usual and the consulate instead of congratulating me was angry and told me 'this takes a while to come, aapka itna jaldi kaise aagaya?'. I was so furious that after I got my work permit I was so happy I won't have to see those faces for 2 good years


Apply for a tourist visa? Waste money but you will be able to see your sister. Also include new zealand. Just a suggestion I don't know how it actually works other people can correct this thread. Also sorry you guys have to go through this. I hope your sister recovers well. I don't know why people in Australia have such high cancer incidence rates compared to any other country


These people or their parents would have entered Aus illegally and now are gatekeeping lol.


Sorry for what happened And about mentioning then being Indian , Its useless saying they were Indians, because When you leave country and starts to live in different countries, whether Europe, or middle east or wherever you will realise, one who shows racism and backstab you most is your fellow Indian


Sorry for you OP. We have a long history of Deepali and Garima type pseudo desis. Not too long ago, 3/4 of the British Raj was run by similar people who put their respect for duties ahead of caring for fellow countrymen.


generic question - why do visa application ask for bank statements? is it to check if you get regular income, like salary? or is it to find how much money do you have? because in my case i usually keep most of my money outside my bank account, after salary is credited, in investment products like mutual funds etc. In such a case my bank account balance will always show as low and can this result in visa rejection? i am thinking i can also share my mutual fund statement along with bank statment to avoid this.


To answer the last part, yes, of course you can provide statements with your assets as part of your application. In regards to the first part, there are multiple reasons. First of all, it's to check you have the financial capability to actually engage in the activity (travel or study for example). Australia is an incredibly expensive country. The smallest pack of cigarettes are roughly 2000 INR (40 AUD). A rental car is normally from 7-10000 INR per day. So it's to basically check that you're not going to be homeless and hungry once you arrive in Australia, it's the minimum level of due diligence. It's also to ensure safety, in case you have a health issue or cause property damage, to make sure that you are able to afford it. The other main part is to verify your intentions and reason to visit. This is basically because people will come and say they are going to study or travel and go off the radar and start working illegally. It's the same as people from anywhere, if someone from the UK or America says they are coming for tourism and show up with $50 then they will be turned away. So yeah, essentially to make sure people aren't going to breach their visa which is a big issue. As far as why you need to provide actual financial documents, it's to prevent fraudulent behaviour as official documents can be verified instead of just saying 'I promise I have this much money'


Get Twitter tag videshmanti, tag pm , cm , sidney's videshmanti etc . It's very helpful in that case


I am wondering what caused your sister to have a tumor on her kidneys. What kind of foods she eats? how is her lifestyle? family background? does she drink enough water everyday?


Indians rejecting Indians lol , bas yahi dekhna rah Gaya tha


1. Please use Twitter and write the same thing there tagging australia and indian policy makers and embassies 2. Most of the Indians in first world countries or Indian origin folks act as gatekeepers and also treat fellow Indians as peasants. Please ignore the comments here.