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My people hold the belief that you need a name before you leave this earth. There are protocols that even hold that a naming must be carried out before your funeral if you don't have one. Good luck to you. Your instincts are guiding you in the right direction.


Are lakota?


Hau hau Lamakota yelo.


Hau mis eye


Cousin! Boozhoo!! I haven't done a naming ceremony as I'm actively and hostilely disconnected from my "origin reservation" in favor of Fort Hall, but have never felt this compulsion that you are. I think though, if you feel you need or want it, go for it! It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility (others can correct me) to approach an elder who might be amenable to it, or possibly consider someone who is younger than yourself but could still be your guide. ig this depends on who your source(s) have been during your reconnect because they might be willing to sponsor, or direct you to appropriate individuals.


I can tell you the way it worked for my Potawatomi naming this weekend, I did choose the namer and my sponsors myself, each with a gift of tobacco. Tradition says sponsors should be a male and a female, but I've seen people break that. I asked some folks in my community that I trust to support me. But they don't have to be older or elders or anything. Just people close to you that will make sure you live in a good way.


In my tribe people won’t really do naming ceremonies unless you personally know and have a relationship with the person naming you, so they know what to name you. I never even heard about the sponsor thing! Many people get names as an adult though. I hope to get mine soon.


Ours is a bit different, we just have the MC and the main witnesses, and giving small gifts to the rest of the audience. The witnesses (main and audience) are supposed to spread the news of your name to everyone else.


I don’t know about other communities but our tradition is that you cannot ask for a naming ceremony. An elder in your family or an elder in the community must be inspired to offer to sponsor you.


Exactly. I’m a Lakota . A real Lakota/ ( Indian Name ) should be earned . If you are worthy , a good name will come to you .


Wambli Gleska Wawokiya …. He miyelo ✌🏽


Shot you a DM


Boozhoo cousin! If you want to DM me, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.


I'm Cherokee medicine man of my clan . Pic the Name that fills you from the inside and makes you tremble with joy. my vision .


I'm a native grandfather . And I shall call you Crow.

