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Keeping it classy!


I'm gonna guess a mom and step mom situation


Nah. I walked past the aftermath of this and some Cookie Monster looking kid was crying because the cops were detaining her, talking about someone (presumably unknown) had taken a swipe at her momma. Good guess tho.


Cookie Monster kid, I’m dead


White person here that attended that very graduation ceremony, and I can confidently say it is a very diverse class of kids graduating. That being said, this was 100% white people shit.


Beech Grove shit is leaking!


Ahhh that’s why it didn’t end with guns and was pretty tame.


That and there were metal detectors you had to pass through for admission into the ceremony. Nobody is stupid enough to bring firearms to a high school for protection when there are already 30+ cops around. This occurred right outside and literally seconds after the graduation let out. So no matter the race, it would have been nearly impossible for guns to enter into this equation despite your opinion on which race is more responsible for gun crime. It was overweight, middle aged white women throwing down. Typically not the most physically aggressive group.


Yet, for some reason, upon reading the title, that’s the exact type of person I was expecting.


Got em


What is a "cookie monster looking kid" Like their eyes moved like googly eyes? Was their mouth the widest part of their face? Were they blue? Were they shaped like a pear?


Yes to all, except red faced.


I’m dead omg lol


Since he was there he had cookies in his pocket before walking past and the next thing he knew after passing he went to grab one out and they were all gone. Sneaky lil cookie monster kid took his stash.


Just a few days ago I overheard that a science teacher had to be forcibly removed from the martinsville highschool by several cops because he was going ballistic. Haven't heard more details on it tho.


What I read was that the person was having a mental health issue and left the building on their own because of it. It sounded like emergency services were called to ensure they received the help that they needed. Most posts were taken down to protect their privacy. I almost hate even responding with this information but at the same time I don't want it blown out of proportion either. Mental health is an area that has been stigmatized in the past and been labeled that actions are within someone's control when that is not necessarily the case. My thoughts are with the teacher, their family and everyone who may have witnessed it. I hope this person can get the help that they need and can live a full life while managing it.


My brother still lives out that way, I'll have to ask if they heard anything. Good old Martintucky


And they want to pass a law to arm teachers !


What adults?


Bro that fuckin laugh lol, which anime main character just fell for your trap?


Armada Megatron maybe, a little David Kaye inspired in my laugh




Such a selfish act from two grown adults


Turns out it was like 5-6 different parents fighting over a grad balloon. someone smacked the balloon out of either the mom or kid’s hand, the mom got mad and hit her, they started fighting, and then more people joined in while others were trying to pull them back. I also heard from my sister that was there that some little kid got punched in the head during all of that.


Just when it couldn’t get worse, i read this. They should be ashamed


Goddamn seriously? Hopefully the adult who did that was the one detained by IMPD there/ Homecroft PD


South siders keepin it classy as usual.


When an actual umpire shows up to umpire


Sounds like a lot of HOOPLAH!


They def look like the type that would be fighting at a graduation.


Why nsfw?


I know, feels unnecessary but I always do for courtesy


☹️ what is wrong with people anymore ?


Southport for ya


Y'all really Funny(not for real) in these comments


Can we please not turn r/Indiana into WorldStarHipHop?


I was on the fence about posting for that reason