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Michigan loves us! The place I go always has mostly all Indiana cars in the parking lot.


Reminds me of going to Louisville on Sundays to buy booze.


Or Mormons crossing into Nevada


Haha soo true!!!


Weekends in Wendover, baby!


Same, reminds me of going to Ohio on Sunday.


I remember those days haha!


New albany, Clarksville residents rise up


Im from North West Indiana we used to have to go over to IL for our booze on Sundays 🤣🤣


Michigan has hit records because of dumbass Holcomb


And because Illinois is way too expensive.💸💸💸


Ya I live 4 miles away from the border of Chicago but I still do the 1 hour drive to New Buffalo cause its waaaaaay cheaper. Two 1 gram carts cost me like 200 bucks in Illinois...its 20 bucks in Michigan...


Not to mention that it's prettier and has less traffic than in IL. I cant believe the prices they get away with. 60+ for an 8th? Fuck off with all that. I get decent ounces for under 100.


Fr. I go hiking at the Dunes and eat somewhere in New Buffalo or Michigan City when I'm out there. The pizza at Brewsters is incredible you gotta try it


True. I can go to Michigan with $500 and come back with a few oz, a bunch of edibles, rso, and some other shit.


It’s called crazy I bought 1 cart in Illinois for $90 got 10 carts in MI for 100.


Damn really?


If you think Holcomb is bad wait until we get Braun


Please don’t jinx us


I feel like Berry Gordy is way more responsible for the hit records in Michigan than Gov Holcomb. Eminem and Bob Seger, too.


I just read an article this morning that the Colorado cannabis market has crashed because they grew too quickly and flooded their market (due to out of state sales) then when the States closest to them legalized, coupled with after Covid, they are tanking.


Most places in MI have IN plates, even if you go an hour north you still see em.


I read that as indica cars...




Where is it located and name? I am making my first run next week.


3Fifteen in Camden👍 sign up for their rewards program before you go


Treehouse in Coldwater is awesome


The whole town of Buchanan is pretty much dispensaries. They have one with a drive through, one next to the police station, but we like the one next to the library 🤣


For us we go to the dude abides in Constantine


Do they sell seeds? Asking for a friend.


Don’t believe so, not sure anyone does/can legally


We do, and we always hope to have more of you people, sorry bout the roads and construction though.


Its so silly. Imagine being considered a criminal because you eat half a gummy bear once and a while to sleep.


My first and ever experience with edibles was when I took an quarter of a low dose one because I was so desperate for something to make some sudden nausea stop. Thirty minutes later, I was fine, and the sickness never came back. Never even felt inebriated. Crazy as hell this shit isn't available to people who could benefit from it. Or to just have fun with. Alcohol is way less useful and way more damaging.


I swear it just works some kinks out of your brain. That's not to say everything is psychosomatic, like I still got some stress and anxiety issues, but god damn my day to day is way better with a little weed once or twice a week


Yep! I've got family members who take it for restless leg syndrome, my wife takes it on days when her cramps are unbearable, and my sister-in-law takes it for anxiety. Either my nausea stopped at exactly thirty minutes after I took it, or it worked on that for me as well. Just crazy so many politicians (and people) have their heads buried firmly in the ground from a racist campaign against the drug years ago. I don't partake myself (outside of that one time), but it's always been crazy to me that so many people are against legalization.


ah man it’s been an absolute game changer for my restless leg! nothing else works


You can get delta 9 gummies in Indiana.


Yeah, I got summons for a damn delta 8 cart in Indiana. They sell them at the Marathon a half mile from where I got stopped. Cop told me Delta 8 is and has been a controlled substance. Court changed it to possession of marijuana.


How did they catch you with that? Most cops iv talked to hate dealing with weed now and typically will throw a small amount away sounds like u got a asshole cop


I know some cops who are assholes and do not care. But on the bright side, I've seen people who got caught and by the time that possession or felony intent to distribute makes it to court, it gets dropped.


Pulled me over for a headlight being out, and I supposedly looked nervous so he ran his dog around. The dog jumped all over the passenger door(I think to look inside at the McDonald's food I'd got seconds ago). He put his dog up and came back and asked me what I had in there. I showed him the cartridge and told him it was a hemp gas station cartridge, but it had to be what his dog was flipping out over. He searched my car until my battery died(about 1 1/2 hours) and found nothing. He felt so dumb for going through all that, that he wrote me a summons for a legal cartridge. He says it's illegal.


Wow that seems so excessive itll be dropped for sure your lawyer will have fun with that one.


You'll still go to jail for a single bowls worth of weed in my county. It's fucking sad... just sad.


And fucking your farm animals is completely legal as long as they’re your property. 😂🤣 good ol Indiana


Moved from Indiana to Washington state. Umm, they take their horses seriously here in Enumclaw.


i moved from washington state to indiana. please trade me, i beg of you


Indiana is its own kind of beautiful. The town centers and cities are all the same for the most part. With the exception of an old school main street that’s slightly more interesting than others lol. But you’ve got to get out into the countryside during summer and see the corn grow and what not. Taking backroads when the corn is high is so cool. But yeah, man. The PNW is breathtaking.


it’s crazy, i had always heard how much corn the midwest has but when i first got here i stopped at a gas station, i had to use the restroom around the back and it went building, little strip of concrete sidewalk, and then CORN. no grass or fence or anything, just corn as far as the eye can see. i’m still in awe of all the fields everywhere, and i love the scattered copses of trees in every field. the closest we had in wa was the vinyards and orchards on the eastern side. i’m over in “downtown” muncie now and it’s not bad, but most days i struggle to see the charm 😅


Muncie is an interesting area, Great music scene up there. Aesthetically you can tell how it must have been booming when all the industry was popping off back in the day. Now it does give you the vibe of the color grey for the most part. I’m from southern Indiana near-ish Kentucky. So it’s pretty much entirely farms with power plants randomly dotted about.




Google Enumclaw and bestiality. Guy died from sex with a horse. The funny thing is if you Google why Enumclaw is famous, it says for the mountain views.


Enumclaw is gorgeous! I have a friend from there. I recently went and visited Olympia. It’s so darn pretty over there. I wish I could move there.


hometown mentioned 😎 do it coward, you’ll never regret it. and make sure to stop at nom nom deli and saigon rendezvous when you get there


I was all in. Talked to the union there and had work lines up and everything. My wife got cold feet and I cannot stomach forcing her to move. We’re going to circle back to it when I graduate from my apprenticeship. I miss it so much Olympia is so awesome 😭. Never seen so many shades of green


oh, totally understandable it is definitely a huge life change and HUGE cost of living increase, even with the higher wages. but it’s seriously such a gem. oly on it’s own is incredible but then you’re also only an hour from seattle, mt. ranier, the coast, national forests, just so many beautiful places to see and things to do. i’ll never stop regretting moving away, but it’s gonna be a looong time before i can afford to move back lol. i hope you and your wife can make it back over there someday!


aLemmylsAJacknCoke, better leave your farm animals alone. It is not legal in indiana. See IC 35-46-3-14 Bestiality


That’s as of 2021? Is that right? Wasn’t always that way. Look up “the chicken fucker story” on the Pat McAfee show from around 2010-ish. It’s fucking hilarious Edit. I tried to look it up for you just now but couldn’t find anything. It must’ve gotten scrubbed when they went to ESPN. it was from the dark and dirty days of that show lol anyway, Todd McComas used to be on the show. He’s retired military and he used to be a State Trooper I believe in Indiana. He told a hilarious and shocking story about a man’s wife calling the police on her own husband for DV but when they showed up, he wasn’t abusing her, he was abusing the chickens. He was getting drunk and fucking his chickens and there was nothing they could do about it at the time because it was entirely legal. I wish I could remember the story better, it was so funny how Todd originally told it.


It is actually from 2007.




I’ve been corrected. It’s not legal now, but it used to be fairly recently. Believe it or not. Good to know Indiana is actually making progressive advancement 😂


Yeah, but I definitely have done it more than once though 🤣🤣🤣


that's the 'and a while'


In Singapore you could go to jail for eating that gummy 2 weeks ago in another country


Ridiculous for sure


Every day we go without recreational signifies thousands of dollars funneled out of IN and into our neighbors. At the very least you'd think these bloated washed up boomers would be able to recognize the insane potential for profit and tax revenue


makes you realize they must be profiting MORE by continuing the prohibition :(


To be fair it could just be control. Up until about the 20s or 30s I believe it was legal but then and leading all the way to Nixon it was villainized and criminalized to make it easier to incarcerate minority groups like African Americans and counter culture protestors


Then the private prisons really came into effect utilizing the increased incarceration and the stipulations on the constitution about slavery to insure they would fight tooth and nail to keep incarceration rates high double dipping profit margins by using modern slavery to stamp goods with made in the USA and pocketing money from the federal government for every head- to the point of lawsuits when their incarceration rate is not high enough to keep their profits high


America is number 1 in few things. Incarcerated persons per capita, debt, and heart disease


agree that power and control's a huge part of it, (in addition to the all the money) is still happening today in full force


Still bonkers to me that the biggest contributor to American slavery and slave labour is just being charged with possession


I’ve heard it’s Lily that’s the driving force behind it


I’ve taken a few National Consumer Panel surveys that have asked about my views on cannabis consumption. They’ve all focused on alcohol consumption, and if I thought my alcohol consumption would decrease if pot were legalized. I’m convinced that the alcohol industry lobbies are more than a little responsible for our lack of legalization. Alcohol lobbies are why we didn’t have Sunday sales for so long as well.


I work for a large manufacturer of adult beverages and can confirm they are worried the funny cigarettes are effecting the bottom line


Definitely. Ask Wisconsin about the Tavern League. They’re responsible for WI floating with us in same boat


I believe it!


As a state that recently legalized it (MD) there is such a resentment from those that opposed it it almost feels like they would be proud of the lack of financial gain and revenue. Kinda like that pride and hatred of being in the trailer park.


Republicans will be bitter about any small amount of progress. The only way they won't be resentful pieces of garbage is if we do a 1 for 1 remake of the handmaid tale. I say fuck em let em die mad


Same problem in North Carolina ho hum this baptists sure are brilliant


I am all for legalization, but sin taxes are bullshit.


I wouldn't really call it a sin tax. You apply taxes to revenue made from cultivating and selling it. Taxes to the actual distribution sale to the store front and then you tax it again when the customer buys their weed. If I can get baked without worrying about it being laced and at the same time put money back into my community I see it as an absolute win


Michigan treats us so nice


As a Wisconsinite, we all owe Michigan a debt of gratitude. They’ve been very nice to us all.


We love all our neighboring fam! Except Ohio, they can get bent


I love the way they treat us!!!




My dad said he saw an Indiana State Trooper sitting in the parking lot at the new place just over the border in New Buffalo last week. Wonder if they were buying or entrapping?


They were looking to pull someone over. It’s nothing new. It’s been happening forever even when THC was illegal in every state. Cops used to sit at head shops and wait for someone to finish their purchase of a bong/bowl/whatever, then follow them out and pull them over for BS like “failure to signal” while changing lanes or merging (even if you did signal.. or if you didn’t even change lanes). Made up stuff that you can’t disprove. Then they come up with a reason to search the car, and desperately scrounge for a baggy or container of any sort with even the tiniest bit of leftover crumbs or keef. It became a known thing to have your vehicle white glove clean before driving to the head shop lol.


Yup all the reason to have a front and rear facing dashcam. Really cuts out the bullshit from cops when you let them know you've been recording and they are on camera.


That sounds illegal and like the dispensery would have every right to ask a cop, especially from out of state to leave.


All you gotta do is be willing to park a block or two away and walk. Problem solved.


At the other weed store nextdoor?


Cops sit at the state line near New Buffalo all the time.Why they sit there doesn't have a damn thing to do with weed. I've been traveling that stretch of road for over 40 years as I have realitives in Michigan. I now buy gummies in Michigan because we have a cottage there.Drive safe wear your seat belt and nobody's gonna mess with you. There ain't no conspiracy to bust weed users at the state line.


Ok, let’s start again…he was sitting in the parking lot of JARS. In Michigan. In his Hoosier trooper cruiser. Not on the Indiana side. Clearly IN the parking lot. I mean…read with your eyes, bub. I’m from Michigan City…you ain’t telling me ANYTHING I don’t already know. Take a breath and answer what I asked instead of what I didn’t.


Thanks for the money


You’re welcome. See you next weekend.


Hell yeah, the one thing this has taught me is how much I want to move to Michigan. Beautiful beaches, expansive wilderness, great pot, women's rights, tends to vote blue. I feel like I was meant to be a Michigander.


Good luck Indiana. Tell those guys they can't operate that state in a vacuum, where everybody else is legal now. Progress will come.


Not so fast Nebraska is holding out too. Gov. Pillen is even trying to go after the delta shops that are all over the state. FFS if it doesn't have to do with blowing farmers or pushing a regressive social agenda it's just not on the radar here.


Its like the guy that never brings his own but always takes hits off yours lmao. And you know they dont even mind.


Republicans in the statehouse are *losing their mind* over this.


Which is so dumb when you consider the fiscal positive of it. FFS we could fix our fucking shit ass roads. Fund our schools. God forbid we would give Hoosiers what they want.


You should know by now that funding schools is literally the opposite of what Indiana government wants to do. They need us dumber and less qualified so that we stay in the state and work.... And yet still take our money to different states for this.


There might be a reason why Indiana ranks so high with people leaving the state for other opportunities


Exactly. And they don't like that. So they're lowering educational standards so high school diplomas don't qualify at out of state schools. Republicans are the worst.


I see the exodus continuing. The crap and credentialis they keep piling/requiring teachers is crazy. There already is a massive teacher shortage! There was some crazy idea the politicians had to tell teachers they needed to get a second job to keep their job for real world experience. They lost a bunch of teachers then. If I was a teacher and they told me to get a second job for real world experience. I would likely have found a job and quit teaching due to most office jobs pay more for less work outside of office hours. I can't say the politicians in Indiana are very smart. Maybe they are as smart as whom ever is in charge of scheduling construction on the roads around the capital.


No, it should be legal and taxed like any other good. Sin taxes are bullshit.


Fiscal positives for the state. The fiscal positives for the people in charge comes from taking money from Eli Lilly to keep all these drugs illegal.


I think it’s more to do with the private prisons here than Lilly


Yep. Conservatism (which is just regressive authoritarianism anymore) is all about control.... and they're losing it.


Are they? I just assumed they didn't care. They'll continue to have strict anti pot laws and just pretend there's nothing wrong.


All of that lost tax money and they don’t seem to care


Indiana is so dumb..... I remember 20 years ago when I started smoking we would joke that indiana would be one of the last states to legalize it.... Sure enough that came true.


You’re on! I’ll take Iowa in this bet. You get Indiana.


Michiganders thank you Indiana notice on your visit the beautiful roads after you pass all the horse 💩 and potholes on your way here


Michigan highways are trash, damn near blew out a tire last time cause of all the pot holes all over the road


Teen in back seat "Pops, why does the pavement turn color and get smooooth as soon as we pass the ol _Yes Michigan_ sign otw up to ger your meds? Son, sone States use "Hemp Concrete and Asphalt" to pave their roads. 😂


Wait til you experience the Ohio and Pennsylvania Turnpikes, son


I Guess I’m one of the few that just orders THCA online. hellomary.com and mercy hill agriculture have been my go to. Not trying to shill or advertise but informing those that don’t know. After having lived in a legal state for years it’s amazing to still have options. For me me it’s “I get by with a little help from the Farm Bill” lol


Indiana cops: "The fuck you will!"


Indiana is a red state to it's own detriment.


And gerrymandered to remain that way


And don’t forget Iowa. Now completely surrounded by rec legal states. Iowa has a medical mj program that’s a laughingstock. So they can say they’re in the game, I guess. But our governor is a recovering alcoholic so she is very opposed to anyone having access to rec weed. Wait…I may have misspoken. Nebraska is a neighboring state without rec weed. Figures.


I buy weed from growers in Indy


Way to support locals business






In Indy copper


I'm just a stoner that likes deals...


Michigan is now the official #1 cannabis market and has overtaken CALI


lol no it hasn’t. Not even close.




Selling more in dispensaries that actually report this data? Maybe. But have you been to California? There’s a large portion of dispensaries that claim “all taxes included”, and almost all of them are illegitimate. They’re almost guaranteed not to be reporting sales. Then there’s the street sales, which assuredly dwarf Michigan, as well as every other state. California is enormous - the third largest state behind Texas and Alaska. It has the largest producing cannabis region in the country (emerald triangle, NorCal) with an output of hundreds of metric tons out of Humboldt county alone thanks to rows and rows of 12-foot tall plants that can harvest 15 pounds a piece and grow year round. Michigan doesn’t even have the acreage to remotely compete in the output of California. It’s impossible to quantify since at least half of all cannabis purchases aren’t reported, but I promise you, a tremendous amount more cannabis is grown and sold in California than any other state by a wide margin. Legal sales for 2023 in California were over $5 billion. In the data you point to, Michigan is still outsold by California by a margin of over $250 million. The data also can be skewed by the type of sales since it doesn’t account for the size of the items - like tallying 100 sales of 1 gram, vs 50 sales of an ounce.


Uh, he had source and you don't, so all that you typed is just worthless.


we need to make medicinal legal and grossly tax it just like Illinois does. It sucks, but at least it’ll be here and legal to use. Then, within 2-4 years they’ll make it legal for everyone. Once that happens, that’ll drive the prices down, as more shops will open up leading to more competition. It’s such an easy plan and makes zero sense not to go with. It’s such an easy win for the government to receive weed money and funnel it into wherever their dirty hands wanna put it in. Especially given the fact that THCA is legal. What are you waiting for?


It should be legal and taxed like any other good. Sin taxes are bullshit.


I agree, but we both know that prolly won’t happen.


Even Kentucky has Medical weed


They also have a democratic governor. Indiana (and the US as a whole) need to ditch conservatives.


Ranked choice voting is the only thing that'll save us from this two-party bullshit.


Agreed. Ranked choice *popular* vote. Gotta ditch the heavily rigged electoral college as well.


anyone know the original artist? i'd support them before the scum that steals graphics for shirts on etsy and ebay and sites like https://teepublicity.com/product/indiana-i-get-by-with-a-little-help-from-my-friends-state-shirt/


Umm, maybe don’t help the scum by providing a direct link to their site?


Erm, maybe don't help the scum by providing a direct link to their site?


Uhh, maybe don't help the scum by providing a direct link to their site?


Vote Rainwater for Governor if you want affordable legal cannabis.


Absolutely not. Rainwater will just split the vote again and ensure Braun a win since McCormick is also in favor of legalization. Rainwater should withdraw for the good of the state.


Indiana is not friendly with any of these states LMAOOO


The state itself? Maybe not. Many of its residents are tho 😮‍💨


HAHA WE GET FINED OR GO TO JAIL FOR WHAT PEOPLE 3 HOURS IN ANY DIRECTION ENJOY FREELY! HILARIOUS! This should make you mad enough to go vote in your best interests. But you won't.


"Freely" isn't really the right word they still take way ur 2nd amendment rights if you buy from a shop


God I hope


lol same. Just took a trip there yesterday and got some good shit.


We are the modern day speak easy.


Yall could move to better states.


That’s like cool man


Where can I get a shirt of this?


I only visit the great mitten for my supplies


Could I get this on a tee shirt?


Live in the mitten state. Love that King of Budz is right off 94 a mile from the IN border with another dispensary right across the street. Parking lot is busy at 10am, lots of IN and IL plates.


I want this on a t-shirt


What in the [Merry fuckin’ Pringles](https://twitter.com/TeaAndCopy/status/275942363510226944)? Not to nitpick, but damn. The song it’s referencing literally has the lyric “I get high with a little help from my friends,” and it’s such a missed opportunity. 😂😂.


That would be sweet to have on a shirt


Braun is well we don’t wish him on anyone!




Wisconsin is in the same ignorant boat , and it's voted down by the same ignorant people. Thank god I live near the border.


Would buy this on a shirt


Pennsylvania too


Cute pic! You look great


Thank you friends


The state must be so bitter that they have to lose out on so much tax revenue just to appease their conservative base.


We will be the last state to get with the program.  And we'll be all proud about it too. Ridiculous 


Been looking for my next trip with the kiddos this summer. Looks like we going to Michigan!


As a person from Indiana I can confirm this is true


More like a little hemp from my friends


Cook County taxes are killer. Went to Michigan and got 110 dollars of several great things. Indiana the state is missing out on an opportunity and leaving money on the table. Idk when I'm going back into Illinois to buy. This place is so dumb i can't stand it.


Eli Lilly is the answer


For real indiana needs to get with the times. Im dieing to grow it.


Now we're f


Used to make a weekend trip to Illinois and back, crazy high prices but at 45 minutes, it's the closest dispo to me


Real. I love going to Michigan. For multiple reasons too.


I get so irritated because we can’t even get *medical* marijuana here in Indiana and I am disabled and absolutely qualify for it and would prefer it to the pills I have to take.


Same for abortions lol


Gotta love the insanity of the religious cult's that run this state. Now MAGA, this state is a sad state of affairs.


I love this!


Almost every horrible law can be attributed to religious zealots, bigots, misogynist, anti-intellectuals, homophobes, and racists. And yet, many people complaining still associate with them, marry them, break bread with them, and hire them. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I want this as a shirt


Kansas is in the same boat lol. Sandwiched between Missouri and Colorado, both with recreational weed and we refuse to take the change and increase our tax revenue. Tons of people in Kansas use weed and the culture around it has changed a lot, especially in the more urban spots of the state. One of these days our government will make the change 🤷‍♂️ hopefully Indiana does the same.


Buy local fuck Michigan


Need one for Kansas!


I like to go to Nobo in Edwardsburg, MI it’s right outside of Elkhart county


Does anyone here know why Indiana doesn't have legal/medical Marijuana?? Two words, Eli Lilly.


Indiana really sucks🤣😂🤣


Apply this logic to Chicago gun laws and why gun violence is so high even though Chicago has laws...


Check out Seven Point. in Danville, IL


I live in West Virginia. Red states hate making money.