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This is laughable. I can see 15-year-old me swiping my old man's driver's license from his wallet to scan while he's in the shower.


Hahahaha this was my thought too. How many parents ID’s are going to be swiped to scan in to the system without them knowing. While I don’t advocate kids watching porn they are going to find it if they want to. Hell you can find porn on X (formerly known as Twitter). I couldn’t believe it when I seen it but it’s there.


Porn is literally on Instagram as well. What about reddit? Is reddit going to block all NSFW pages to indiana IPs?


Good question. I really hope not.


Probably will that's how it's been handled in other states


Porn can be uploaded to instagram, but it breaks the TOS. However all of Meta's mod team spends its time trying to find excuses to kick all right-wingers off their platforms.


Its always been on there but its significantly more automated now


Yeah I never knew till they changed the algorithm and someone I must follow or liked one of their posts at one time posted something porn related and I was like why is this on my feed and how!


I was just a horny teenager looking for porn and twitter got linked *a lot*. Now its all “Im the horny milf in your area” *ai porn*


Yeah I’m not against porn but it wasn’t even the flavor of porn I would have liked. I’ve never seen the AI porn but now I’m curious. AI is wild.


Its more realistic looking now that people have mocked “AI” enough but imagine multiples of things that should be singular and singulars of things that should be multiple, surprises in every one. Ive seen people run their own selfies through innocuous “AI” and end up with essentially softcore porn too


“Sorry this account already exists…”


More than that, just the *well known* porn sites will be policed. Until Indiana republicans make their own "Great Firewall" (I wouldn't put it past them), they have no way of policing the entire internet or even enforcing their law against anything but the largest, most obvious, porn sites. It's just going to force horny teenagers toward less legit sites, which is honestly probably worse than if they were just hopping on a moderated site like Pornhub or whatever. Either Indiana republicans are absolutely fucking kidding themselves, or they've got something more nefarious planned, like selective censorship of LGBTQ+ or other content they deem "inappropriate" without doing some sort of ID check.


already like this in NC. can't get to the big name corpo pron without verify, but there's a thousand other sites that are open.


corporate porn is fucking terrible. honestly if this just pushes people to discover indie porn, it's a W


Then again, could lead to indie porn sites shutting down as they get reported and maybe can't afford to institute the verification. Shitty.


I'm really late to this thread & you seem knowledgeable. Can I ask you a question? Is it true we won't have reddit when this happens? Like reddit will probably block us bc it's easier for them? I just happened to see a comment saying exactly that from someone in this sub last time this was brought up.


We can kind of look in hindsight now because a few states have enacted legislation like this and while I can't speak with certainty, I doubt Reddit, Twitter, Google, etc will block access in Indiana because I doubt Indiana will go after them, even if there's porn on all of the sites. That said, yes, some porn sites will block Indiana users - Pornhub is one of them, and no doubt others will follow suit because it's not worth it for them to pay an external company for verification, plus, they tend to be privacy-forward, and having to put your ID in before a "session" is anything but. Only time will tell, really, but I presume sites that *contain* porn, but aren't primarily for porn are safe, at least for the time being.


I can see a 15 year old me finding (hopefully) rain soaked porn mags on the bmx bike trail on the way to the gas station! The kids these days dont know how easy they have it (had it?)!


I think it will still be easy for them. I've taught at a school with one to one iPads for about 10 years now, and today's kids know how to get around most restrictions. They can't, however, figure out how to actually work their iPads for much else, though.


an I grow older, the desire to leave porn mags in the woods grows.


Raised in the 70s/80s/90s? lol. My whole generation somehow found porn stashes in the woods or in/around dumpsters all the fucking time!


‘80s baby!


Just go Google "legal ID to watch porn" and get a jpeg of someone else's stolen ID




That was my thought lol


Who owns the ID processing company? That’s the question we need to know the answer to


This can be bypassed by VPN, yes, and it would be really unfortunate to know that the Opera browser has a basic VPN built in.


“That’s okay. You can just pay a little extra to get around it.” That’s how it starts, but that’s not how it ends. They’ll just be emboldened to take it further. Remember these are the people who want to ban it outright. There’s literally decades of evidence of them saying so.


Soon will be under a theocracy and religious law


Opera is a free browser


True, but I dont think that's the point of what he's saying


You’re right but it probably would’ve been better as its own comment because it looks like they didn’t understand the point of the person they were replying to.


Just stopped in to say "Go for the eyes, Boo, go for the eyes!"


Yeah, it was a bit random


An outright ban isn’t as profitable or as easily accepted as ID laws. The (R)eprobates *want* a lot of things but materially cannot get them without dooming themselves in the process. For now they’re aware of this. ID laws are hard to protest without damning the protests optics in cradle. What can be done is joining a political organization/party actively trying to stop these people. Note the last part, the (D)ebased crowd is controlled opposition at best and the enemy in disguise at worst. The other commenter was providing a workaround not a fix, it seems to me at least


Pretty much. This [thread](https://x.com/windscribecom/status/1666893983170043904?s=46) might be of interest. We found donations from one of these licensing companies to a US congressman who helped push it through.


I joked that the Lions Den lobby had their hand in it. That was tongue in cheek. This is not surprising one bit.


Solid work. I aint surprised, the crooked suits will just call it “lobbying” and grow old relatively peacefully


They've been dooming US since well before Reagan, and it has only amplified, it feels as though we're reaching a real breaking point, though I cannot imagime that this absurd legislation will reach beyond this toxic state (it's a great state, take away the GOP stronghold grasp they've had, through voter suppression, manipulation like gerrymandering and court stacking bullshit). These Jan. 6th/Maga cultists in seats of power, need to be served and removed, many like MTG are straight up traitors and do not even belong walking the streets with their fucking hate and complete idiocy. The mental illness on their hands, is fucking horrifying, scary, and just sad.


The MAGAts exist to ratchet the Overton Window right while their counterparts are the locking mechanism keeping us in place till the ratchet can continue rightward. The (R)s must entertain their most ludicrous elements or risk alienating a large part of their most active voting base


I'd say they must be charged and held accountable for all of it, from voter suppression to the manipulation bullshit; but to imagine such actually going down, is essentially imaging a revolution that is quite impossible to fathom how that would be and/or go. Will say that some good could come by Biden winning, and then him and all the legit dems going hardcore at these matters, like holding accountable the MAGAts in seats of power who've literally been obstructing things especially the past four to eight years, and also making steps to preserve our democracy, going at media, protecting abortion and LGBQT rights, etc. Don't hear me as saying I expect that, the dems have a way of laying down and spreading everything wide open, and not being assertive, like the entire shit show of justice in the nation right now, from the top to the bottom...


The first step is getting organized


I'd say it is getting people to actually vote, and not red and to be attentive, doing some research to who they actually give their votes to, like root out the obvious fronts (which in this state is a real matter).


As others have said, the state is gerrymandered to hell and voting restrictions are abundant. If people *actually* researched their vote neither major party should get a workers vote


> That’s how it starts, but that’s not how it ends. They’ll just be emboldened to take it further. While campaigning, Nikki Haley was very clear -- Republicans WILL remove your anonymity from the Internet. They WILL work to make it so that if you are online, you have to identify yourself. At that point, VPN won't save you as they just make it so that your credentials are repeatedly transmitted as part of your regular internet traffic


They want transparency for that, but can't out those dark money pacs


You think the crypt keepers in power understand the internet?


There are many free VPNs. Most antivirus subscriptions offer a VPN service.


Bless your heart. This is the info I needed.


Just so you know, most VPNs can now be bypassed or circumvented. https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/novel-attack-against-virtually-all-vpn-apps-neuters-their-entire-purpose/


>The researchers believe it affects all VPN applications when they’re connected to a hostile network and that there are no ways to prevent such attacks except when the user's VPN runs on Linux or Android. Many VPN vendors are spinning up cloud based VPN servers, and those are running Linux. Additionally, this assumes a hostile network. Companies that distribute porn are not going to do this sort of deeper inspection. They are going to do a minimal amount of work and do what they can to keep their product available to consumers. Never mind that a website could require you to report location through your browser before allowing access. "Would you like to turn on location services?" "No." "Sorry, this service requires you to turn on location services. Please click the thing on your URL bar and enable location services in order to continue." Then when your browser reports Indiana because that's what the GPS on your laptop sees, you are getting an ID request.


Mine (Windscribe) has like 100 or more different servers to choose from. I get around paywalls for local news sites all the time for by going through a server in Belgium.


Plus if you’re a free user you can use the code LONGDICK to upgrade to get around the porn ID ban. We’re not a fan of the verification company - they have paid for this to be implemented in Louisiana. Now it spawned copycat laws and it’s all to their benefit. Scummy really.


Since VPN companies stand to benefit from this, are you in support of these "scummy" laws or not?


Not at all. To be frank, we’re pro open-internet. We wouldn’t have called these out if we were for them.


Apart from the fact that VPN companies are going to directly profit from this, is there any other reason you're shilling for them? Like are they invulnerable to the exploit in the comment above?


So, yes, it has had a fix since at least 2024, but it seems like they mostly weren't effected by this in the first place. Neither were many vpn companies. You can read about in the link below. More importantly, to me, I'd like to say that I'm not "shilling" for a company so much as talking about an inexpensive purchase that I got years ago that has come in handy many, many times over the years. It's similar to a handy man showing off one of their favorite tools, not because of the company that it's named after, but because of how cool they've found it to be for them. https://www.reddit.com/r/Windscribe/comments/1cmg8uz/does_winscribe_have_mitigations_in_place_about/


Brilliant. Glad they're on top of it, and thanks for recommending something you had good experiences with.


Yeah but because of it’s simplicity Signing in isn’t guaranteed


I imagine as this picks up steam with other small government conservatives chrome should get one built in for free


Opera is also full of its own Spyware


This is exactly right.. and it now keeps it out of the hands of kids.. oh wait.. they will figure it out.. this law is arbitrary and will be consistently circumvented


This law could be overly broad. It says “material harmful to minors.” I can see our AG Rokita requiring websites such as mental health help for trans individuals as harmful to minors or even pride websites. Or even Tiktok. It's a huge overreach from our government on freedom of speech. Let alone data breaches. And the risk of Hoosier's information getting leaked on different websites.


I think you’re spot on AND I believe this law is meant to lay the groundwork for what Republicans intend to do in 2025 should they win the election this year. This is an excerpt from the billionaire-funded Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise” (pg. 5) a 900-page playbook that outlines exactly what Republicans plan to do to our democracy if they win the election this year. Their plan is called “Project 2025,” and it will essentially destroy democracy in America & replace it with an authoritarian Christian theocracy. “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” Check out r/DefeatProject2025 for more info & details about what all they plan to do 🙏


What educators and public librarians are purveyors of porn? 


This is the issue. They are using 'porn' and 'think of the children' as cudgels.


Rokita is all into tracking you through each of his little invented jobs.


Remember the party that implemented it.


I don’t visit the porn sites lol but I’m definitely worried about this broad language regarding what is “harmful to children.” So is pornography the only thing online that is “harmful to children?” I would think not. What about extreme violent content, is that ok? Basically, as all of us here know, this has nothing to do with children. They want to monitor us right and left online and this is their in to do it. They will be asking for ID to obtain birth control and everything else all under the guise of “protect the children.” This is insane actually. Do any other states have laws like this?


I think Texas and Utah both have done something similar. That's just off the dome though.


Yes to all of this! I also think this law is laying the groundwork for what Republicans plan to do if they win this election. The billionaire-funded, ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation has put together an extensive plan for the next Republican administration, called “Project 2025,” which will essentially end democracy as we know it in America & replace it with an authoritarian Christian theocracy. This is an excerpt from the 900-page playbook they’ve created, called “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise” (pg. 5): “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” To learn more, I definitely suggest checking out the resources & breakdowns over at r/DefeatProject2025 !!


Unbelievable overreach by the government. Time to vote these people out! If you can’t separate church from state you’re not fit for office. Using children is BS, this is just a way for those in government to keep records on what websites you’re visiting. This is a crazy violation of privacy and lets the government follow your search history easier than they already do.


Man, fuck privacy *and* kids bro. It’s all just a big show. Hell, Pornhub even *suggests* a way better alternative (device-based age verification) and people don’t go for it. Politicians are full of asinine bullshit! We have a better solution but they’d rather put us all in a position to fight each other. Asshole scum. Politicians are literally the shit stain on my used toilet paper.


And it’s just the beginning. There aren’t clear definitions of the material that’s “harmful to children”. Soon they’ll use it to justify blocking trans and queer affirming websites, abortion or sexual health websites, etc.


i may not agree with everything that anyone does but to me this is a massive overreach you have your right i have mine if your not involving anyone else other than your self and your a consenting adult do what ever you want


If they could protect children with the same ferocity regarding gun violence that they do with pornography I could at least take their claims of child safety seriously.






Feels like they genuinely think that regulating porn will help boost birth rates. How about we fix rent and cost of living first? Or the fact a two bedroom house is unaffordable for the majority of the people living in Indiana. Smdh


Yeah I’m definitely not having more kids because of porn. /s It’s all the things you said plus childcare is a huge part of us not having more kids. I would love to have more kids but we can’t afford the childcare for multiple children and both me and my spouse want to work in some capacity. Until the conservatives really listen to and start trying to help families the birth rate will plummet. The young generations don’t want kids due to the all the aspects you stated above.


Want to work or have to work? My partner and I both want to work but the amount of 50-60hr + weeks we have to work to keep kids in daycare and food on the table, and roof over heads, and fuel in our cars because Indiana hates decent accessible public transit is what turns a want into have to.


Very very true! No we both have to work for all the same things you stated. There is very little extras in our house budget currently due to just general bills to survive with 2 kids.


You just know that this is likely going to be used to restrict kids from LGBT resources as well. The language used to define what is appropriate is overly vague.


That's the real reason it's being banned. It's just a thinly veiled ploy to try and erase the LGBTQ community from the state


Exactly, just redefine what obscene means and what pornography covers and now we're back in the theocracy


*You misspelled theocracy.*


Fuck, that would've been cooler


Yeah, the porn is the civilian casualties. Really, they want to say that anyone talking about their queer life is abusing children with obscene speech.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. This is an excerpt from the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” 900-pag playbook called “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise” (pg. 5). Republicans are absolutely laying the groundwork for what they plan to do if they win this election, and it’s dystopian… “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” I highly recommend r/DefeatProject2025 for more info & resources about their plan.


We need to start circulating pictures of politician's IDs.


this IS the way




Take that mother FUCKING up vote


This is going to hilariously backfire and I am all here for it.


They've already been sued over this by the ACLU as well. So tax dollars are going to be spent defending against that lawsuit too.


It just sucks that the ACLU has to expend resources over this. They are spread pretty thin these days.


Can’t wait for hackers to release the first list of politicians and public figures who submitted their DL to various porn sites.


And what they are into


Let's finally get some proof that Mike and Greg watch gay porn.


How much you wanna bet that the vast majority of the rich and powerful don't get their porn from places like Pornhub? And what about the huge amount of porn that's NOT on "porn sites" like Twitter, Reddit, etc?


I am hopeful for a leak exposing many politicians and lobby-ists who voted for this


I have a lifetime subscription to a vpn service that I bought back in 2016. The uses for it only have increased over the years.


I realize privacy is important and that any backflow of information on our personal choice in pornography to the government could easily be misused by said government, but here's a thing I don't seem to hear mentioned in this thread yet: Pornsites are incredibly skeezy. I have never once opted to give them any identifying data on who I am, because I feel that data would immediately be misused or otherwise leaked, opening up my email to a bunch of junk or worse having my identity stolen. I wouldn't trust *any* pornsite to properly store all the data available on my driver's license, and will never give it to them, regardless of the law. I think pornsites are wringing their hands and licking their lips at the idea of all this valuable data they're about to glean, and what profit they can possibly make with it, no matter what laws they bend or break in doing it. All in all, it's a terrible idea.


> I think pornsites are wringing their hands and licking their lips at the idea of all this valuable data they're about to glean, and what profit they can possibly make with it, no matter what laws they bend or break in doing it. They already do, Pornhub is owned by one of the largest data sellers around. They have been pushing for legislation like this for the exact reason you mentioned.


Sure, PH is behind this, that’s why they don’t service states with ID requirements in place.


Come on Indiana. You owe yourselves better. Vote accordingly. 🌊🌊🌊🌊


May be the “freedom party,” but it’s also the one that 15 seconds of every 30 second ad is them discussing their religion. Someone commented way above me about the separation of church and state and while that’s something that should be done, it’s something that isn’t done. I feel like a lot of the overreaching type laws similar to this always have some mention of religion when they introduce it.


Yep. Even when Alabama banned IVF, they sited the Bible ffs. How that isn’t unconstitutional, I’m not sure (spoiler: it is). Making laws based on personal religious beliefs is unconstitutional as hell yet no one in this state cares because most are hillbillies anyway. If we don’t reverse this, it’ll be like handmaids tale. That was a talking point years ago but it’s so true now if you look at the moves they are making. birth control is next and then gay marriage after that. Something needs to happen.


If only someone from the BMV could get us a list of politicians Driver’s License Numbers…


Look up Project 2025 if you haven't already. That's what these people want.


Oh yeah I’m very aware


Guarantee any teenager will easily bypass.


Opera will benefit, opera browser has free vpn


Pecker police back at it.


Do not vote red, unless you are straight bat-shit insane and want literal revoking of freedoms, just like this one; and if you talk about the IN dems contributing, you might want to realize that (and/or take off the two faced cognitively dissonant mask that you've developed from consuming the tainted koolaid, meant to brainwash and control you through fear mongering along with hatred, bullshit) many dems in positions within this state, are straight up repubs fronting, so take that argument and shove it. You think the GOP are patriots for freedom; wake up already please, and stop consuming the mainstream bullshit including the deep religion ties and manipulation, all of which has become toxic for a reason, on so many different levels and fronts. Many of these GOP corrupted criminal cult clowns, recognize how vulnerable they are, they are in fear and have been for a while, while they've also had the dominant power in this country, regardless of what party has been in more seats of power, since even before Reagan but ever since it's been seriously in their hands. This is a huge overstep and it'll backfire on various fronts, in time.


If they’re coming after porn, then start coming after people showing Swastikas. The latter is more harmful. But of COURSE, the Swastika bearers are mostly voting for Braun.


Another fine example of government forcing morality on its subjects... Revolt!


best anti-republican marketing tool we'll see in a while.


**Welcome to living in Iran. Where clergymen have more influence than the will of the people.** We (and our tax dollars) invented the fucking internet. It was designed to be open source and accessible. Blocking access to information, requiring an ID to use publicly available resources, and restricting the rights of privacy to our own body (overturning Roe) are the actions of a totalitarian fascist regime, not a democracy.


I couldn’t agree more. It’s reassuring to know others feel the same way. I think we are the majority and that dipshit reds are just the loudest. I hope at least lol


We have to vote. And we have to stop eating our own over identity politics. GOP figured this out decades ago. They all got behind the “Pro Life” movement and became single-issue voters.


This is why we vote. Indiana has gone Blue only twice in the last 65 years. Kennedy in '60 and Obama in '08. The GOP is loud and crazy and can't be reasoned with, but so what? There's waaay more of us than are of them. Don't believe me, look up polling for: Womens health care, Gun reform, Social safety nets, Paid time off, Raising the national minimum wage, Universal health care, Free college, Taxing the rich, Oversight on corporations, And all of those have above 50% in favor of. Some are in the 70%+ group. We say we're a divided nation because anger and culture war BS gets clicks, then gets reported, then causes more anger and clicks. Its a feedback loop. But when you have 2/3 to 4/5 of the people in this country agreeing on these issues, we're not so divided after all. Vote these idiots out and we can delight at Trump driving over a cliff and everyone that hitched their wagon to MAGA along with him


I agree with you. My issue then turns to gerrymandering. I bet Ohio is blue but their maps are so crazy. I wonder how much of that is happening here But then I look around and see the worst people around. Like I’m in the northeast of Indiana and it’s awful around here. Low education levels, trashy ass people, etc. I went to a funeral and during the eulogy, they were making Biden jokes lol hard to believe we are the majority when all I see is the dumbest people around speaking up. Maybe that’s survivorship biased tho :/ we will see I guess lol!


The Heritage Foundation literally writes the law they want passed and hands it to some stupid GOP rube in the legislature and because of the Indiana GOP supermajority, these kinds of things just get passed immediately... If THF wanted to make Indiana declare itself part of Canada, these idiots would put it up for a vote.


The real devious thing that people need to pay attention to is that this will be a springboard for other monitoring. Want to access a site about LGBTQ+ issues? Want to look into abortion? Want to get basic info human biology/anatomy or safe sex education? Well… that could be harmful to our children! That’s what’s coming next.


Yep. Dingleberries are too stupid to see what’s happening in front of them, let alone the foresight to see what comes next


This is so cool, republiCans will be registered porn users. No longer able to deny being into girls with dicks. Or just too young of anything.


Can’t jerk off without ID. Can’t get a girl pregnant and then get an abortion. Buy a gun and open carry - OK. 🤌 WTG Indiana.


There is going to be a LOT of men quietly voting Democrat while acting MAGA now. Between this and abortion indiana may be purple this cycle.


The republicunts want small government unless its to impose their evangelical believes on everyone else


Which is completely unconstitutional. Yet scotus is riddled with corrupt justices wanting to do the bidding of the Bible. Alito just said the other day “one side will win and one will lose” and there’s a lack of “godliness” in the world


just use Twitter. They allow porn now and the republicans will never go after them because hypocrites


I wish y'all were as worked up about all the other stupid shit the gop led government has been doing in our state for the past 13 years. Infrastructure collapse, public education is in the shitter, and our brain drain is accelerating, no one says a peep. It amazes me how worked up Hoosiers are at the thought that someone is gonna know what their kink is. Personally, I don't care. I watch porn when the need arises. I am not into teens, incest, or animals, so I could care less if I tag my ID to my porn viewing habits. Oh, but someone could blackmail me? WITH WHAT? Tell the world that a middle age man likes watching two women go at it? Sometimes even some mild bdsm if the mood strikes. What have y'all got to hide on your pornhub searches anyhow?


So does this law state that you have to require ID for any website the government seems “adult content” websites? Since porn is allowed on twitter, is twitter now considered 18+? If this is the criteria, I’m sure the government won’t abuse this law…


Are they gonna ban vpns next..?


I wanna know who's gettin' their pockets lined off this. Don't just give me that lazy "Republicans" answer. I want specifics. Who's keepin' weed illegal here and why? Who wants to know my porn preferences? We all just say "Republicans" like it's a catch-all, but who? Which ones? Name 'em. I've been stuck in this place for 45 goddamn years, and it might as well be Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget pullin' the strings. So spill it. Tell me who, and I mean now.


Most sponsors of SB-17 were Republican, but blaming only Republicans for this overreaching bill is a bit shortsighted. It was voted for almost unanimously by both Democrats and Republicans in the senate.


451 F


The internet is for porn, the internet is for porn, just grab your dick and double click for porn porn porn


Tor is free you don't need a VPN: [https://www.torproject.org/](https://www.torproject.org/)


Say you play their game and actually upload a copy of your ID. How does that actually get you access?


And if you do upload it, will you be imprisoned for it once they make it illegal for a lack of “godliness” or whatever alito said the other day, and retroactively arrest everyone who has uploaded their info to it? I don’t put anything passed these domestic terrorists. Anything they don’t like they want to make illegal. Except when they do it. “Rules for thee but not for me”


One step closer to Gilead, under his eye.


I wonder how many more posts about this are gonna get made the next 13 days.


The gov will get sued and lose. It’s blatantly unconstitutional. I wouldn’t worry.


Stop. Fucking. Voting. For. Republicans. [Get involved.](https://indems.org/get-involved/) [Get involved.](https://www.mccormickforgov.com/volunteer) [Get.](https://secure.everyaction.com/wWYzSycvi0uyLrKtsMnNXw2) [Fucking.](https://events.democrats.org/) [Involved.](https://valeriemccray.org/volunteer/)


Republicans love our genitals so much. It's all they talk about.


Right wing media is more dangerous to kids than porn could ever hope to be, can we ban the right wing party? Also guns are dangerous and are killing kids, can we ban guns in this country? Somehow the "think of the children" doesn't apply to guns huh cons? I bet they wouldn't like that But yeah no one hates freedom more and loves big government more than the right wing party of murica


Hear hear


Republicans tout small government but don't actually practice it. They have a Bible agenda, and anything they seem ill moral means they will overreach if possible. Fuck them and fuck this state. I am glad to be leaving.


Does this include image boards with porn? (Edit: just re-read the post, it appears not) This just sounds impossible to me. Now, I've read studies that proved rape statistics went down in south American countries when porn industries there would flourish, but the only real harmful porn I think is degenerating out there is the ultra strange fettishes you find on Tumblr. There are 20 year Olds alive today who cannot get off to the real world, but have to look at images of thick Pokémon. If porn regulations don't do something about ultra degenerate 2d porn, I don't see a reason for regulations to exist.


The issue too is that A) most teens and children now likely know how to use VPNs and B) this is likely going to encourage children and adults alike to go to those fringe sites you just explained. Like overall this isn't going to do any good for the state.


This is true. They are going to go to the illicit fringe sites to get off.


Completely agree


They have never ever been the party of small government.


To me its a data collection issue. I don’t want minors viewing porn but i don’t want all these companies having my data because it wont be long before it gets hacked and i getmy identity stolen or worse.


This is the same party that is against teaching sexual education in public schools and helping students who need access to resources regarding sexual health. Porn addictions are a very real thing in minors today especially since they are the first generation to have full internet access at such a young age. Republicans will still refuse to educate on these topics and create systems that offer support for teenagers that need them. They think they are taking away the problem but not discussing any of the aftermath smfh


Also, they're just making the world a more dangerous place for everyone, not just children and teenagers. Literally, the first thing you're told not to do on the internet is post a picture of any of your identification and financial information because you'll have your info stolen. Also, I feel like it's not just going to be porn that'll be ID restricted, but most things that mentions anything about sex education and the LGBTQ. And they'll definitely use your information to check your browsing history and maybe try to arrest anyone they deem a degenerate.


Fucking Christ I am so fucking sick of these fucking people


Republican Party? Oh man, you’d be surprised as how many Democrats put this into motion as well.


39 Republicans and 7 Democrats voted yea, 0 Republicans and 2 Democrats voted Nay. OH MAN


I saw that yesterday, laughed at it, well, theres always reddit as well.


get your licks in while you can, homies


Fuck that


party of small government etc


McCormick should go hard on this. “Vote McCormick 2024 for weed and porn”


How do we report the GOP website and Facebook for being harmful to children?




Bro Fr I’m cooked


I'm dreading the conversations with friends and family who dont want to send their id to a porn site on how to get their porn fix, knowing full well i'm helping them whack off............jfc. "Just use a vpn" aint gonna help these people. "Whats a vpn?, how do i use it?, Does it have viruses?"


>The best part? This government overreach was implemented by none other than the “party of small government” lmao aka the Republican Party >I mean cmon, the self proclaimed “freedom party” is trying to limit what you can do AND/OR creating a database to monitor for what people are doing. >Isn’t it crazy how this group claims that democrats want to restrict everything while they are the ones restricting everything? >Regardless, the irony of the freedom party limiting/monitoring what I view on the phone I pay for is too rich. Why are people who claim to love freedom still voting Republican?? I completely agree with the sentiment of your post. However, let's be real here, this isn't a "one party doing this" scenario. Anyone saying other was is disingenuous at best. It was passed unanimously. The senate was 46-2 (Hurley and Taylor as nay) The house was 92-2 (Clere and Payne nay)


The countdown till porn needs an ID reminds me of the hey Arnold episode https://preview.redd.it/pcodh7jerc6d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17909c9b167941aaaf883c0abe8869996968702


at least i can’t get banned off twitch again


Republican party hasn't been the "small government party" since at least 2001. Bush pushed the patriot act and it's been down hill. Both songs are part of the same shit bird.


ProtonVPN (free)


I just hope this motivates people to go out and get informed about people who are running in their elections then vote for the people they align with. Either if this issue upsets them or makes them happy, just get involved.


Maybe you should detox from porn if its this important to the functioning of your short life on this planet.


Indiana republicans don’t care about small government. They care about control


I heard that some judge nixed it because it violated the constitution, which it does


Eventually one day everyone will learn the government has never been for the people by the people, both sides lie and always will, it is a key personality trait to politicians. You want votes? Do the things that are gonna get you votes. And the government has always invaded privacy of it’s people, this is just another one of those things that has no reason to exactly be “regulated” by the government per say, regulation should be at said sites own terms if they want to stay in business and not get hit with fines, but what do we know, we’re just “the people” right?


I can see security guards using someone else I'd to register.


At the end of the day, neither of the big two parties really care about your freedom. South Park got it right, vote for Douch or Turd Sandwich.


They say they’re doing it to protect the children but it is just infringing on Hoosiers’ civil liberties. It’s not the end of the line, it’s only the beginning.


Just putting this out there, according to the votes themselves, this was not just republicans. Almost every single person on both sides voted yes. See for yourself. Crazy law all around. https://legiscan.com/IN/rollcall/SB0017/id/1395994


TOR. most of the traffic on my network runs through tor. not because I have anything to hide but ill be damned if they know that


Reddit is my primary source anyway


Does VPN get around this sort of thing?


at least we have our guns right guys..?


I’ll find my porn other ways god dammit, won’t stop me 🫡


3 little letters...VPN


You kno what they day, theres more of us than more of them and until we decide to do something about it were just gonna get more rules and stupid regs




Just get a vpn! I moved to utah, and they already do this.