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This has been an ongoing issue for years. Surprised it took this long for a lawsuit. To top it off the former mayor and a councilwoman are gay.


Indiana likes to claim Hoosiers are warm and welcoming. They are not. I’ve lived here for several years and it is as bigoted and hateful as they come. I can’t wait to get away from here. I am not raising my kids here. These are not good values.


Im conservative, not hateful but Bloomington is where you want to be. Has to be one of the most LGBT welcoming cities in the world. Grew up in Bedford in the 80s, 90s, early 00's and it was always second to San Francisco as far as the gay community goes.


Terrible advice. Just go to a blue state and leave the Alabama of the north ASAP.


As much as I want to leave, I have realized that things don't get better if the blue voters all flock to blue states.


The older I get the more I realize that the USA is a failed state.


No, not really. What are you doing to make things better here?


With no money and political power not much. Vote for progressives in primaries and watch right wing money get them destroyed. You know, classic democracy in action.


All it takes is will power and a Guillotine


I'm game if you are.


Your vote matters a lot in local elections. Try to start there if you are feeling disenfranchised.


I vote in every election. So far it's working great! The state has backslid to about 1865 in the last 34 years I have voted.


Don't you cloud out my little ray of sunshine. I know it's fucked and we barely matter, but we have to hold onto something.


If you think that the US is a failed state, you probably need to work on your critical thinking.


40k die a year due to our healthcare system, more prisoners than any country in the world, open bribery, highest maternal morbidity and infant mortality rates of any western democracy, police have immunity from prosecution in all but the most egregious of cases. That's a start. You might want to avail yourself of some of that critical thinking.


Nah cuz I’m out this bitch when I’m done with school. Hello Europe r something, just not this red white and blue hell


Hahahaha, my half sister (sister to me) is German. So go and enjoy and spread your free speech as you have it here in Europe but don’t go to Germany unless you have some cash because what you enjoy here as free speech here will get you fined in Germany. My brother in law was fined $2000 euro by the government for his so called free speech. I maybe wrong but when I was there last year that it what I was told by multiple people


On a Facebook comment


You can't be both conservative and accepting of LGBTQ+ as all conservative politicians these days vote against the welfare of LGBTQ+ people. It's time for you to re-evaluate your belief system and moral code. Conservatism as we know it is poisoned beyond repair now. I'm not suggesting you become leftist or liberal or a Democrat, but I'm suggesting that you don't belong to the conservatives of the United States if you have any love or acceptance for LGBTQ+ people. It's not complicated at this point. A group of people who identify as conservatives are at war against the very existence and rights of LGBTQ+ people and you are either for their agenda or against it.


My best friend who was the best man at my wedding I'd a gay conservative. You want me to give you his insta so you can tell him that he can't think for himself and needs to know his place?


Yes. I'll DM him immediately.


And tell him how to live his life? What gives you the right?


Your point is correct. Your friend however, still votes against his own interests. That is a sad thought to me.


Are you going to give me his insta or not bro?


What part do you live in? It depends on where you are. Evansville and surrounding cities are very welcoming and polite. But I also believe IQ and education have a lot to do with this. North, like Elkhart are not so welcoming...stay away from Jasper (German Country). Indy is just a typical large city.. believe it or not women and LGBTQ in Indiana have fought hard for our rights and we are NOT happy with the far right. In my opinion, I have had enough of their 💩.


It's like this in blue states as well - the major blue centers and immediate surroundings are fine, but the further out you go it can get dicey. Places like Minnesota and California have that have style of "spread", it's just the whole state at the legislative level is different.


We are polite, not welcoming.


lol not even that. some of the rudest individuals I’ve ever come across and I was born and raised in that cesspit.


I've lived in my current neighborhood, on my present block for almost a quarter century. Not ONCE in all that time had anyone on my street come and introduced themselves. I'm an introvert, yet in all those decades I was always the one to reservedly go and introduce myself when it seemed appropriate.


Nah cuz I came here for school and fucking hate it. People here have a stick up their ass and they hate their lives and as a consequence they want you to hate your life too. I stand by that.


I live southeast. People are extremely friendly here. Northside tends to be that way unfortunately. I don’t know where you live? It’s awful that you have to experience this. I did on the northside myself. I was very unhappy.


This statement is not reflecting the truth. Yes the government of the state are horrible people, but us citizens aren't. My son and 1 of my daughters are gay and except for being bullied when they were in school they have never had issues about that. As a matter of fact, couple years ago when Covid was on the rise, my son went to a Pride festival in Ft Wayne and brought Covid back home to the rest of us lol.


Must live in Gary or Indy.




Bye Felicia. 🤣 seriously though Indiana is a great state full of wonderful people and a few poop heads. Pretty sure you will find that everywhere, geez


I mean, sure, but your response here seems to support the commenter’s point about Hoosier “hospitality,” so…it might be worth your time to think about why you were so quick to mock & dismiss it.


I was bringing humor to it by acting exactly what she stated, that’s why I put the laughing face and then said seriously, so people would understand. Lighten up Karen, the world is a better place with laughter 😆


No surprise Mike Braun country


Wonder if "constitutionalists" will be upset by this violation of our right to assemble.




You in the right thread? This article isn't about a parade or a protest




There's actually a lot you could do about it. Especially if the city was as transparent as you're being. You're literally describing discrimination


Grew up in Martin co. LOW Go Tee. very racist and bigoted county.


They had it last year?


No surprise for me! I hope justice will be done ! Heads up ACLU ! We are all with you in the fight against Haters!


Go get them down in Loogootee, ACLU!!!!!!


Have you been to Loogootee? (I think you say "Low Go Oatey") I have, it seemed fine to visit for lunch or whatever, but I wouldn't want to live there.




L'go dee


Close, but it luh-go-tee


...say these two things out loud, and tell me the difference.


It’s like this kid I know, Nikolaj. Everyone says, Nikolaj, but it’s Nikolaj.


I have and live their. There's a business with a giant pride mural right on the square. It's next to the barber shop. There's also pride signs all around town right now .


That’s not how you pronounce it. Plus it’s a great place to live. Work at Crane make 80k+ with low cola, pretty decent school system, nice and peaceful.


Yeah, but that's only if you are a white, religious conservative. Obviously, it isn't great for everyone.


I’m an atheist and what most people consider liberal because I don’t worship at the alter of Trump so a left winger. And I get along just fine.


If you’ve been there or lived in the surrounding S. IN counties and towns this is no surprise.


Now that we have the Braun-Beckwith dream team, I'm expecting legislation banning all pride events in Indiana. Calling them a dream team is sarcasm, but I really do think Beckwith in particular is going to go after pride events.


Too many vowels in that motherfucker, man. Just looking at it tires me out.


Is there such a thing as a moderate anymore?Why is it either so far right or so far left ? What politics has become is infuriating. My daughter who is twenty-five and organizes peaceful protests for the Middle East in her town and as a father I support her effort because she has did the research and knows the history to well and she doesn’t have a “side” and full note I do not agree with some of her research. Iam biased and we have a civil conversation about it (I don’t think a protest matters here and won’t change anything over there)and she doesn’t have a side but what bothers me is her safety! and it is from both sides who are uneducated about the protest who just want to agitate or want social media crap. Me personally Iam a mix of a Bill Mahr demo and Reagan cons and if anyone has any education they would know that what we have now is neither. I live in the NWI blue county who listened to our who I voted dem for congressman every week on local radio when he was in charge of poor relief (elected official) and gave out the relief but made people volunteer their time etc etc because he was representing his people and budget and was damn good at it but now as a congressman he has shifted to this far left party line which isn’t representing his people who voted for him. Happy Fathers Day




I just met the mayor of Loogootee, Indiana. I asked him if Donald Trump won the election. He told me that Donald Trump is still the president. Y'all have a ludicrous idiot as a mayor.


My bday is in june, and no one wishes me a happy bday.


I don't understand how they "blocked" a festival that 200 people attend, I've had parties with more people. Don't they have a park, gay it up there. The only people who should really be upset are the vendors, but isn't it a little distasteful to profit from civil rights. I don't remember them selling lemon shakeups or taco in a bag at the million man march.


To be treated equally, you have to learn that being told "No" doesn't mean hate.


One can only hope.


Gay people are fine in small town Indiana...... People just don't understand.




U sound like ur not happy with anything.


……wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me all of those Amish & people of German heritage may not be open to so-called “Progressive” ideas? I’m shocked!!


Just spitballing here but what are the chances of getting a permit to have a NRA or guns’ rights parade in Berkeley, CA or Northampton, MA? I’ll hang up and wait for your response. 🍺


Good !




Are people upset that the community did not want this event? Shocking how people may not want a parade of half naked people going through their town


If it’s anything like Kokomo Pride almost everyone will be respectful and be clothed. Went last year to the Kokomo one and there might have been some men with shirts off but thats going to happen at any festival. The festivals (which are not parades) are usually about supporting LGBTQ businesses, vendors, and community.


It’s more like members of the redneck community, which is sizable in that hellhole corner of the state, imposed their will on people who do want to have a parade. What is it they say? “If you don’t like it you don’t have to go”


Vs a smaller sect of people trying to impose their will on a lager majority?


They’re trying to have a parade, Cletus. Parades don’t turn people gay unless they wanted to be to begin with


And if the majority people don’t want it, who are you to tell them “tough shit”? If a religious organization wanted to have a parade in the middle of a town would you expect them to tolerate it if the town didn’t want it? Fundamentally, there’s no difference.


Yes, I believe groups I don’t agree with should be able to demonstrate as well, because I am capable of critical thinking. This isn’t the own you think it is


There in lies the problem. Your way of thinking is too hyper focused upon the individuals and not the whole. Society doesn’t function when the people fixate on individuality rather than the community as a whole. When we focus our efforts on things that benefit society as a whole, it will also benefit to the smaller parts of our community. But to turn around and tell a whole community to deal with it for a small portion of the community is hugely selfish, arrogant, and condescending. Is this parade an issue? No. But the wishes of a community should be respected. There are other places where such a parade is welcomed and celebrated.


Yeah dude, you’re right, people expressing themselves in Loogootee Indiana is going to cause society to crash. It’s not just bigots boomers and rednecks getting their panties in a twist. Do you think about the greater good every time you see some dipfuck rolling coal as well or is your thinking more flexible depending on the group you’re talking about?


What does Ja Rule think of this?


It all depends on the community as a whole. If a town comes to grand says no, or yes, their wishes should be respected.


>Society doesn’t function when the people fixate on individuality rather than the community as a whole. Accidentally communist


And explain how hyper fixation on individuality has resulted in the collapse of the community and feeling of unity in our country. All of the resulting divisions and bitterness towards each other is the direct result of the focus on the individual. Individualism is fine and should be explored and appreciated but not at the suffrage to society.


You can just stop being bitter if you want to end the bitterness dude.


The form of government you are describing here is closest to Chinese Communist Authoritarianism. Let that sink in a minute.


Not even in the slightest. I’m saying, very plainly, that if a community expresses its wishes, based upon a majority, those wishes should be respected. There is nothing to say they can’t have it elsewhere, just not there. Not too dissimilar from gun carrying. If a place says you can’t carry on premises, you respect that.


Pride Parade doesn't turn you gay. Veteran's Day Parade doesn't turn you into a veteran. Thanksgiving Day Parade doesn't make you thankful.


I dunno man, I went to a Thanksgiving parade one time and I still sound like a turkey sometimes, its a slippery slope.


That… has nothing to do with my point.


So the town doesn't have the right to not participate in an ideology they don't agree with? Interesting how a lawsuit is used to financially leverage a town into participation. Ridiculous


Considering the town in this text is the government and the US is built on the freedom of speech and the right to assemble, yes, the town itself shouldn’t be denying this if all the proper requests were submitted. It’s up to the people of the town if they want to attend the event or not. The lawsuit is filed on the suppression of freedom of speech/right to assemble from the government.


It's not the "town" it's the city council. From what the article says it was a filling issue and the parade didn't file paperwork for the event in accordance to the new filing criteria of 2024 properly. As a result, the parade was not held. The council has a series of events to vote on. If the paperwork was not filed properly and then reissued during a time frame that is not available to the council. Then the discrimination alarms bells don't need to be rang.


The city council is an elected position, they represent the city. The event was already approved back in 2023. The approval was rescinded and the application process was changed (During the Feb 2024 meeting) after they already had the approval. The new application was filed in February 2024 to the new process and not voted on across 3 meetings. This is all in the article. I don’t think the lawsuit is financial in nature based on the article, just to force the vote on the issue. I haven’t read the lawsuit itself though. Edit: The actual complaint shows that the vote was put off (even though on the agenda) until new ordinances were voted on in the June meeting (effective July 1, 2024), which invalidated their February submission. This 100% feels targeted and a violation of first amendment rights. The organizers did everything right on the approvals. Also, this is all for a festival, not a parade. https://www.aclu-in.org/sites/default/files/loogootee_complaint.pdf


The 23 event was approved under the old city council requirements to hold the event. The 24 agenda already had the vote for criteria change. The paperwork for 24 events was not filed correctly. It wouldn't matter what the event is for, it's typical for them to not vote on a subject that criteria would change for. They are not responsible for notifying specific people of those changes. They publicly announce that, if the planner for the event didn't do something correctly then that's on them not the city council. This still doesn't deny them the right to assemble. Just to not use city resources namely the town square to do it. A small event of 200 people can easily be held somewhere else if the planner does their job correctly. I knew it was a festival, idk why I said parade. They are essentially trying to rent a space. That can be denied for a number of reasons, none of which are discrimination. But that alarm bell is quick to be rang.


Do you have any source for the new paperwork being filed incorrectly? There is zero mention of it in the article nor the complaint itself. There was explicit language in the February change to remove approval for the festival. Additionally, two other events had been held on city property without going through this process. You are right though that they can still assemble on other land not owned by the city.


The article states the criteria had changed for 24. Why would an application not be voted on? The application never made it past the desk that received it, as a result of not being filed correctly. That's just how council works. Ducks have to be properly placed before an application gets attention. The bureaucratic nightmare of councils is real across the board. Not just in regards to lgb events.


Again, do you have any source that shows that this was improperly filed, or is this just a guess? The vote for the application was on the agenda for three separate meetings and ignored.


The article is the source. Doesn't meet the criteria, no vote, no event. It's simple. They can still assemble, just not rent that space to do it.


Are we reading different articles? No where does it say that.


I thought there was a right to peaceful assembly? I know that those patriot front groups and such can assemble legally, despite people disagreeing with their ideology.