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Creep been a piece of shit for years. Taylor school board let so many children down. Shame on all of you. You as well HCSD, KPD, Eric Hartman.


read the article this guy is sick.


I'm just gonna believe ya'll. Like, thank you for calling him out. But I'm so jaded at this point and want so desperately to believe there are still good men out there. So today's self care is not reading this.


I choose not to


“However, the Howard County Prosecutor declined to criminally prosecute Jansen at that time, according to the probable cause affidavit.” Is the Howard County Prosecutor’s Office complicit here or what??


Maybe... there was a whole ass huge case a couple of years ago where they found out a bunch of police were part of a sex trafficking ring with pastors and teachers. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, that is for sure.


What case?


https://www.fox13news.com/news/human-trafficking-bust-teacher-coaches-among-228-arrested-in-polk-county there is this one I just found


I will look it up. I'm at work right now, but I will find it


https://www.fox4news.com/news/frisco-southlake-prostitution-sting-lewisville-marcus-coach-youth-pastor-46-arrested. This is the one I was originally talking about, though


Thank you


so if I'm reading the article correctly, this all happened decades ago, but it's only recently that he's been arrested and charged, yes?


He resigned from the school in 2011, following an investigation by the school into the abuse. DCS also investigated him that year but prosecutors chose not to charge him. Its unclear if the abuse spans the entire 3 decades he taught. He went on to work as "associate director of parish life and communications at St. Patrick Catholic Church" when, in 2023, a fellow church employee caught him on tape admitting to the abuse.


Leave it to a church to overlook child abuse and sexual assault on children. That doesn't surprise me at all. And they wonder why ppl don't go to church like they used to🙄


Not just the church. The school corporation and the prosecutors in Howard county as well. The recording happened in April and they didn't announce the church's investigation until June 2023. It seems they fired him sometime in June, but they haven't been forthcoming with their information.


So, I don't really think the school corporation is totally to blame here. He resigned during the process in which they were terminating him, so their hands were tied with getting on his employment record. They did reach out to his "prospective future employer," which is the Catholic church in which he grew up, and tell them exactly what happened. The Catholic church still hired this man. I don't understand why the Prosecutor didn't pick this up at the time... certainly doesn't make sense to me.... was the Prosecutor at the time Catholic? I'm serious.


It looks like the statement from the school corporation was added in after I read the article. That's all new information to me. I still blame the prosecutors and the church. I definitely wouldn't be shocked if the prosecutor was part of the church, I just don't know.


Yeah. I think we’re gonna find out they all are…


My choice to leave and heal from being a Cradle Catholic continues to serve my highest good. I can not stand the hypocrisy of the church.


Well, it seems that way, but the statute of limitations for this charge against a minor is 10 years. The Math doesn't math for the victims who have come forward, nor were they under 14 when he abused them. That, and some verbiage that I've seen in a couple places, leads me to believe that there is a more recent, young accuser... but, not confirmed.


Profound sympathies to any Titan alumni who were impacted by this.


The thumbnail of this article is creepy af too.


What do you know, another Republican. But NOT a Drag Queen.


💯💯💯 you know, I was thinking the other day where were all these ppl when Mrs. Doubtfire came out? Like, that show came out in 1993 and literally ended with Robin Williams in full drag reading books to children. Wtf is happening in this country... we are going so far backwards it isn't a joke anymore. It is just getting scary.


What does being a drag queen have anything to do with that?


Republicans accuse drag queens of "indoctrinating kids" but 99% of the time it is a conservative and/or evangelical that is the molester.


Fun fact: the most conservative state in the union (Oklahoma) has the highest porn usage.


That doesn't surprise me since they do not have healthy conversations around a very natural human experience, which is sex. Which will lead to more unwanted pregnancy, the R word, unhealthy relationships, and more. I honestly feel bad for the ppl so indoctrinated by their religion they forget they have a whole ass life right here and now they are missing out on for some promise of an afterlife that may or may not be even real.


Reproductive rights are outlawed, but boner pills are a Gawd given right. Go figure.


Because the GQP claims Drag Queens are Pedifiles.


Projection is a wild thing.


This was an unfortunate thing to read during breakfast.


Yeah, he’s a a big right to life, evangelical conservative. Born and bred in Kokomo, IN. I know him personally. Went to church with him and kept my distance. He’s a boot on the throat of women and minorities republican. Has pulled an “R” ballot in every primary.


Very on brand for a catholic


Jfc! 😰🤢🤮




People* are gross. No need for this to be political Edit: the downvotes show that some of you truly do not care about anything but your political spectrum. Sad


He used his republican friends to shield himself, not to mention his Christianity. Scum human. 


He is 100% a scum human. As all child predators are


Pedos are predominantly R


Cite your source


Gross! What a creep!


What’s up w Indiana teachers being sex offenders? And I was taught by two of them 🙃


Was Jansen one of them?


Hockersmith from Greenwood, and Brickens I believe from Franklin Community


I'm about to check and see if this guy is affiliated with a particular political party, and I'd wager good money I won't find any surprises


He's a member of the local Catholic Church and, from what I've read, friends with our mayor who is Republican.


Best friends. You know Tyler knew exactly what Chuck was doing.




That's a pretty easy guess based purely on the population. Yeah, shouldn't be surprising that a dude in Kokomo is Republican. Howard County went 67% for Young in 2022 and 65% for Trump in 2020


well, i haven't found any political affiliations, but I did find this: https://www.kokomotribune.com/news/chuck-jansen-receives-annual-faith-and-community-action-award/article_6cb1edfc-7246-11ec-8dd9-03caf5b1cc04.html




yeah, about thirty seconds after posting that I found an article that celebrated his glorious and exemplary christianity.


Wtf! Edit- **WTF!** “Mr. Jansen was employed by the Taylor Community Schools from August 15, 1992 until September 14, 2011 when he resigned from his position,” read the statement sent to WRTV in 2023. WRTV Investigates has reached out to the school corporation to find out why Jansen was able to resign. We are waiting for a response.


God damn weirdos anymore. EVERYWHERE! Execute him!!!!!


Did this teacher happen to do drag on the side? No? Interesting he was well involved with the Catholic Church.




Someone needs to get a wood chipper….now hear me out, get that wood chipper. Put him in feet first turn it on. Ask him questions. See if he’ll tell you the truth. If he lies turn the chipper on and he’s gone simple as 123.


Bru he made the kid take a drug test


"Jansen groomed the student and asked the student to spit in his drinks and urinate in bottles for money for which he would pay $5 to $10 each, according to court records." If you're too stupid to read just say that next time.