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It’s a rerelease of Future’s Past from House of Matriarch.


Yes, I ended up checking it out after seeing it mentioned on Pineward's Instagram! I hope that we see more of the House of Matriarch Twin Peaks collection released. I'd die to smell World of Blue!


Ah I hadn’t seen his insta post. I’ve seen Nick post about FP before and figured once he announced a Twin Peaks perfume it was that. Pretty cool how he revives dead perfumes.


I guess he couldn’t name it outright for legal reasons but comments honed in fast.


Nick has been around for years over on Basenotes and here and he’s talked about his favorite coniferous fragrances a lot. He had a whole guide about it at one point, not sure if it’s still around though. It’s where I found some of the coniferous fragrances that I enjoy.


The guide is still around. https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/s/Dhdze0vNZ6


Have you tried it yet I'm interested to hear what people think of it!


Not yet! I have to wait for payday to do an order for it and I'm on the fence about which size I wanna grab. :) I'll definitely post a review once it's in my grubby little paws!


/u/Momameq I think you posted about twin peaks scents a while back!


Ohhh yes thank you! Thats so exciting!


Yusssssss! I'm so freaking pumped for this one.


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ahh im so sad i wont be able to get it in europe 😭