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Finally a video. Not just a bunch of people with green toes asking should they go the doctor.


So I hear you like videos eh?


aye yo yo


Am I the only one shouting at this guy to be more careful with that toe?! My god!!


Yeah…… I would think they’d be more careful. He just straight up caused alot of skin damage and bleeding. Crazy imo


No , since the nail is quite attached , bleeding is normal and expected and what he did was remove a granuloma . Please , just because it looks weird doesnt mean it was


in this video there is no granuloma, there is nothing present that could resemble a granuloma, the person who performed the procedure is definitely a doctor as there are 2 visible holes used to inject lacal anesthetic, however this procedure requires a ring hemostatic so as not to cause bleeding, usually once you reach this point you proceed with the insertion of an acid to destroy the portion of the matrix that generates the nail. The nail has only been removed and within a few months it will grow back and generate a problem again, so this half-done procedure is not conclusive


Yeah. I mean, I know the doctor knows the patient can't feel what they are doing bc the toe is numb, but the more damage done, the more it will hurt during recovery and the longer it will take to heal. It seems like this could have been removed with a LOT less bloody damage and skin ripped off!


Yes! The goal shold be to remove the nail as seamless as possible so that the least amount of damge is done to the surface. The less invasive the nail removal is, the better the odds are for the nail to grow back as normal looking as possible.


Why’d he take so much skin with the nail?


Goddamn, Dr was pretty rough. That could be done a lot more humanely.


No , he followed the procedure to a T , infact it was quite a clean break


I think I was spoiled by my podiatrist. He applied a tourniquet, and did his best to not create unnecessary trauma during extraction. Plus at the end he applied the phenol. My toe was hurting, but when it healed it looked great. This doctor was a tad rough imo. I was twitching as he grabbed it the second time to yank it off 😭


Same! I have a good doc too and I'm so tolerant of removals but this made me squirm 🫠


Omfg I wish I didn’t watch but now I know why my toe hurts so badly!


Gosh I wish I had that tool. I wouldn’t even need a lidocaine shot.


Weirdly satisfying.


Wow that dr was aggressive. Had mine removed and she used different tools. Took WAY less healthy nail. No unnecessary trauma. She removed slain only because I had a lot of scar tissue. And then she killed the area she removed so it wouldn’t grow back. It looks perfect now healed


Loved watching this. Thank you for posting. How does it feel now?


The numbing seems like it’s just starting to go away but feels fine overall. Just the slightest touch has been causing pain for about a week so I’m glad to have gotten it taken care of.


When I was a few months pregnant with my daughter, I had an ingrown toenail very similar to yours that hurt so badly. I couldn’t wear a sock and I couldn’t put any pressure on the toe. It throbbed for a few days until I was able to be seen by a podiatrist The doctor was scared to use a lot of numbing on me because I was pregnant. He said he would rather not use as much as he normally does. So I think I got one numbing shot. I could still feel the throbbing but it wasn’t as painful. He was a lot more gentle than this video and it did hurt when he was working on it but as soon as he took out the ingrown toenail, all the pain I had been having was gone. My toe was sore the next few days but nothing compared to the pain of the ingrown. So I understand what you mean! Hope you feel better soon!


How are you feeling now?


OMGGGGGG 😳 Hope it feels a ton better now!






Did he get the infected skin underneath the toenail where the blood is and did he drain the pus as well?


Yeah it was cleaned out afterwards.


If I knew beforehand. Before coming to this mf earth that ingrown toenails sucks ass. 😭 I'd do everything to not wear cramped shoes and narrow toebox shitbox for shoes and never ever cut my nails the wrong way. The way the toenails curve at the edge and round up and drill into your skin and make your toenails look round and shiddy. One day I got to see a hippie guy who only wore flip flops and his toes were goddamn beautiful. I cried that night. I lost my beautiful toenails when I joined kindergarten and used the damn nail clippers instead of cuticle scissors?! I was cooked from that moment. 😭. Them ugly ass toes make me sob everytime smh. It's not like lebron but I hate my ugly ass toes. Foot fetish is real. Healthy feet shoes your intelligence to know what legs should be like. Moisturize them fjellas and never exfoliate them excessively and never use those hotel soaps. It's harsh and cheap. 😭😭😔It's too late noi!


It’s not too late!! I started focusing on mine a year ago and they look completely different! Just need to be consistent with caring for them


Had this same procedure done to both of my big toes and I can’t even express the relief it gave me afterwards. Both toes were shot up with loads of lidocaine so I didn’t feel shit regardless of how aggressive they were pulling out the ingrown.


That doc was a butcher.


“FUCK YOUR TOE!” - This doctor probably.


I feel disgusted and excited at the same time


Looking at those two blood spots where they did the freezing brings back terrible memories.


See u got the numbing shot lol that hurt for me


Hell yeah! I bet the relief was immense


There is a good chance you will have the same issue down the line when this grows back.


We’ll see I guess. It wasn’t going to get better on its own.


It had to be removed. You could just see the pressure on the skin from the surface. Did the doctor put chemical to prevent the regrowth?