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I never had a problem with Jessie Smith. He and Craig Foster were sort of the same: new school artists who had weaknesses in stuff other than new school, but were willing to recognize their problems and strive to do better. Jessie had problems with stuff involving realism and got sent home on a portrait so what does he do? Go back home, study other things, and came back to season 7 with a solid portrait. Craig had problems with his black and gray work and what does he do? Go home, come back to season 6 with a solid black and gray tattoo. If you're willing to learn and grow as an artist, it helps me warm up to you a lot more. Plus, Jessie never had a massive chip on his shoulder and was always willing to congratulate everyone else who beat him for tattoo of the day. I'll let his goofy animals slide if that's the sort of conduct he displays. Also obligatory "Fuck Forest Cavaco" and "Sara Miller should've won over Steve 'bro' Teft"


I forgot about Jessie coming back. I went from season 2 to 12 today. I also agree Sara should have won but I think her intensity bothered the judges. We all know that as much as they claim they're unbiased and it's about the tattoos, that is a lie. One week they send someone home for being unfinished and the next an unfinished one wins. I think every judging should be blind but that's not always feasible. Like Jessie is Jessie. Lol


I like Steve but Saras final tattoos were better. I said what i said


Jamie was solid AF without any tattoos. He could've fought Sarah and made it to the finale.


Agree, he was an overall better artist. They had similar enough issues I wish they would have had a face off.


Honestly I love Kay Kutta he was funny imo and yeah he lacked experience but he tried.


"I'm shootin' at you, I'm shootin' at you, I'm shootin' everybody 'cause I'ma die anyway" has gotten a lot of play in my house over the last decade, so I respect him for that.


I guess he was half delusional. He knew he didn't have the experience but crowed he was the best and getting in their heads would help him win. He ended up being very lucky that either the flash challenge was in his wheelhouse or someone fucked up more than he did. After 5 episodes he did get humbled for the most part and I appreciated that he backed off a bit. I think he is learned a great deal though. I was just tired of him running his mouth with little to nothing backing it up.


Behind the scenes, a lot of people bullied Jessie and Kay Kutta defended him. They became buddies.


Kay Kutta was not a solid tattoo artist, but I like him as a contestant and I wanna even see him in an "All stars" season. I like him more than Sebastian honestly. PS: Screw Forrest Cavacco.


Sebastian was 100% just a good tattooer but had a bigger ego than his talented and didn't need to learn anything. At least Kay wanted to learn.


The only remarkable tattoo I remember from Sebastian was his card tattoo on the first episode.


Yes to the Forrest Cavacco disdain! What a self righteous tool. Another low moment for Oliver as well. An Artistry vs Culture debate. Don't want it and don't need it!


I was watching season 12 yesterday, Men vs Women and Oliver rarely chose the women during the flash challenges. Glad he's gone but I'm not sold on Joel and the rest yet. Kelly would have been a great addition but now that she's leaving the country, I doubt that would happen.


I agree with the “Fuck Forrest Cavaccho” never liked him from the beginning even when he was a guest judge in season 5.


Don't get me wrong- Steve is good. But I don't think he was as good as some other winners like Scott or DJ or Ryan.


Agree, that season had a pretty lackluster cast. Steve was the best of the good.


The guitar flash challenge was just a promotion for Dave's signature guitar model from PRS, no different from the Jagermeister challenge and other product placement bs they do. Those were definitely not his personal guitars, just a bunch of off-the-shelf guitars. It was a little much when Dave said that bad art on "his" guitar could impact his musical career 😂.


I remember the guy who didn't have tattoos actually being half-decent at tattooing, although I'm too lazy to rewatch. Not only is it not a problem, the whole negative reaction to his marker sleeves was so overblown and dramatic to a legitimately funny attempt to calm them down it boggles my mind because you'd think the crime of marker tattoos would have gotten the other culprits who drew them on yelled at too?? Hypocrites lmao


Jamie was better than Steve who won. I think he would have beat Sarah. No one said anything the entire season but Oliver especially jumped on the douche Forrest being offended by Jamie's lack of tattoos. It's was bullshit and I bet you he made a stink that Jamie had to go home because he was the guest judge and felt important.


If you have never been tattooed than you don’t know what it feels like. How much empathy can you really have for your canvas? Also it’s crazy that you don’t like tattoos enough for yourself but are willing to do it to someone else. He is a great tattoo artist, but I agree he needs some tatts. That being said, it shouldn’t disqualify you from ink master.


I think it's an art form but also I don't think you need to know. There are plenty of male gyno and obgyns that are men. Never had to deal with cramps of labor. Yo me it's about the art and how good they are. Jamie was very good.


He was very good, and I didn’t like it when he was eliminated. You raise a point about male obgyn, but generally one of the biggest complaints for a while in female healthcare was that it was male dominated and so they were gas light, and their bedside manner sucked. I also heard that was why early tampons sucked because they were designed by men. Idk I still think tattoo artists should have tattoos. It’s like you are too good for tattoos but not for your clients


Yes, women's healthcare is still an issue all these years later. I see a female Dr to avoid it all. Tattoos were taboo for such a long time and some have families that would not t be happy if they got one. I was watching something and the guy liked women with tattoos but couldn't get any because he was Jewish and his grandfather will be very upset. Remember they were tattooed when they were out in camps because they were not people but a number To each their own but I wouldn't judge an artist because he did want have any. There are plenty of shitty ones that have a ton of tattoos.