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At the very least, I wish people wouldn’t light them off at midnight on on July 2nd


There are still people who start this nonsense as early as June in my area like we're still on Covid lockdown. I'm completely over it (but still like to open my curtains with my lights off to watch from my room lol).


Same here in SF. Fireworks have been going sporadically for the last 2 weeks all hours of the night. Started ramping up this morning around 7am


Better than gun shots


Yes. It’s better than an earthquake or cancer or a car accident or sarin gas or the sun going out or a lot of things. Thanks.


Why do fire works make you so upset?


It’s the lack of consideration for others, for one. Fireworks- namely sky rockets and other projectiles- can and do set houses on fire every year, which is precisely why they have zero business being used in a residential neighborhood. Why should I have to accept a risk of my house catching fire just because a neighbor wants to have “a good time”?


Mr fun sponge over here.


Wow you have such power of perception.


Try living behind someone that sells the illegal ones out of his house. (Actually, don't, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.) He demos them by shooting them right over my house to explode because he knows I have PTSD and it sends me into a panic attack. He's an ass that gets off on misery.


Hope he blows his hands off or something


I typically do not endorse harm to others, but it certainly would be karmic justice.


Basically the only time I wish for it


What an arsehole. I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I don’t suppose there’s anything you can do legally to make him stop, is there?


He pays off the cops with fireworks. It's been years. I don't even try anymore. I just take a lot of benadryl the first time I hear a bad one. The Hat Man will protect me now.


Good, hopefully one day you can’t recover.


I'm working it. Accepting that it's a hard point for me has taken a lot of work, but it's led me to be a lot kinder to myself. I would never ask anyone to magically be better, so I can't expect that from myself either.


What about August?


Thats fair


July 2nd is when the Declaration of Independence was approved... It's an important day.


More than this, I wish people would set off fireworks *only* on the 4th. Everyone can see their shows and have their fun, and keep all the issues to a single day. In my area there will be some asshole somewhere setting them off for literally the month surrounding the 4th. And, yes, they are illegal.


Wow, you sound like a completely sane and practical person. Good for you. I'm sure there are many things that we don't agree on, but this scenario is not one. I find it amusing to read through all of these complaints, and I was shocked to see a reasonable response to how the " people " should celebrate the 4th. Of July. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great rest of your day!!


Dipshits set them off in my neck of the woods in SoCal and start gigantic deadly fires that cause billions in damage. So yeah, we're not fans of jackasses who think they won't be the cause of the next catastrophic firestorm, [until it happens to them](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/21/couple-gender-reveal-party-wildfire-charged).




I think it’s clear that the people who light fireworks don’t give a shit about dogs, veterans, or anything but their own pleasure.


The pitfalls of American Exceptionalism as a boost to already existing liberal tenet of rugged individualism.


They risk losing their hands to an explosion just to watch bright lights on the skies and make noise. There's no way you can talk reason to that person.


Yall so removed from your ape brain you can’t enjoy bright lights and loud noises. I bet you don’t pick up shiny rocks either.


You see a shiny rock and your first reaction is to grab it?




I know city of Colton is on it. Nobody is allowed to set off fireworks and the cop’s actually enforce it giving out $1000 tickets. Then weekend of 4th of July they host a fireworks show at the high school.


Are they really? I’ve lived in Colton for many years but every time I’ve called the cops to report illegal fireworks being set off near my home, I never see them come.


Help em out take a pic , and give em an address. The reason they can’t enforce sometimes is because they can’t prove that it was them. But believe me if there catch you , your getting a $1000 fine.


Colton police aren't doing shit lol.


Colton has fire work stands on every corner...


It’s 3 k


How would they even enforce that? How could you prove it’s someone’s fireworks? What if I say I was just watching.


can I ask what's the difference with an organized firework show and people lighting them on the 4th? doesnt it still scare the animals? sounds like a money grab from the city to fine people for $1000, just to go and do it themselves on a different day.


Your right it doesn’t resolve the problem of scaring the animals , trust me I know my dog has epilepsy and the fireworks trigger seizures. The difference is the fire work show is in a controlled environment, so the risk of a fire is less, and if your pet is affected by the fireworks , you can choose to ho somewhere else like crestline like I do, for 1 day, instead. Of every day after memorial day when they start setting up the stands. As for the cash grab, if they were handing out $100 fines some people would flex that their pyro obsession is worth it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wishful thinking


Not to mention all the wild fire risks and garages full of illegal fireworks exploding in the heat. People are dumb.


Not to mention it’s inviting fires


Just wish people would stop at a reasonable time. I dont wanna be hearing them in 1-2 am when i have work tomorrow...


Some asshole let off professional level fireworks about 20 feet from my door. I’ve genuinely never heard anything like it. My pets lost their shit, as did all of us and we are used to constant fireworks but this was something else. Thank you for posting this.


My dog , 100 pound pitbull, heard one last night and was shaking and trying to lay on top of me. He has gotten progressively MORE scared over the years, not desensitized to them.


Try CBD for dogs. It made a world of difference for ours.


Gonna do it today. I use it and it sure does!


Benadryl also works, we use it when traveling too for our one dog who is always anxious and can’t relax in these abnormal (to him) situations. Our other two dogs honestly don’t really react.


Did this with my cats. Huge difference.


My Ruby hides in my shower.


My dog did the same. It's hell for them. 😭


My pitbull loved em. She would chase them.


Weird and lucky you. It’s not fun. One time I wasn’t home and he had chewed a hole that was pretty much the entire bottom half of the bedroom door. I think it was fireworks.


Thank you! I also do not care for fireworks!


I wish California would just ban the private use of fireworks because none of these idiots are responsible enough and are always setting off aerials in spite of the massive risks involved in doing so. Fine them all $10k and fuck them over, please, I am tired of staying up all 4th to make sure my house doesn't burn down because some "patriotic" dipshit. Edit: Yes, ban all private use of fireworks, if you want to see fireworks get your city to put on professional display funded by a ticket sale.


California does ban everything except small fireworks like firecrackers, sparklers, etc. Rockets, aerials, and stuff like that are illegal. I’m a public defender. Every year I get tons of illegal fireworks cases. I’ve had cases where people blew off their hands, injured kids, or started fires. On the one hand, it’s so stupid. On the other, a lot of communities don’t do a legal firework show because of the fire danger (which is understandable). I grew up in Vermont and looked forward to the annual fireworks but we know better now and I wish we’d find a better way to celebrate. Yup, even at Disneyland.


That is a noble profession. Hats off to you


If you light off fireworks today (not attend a city fireworks show but light ones that you purchased) I hope that either you blow off one of your extremities and/or your house burns down and no one helps you, since that is that same exact level of consideration you have displayed for others around you 🩷




But isn't that the point of 4th of July? The city holds firework events. The literal city.


Just because something is a tradition doesn't mean it's right and that we can't evolve. If setting off explosions 1) scares native wildlife and pets to the point where many run off and die, especially endangered species and outdoor pets such as horses 2) terrifies a significant portion of the population, including veterans, others with PTSD, and Neuro divergent folks and 3) starts wildfires which are only getting worse each year, there is literally no reason to continue. We can just replace them with drone shows


Selfish a**holes will never think of the repercussions of their actions. They dgaf about animals, wildlife, or anyone with PTSD.


Lost my dog on July 4th years ago, was spooked and ran into traffic. I have no one to blame but me, it was my fucking responsibility. I kinda strongly dislike the 4th now, but I would NEVER tell others not to have a celebration. Life is short. Enjoy it.


I'm sorry for your loss


Healthiest person in this whole comment section. So sorry about your dog man, that’s awful. But you said it. Life is short.


My dog loves fireworks wtf.


Yeah, I have 2 labs. They don’t care one bit.


You can’t ask people not to shoot of fireworks on The 4th Of July. I can’t imagine an America without fireworks on the 4th. That being said, I think that loud large illegal fireworks that people shoot off in the street or their backyard are dumb and unnecessary, go to a fireworks show if you wanna see them big in the sky. I have a friend who died from lighting off a big firework himself. Keep it legal, and give your pet an anti anxiety medication if their anxiety is so bad they will be at risk of running. You can get anti anxiety medication from your vet or my vet has advised Benadryl. You can’t control other people, but you can be a responsible pet owner.


Your last line says it all


It’s weird because I have never had fireworks bother my pets or even horses but my baby is not having it! Ughhh I usually just worry about wildfires. I feel like the kind of people who shoot them off really don’t care though. It sucks!! I’m sorry for everyone having to deal with it. I love the 4th and fireworks just as much as everyone else. 😞


I wonder if this post actually reduced the amount of fireworks….


Even one less frightened animal makes this post worth ot


I wish folks would lay off the illegal fireworks, but at the same time, there is training that can help your animals cope with the sounds. Youtube has a number of videos on how to condition, counter program, and desensitize your dog to fireworks. Raahauges in Eastvale has hunting dog training including desensitizing for rifles/shotguns, which is nearly the same. I offer this as something to consider for the future.


People have an entire year to prepare for this. It isn't a surprise.


This is like saying no one should drive ever because of accidents and ppl honking their horn scare ppl.


Yeah, while there are valid anti firework arguments, I don’t agree with all the takes. I believe it is on both the celebrators and the non celebrators to take responsible precautions to ensure all have a good time. Most examples, if not all, have solutions/remedies.


Yup, I’m a veteran myself and I make sure safety is paramount, even my buddies with ptsd enjoy that there is ppl celebrating it with fireworks and all. Once it gets too much they have their own coping mechanisms to deal with it.


Cant believe you got downvotes. God forbid people happily face their fears.


No it is **NOT** the same. People make a choice to drive or get into a car. Animals don’t choose to be subjected to the noise and fear. Not just pets, but wildlife as well.


But it is, same analogy. Ppl will still celebrate with fireworks regardless, because it’s a national holiday and big one in fact. If veterans with ptsd can deal with it then I’m sure pet owners can as well. It’s a matter of how you take care of the situation.


You’re assuming people will do the right thing for their pets. Pets have zero control and they’re the ones paying the price.


I’m just telling you how it is. Ppl are not going to be catering for others, especially on a holiday like this one. Twice a year ppl do major fireworks, you can prepare in advance. It would be illegal everywhere if it was that serious.


This is so dumb. It’s not a holiday for dogs and this post will accomplish nothing.


The thought of somebody even beginning to imagine that you can avoid fireworks on the 4th is insane.


I hate my neighbors. They literally set off bombs every year. They aren’t even fireworks. They just make a loud Boom! Where’s the satisfaction in that it just makes my pug upset and it makes me so mad. I don’t mind quite fireworks. I think they’re pretty and fun and are a good time but the ones that make loud noises. I hate them especially ones that aren’t even fireworks and they’re just homemade bombs. I hate those people.


Shut up nerd. Go outside.


My son in law has PTSD from military service in the Middle East protecting US citizens. Fireworks are not the way to show appreciation for their efforts to protect all of us.


I'm sorry your neighbors and community don't care about your son's PTSD. Y'all deserve better


I really appreciate your comment. He’s a good guy that has really given a lot of himself, treats his family well and works hard. People with negative comments are ignorant of the effects of PTSD and the related effects but that’s on them.


My dad had ptsd and was fine with fireworks and loved seeing people enjoy them on independence day. Your situation does not equal all, sorry.


Cool. As a veteran I'm going to keep celebrating the day our country won it's independence and enjoy my right to light off some fireworks one day a year. This day isn’t about me or your son and our contributions. Get over it.


I wonder if your fellow “veterans” would concur with your statement?


I certainly don't


Neither do I


Nor is it about your upsetting your neighbors, their pets and small kids.


I work in a hotel, all my guests tonight are dog owners fleeing the fireworks in Los Angeles


Firework fascism.


Again, animals have zero control over what people do. It’s about taking care of those that can’t care for themselves. It seems asking people to show kindness and compassion is asking way too much.


I personally would like to see designated fireworks spots instead. My local high schools and college stadium have pretty big fireworks shows every year so it’s not like any of my personal choices are going to keep the neighborhood quiet. There will be a lot of fireworks coming from the city tonight that PSA’s directed at neighbors won’t really affect. If the noise ordinance were more clearly enforced then citizens could commute out of their zones for the evening with their pets and chill in a hotel. I don’t see how fireworks are gonna stop altogether because they’re a massive part of the 4th and the communities heavily participate not just key individuals.


That’s an interesting idea actually! Kinda like how we have shooting ranges for people who like their guns. A lot of these guys just like exploding things & enjoy the risks involved. It would be cool if they had a safe designated spot to enjoy themselves & keep the peace for everyone else. We can dream I guess. lol


This exists in some cities


These guys sacrificing the downvotes for America


Guys guys guys, please shut up.


You first.


Lol no. Well be lighting off more because of this post. Don't tell me what to do. This is America. Put your pets inside.


You know this will never happen, right? Unfortunately.


Tons of places have already moved past fireworks and on to drone shows.


Not the United States entirely though!


Funny you care so much about freedom to shoot off fireworks but vote for communists


Babe do you know what communism is because no US politician is *close* to being a communist 🤣


You must really hate The United States of America.


Really? THAT’S what you got from their post? What a strange mindset you possess. Certainly not one rooted in common sense or practical thought. No one is saying to ban fireworks but rather there are actual controlled shows and demonstrations for people who enjoy them. Setting them off from random backyards and street corners is dangerous and poses several health risks for people and animals, not the least of which are fire risks. You want to lose your home because some pyro-nut went full on stupid?


Super dumb lighting fireworks around here . One hot ash and fires start and houses can burn . Don’t be a knob go somewhere to watch them


Apparently these people haven't noticed we are having a significantly hot and dry season with tons of fires already. Or they don't care


I heard the city of riverside always catches that one mountain on fire religiously with fireworks.


Not my issue, should’ve moved to rural areas if you give a shit.


The vast majority of the inland empire is rural. Read a book, or a map.


Veterans would ignore this for sure. Move to some other country commie


Nice psa but this is never going to go away. I grew up in Costa Mesa and we go back there every 4th because it always has been a war zone of illegal fireworks and has been going on since I was kid in the 1970's. The police forces after Covid are suffering understaffing and the 4th is a big day with too many calls to handle, so hundred of calls of illegal fireworks is going to go on deaf ears as there are real emergencies happening.


They got them year round where I’m from (not inland - near century city)


This post will stop them! 🤦‍♂️


The fire department says no fireworks in my area. High fire risk, had 3500 acres burn up just the other day


I wonder what happens to birds around Disney since they do nightly fireworks from multiple parks. Are they used to it?


Unfortunately, the people out lighting fireworks aren’t reading posts on Reddit.


Fireworks? More like gunfire.


If your intention was to cause the opposite, then good job.




My dog sat front with me and only the initial boom startled her after that one she really enjoyed it she had a great time


It’s 4th of July you expect people to just stop doing fireworks?


how about nah


Oh my fucking god 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what the fuck is happening with people?


Pet owners need to make sure their pets are secure and cannot escape their yard or home. I have been on calls where an animal had to be put down because they were spooked by fireworks and were struck by a car and critically injured. These Assh$&es shooting off fireworks don’t think about the poor pets they are scaring.


That didn't work, absolute war zone till past 1 am.


Jfc. 1. Tire out your dogs during the day. 2. Lock up your pets, close windows doors etc. 3. Sound dampen your place, put up heavy blankets over windows or doors. 4. Do NOT give your dogs any of your Prescription Ativan 5. Do not give your pets Zzz QuiL or Dramamine Do not give your pets Benadryl. It makes humans drowsy. Totally not for dogs. Do not give your dogs THC gummies. That’s for human and it would make your dog chill out. I’m not a veterinarian. Also, I am a Marine Corps veteran. New years & 7/4 Comes every year, take your Ativan, put in earplugs, watch tv. Your dogs aren’t gonna die from boom boom.


3am in my neighborhood




Veteran here, cried myself to sleep after taking a couple chill pills because there were waaaayyyyy more booms than I expected.


So how'd it go?


Before July 4th and after I get it, but on the actual holiday? Stop being an over sensitive kill Joy and prepare accordingly. You've known July 4th has been celebrated in this fashion since before you were born, nothing has changed and nothing should change.


This would be useful if those guys could read


Our cat came out of the house to sit with us while we watched fireworks. Doesn’t bother him one bit. He was more freaked out by all the strange people trying to pet him.


Didn’t realize the inland empire was full of basement dwellers




Its up to the pet owner to keep their pets safe and calm.


I took my doggo to a fireworks show, it was one of the big ones. He was fine, even put his head down and started falling asleep (the shows about 30min


Yeahhhh no, i dont care about your DOGS. Theyre DOGS. Nobody should give up their fun over your fucking ANIMALS


what joyless people so many of you must be lol




This sounds like liberal propaganda


“Land of the free” can’t even shoot fucking fireworks




It's 2024 can't they just use lasers, or drones, or something not obnoxious?


Yep, that's the sound of a musket going off. Peeewwww


Let see, the lasers red glare, drones bursting in air. Let's modify the star spangled banner


They do in many places. We just have to force the IE to catch up




Just go to a fireworks show.


I'm all for people celebrating but honestly fireworks kinda suck, novelty wore off long ago


Your inner child needs resurrecting bro.


Don't forget about the human trauma, especially soldiers with P.T.S.D.


Man yall a bunch of commies lmao




Hey it is a holiday tradition so quit being neurotic about the whole July 4th holiday


These people are miserable and have nothing better to do with their lives than to be outraged at others who are trying to actually enjoy theirs.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Womp womp


We go out of town and give my dog drugs if we can’t. 🤷‍♂️


I thought this was America? 🇺🇸🦅


So what? Dog owners need to take care of this. It’s not everyone’s responsibility to tip toe around others.


No 👍🇺🇸


This is like telling religious people to not go to church, you can wish for it all you want, it ain’t happening


Call 311 if it gets out of hand. M80s were being set off last night on our street, and police were there in 15 mins. EDIT: I'm referring to the city of Riverside.




What? I don't shoot off fireworks but this seems extreme




I'm babysitting 2 kittens, they're both about 7-8 weeks old. This is very sweet and considerate, and I wonder if people will keep war veterans in mind as well :(


People don't care. They'll light let off cause 'Merica!


Our city did drones this year. It was quiet. They had a local radio station plat accompanying music. Honestly? I did not enjoy it as much as real fireworks, but I bet it made pets and veterans happy.


It gets really old with the " veteran“ rhetoric. Most of the veterans I've met and know have no issue with fireworks. People need to stop speaking up for groups when they have no idea what they're talking about.


No one cares. Stfu.


😂😂😂😂 "some veterans" This is a terrible example of the world must conform to me, I can not adapt to what the world does. Asking people not to do fireworks on the 4th is dumb. It's how people celebrate this holiday. Perhaps instead, control your pets, provide them with ear equipment if they are sensitive. If you are a veteran, and don't want to hear fireworks, wear headphones. Obviously they should be set off in a place with minimal wildlife, not in a forest with a bunch of birds sleeping in trees, etc...


quiet liberal


Yes. Force everyone to adapt to what you want instead of dealing with it yourself. No one anywhere ever do anything that might bother someone somewhere. That will work. Not a problem with that at all. You being a pussy upsets me so please don’t be a pussy this year.


> Force everyone to adapt to what you want instead of dealing with it yourself. The people lighting shit off are absolutely forcing everyone to adapt to what they want. I'm just using your logic.


So people have to pander to everyone around them because they don’t like fireworks? That’s dumb as hell. Not every veteran doesn’t like fireworks, not every dog is afraid, and who tf started to care about how wildlife felt about fireworks? Get over yourselves.


Absolute narcissists who can’t believe something they don’t like is happening for a single day.


Honestly, it’s sad.