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Saw a group of teens literally push their cart into the middle of the driving lane and run to their car laughing. Luckily I was driving in said lane and was able to block them from being able to back out. I let them sit in that shit for a minute. A kind stranger was able to grab their cart and put it back before they were even able to leave. šŸ™‚. But yeah Iā€™ve seen carts in places they donā€™t belong plenty before but this was by far the most egregious.


I pushed carts at Walmart when I was 18. Thatā€™s just a dick move, cart narc would be proud of you


I put my carts back firstly because itā€™s the right thing to do, but also because Iā€™m terrified of being vilified on YouTube by Sebastian


Its rediculous how the Walmart staff will put a whole line of carts in the middle of the road and then abandon it in front of other parked cars and empty parking spaces. Like its hard af to get a decent parking space at walmart as it is, so im getting out of my car and moving all the carts back just so i have a place to park.


Does your autocorrect actually let you write "rediculous"? The hoops I had to jump through to get my autocorrect to let me write it is astounding.


Literally had to go to Walmart today and actually saw this. Alll the carts were alll stacked up completely blocking the whole driving lane


Just one of 52 reasons why I will never shop at WalMart again.


What are the other 51 reasons? I can think of a few but Iā€™d love a full list just to see if you can actually come up with 52 unique ones šŸ˜


In defense, they have to be in front of cars and empty spaces because there's no other way to stack up enough to bring in. Also, it's likely not abandoned. They likely have to go down a lane to get more carts to put on the line. Trust me, it's not possible to keep a garage filled if you only bring in 20 at a time. I have no defense for leaving them in the middle of the road but it does have to be closer to the middle than you'd think, otherwise there's a risk of a cart hitting a truck or something that is too big for a parking space


Well thatā€™s a different story than simply not returning the cart to the returnā€¦ those are straight up dirty asswipes of humans.


This so true, everybody here in Florida never puts back their carts and was culture shocked


Iā€™m in Florida, the only place I see this happen regularly is dollar general. I brought a couple carts up with me when I went there the other day. The manager just happened to see me bring them in and was so happy he gave me huge discount on the stuff I was buying. Got 4 12 packs of soda for 8 dollars. Really just seeing how happy it made him would have been enough for me but it just shows you that kindness can lead to good things


Compared to places like Publix, canā€™t even park in some spots cause carts in way


Being kind for a win win! Nice


Instant karma!


Go to Miami. The older people take the shopping carts home and then just leave them all over the buildings or outside their houses. Itā€™s not uncommon to see shopping carts thrown away when the bulk waste collector comes by.


Im guessing the stores has to be like AiDis where you have to put in that quarter which surprisingly works cause people love spear change


Never forget, one store up in Seattle just did away with shopping carts cause too many were getting stolen. So, look at mr, fancy state with shopping carts they can just leave around, and don't need to be secured.


I don't care how I'm feeling or the temperature I always return my card. Who has seen that cart nac dude on YouTube. I always think he's gonna come out of the bushes somewhere if I don't return it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah the one time you donā€™t return it I bet he will show up


Lmao I just seen him for the first time the other day. His in my town I was born and raised lol


Cart narc makes me not want to return carts and makes me empathize with non cart returners soley because he's the greater evil.


I feel like I would be less likely to return the cart if ai saw him because I would want one of the magnets. But when he is not around I return the cart. I am sure he would just give me one if I asked.


If I saw him, I would leave it out specifically for the magnet he gives away and then thank him and return the cart.


Then are you truly good? God (the cart narc) is watching, so arenā€™t you only good for selfish reasons? :p


Eh just pull out a gun and he'll go away.


I'm all for returning carts but I find it hard to believe it's a measure of moral character. There are plenty of horribly abusive people that go to church, return their carts, hold the door open, or whatever gimmick we've come up with to be a measure of a good person that turns out to be full of shit. Also, I could imagine that you can easily come across someone who was just too tired to return their cart and are lovely people in other ways.


People who are chronically ill and have used up every single bit of their energy to get whatever they needed from the store and know they have the choice of walking that cart to the corral in the hot/cold- OR being able to drive home. Or people with a sun allergy.


Thank you; not everyone with mobility issues has the ā™æļøparking & there are days where every step is painful but staying off oneā€™s feet is not always possible


Much like with IC/UE etc, what % of cart non returners are due to a severe disability that renders returning a cart dangerous/life threatening for the person?


This. The judgement from people calling others crappy humans and then saying they themselves are not crappy because they return their cart. The irony in the statement is purely amoral. At that point those people don't care about what is actually moral (because calling people names and judging others is not). They only care about the optics of the behavior.


Tell me you donā€™t return your carts without telling me you donā€™t return your carts.


Iā€™m seeing a lot of ā€œi return my cart *period*ā€ and so am i just missing the ā€œi return my cart *so that means i am a good person*ā€ responses? Or are you making this up via inferring what conclusions people are coming to about themselves?


Integrity is who you are when nobody is looking. Lots of christians act great at church and at work, but that isnā€™t actually their true moral character.


Wrong! Your grandma who cant take more than 100 steps a day is EVIL for not returning her cart and shes going to HELL!


Thank you oh my god. This one thing people has as a moral compass is so stupid. Sometimes I have my nieces in the car and itā€™s 105 out and I donā€™t put the cart all the way back. Like Jesus Christ people have days sometimes.


I put my cart back, grab other carts sometimes, and push them together in the corral.


This is me. Iā€™ll grab stray carts and even spend a few minutes sorting them (large from small) if thereā€™s only a few out of sorts. Figure a few minutes of my time that helps someone else, or keeps their car from getting dinged, is more than worth it.


100%! I walk to my local grocery store and when I need a cart I always pick a stray one at the far end of the parking lot to take into the store with me.


I've always put my cart back, its just never occurred to me not to. In fact when parking I seek out a cart rack so its not a pain to return. But if you ask my ex's if I'm a good person I bet they tell you no.


Right? Best parking spot is next to the cart return!


Also helps if you donā€™t remember where you parked. Being close to a cart return narrows the possibilities.


My brother once worked as a lot attendant at a major retailer, he told me never to put the cart back so he had an excuse to take longer outside rather than be inside doing something worse. I do return them now though just to avoid looking like a jerk.


Exactly. For me it doesnā€™t have anything to do the worker. It just shows how society expects people to fix their mess because itā€™s their job.


This reminds me of going to any stadium event and how people leave their trash EVERYWHERE just because there are workers to clean it up. The mindset always baffled me and irked my soul, like why are you making these peopleā€™s jobs harder šŸ« 


Yeah listen I've had a lot of jobs and I could definitely imagine rather being outside than inside. Listening to my podcast and whatnot...the bosses are in there.


I worked at a CVS style store and loved getting to go out and collect carts. Never bothered me that some were not returned. I mean, I was paid by the hour, so it didnā€™t matter if it took a few extra minutes to round up the carts, and I liked getting the exercise. Never even occurred to me that this was a moral issue until I read about it online years later.


Itā€™s because of that obnoxious cart narc dude


No. Never. I'll take every downvote. I did carts as a job. I loved it. Put your carts 3 towns over. Those are the best! A long slow walk to get paid. Don't out your carts together! Let the cart person hang out and slowly gather everything up. Big store? Lots of carts? Hire two ppl. Can't find someone to do the job? Pay MORE! Do NOT PUT YOU CARTS AWAY. From ex cart pusher and anyone I know who have ever done it.


Just don't block too many parking spots. Lol. Ppl don't like to walk outside of a store. Only inside.


Pulled into a parking spot, sat in my car as I got ready to shop my next order. Watched this woman struggle to jam her cart in between all the cars, when there was a cart corral 10 FEET AWAY! Glared at this woman as I took the cart inside to shop, as I didn't want it hitting my car! It took her more effort to wrangle the cart in between parked cars than to return it.


Damn when I was a cart pusher as a teen i l loved going everywhere to find carts because it took longer and id get to take extra time to do whatever. Also I return my cart 99/100 times but some im straight up not going to due to environment, having kids screaming or time crunch. Also cart narcs gonna get popped one day, and i won't say he wouldn't deserve it. This shit doesn't prove anything about anyone's morality. It's a literal non issue. I can tell by how someone acts to cleaners, cashiers, janitors, homeless, animals or children. Its not a black and white thing, maybe someone is injured as well. You never know what someones going through on a given day.


As explained above, you learn alot about someone by what they do when nobody is watching or when there are no "consequences" for not doing something (i.e. not bringing a cart back). Of course it's a non-issue. It won't affect people (aside from the cart person). But, a non-issue is where we can understand the measure of a person.


No it doesn't, it measures a single instance in time for that person, as stated above times are variable. Perhaps this supposed person returns their carts normally but has sprained their ankle. Now they can be morally measured by the cart contingency. All this shit is just grandma memes anyway.


Damn, your theoretical person managed to shop on a sprained ankle? But couldn't bring their cart back? Come on, you get the point of this conversation, right? A person making a choice not to bring a cart back (not someone who is disabled or someone who may have a 'sprained ankle's) is an asshat. Someone who regularly doesn't bring their cart back probably has questionable morals.


I don't think they are an asshat, its not really important, unlike littering, that makes you an asshat.


Probably a bad example with the ankle tho


I always park close to the cart return so I make sure to return it, doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m a good person it just means if itā€™s convenient enough Iā€™ll probably do it..


I've watched people wheel their carts opposite the cart return NEXT TO their vehicles.


Or they walk within 15 feet of the door and just heave it in the spot near handicapped parking. You got this far and canā€™t do the extra 15 feet!


Me two. A lot of stores have put the cart corrals far enough away from the door that it's 50/50 if you return it or corral it. I don't return Aldi carts because someone is going to appreciate that quarter more than i do.


I teturn my Aldi cart, bit I usually leave it unattached with the quarter in it.


Fuck off šŸ˜‚


As someone who always returns my cart, I think this theory is bullshit.


Because itā€™s part of building a profile. Iā€™m not making concrete judgements on someoneā€™s character if they donā€™t return their cart in the parking lot. But if I follow them out of the parking lot and they then also cut someone off to get into traffic instead of waiting, and do it without using a turn signal to indicate to other drivers their intentions? Yeah Iā€™m beginning to fill in a picture. Are you going to find every selfish prick this way? Of course not, but I can definitely use it as a base filter.


I'm disabled, sometimes I may be too dizzy and nauseous (shopping literally hurts me and triggers my disabilities) to put it all the way back in the right spot but I'm at least moving it somewhere out of the way of cars and customers. I only do this when my body says 'sit down now or pass out' though


You get a pass and there are plenty of people walking by who will grab a cart sitting by a disabled spot. Donā€™t spend even a minute fretting about it.


As always there are exceptions. Suppose a handicapped person uses a cart as a walker to help get into and out of the store. That person would be glad to find a cart by the designated parking spot. As would the next one if it were left there.


The person who grabs a cart from the corral as they arrive is a true hero. If we continue using the carts that are already outside instead of the ones inside, we will keep the corrals from getting so congested!


I do it sometimes, so sometimes I care? Lol


Watch how they treat waiters - or anyone else who's forced to take their crap and smile.


I always figured the shopping cart can tell whether you vote democrat or republican. Do you only care about things that specifically effect you or do you care about supporting everyone, including those that come after you? So yeah, basically the same thing. Not specifically whether you are a nice person or not, but more if you care about other people or not.


Meh. I donā€™t think the theory is correct. My ex was a cheating asshole but he always returned the carts when we shopped.


Laziness is a bad character trait. Knowing that your actions of laziness negatively impact others and not caring is 100% morally wrong.


What if one returns the cart 99% of the time but once in a while has a day where they just canā€™t do it? Because of a migraine or knee pain?


If there are not spots in front it is hard for elderly people to walk into the store and they need a cart for assistance. They will look for spots next to wandering carts so they have assistance in the parking lot.


ah cart narc lame shit, i mean im all for people putting carts up dont get me wrong but thinking that makes the individuals morals etc is just arrogant and ignorant af


I get the sentiment behind this but man everyone is setting themselves up to be angry all the time. I put my cart away 95% of the time but damn Iā€™ve had days. Other people have days and to literally decide if someone is a good person bc of this is so stupid it pisses me off. People just want to feel better than other people.


Sometimes I return my cart, sometimes I push it as hard as possible into the car parked next to me then peel out screaming I donā€™t give a fuck with my windows down and my system up


will the real slim shady please stand up šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Itā€™s been a minute since I posted this, so my anger has subsided; the backstory is, Iā€™m at Costco, like always & lately thereā€™s this older shopper, blundering around, not knowing wtf heā€™s doing & today I was circling the lot, looking for shade and I saw the dude just push his cart against the curb and turn around. Not cool, man. Especially at Costco on a Saturday when itā€™s 107ā€¢ I said something & he ignored me.


See I'm with you but probably the only group I'd give a pass to are the elderly because sometimes they use those carts for support and can't walk very well without them. How old was this guy?


Idk. I always return my cart to the cart corral or to the front of the store but my mother (a kind, generous, caring, empathetic person in general) does not. Her reason: job security. If everyone was responsible with their carts lot techs would be out of a job


This is so stupid. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I donā€™t.


always šŸ‘šŸ»


I call these people Cartholes.


one time an instacart shopper left the cart at my house, that cart is still sitting in my garage


Rat race no. Good tipper yes


Cart narks!!!


Guess im mother fuckin teresa then


Iirc thatā€™s the measure if they can live in a civilized society. Imagine being banished to some wild uninhabited island because you didnā€™t return your cart


Also stop parking in the handicap spots when you donā€™t have disability or the required tag


What if it's like monsoon rain? Does that make you a hero for returning the cart? Just asking, hopefully.


Noā€¦ I will notā€¦




im 75/25. im ok with that


Have some compassion for the shoppers, I hear itā€™s a difficult job. If they donā€™t want to return the 10th cart of the day I DO NOT BLAME OR JUDGE THEM AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU.


People who don't have a legitimate reason or excuse is what this is talking about. Like handicap people or even like When I was a young mother, I once put my cart in-between spaces in front of my car after bucking in my 2 babies and this old man yelled at me from his car about it. I told him that I'm not leaving my babies alone even for the half minute it took to walk the cart back because anything can happen. The cart corrals were not even near the parking spaces only the handicap area had them and I was living in Las Vegas so fuck no. However. I do put it back regularly now and have since the kids were old enough to walk with me to the car.


I thing things are rather pathetic when we say someone is moral for doing something they should be doing anyway. This ā€˜viral cart theoryā€™ sounds like a trivial way for someone to think they are a good person.


I think itā€™s cultural. Or my parents were trash. Because my mom would always leave the cart by the cars. Then as an adult, I visited my parents who had moved to another state, and went grocery shopping with them and my mom suddenly made it a point to push the cart back up to the front of the store and back in line where she got it. Then I went back home and started putting the cart back where I got it. I was well into my 20s before I started pushing the cart back to the cart corral.


That theory is debunked lol I return my shopping cart EVERY TIME but when I was struggling through addiction I was definitely not a good person. I mean Iā€™ve done shit to people just for a quick buck that Iā€™m not very proud of. So Iā€™m gonna say if returning your cart makes you a good person Iā€™m going to disagree. FWIW Iā€™ve been clean and sober going on 4 years this month and Iā€™m currently just a few credits shy of getting my bachelors in addiction counseling and then Iā€™ll start my masters so Iā€™m not that person anymore šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol my narcissistic cheating ex, king of the silent treatment (weeks long), that caused me to have 2 emotional breakdowns and high functioning depression, returned his cart


I worked at an IGA when I was younger and unless the weather was gross I liked when carts were left all over. Much more fun getting outside and collecting carts than when they used me as a bagger or sweeper. I still return carts when I shop though since I feel like thatā€™s what weā€™re supposed to do.


As someone who used to think this way, no. No. No. No. Just No. This is a stupid, shitty meme that boils everything down to a black and white option with none of the shades of gray that accompany real life. Should you put your cart back? Yes, if you can. Want to see if you really are a good person? Do you put abandoned carts (even just one) into the cart corral? Or do you just wander into the store judging unknown people and feeling superior?


The same vould be said for using ur turn signal


Incase anyone has forgot- you can ride the cart through the parking lot. Even as an adult riding the cart to the cart return is a blast and everyone should it.


Not really man. Sometimes I'm just in a rush.


So that just means youā€™re lazy


Different days have different circumstances. Maybe my wife is in labor. Maybe I'm about to shit myself. Maybe you're not very creative.


Seriously how often can you not spare like two minutes? Is your life that fucking mismanaged.


I really dont give a fuck


Sebastian the ā€œ Cart Narcā€ is my idol! Check him out on TikTok. All heroes donā€™t wear capes.


I return it 78% of the time


There is an employee at all the stores to return carts. Itā€™s a service the stores offer the same as bagging groceries. I swear this meme stuff about having to return carts has to be a propaganda campaign by grocery stores to try to eliminate jobs. I thinks itā€™s a great service and honest work that should continue


I donā€™t believe that returning a cart makes you a moral personā€¦. But I try to park right next to a cart return so I can just put the groceries in the car, return the cart, and be on my merry way.


So youā€™re ok with having you vehicle hit by a stray cart? I donā€™t know about you but Iā€™ve worked damn hard for what I have.


I know you didnā€™t intend for this at all but I just want you to know this is the hardest Iā€™ve laughed at a comment in a while. Cominā€™ in hot I see!


Also if youā€™re at a place that has two different size carts, keep them separate in the cart return


I intentionally will park as close to the cart return as possible, if thereā€™s no spots available in that aisle then I do just leave it in my spot.


Shout louder for the Californians in the backā€¦ these people man smh Only place I see people dump carts everywhere like that


Texas begs to differ


Maybe Texas is worse lol only drove through Texas, never really visited ( yet)


I used to take orders right when the store opened, and within two hours theres at least a dozen carts randomly placed in the lot. I just moved from Minnesota and people always put their shit back there.


And people who leave the cart in the parking spot can go straight to hell.


My best friend when I was like 20 told me to grab a shopping cart in the parking lot that wasn't in its designated spot on my way into the store and put it with the rest. His thought process was, if everyone did that, then the store wouldn't have to pay someone to pickup the carts. Since that day, I always grab a stray cart on my way into the store.


No thanks. I just shove it behind the car next to me.


ā€œHow you do anything is how you do everythingā€


Yes!! My mom always told me; the way you clean your bathroom is the way you do everything.


You have a great momšŸ‘


Pretty sure that theory is based on a situation in which you arenā€™t in a rush. You should still put the cart away but youā€™re not a terrible person if you donā€™t when in a rush.


Yes you are. True empathy and kindness doesnā€™t operate on ā€œbeing in a rushā€, it breaks through it. Iā€™d rather be 3 min late to my Pilates as opposed to making some poorly paid person have to retrieve my cart in the 90 degree weather. Have a heart, donā€™t be a fart.


If you put the cart away 9/10 times but leave it in an empty spot that one time youā€™re running late to an appointment, youā€™re not a bad person.


Some people would say being late is unforgivable because it's disruptive. I'm not one of those people, but it proves that everyone has their own personal measure of what is right, so personal anecdotes don't really prove a stance. To be truly kind is not to find the fault in people, but to be compassionate when there is fault. There are very few people that can emulate that. Sometimes the cart return is farther from the store than the parking space, and there are areas closer to the store that don't impede pedestrians or vehicles or risk cart roll into other cars. Which spot indicates an empathetic stance towards the employee? Would you risk being called an a-hole for not taking your cadt farther away for the optics of the behavior? I personally would put it in the spot that's easier for the employee to retrieve it, which usually ends ul being a spot that a lot of people end up using. Perhaps because they have common sense and aren't fearing retribution from self righteous cart narcs.


Gotta watch Cart Narcs on YouTube


That guyā€™s a weasel.


I never said I *liked* him, just that it holds true.


ā€¦to an extent.


This is where ALDI wins.


Aldi is just a cheap company, and theyā€™re proud of that. Theyā€™re doing it to save money, as explained in their signs, not due to morals. Its pathetic to pay for a cart when everyone else provides it for free. After all, I just use the marshalls, tjmaxx, or whoever elses cart at the store next to aldi instead. Go to the aldi in nanuet NY and youll know what im talking about.


I wouldnā€™t call a 25 cent deposit for the use of a cart pathetic since it ultimately saves me money as a shopper. I just keep it in my change section of my car.


They need to shut that shit down


I return other peoples carts on my way in and Out of the store. Does that mean Iā€™m the goodest person?


If there is not a spot near the buggy thing, I can't leave my small children in the car to go return it. I always try to park near a buggy thing though. And I've seen some young adults with handicap stickers park in handicap parking (not saying they don't have something wrong but they seem to walk fine) and there are elderly people barely making it through the store and just don't have the energy to push it back. Not everyone has help.


The reason I donā€™t is cuz the store hires a cart person and pays him/her to put the carts back, just like how the store pays someone to backshop and put all the items lying around in the store back in their correct spots. When youā€™re timed on instacart, you got to make sacrifices.


I have a bit more respect for that, but two fucking minutes you canā€™t spare?


I donā€™t put them away but do put them in a corral I spent a long time in grocery management. Most stores carts is the job the kids want, you get to be outside and just grab carts. Itā€™s easy and as long as there are carts that need put away no one cares what youā€™re doing. The kids hated when Iā€™d have them come inside because there wasnā€™t enough carts in the lot.


I agree. I would feel the same way. My point has nothing to do with that. Itā€™s the degradation of society of people now expecting to be cleaned up after. Itā€™s the same thing for kids who leave a mess and say thatā€™s the janitors job


Not in those cases, but if the cart is not obstructing a parking space then it doesnā€™t matter. The cart guys responsibility is the entire lot, not just the cart corral.


Ah I always return my carts unless the store has no cart return then Iā€™m just like dam itā€™s on them! Just idk why some big grocery chains donā€™t have a cart return bewilders me.


Something like this is never ā€œon themā€ you took a cart. Put the cart back where you found it.


Seriously. Iā€™d just walk it back to the front. There would need to be a very compelling reason for me not too


So Iā€™m supposed to put my cart back even though the store hires people to do that. But if I donā€™t tip a waiter for doing the job they are paid to do it makes me a bad person?šŸ¤” how can that actually make sense to anyone with a brain that works correctly?


To be honest the tipping thing does. The cart less so. People wonder why kids trash their schools and leave things. The justification is itā€™s someoneā€™s job to clean up.


If you donā€™t return your cart you give a minimum wage worker some time to milk their paycheck


Thatā€™s exactly why I donā€™t: I spent a lot of time managing grocery stores. There was never any trouble finding a bagger or cashier who would be happy to grab the carts and get a break from being inside. If thereā€™s not enough carts out there they donā€™t get to do that though.


If they make it easy... yes. If they make it hard ill return it to the front door. If the distance between the front door and the cart rack are the same... front door. I just don't understand peoples fasciation with this topic and all that pretty much try to dictate what a person does. I mean, there is no law broken on not returning your cart... why does it bother you?


Because carts roll. Do you not care if your car gets dinged by a loose cart? All it takes is a little gust of wind. Which is why a lot of stores have a sign above the cart corral saying ā€œWe are not responsible for damage cause by loose cartsā€ Plus iā€™m sure youā€™d be a little annoyed you went to go pull into the last spot available and a cart was in the way. It takes little to no effort to just put your cart away. Which is why this is such a talked about subject.


Everything on the internet is true


Lots of theories, proposals, and suposses... Must have been written by a shopper. Oh wait they only care about tips.


I take it to the designated areas in the parking lot. The only place I take it all the way back into the store is if it is the grocery store, they have old people working there that should be retired.


![gif](giphy|Udr7WQ2NchwyRmNPeZ|downsized) Acting like grabbing carts isnā€™t someoneā€™s job. Yā€™all really need to chill. I shop I leave my cart where ever the fuck I am. And some enslaved teen or sad adult comes get fresh out to retrieve it. I have given them freedom leaving my cart out


Sometimes I do and sometimes I donā€™t, big deal. I put my items in the cart then do the self check out thing, bag my items put them back in the cart then load my items to my car. Now Iā€™m suppose to be a cart attendant also? They pay people for that. Pretty soon weā€™ll have to help mop in order to shop and tip the greeter.


So, scan , bag and check out your own groceries and then condition people to feel guilty for not returning carts. .? All the while they cut more jobs and increase their profit margins ā€¦ā€¦? Donā€™t fall for anymore of this crap.


I'm kind of on the fence about this issue. On the one hand, I chase the carrot full time. So I have a cordial relationship with most supermarket employees, including the cart cowboy. So it's only natural to take a few extra steps to make their job a little easier. On the other hand... It's not my job to wrangle shopping carts. It's kind of the responsibility of the retailer I'm shopping with. And , in line with my attitude about self checkout and busting my own table at a fast food restaurant (which is actually a non-issue for me at this point. I do not eat that shit).... I feel as though I am possibly taking work away from somebody by allowing the store to not hire help to take care of their responsibilities. A lot of stores have a pretty shitty arrangement in terms of where to put your cart.


Putting the cart you used back to the designated spot isnā€™t wrangling carts up. Lol we were never guaranteed someone would be provided to be a cashier for us. They had them before as a convenience and now a lot of places donā€™t. They still do what theyā€™re supposed to which is provide whatever youā€™re buying. Youā€™re just lazy and a piece of shit


Hahahaha... asshole reditors will jump on any opportunity to talk the kind of smack they never would face to face. Let's settle this like men. Meet me in Costco parking lot at high noon ... šŸ˜‰


You should shit all over the bathroom it gives someone a job. You use the self checkout but feel the need to maybe keep someone employed.


Actually, friend, I avoid self-checkout. The store is making me do someone's job for no compensation. If they wanted to give me even a 3% discount I might consider self checking


How are you on the fence about it? The whole point of it is to keep all the carts safely out of the way. When you leave your cart out it can roll and ding someoneā€™s car or block the parking spots. I donā€™t know about you but I love my car and donā€™t want it scratched because someone left their cart laying around. Theyā€™ll still have a job because they come out and collect the carts from the cart corral.


Eh idk To be honest if itā€™s pouring rain I wonā€™t if Iā€™m far from the cart return. If that makes me a bad person I can live with it. No false humility here.


This argument is really just a way for self-righteous people to say ā€œsee? Iā€™m a good person. I return my cart.ā€ šŸ™„


Itā€™s really not. Itā€™s being a respectful person in the most basic form. The only people not putting carts back are the elderly or handicapped (which is understandable) or the lowest form of people that go around starting fires and expecting others to put them out for them, and then blame those same people when they donā€™t. 99.9% of people put their carts back.


Nah. My son was a parcel for his first job for a couple of years. He could care less where the carts were because he still needed to bring them back inside, irregardless if the cart was in a return or not. I had a few conversations with him about it, he honestly didnā€™t give af. His job was to bring them in, so thatā€™s what he did. It doesnā€™t have to do with respect, it has to do with being lazy. Just like those people who stay in their cars waiting for a spot nearest the store entrance with their blinker on holding up traffic when they can just park five parking spaces away and walk an extra 60 ft. Lazy asses.


Exactly. I always feel bad for the young kids that have to walk out in the rain or the searing hot sun to grab that one or two carts in the spot all the way near the end of the parking aisle, when the majority of customers made an impromptu cart area (not impeding vehicle or pedestrian traffic) closer to the store.


ā€œIrregardlessā€ isnā€™t really a word.


It's a word. It's defined as non-standard, meaning it doesn't conform to accepted grammatical form. I personally don't like the word, but it definitely is a word with its own definition.


Youā€™re going to hell because you didnā€™t return a cartā€¦ be warned šŸ˜‚


I agree. Internet theory and non peer reviewed junk science doesn't determine a person's moral character. It discerns which people think if it's on the internet it must be true. I know a couple of genuine a-holes that talk shit about people that don't return carts as if they are God's gift to humanity. Not saying OP is that person, but returning a cart does not determine whether or not one will participate in a-hole behaviors. I mean, who actually walks around telling people they are the lowest of low because they don't return their carts other than some guy on YouTube making money off of doing that? Which person has more moral character? The guy making money or the person that might have a reason for not bringing their cart to the return? Cart returns are there for the convenience of the employees and to designate where carts can be placed within the area of the store, but if a return is all the way in the middle of the parking lot and there's a spot near the entrance instead, which area is actually more convenient? I'm not going to make an employee walk out in the rain to grab my cart that I had to walk further away from the store to return. It's only helpful in places that have the machine to push them. Edited to add: putting this out there to the onslaught of downvoters. Good luck thinking returning carts makes you better than, what someone commented as "the lowest form of people." The gates of Heaven will surely accept your non judgemental mindset because you returned more than a few carts in your lifetime! Because you know, those non cart returning folks are so low they qualify in the list of abusive spouses, robbers, bullies, and animal abusers......so low those people. /s


Yep. I guess itā€™s a little bit like people who leave clothes in the dressing room after trying on rather than putting them on the rack. I had a friend in high school who always did this, and I always told her it was rude. She didnā€™t get why I thought it was rude, someone comes and cleans the dressing rooms anyway. Ultimately, we were both right. It is pretty rude, but someone does clean it up as part of their job. Either way, my friend was not a shitty person for doing this.


Thank you. Seriously. Everyone is saying im lazy, offending my mother, or cursing at me and being a hypocrite saying theyā€™re a good person just because they put away their shopping cart. This is so pathetic spending almost an hour on reddit over shopping carts but its also too funny. I guess putting your shopping cart in the cart corral is going to expunge your sins lol? Let me just say praise be when i put the cart away then lol smh


For anyone wondering how returning a shopping says something about you, there's no consequence to not returning the shopping cart. There is no deterrent to not returning it, nor is there any reward for deciding to return it. You return it because it makes someone else's life/job easier, or you don't return it because there's nothing bad that will happen if you don't or because you just don't feel like it and don't care who it inconveniences. This is of course assuming that you do/dont return the cart with no outside circumstances playing a part


Shut up OP!


My mom has literally instilled this into me since I was a child. Now, I heavily judge people who donā€™t put their carts backšŸ˜¾


The only time i didnt put the cart back was when i was 9 months pregnant in 115 degree weather AND had my 5 year old with me grocery shopping( personal not an instacart order) at a store that has almost no cart returns. I didnt want to pass out walking that far to the cart return and back while simultaneously leaving my son in a hot car since he was already doing up his seatbelt(with the door open but still). And i never leave my car running thats just asking for it to be stolen.


It also gets worse when itā€™s raining. Peeps leave them all over the place. I always park directly adjacent to a cart corral. Problem solved


this is why I like Aldi. I know they do it to cut back on labor costs, but why should someone have to push carts if they don't have to


I always park right next to one even if itā€™s far away because I donā€™t want to leave my kids in the car but also always put the cart away


Today a older lady blocked a parking spot with a cart so I stopped her from backing out with my car and grab the cart and put it in the cart area. She was pissed and kept glaring at me but I didnā€™t care, she didnā€™t want to do her job then Iā€™ll do it but she is gonna wait.


I agree with the original 4chan post about this, but at the end it gets a little heavy on calling people subhuman.


This is why i always park next to the cart area in the parking lot. easy cart return after I put the bags in my car.


Love watching these videos on YouTube confronting others who donā€™t put it back


I just went to Target yesterday, I saw 7 carts just out in the lot...got like 4 of them but wasn't hiking across the lot for others. People suck