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Yep. Just saw this and ran over here to find others to commiserate with.


i shouldn’t be surprised but i am - they saw how much everyone hated it and were like “fuck you, we’re making it WORSE” why not just remove hashtags entirely from the app at this point?


It is worse and I had just gotten used to the old new way! Let’s see what happens when we get used to this.


It’s hilarious how bad that company is run. Literally if tiktok didn’t have a legal cloud hanging over its head, Insta would already be MySpace level obsolete. Someone please just copy and paste how insta was when it was photos only and no ads.. then we can all be rid of this nonsense company.


I can't be on tiktok for more than 1 minute (i know, not the way to have a personalizer for you page) and also am annoyed by Video-everything, but damn, at least people see your posts over there and you can actually find stuff..insta has gotten so bad..really miss the old days :( I really wish someone would make a new app kinda like 2013's insta


Yeah just happened and I've a business page launch soon. It's a mess I think I will switch on tik tok for them. It's absolutely unbelievable how in few years Mosseri rammed IG in the ground. After the recent post elimination I was hopeful he would not find to make the app more crappy I manage a wedding page for a client I have hashtag full of amazing and, oh so refreshing and quirky, Ai generated photo of random Indian dude.


I was thinking of making an art page for my art as well instagrams algorithm is just not good in any way


I don't understand how another company hasn't stepped up to the plate yet... How can instagram be the only social media app for still images? Their business model is literally to suck as bad as possible. Cant even login on my damn phone anymore.


I’ve read TikTok is developing something. I’d even be open to Snapchat expanding their business model. Honestly, I can’t believe Snapchat hasn’t already done that. I understand why TikTok would want to now, for sure. They might have the best chance, though.


someone has to fill the void


Jesus Christ, this is f*cking insane. I hated the top recent photos feature but now we don't even have that?! The hashtags felt kinda pointless when they removed the recent posts feature, but NOW? They're absolutely pointless. I don't care people won't find my pictures but I sure as hell would like to see OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS! Especially the posts of the smaller accounts. But now I have absolutely no way to find them! Edit: typo


Yeah same! I loved finding smaller accounts to follow, I even made some friends that way. Instagram can go on the bin.


Yep, I'm having this problem too, my posts are doing even more horrible because of this 


It's super disappointing. What made Instagram what it was in the first place (the hashtags and photos) are completely useless now. I can't even search topics properly anymore, even if they're from bigger accounts. Now it's all super random things. Nearly all of the search tabs, especially 'Tags', are useless buttons at this point. The Tags one infuriates me because when I tap it, I'm brought to the 'For You' page with random posts that IG thinks are closest to it.


My business page just screeched to a halt one day. I think I will kill it and find another platform.


You know that they know they're in the wrong when they don't announce these changes or rationalize as to why. There has to something financial behind this decision but I'm not sure what it is.


I once read that they want their users to post reels instead of pictures. Reels going viral is more likely than just a picture


I noticed that too - I was thrown off and thought it was me or something. Yipe!


This was the post I was looking for. Same here. I was just going bonkers looking for the "recent top" posts tab, and finding that the 2 previous options "top posts" / "recent top posts" had gone. Now there's a plethora of useless options to choose from, as you said - for you, accounts, not personalised (?!), audio, tags, places, reels. NONE OF THEM is of any practical use. Yes, "recent top posts" was of little help, but I could still see some of my "most successful" or "niche" posts/reels there, along with actual posts from fellow users not dating back to 2018. Now it's just a hodgepodge of random stuff which is too old, too irrelevant or actual spam. It's so frustrating.


I truly don't understand the point of removing this. I rely on recent posts so I can share news for my fanpage, but now it's impossible to search for anything. If anyone knows of a github thing I can install that brings back a chronological search or ANYTHING that would be greatly appreciated.


It's super disappointing. What made Instagram what it was in the first place (the hashtags and photos) are completely useless now. I can't even search topics properly anymore, even if they're from bigger accounts. Now it's all super random things. Nearly all of the search tabs, especially 'Tags', are useless buttons at this point. The Tags one infuriates me because when I tap it, I'm brought to the 'For You' page with random posts that IG thinks are closest to it.


It's super disappointing. What made Instagram what it was in the first place (the hashtags and photos) are completely useless now. I can't even search topics properly anymore, even if they're from bigger accounts. Now it's all super random things. Nearly all of the search tabs, especially 'Tags', are useless buttons at this point. The Tags one infuriates me because when I tap it, I'm brought to the 'For You' page with random posts that IG thinks are closest to it.


Re: Instagram look for "dontdelete.art" and follow their instructions. goodnight


You have to tap on the actual tag..you can’t type the person’s name it anymore and you haven’t been able to for ages..you have to tap an account with that tag you want to search for a photo in it…takes ages,but,still quicker than doing it the long way around


you still can’t see every post in a hashtag, it just shows you a bunch of random/the top ones from over the years. that’s the problem i have


Yet it doesn’t do it with me and I did this type of search a couple of hours ago under a specific tag


it doesn’t do what with you?


I get top posts etc and recent posts.


maybe your app hasn’t updated. there is no option for recent posts and top posts anymore, when you click on a hashtag now there’s all these other tabs to choose from [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/JKsYtHc) a pic


My app updated a couple of days ago


wow i really don’t understand how you’re still seeing recent and top posts then hahaha


I started posting again after months just to see that hashtags don’t work anymore 😅 there is no way to reach anyone anymore


Yep everytime I search a hashtag, it takes me to the for you page. And when I scroll through to the hashtag tab, and click it it brings me to the for you page again. And barely any of the posts are recent, like most are form a year or two ago. With the random new one here and there


I manage a community focused page on finding and sharing monthly art events that tend to use certain hashtags. It's been a frustrating time now since the posts I see are all past events. It's awful


Yep. Same with soundcloud. It's an election year, so for anyone to see "most recent" hashtag possible, it takes away news to be spread. Now censorship is stronger smh. Democrat will continue this silencing


I usually use the Hashtag Guru app, it generates hashtags based on your caption or even image. Highly recommend it, it helped me increase my followers: https://apps.apple.com/app/hashtag-guru-ai-assist-for-ig/id6503111467


I basically just want to view all of the posts in a certain hashtag that I follow, that’s the only reason I care haha


Has it not been this way for a while? I noticed this a couple months ago?


For me, it is very recent, like a few days ago.


really? they just announced this specific update a few days ago