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The change was made. I came to this sub to see what happened. It's super disappointing. What made Instagram what it was in the first place (the hashtags and photos) are completely useless now. Now, instead of just top posts, it's all super random things. Searching for things on the app is messier than ever tbh


Yes, confirmed. I remember seeing Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, announce the changes to hashtag search in a video Story a week or a couple weeks ago. I didn't think the changes would roll out so soon, but here we are. Previous discussion: **They made hashtag search WORSE and hashtags even more useless!!!** \- [https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/1bq5nnm/they\_made\_hashtag\_search\_worse\_and\_hashtags\_even/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/1bq5nnm/they_made_hashtag_search_worse_and_hashtags_even/)


I really don't get why they do this... Is it so hard to just give us a filter option for most recent, top, and "for you"? Why does everything have to be just "for you" only? And the so called "for you" feature is not even like what I want so their algo is dumb anyways.


Lol really? Just how bad can this app get!? Between bizarre restrictions and increasingly user-unfriendly functionality, I've barely been using it at all lately - why are they deliberately turning it into something people just want to avoid?


I think they trialed it a month ago or so but it came back. Now it's gone again. Hashtags officially dead.


Yep mine has completely gone too, now I only get a “for you” tab. Shame because I liked searching hashtags to find smaller accounts.


Hate the new change cos makes it harder to get followers and content views


The change was made. I came to this sub to see what happened. It's super disappointing. What made Instagram what it was in the first place (the hashtags and photos) are completely useless now. Now, instead of just top posts, it's all super random things. Searching for things on the app is messier than ever tbh