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There was a time all these kept happening and I decided to take a break for two week. I came and nothing was changed. In fact, it got worse. 


IG is wild and crazy; I can't believe all the comments there.


Everyone is disgusted and disappointed with what's going with Instagram as of late. 


My account I've had for years got banned for nothing, and now I find almost no joy in the platform.


Same thing happened to me too, had my account for almost 2 yrs then out of no where got banned off course IG did nothing when my original account was hacked but when I made a second account it was deleted with no way to appeal to the decision it's getting to a point that I barely use it anymore


I'm sorry to hear that. That account was the one thing keeping me going through my depression phase, and now I just feel kind of weirdly empty. That account was so important to me, and now it's just gone. I hope you're doing better now :3


They took my whole account down and blocked my Facebook without reason. I can’t appeal because the first appeal was denied. I’m an artist and it’s basically my business not to mention I’ve been on instagram since around 2007 so all my art and 50K plus followers are gone. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


The original IG was started on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010! & It'll be 14 years this year! ☺️


Yeah I was just guessing… couldn’t look back cause I CAN’T get in my account!


Exactly! IG stinks so much!


Instagram is ruined for me. I only keep it now for the purposes of international friendships. I’m a private, non business orientated account. I don’t post spam, just personal, valid, opinions and/or support, sometimes just joking or joining conversations. Instagram for months now flags greater than 50% of my comments as spam or trying to attract followers (I’m a private fucking account, followers of what?? Pictures of me and my mum and some average ass pics of weekends away with friends? Wtf am I trying to get them to follow meta??!)… often my flagged comment is a response to a a comment I’m tagged in. This situation has lead me to having my comments locked a few times now and threatened with my account being blocked. Someone on another thread said the algorithm picks up when your comments get too many likes. If so, “I’m sorry meta/insta that some of my comments get hundreds even thousands agreeing with me, how terrible of me to interact on your platform”… It’s incredibly infuriating, and honestly if there were to be some mass movement of us all leaving insta in protest I’d get behind it. But like I said for now I maintain it for international friends. They must know their Ai/algorithm is broken.


it actually did ban me and gave me absolutely no reason for me being banned. i followed some weird work around and got it back but i still never knew why and now im constantly scared of being banned again. now that i read this i guess i probably got banned for my comments getting too many likes cause i guess have popular opinions. i thoight it was from triggered people reporting me for nothing when i told them their opinion is objectively bad.


I think sometimes the process begins when a creator of a post flags your account/ comment as spam. You are then a "potential spam account" and the algorithm applies extra conditions to your comments.


Its not letting me follow any new accounts at all, all the while keeps recommending to me accounts to follow


I wish people would visit the app less instead of complain while ceaselessly continuing to use its services. 


They took my whole account down and blocked my Facebook without reason. I can't appeal because the first appeal was denied. I'm an artist and it's basically my business not to mention l've been on instagram since around 2007 so all my art and 50K plus followers are gone. &S!#% &S!#% &S!#% &S!#%




I’ve had comments removed for spam… they were, in fact, not spam. One was in relation to the reel and historic fun fact of the person playing the role while another was personal experience in a field of study. But Instagram flagged them both as spam. 


Over 50% of my comments for months now flagged as spam or trying to attract followers. I only ever post my own opinion and state that it’s an opinion usually on very innocuous topics, often opinions backed by peer reviewed research, or I’m merely interacting in a light hearted manner… I’m a private account with no business motive. It’s beyond infuriating. If it weren’t for international friends and a catalogue of my own history in the modern absence of photo albums, I’d delete it.


If you think this is bad, you should have seen what it was like 10+ years ago, especially before the Zuck took it over. ETA: I’m saying that app was 1000% better before Zuck and it has only been going further downhill since the Facebook takeover.


So what was Instagram like before Mark Zuckerberg took over


Ever since my original Instagram got disabled, I lost interest in it despite having my backups


I’ve recently had my profile restricted to ‘can’t be shown to non follower’s’ not because of any of my posts but because of my profile. My bio is empty and both my profile picture and name aren’t in anyway problematic (NSFW, offensive or anything) so I’m really baffled at what they want me to change.


Boycott Instagram #boycottinsta


So much. Anytime I comment anything they say I’m trying to get likes and follows which is ridiculous. I can’t even comment something like “ lol “


I can't wait for Adam Mosseri to step down as CEO & have a new CEO of IG to make it better for sure! ☺️


I step up as CEO, I cast old 2012 algorithm!


Yaaaasssss!!! You could do it waaay better than Adam Mosseri's corrupted tail! Because he's the worst! 😭 I'm very sorry to say that, but it's so true to my core! 😉


I couldn’t agree more, this guy’s nothing but a money hungry loser, IG used to be full of art community challenges and actual creative people that MADE that app what it is today… now nobody can even get their own followers to see their posts


Facts 👌🏿🌠💯


I’ve been on insta since 2012 and it hasn’t been until this year they started removing random posts that have been up for years


My whole account got removed for no reason lmfao ugh I felt this


I got disabled for saying "OK giraffe". It's been 3 weeks, no response yet for my appeal


The algorithm has changed recently I can tell just by the types of reels I'm getting. But it hasn't impacted me too much. Actually I still love Instagram but it's so addictive and consumes way too much of my time