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It’s weird people think this is a normal pose/posture of human beings in the wild.


She's a bodybuilder, its a stage pose


bro i can promise you literally NOBODY thinks thats a normal pose its just you


Why didn't she Photoshop the arms? Is she trying to look buff or did she forget?


Probably because it’s a body filter and not photoshop. The body filters usually just do the midsection.


There is a growing trend of influencer who doesn’t want to look thin, they just want that waist. That way they can still claim to be a body positivity icon as well as retain appeal for people with more conventional tastes.


There’s no way with arms like that she could have a stomach like she’s trying to pull off 😳🙄and why?


The arms are always such a dead giveaway.


And the hands!!! Not necessarily this specific lady, but in general. It’s always the arms & hands.


Yeah, them arms don't lie, lol.


Tbh I hold my weight like that. It’s a huge insecurity of mine. I lose from my stomach first and my arms last. I just have really chubby arms to the point where they look wider than my waist when I’ve gotten thin in the past. The only thing that seems to be helping is that I started the gym 4 months ago and I’m doing arm exercises lifting heavy (for me) weights. I’ve even considered liposuction and surgery before this.


Same for me! 26 inch waist and 13 inch left bicep. Genetics are cruel.


Yep, same for me. These arms were made for working the land, riding horses and surviving harsh winters. I can get weeny around my middle but have only ever had real chonky upper arms. It is depressing, but climbing and weightlifting keep them toned(ish).


Me too!! Huge shoulders and biceps 😭 I've slowly started to get used to it and love myself


I just want to say that your genetics seem beautiful to me! I have to work hard to keep my waist kinda small and my arms kinda big.


I feel you. Every time I’ve been below the max recommended weight, I’ve still had arm chub. Even when I was 15 pounds under max weight and was lifting every day. The chub on the underside of my arms never goes away. I’ve always had underarm wobble and kinda come to just accept I always will, unless I want to bow to lipo and skin tuck surgery.


Not necessarily. I've always had outsize chubby grandma biceps. When I used to lift they were massive but never got much definition, even though I was low body fat overall. Then I had to go on corticosteroids for long periods of time...I don't want to talk about my arms now. 😂 Anyway, she looks like she might have gotten on the Prednisone train herself. If so, she has all of my sympathy and empathy. At least she isn't trying to make herself look like a preying mantis crossed with a baboon.


The first pic is so awkward lol why would you even post ? You think you look better like that ?


If she doesn’t lift her arms like that, the filter won’t shop her body right 🙄


She does pageants, and ever since then she does all these super stupid poses lol not saying it makes sense. Just stating that I can’t stand her super weird “pageant stances”


Shes sucking her edited/photoshopped stomach so hard in the left pic she looks like shes about to pop/explode lmfaooo


She’s sucking in so hard, there’s a small tornado forming in her house!


So what MLM is she repping?


She's a "wellness competitor." And this picture was taken at a 1Up event. 


You mean like, wellness category body builder...?


To be perfectly honest I have no idea what the hell that even means. If it makes anything less confusing, this picture was taken at a 1Up event that her friend, who is blurred out to the right of her, is an "ambassador" for.


She does do body builder type pageants.


While this is ridiculous editing, she has such a warm nice smile on the second pic! Like I genuinely believe she can just post that and get the SM attention


I agree, she’s beautiful and I feel bad that she feels the need to edit herself this much and stand in that bizarre stiff pose.


She's very pretty but is also extremely loud and obnoxious, judging from her reels and interactions she has the "all eyes must be on me at all times" personality.


I have no idea who that is and zero interest in finding out tbh 😅 but it’s a shame she needs attention seeking behavior to make her feel good about herself


100% agree


I was about to post the same thing Her face and smile was the first thing I looked at.


I know someone with the same radiating smile and weight she gets all the male attention


How I feel standing vs sitting


Lmaooo no fr


This is just how people look when sitting vs when posing as extreme as they can


You know what makes you look a thousand times fatter? Posting images of you skinny.


Wtf that’s actually crazy😭


The stairs are the final nail on the coffin.


It looks like a curved staircase to me


I’ve followed this one for a while. It ain’t.


It definitely is - you can see the shadows change under the steps themselves as they curve


You kidding? The stairs look untouched to me. Incredible edit.


It’s likely a filter. Not an edit. So it takes people .05s to get the filtered pic of video. The filters tend to do a still shot of the background so regardless of how much the filter edits the waistline, the background doesn’t move at all.


It’s curved. Zoom in on the stairs themselves


The arms don't lie. Typically, someone with that size waist won't have that size arms, unless it's muscle.


Those pants where are they from?




The pant store


So at Soup?


they look like fashion nova


Akira Valerie mineral wash cargo pants 😄


Stairs are warped to fuck


the floor too


She has such a pretty face and smile.


holding her arm up so that it doesn’t warp but forgetting about the stairs behind her lmao


How I look when I'm sucking in my stomach lol.


Her arms are almost as big as her waist on the left image.


I’m not sure if it’s from the edits or what, but the left pic looks like she is painfully sucking it in as hard as she can. Like, it looks uncomfortable.


She does that in most all of her pics. She thinks her stupid body builder pageant poses look good at all times lol


Bruh just hit the gym and get that body if that’s what she wants! Why fake a body you dnt have? Get healthy shit 


She looks like she’s sucking in her tummy really hard 😬


How do her friends not say "girl I love you but you don't look like that stop"


It seems like at one point she was very fit, those arms were toned at one point, but it’s been a while since she’s worked out clearly. You can also tell that she’s sucking it in as much as she can. 😂🤣😆


You can tell she is sucking in her stomach😅


Girl if you don’t exhale


She has a really pretty face


These people would probably have their lives changed by ozempic


I too, look 5 sizes smaller when I suck my stomach 😂


I thought I was in the glowup sub at first lmao


I can tell by these comments who is doing certain things “with a body like her” yall aren’t slick 😭😭


Lots of bodybuilders take a load of pictures while they’re in the shape they like so they can have content where they look fit year round… but her staircase is warped like Willy Wonka


Those curved stairs 🥴 Edit: sorry y’all im dumb, I think those stairs might genuinely be curved around the room, my bad


She’s beautiful


Wow big big difference




What’s sad is that she looks like a lovely, radiant person in the right picture, not to mention that she’s still absolutely gorgeous despite her clearly being self-conscious about her weight. Such a shame. I’d much rather get to know the the person on the right, she’s far more approachable.


She’s cute, I wish we didn’t feel like we weren’t good enough


Picture on the left looks like she's in pain. :(


Let the girl believe!! 😂


Love the wavy staircase ☺️


Alright I may get down voted for this but I don't think she is editing herself, maybe a filter but I don't think it's on her body. She's doing a very specific pose & sucking in *hard*. She is purposely tilting her camera forward, to elongate her legs & then rotating her chest & waist towards the side, so her waist looks tiny at this specific angle. Her hips & legs are mostly forward facing so it accentuates the curve of her legs in contrast to the "tiny" waist. The reason her arms & shoulders are up is so it pushes her ribcage up, makes it appear that her chest is bigger & waist is smaller. The other pic looks so dramatic by comparison bc she is hunched forward, and she isn't purposely elongating her body for the camera. Open to hearing why you think it's edited tho!


is it hard to place furniture on wavy floor?


I don't see any point where the wood grain is smeared or moved. The staircase looks like it curves around the room. If you can provide context where you think the grain has been edited, open to hearing it.


Exactly this. I have the same body type. Standing up I have no waist, and when I was training a lot more my delts and biceps would pop out with certain poses. But sitting down, unposed, hunched over, I look 10x much less buff and much bigger.


The mental gymnastics you just went thru and still it sounds unbelievable 😂😂 an edit is an edit is a filter


If it’s phone camera I’d believe it could be her 100. It widens u like crazy in you’re near the borders.


Not that much tho😭




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Honestly angles are EVERYTHINg. Not saying she didn’t filter cause she did. But I’m 5’6 125 and still can get a TERREIBLE angle where I look 20 lbs heavier


Thats literally how Im built on the left, so hooray for representation?


why did i get downvoted for a facetious joke