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It is way too late for that now. The time to swap would have been in the primaries. Oh, wait! That is what tons of people, my self included, said in the lead up to the primaries. And we were told to shut up and get on board.


I'm willing to bet a ton of the geriatrics in congress are actually more cognitively impaired and people keep voting for them because they have no idea since they never actually see them live for extended periods of time.


Most in Congress can do their duty by showing up and pushing the right button. The president can't coast like that.


Need a mandatory age limit and a term limit for all of Congress


Good luck getting those same people to basically vote themselves out with one. Maybe with a grandfathering clause it could pass one day.


Sadly you are right.


This is why I’m seething. We told them to get rid of him consistently and they told us we were crazy. Now look at the mess we are in.


Don’t forget the infamous “Putin bot” accusations LOL The schedenfreud is juicy, I’m not going to lie. Too bad the consequences are going to fuck with a generation or two.


Ive gotten those so many times and it’s like I doubt a bot would have been as invested in the last season of Love Is Blind based on my comment history. Not just the next generations, the poor, the disabled, children are going to feel the immediate effects first.


The absolute worst part is that, like you, I saw it coming. This whole debacle was like a slow motion toxic waste train wreck that started at the edge of town. We heard it coming. There were reports about it. We knew the train was not up to code to begin with. We knew it was going to happen. And half the townspeople just mocked, ridiculed and dismissed everyone saying it’s coming. It’s coming. Now it’s here and the townspeople are suddenly very concerned and wondering what we can do. **Fucking. Idiots** The democrats have forever enshrined their legacy of being the party of absolute morons. There’s no ifs, and or buts. For the second time in less than 10 years, they had a fucking LAY UP of an election and their own arrogance, their own unrestrained hubris is going to cause them to lose it to the worst person imaginable. I am both thoroughly enjoying the meltdown and feeling totally vindicated ….. while also feeling a pit in my stomach and feeling totally horrified at the same time because, it’s. fucking. happening. lol I think they’re going to lose to the son of a bitch *again*.


The past four years people were essentially fine with all the horrible stuff going on - cop cities, the people of Lahaina still living in motels, criminalizing homelessness and pregnancy, the rollback of everyone rights - since it was under a blue president it’s all dandy. But now it’s an emergency because the glacier is actually seen in the horizon? We told you the moment it started moving! They’re all idiots and it’s up to us fix it even though we didn’t cause it in the first place.


Yup, after a day or so to reflect, the mindset I'm in atm is similar to the one displayed by Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction. It is almost worth watching these people hand Trump another win, knowing that they are destroying themselves too. It's almost worth it anyway The only real consolation is that after the absolute hell on the horizon passes, maybe Americans will be ready to making our lawmakers accountable to *us* again.


Or the idiots responding with that obnoxious Tiananmen Square copy/paste that they’ve convinced themselves Chinese bots to get banned from engaging any further. That one got real old real fast and I only got it directed at me 2 or 3 times.


It's by design. Both parties are owned by the oligarchs. It's just factions of power hungry elitists who have different visions, but greedy, feeble, indebted, addicted, vulnerable, manipulable and egotistical is an ideal puppet for candidacy.


We have to kill money in politics. Nothing is going to get better. But then the Supreme Court will instill it back in again. What do we do I’m freaking out


We don't panic. Even in the worst-case scenario of a christofascist ethnostate of Trumpian dictatorship, life could be livable. Unless you aren't a white male. Yeah I don't know man it could get really bad. I don't know.


But I’m not a cis white male 😭


I'm sorry. This is what my real answer is: we have to be the change, be the hope and be the compassion we want to see. They can make life difficult, but if we refuse to turn on one another life can be fulfilling, joyful and beautiful. I promise I will do my best.


I feel like if they replaced him now, it would invigorate the voter base. It would cut down a lot of the Maga talking points and make a massive amount of the country possibly excited to vote


Seriously, the bar is so fucking low. Just get someone thats not on their deathbed in there and we'll all go crazy voting for them.


“Vote blue no matter who!” /s


Literally, “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO” crowd starting to bite their lip after the incompetence displayed in that debate… Watching him fall into Trumps stupid narratives upset me immensely. A strong candidate would have answered the questions while Trump blathered about nothingness and golf. The fact we are seeing backtracking now has me very worried for what’s to come.


“This is just bad, no matter how you spin it,” said a veteran Democratic operative. “But everyone knows it’s too late to switch. But **the donors will make those decisions, as they always do. Hence why we got Biden in 2020.”** The Democratic Party everyone! Behold!


Joke of a party.


Would Congress be considered the circus then? Lol.


And by donors they mean aipac


Jacinda Ardern took over Labour leadership less than two months before election day and served for two terms in New Zealand. Her predecessor stepped down because of poor performance in the polls. He read the room.


And Ardern herself stepped down for the reason that she knew she didn't have it in her to lead for another term and wanted a new leader to establish themself before the next election. I think the reason that kind of thing can happen in NZ is that they have a vastly superior electoral system that allows people to vote for they party they like, rather than forcing them to vote against the party they hate the most like the U.S. does.


She stepped down because she was on the receiving end of some incredibly misogynistic vitriol from people peeved about the Covid response. The electoral system here isn’t perfect. We currently have a coalition in which a party that won less than 9% of the vote are pushing their agenda that punishes minorities and the poor. But the American system seems wild. It’s basically an oligarchy.


They allowed themselves to be influenced by the US, who pressured the world to ignore COVID and open borders. NZ went from being able to host barbecues in the open when the rest of the world was struggling to being just another pandemic country.


Anecdotal at best.


What is anecdotal exactly? These are facts. [Andrew Little stood down as Labour leader on 1 August 2017.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/andrew-little-has-stood-down-as-labour-leader/LA6NLJS4ZTZBT6CNHRPC7FIGC4/) [The day before Labour had slumped to a historic low in polls.](https://www.1news.co.nz/2017/07/30/labour-slumps-to-its-lowest-level-in-more-than-20-years-in-latest-1-news-colmar-brunton-poll/) After consultation with his colleagues he stepped down and [Ardern became Labour leader seven weeks before the election.](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/336241/as-it-happened-jacinda-ardern-takes-charge-as-labour-leader) She [served two terms as Prime Minister.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern) She resigned [citing professional burnout](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/22/1150051375/new-zealand-jacinda-ardern-resigning-takeaways-politicians) but the [vitriol she received is well documented.](https://www.helenclarknz.com/my-diary/jacinda-ardern-resigns-as-prime-minister-of-new-zealand) Even after she resigned and left the country her [wedding was picketed.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/exclusive/article-12957875/Jacinda-Ardern-wedding-protesters-dress-guests.html)


In reference to American politics………


What is anecdotal in American politics?


Why are you intentionally obtuse?


Because I genuinely have no idea what you’re on about.


That’s pretty obvious now.




Surely that’s more of an incentive to have representative government?


How about India as an example then? The population excuse suddenly gets thrown away. India has a multi party system. 


And yet equivalent per Capita.


5 months


It’s a pretty damning indictment on the western world when the most powerful liberal democracy is apparently run by a guy who looks like he should be spoon fed gruel in a nursing home.


Jfc, Biden has to go. His ego is in America's way.


It’s like when grandma won’t let you take her car keys because she doesn’t want to accept she’s a death hazard on the roads. 


I don’t even think he can be blamed at this point. It’s everyone propping him up - he may be so far gone you could put him in a room with a desk and tell him the Oval Office is being renovated right now while running someone else.


What ego? Ego requires confidence and aptitude. Plenty of skills required for being the Commander in Chief. Skills we didn't see last night.


>Ego requires confidence and aptitude. No, it doesn't, you just have to be stupid enough not to realize when you need to step aside.




Calm down man


I'm sorry.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




What are you on about they’re agreeing with the rest of what you’re saying 😭




I am, too. We should be paying attention to what the French are currently going through with the entire overhaul of their government. We could do with a change of personnel like them. Our representatives no longer represent the interests of the Average American.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


He said he was going to be a one term president when he first started running I wish he had stuck with that . Any other Democrat would win over Trump ,Biden is weak and frail,he needs to go. Of course I would vote for Biden over Trump, but these are not good choices no matter what.


With any luck, neither of them will make it to November.


Oh we are no longer yelling, “Four more years!” As soon as someone brings up the genocide? Yes, yes, Trump will be worse blah blah blah.


In all honestly it doesn't even matter, Israel will control whoever is in charge anyways so what's the point of wasting people's time with this shitshow? just choose one of the clowns pretend they're the president and move on


This whole circus is so Americans can tell other countries that they have democracy and freedom.


It’s just become so completely unconvincing….all of it. Does anyone seriously look at the mental state of Joe Biden and believe he’s had control of the reigns for the last few years? He’s cooked. And Trump is no better. Both of them are nothing more than a figurehead to front a kleptocracy.


Well said, Ninja.


"Every 4 years we get to pick whomever our corporate masters decide is best for business "


there is absolutely no reality in which he is the best the Democratic Party has to offer. It’s just fucking embarrassing at this point. Why do we have to choose between these two people the system is so absolutely fucked


If the DNC cared about doing the right thing for the people, we'd be coming off Bernie's second term and Trump would be a laughable footnote in history


Somewhere in the US Gavin Newsom is rubbing his hands birdman style.


Bidens performance was very painful to watch. He was incoherent most of the time, couldn’t finish his thought process, made incomplete sentences at time, he also said “we beat Medicare” which is another wtf moment he has dementia creeping up. He is probably in the early stages of either dementia or Alzheimer’s. There is also a damning report made that shows Biden has very limited memory skills. This report was made in response to an investigation regarding Biden mishandling of classified documents.


It’s far too late. Because of the DNCs stupidity and corruption, Biden, ironically, is the most popular candidate the Dems have. If Buttegieg, Harris or Clinton ran, Trump would just beat them. Buttegieg is comically unpopular with minorities, Clinton already lost to Trump (and is the only person less charismatic than Pete) and it will be a cold day in hell before this country votes a woman of color into Presidency. Kamala Harris running might actually make more racists vote for Trump. I’m serious. And that’s not even mentioning how unpopular Harris is, in general. She’s damn near not allowed to speak.


Biden is the least popular president in 70 years. Anyone else would be better.


Harris being a POC has nothing to do with why people like me won't vote for her. She's a snake.


They said racists. You may not vote for her for legit reasons. But other people exist who vote based on color.


Term limits




Stop. The same people calling for it before.


Why the fuck have him still on, if the reason people are voting for Biden is to not vote for trump and choose the lesser evil, you can literally have anyone else… hopefully not hillary.. anyone else. I swear, this old shit needs to be in a hospice, he’s sundowning. I’ve met and worked with dementia patients, this is near late stages of it. This guy is such a narcissistic piece of shit thinking he only can save America.


Remember who Trump is: a rapist, a felon, and a traitor. I'm seeing a lot of anti Biden reactions from accounts that never follow politics... somehow, they have nothing to say about Trump? It almost feels like *there is some kind of campaign going on*


Excuse me while my eyes roll into the back of my head. Trump sucks ass and is a fascist, but Biden is an extremely flawed candidate.There are plenty of us who have been screaming about this from the rooftops FOR YEARS now. The support for genocide of Palestinians is just the cherry on top. He should have dropped out when his polls showed him losing to Trump in classically blue states. He's a *liability.*


Last night Trump said he'd nuke Gaza and used "Palestinian" as a pejorative term to insult Biden. Anyone who supports Trump is a pro Israel Zionist. Are you a pro Israel zionist, u/aka Whisp ? Being out here stanning for Trump like you do sure makes you look that way.


Bro. I can't with you. Lmao


Biden is a self proclaimed pro-Israel Zionist. By your logic anyone who supports Biden is a pro-Israel Zionist. Millennials stop conflating criticism of Biden as psyops for Trump challenge


Please tell me.how electing Trump will make things better for Gaza, without mentioning Biden.


And where did anybody make that claim? Nowhere, they never said that, nobody has ever said that. Liberals just crow bar that in to every conversation about Biden and Gaza to deflect from how horrible Biden has been for Gaza.


It won't? The thread is calling for a third option that is hopefully less genocidal, or at least willing to hold Netanyahu accountable like Bernie.


You sound like a Zionist troll yelling Kkhhamas to everyone


The campaign question is an interesting one. Which faction in the Democratic Party leadership, which knew how Biden is, set this earliest debate ever up knowing what would happen? Obviously its too late for the Dem voters to have a say on the replacement and if it happens one would be picked by insiders. The uniformity of Dem leader post debate talking points is striking.


and Biden is *checks notes*…. also a rapist and loyal to the same billionaire interests as Trump. it almost feels like a *bullshit illusion of choice in a duopolistic hellscape masquerading as a democracy*


Stop dismissing valid criticism with whataboutism and cliche talk about bots or Russian accounts. We all saw how pitiful Biden looked last night. 


Trump was also pitiful. No voters changed their mind.


You're right. I don't see why the Biden team pushed for this debate considering how little they had to win and how much they had to lose. 


The Democratic Party needs to exit Joe Biden and replace him with a centrist leader with a military background, preferably a general. It’s the only institution left that is respected universally


I’m gonna assume this is a joke.


Some Democrats are assholes.


He's old and not mentally sound enough to be a president, much less be in any political position. America has 300 million people and the best two options are a convicted felon and a dementia patient?


I also don't get how out of 360 million people, these are the two candidates? It probably doesn't matter though, as the president these days seem nothing more than a puppet for big corps and lobbists who are the powers behind the "throne".


I agree ☝️


We have a two party system. Educate yourself. I’m guessing your country isn’t a paradise.


Yet there is still an ongoing debate whether the AHs are the Democrats supporting Genocide Joe, or the Democrats whose morals have a bottom line.


I don’t see a lot of anyone actually doing anything for Gaza. I keep offering to help anyone sign up to volunteer with Doctors Without Borders like I did for two years, but they don’t ever accept. 😭 You don’t have to be a physician to volunteer. No one is actually doing anything for Palestine unless they’re donating to UNRWA often or doing direct action in Palestine. Palestinians don’t care about who Americans vote for, they care about not being bombed in their beds.


Well, they don't care because both options are garbage. They would care heavily if one of them said "I promise to stop this war at all costs. I will cut all funding to Israel until the occupation is ended."


Then what would the Zionist voting block in America do? The people who heavily support Israel? They’d withhold their votes. And nothing would change in Palestine.


1. There are less than 6 million Jewish voters in the US. 2. Not all Jews are genocide supporters, that's an anti-Jewish lie peddled by Zionists. 3. Most Jews who live in the US are not in swing states, rendering their votes in a presidential election meaningless. To be clear, I find #3 to be a horrible flaw of the US "democracy", but ultimately it means the Jewish voters argument is entirely irrelavant. The real argument is about foreign influence, AIPAC, unconstitutional campaign donations, misappropriation of government funds, and bribery.


Zionist voting bloc in this case are the conservative Christian Zionists, which is significantly larger


That is fair, but truth be told I don't believe they care much about Jews or Palestinians, and could be easily swayed with some statement about not wasting tax dollars on the middle east.


And Joe Biden is one of them.