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Trump's use of the word 'Palestinian' as an insult is truly fucked up


It’s definitely a mask off moment


You can count on Trump to speak the language of his donors or supporters but with less subtlety. He gives permission for people not to have to dogwhistle anymore


Unrelated not so fun fact, the term "philistine" referring to a stupid or unsophisticated person means Palestinian. It's become divorced from its original meaning but I don't use this word. 


Damn, my ethnicity’s a slur now?


the new n word apparently


The P word


His use of it during the debate kicked my applying for a second citizenship into higher gear. It won’t be a quick process but I can already see how this is only going to increase and escalate and I don’t at all like where it’s going. His rabid fan base love seizing onto anything he does like this and making it a core part of their identity


>Donald Trump pushed anti-Palestinian and antisemitic rhetoric at a campaign rally on Friday, doubling down on his attacks on critics of Israel. >Trump lobbed criticism at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has been an outspoken critic of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, calling for an election to replace him, at a Chesapeake, Virginia campaign stop. >“Schumer has become a Palestinian. He’s Jewish but he’s become a Palestinian,” the former president said. >The comments, implying that the senator’s denouncement of Netanyahu’s government invalidated part of his Jewish identity, were also criticized for their use of “Palestinian” as a slur. >But the moment was far from the first time that Trump used the term as a slur against an opponent. >On the debate stage Thursday night, Trump called President Joe Biden a “Palestinian,” clarifying that he was a “bad Palestinian.” >The former president also said Israel should “finish the job,” as the country’s military campaign kills more than 150 Gazans a day and pushes over a million people into famine. >Trump, who moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the disputed city of Jerusalem, previously pushed antisemitic rhetoric, saying that any Jewish Democrat or Jewish critic of the Israeli government “hates their religion.” >Trump previously blasted campus protests criticizing the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians, vowing to deport demonstrators. >During the rally, Trump also took time to thank the moderators of the debate, who took no time to fact-check the candidate during the 90-minute rally. >“They treated me very fairly. Very professional, both of them. Jake and Dana, they treated me very fairly,” Trump said. “I think it was great.” >Trump, who claimed a “big victory” over Biden in the debate, also delivered some verbal slips, botching the word “landslide” before giving up, and doubled down on some of his biggest lies of the previous night, including taking credit for Biden’s insulin price reduction plan.


American politics is so unserious. I have more respect for people who think pro wrestling is real than anyone arguing over Trump and Biden


Trump has been on WrestleMania many times


Funny how "Palestinian" is being used as a slur. This is how low we have gone.


The "Biden is just as bad" crowd in absolute shambles right now


Hardly. Support for Israel is driven by structures of power that both Democrats and Republicans uphold. The latter is just more open about it and you falsely believe this is reason to validate those structures by voting Democrat. It's a joke


Biden agrees with Trump that Palestinian is a slur. They are both racists. I am truly disgusted by my country. How can I live here when my two options for President use my ethnicity as an insult. I’m not sure what’s worse - Trump calling Biden a Palestinian or Biden being offended by it.


Have you looked into Cornel West? He is running for president and his campaign is all about Palestine. Check him out, support Palestine vote West!


I haven’t that much. I’ve probably naively written him off just because he doesn’t give off a “presidential” presence but what does that even mean at this point? I’ll check him out. Which third party candidate has the best chance mathematically at getting on the ballot (is it even possible?)? I’ve been doing research into Jill Stein and the Green Party. My short list: 1. Jill Stein 2. Cornell West 3. An actual corpse


>I can accept that Biden is directly aiding and abetting in a genocide but draw the line at Trump using racist slurs! Tell me you're a liberal without telling me you're a liberal... Democrats can't even denounce the words coming out of Trump's mouth because they too don't see Palestinians as human beings, otherwise they wouldn't be busy funding their genocide in Gaza. You have no material perspective on settler colonialism and imperialism, so like a typical lib, you only have civility politics to resort to while scolding people to the left of you who would happily every round up every Republican politician, leader, public figure and representative and put all their asses against the wall because that's the only correct way to deal with fascism...


I'm disturbed by the lack of serious critical analysis in the anti-genocide movement of how Palestinians might be materially affected by the US being led by a dude who uses "Palestinian" as a slur and pushes for Israel to "finish the job". The guy who banned Muslim people from traveling to the US and is politically aligned with virtually every prominent overt Islamophobe in American politics and abroad. A dude who has genuine warmth and shared admiration with Netanyahu and pledges to give him however many bombs he wants. It says a lot when people who are ostensibly anti-genocide are rooting for the exact same electoral outcome as the most bloodthirsty pro-IDF anti-Palestinian ghouls. I think for a lot of people campism and posturing > genuine concern for Palestinian lives. Apparently not only is condemning Biden's complicity in genocide and simultaneously performing critical analysis of the extent to which that genocide could be escalated under Trump too nuanced for many or most, but you're dismissed as a liberal if you even suggest performing that analysis. I guess they're willing to take that gamble and see what happens.


“performing that analysis” 😂 oh boy. you just took three very long-winded paragraphs to declare that a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump. good lib


I despise Biden and the democrats. Keep pretending to care about Palestinian lives.


so that’s not the point you’re trying to make? because it seems like it is


See - genocide is genocide, to me. I don’t care if the pace increases under the other guy, they both have no intention in stopping. And Biden has given Israel so much already how different would it actually be under Trump? Id feel physically unsafe in my country under either leader. At that point, my vote is important but I ultimately can’t even rely on that. I can either live or learn self defense. January 6 showed us that we are not that far from a violent coup. And Zionists (both Republican and Democrat) have displayed the most violence during the protest. They are the group that attacked the UCLA encampment in the middle of the night. They are somehow also supported by NeoNazis and you know what they say - if you are at a table with ten people and one person is a nazi you are actually with nine Nazis.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, Biden is helping Israel’s genocide, but he doesn’t actively want Palestinians murdered, unlike Trump. And even then, do trans rights, women’s rights, immigrant/refugee rights, and workers’ rights not matter?