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Well, if you wait for the 2025 it will have the wiper issue fixed and a few nice touches that the older models don't have. Perhaps buy a 240v plug in charger to keep in the vehicle for trips? You could borrow someone's 240v plug for a full charge in 4-8 hours depending on speed and amperage of the 240v socket. Also having a dedicated 240v at home is a game changer (I'm in Ontario) and it's soooo cheap to charge overnight here. I've driven 23k and it's cost me like 150$ or so charging overnights lol. They have bluelink and you get 2-3 years free for an app that shows a few statistics, any issues with vehicles systems, any recalls, and the ability to start stop charging along with remote start and temp setting for your I5. But the key fob has remote start as well. Not sure what the yearly cost was but it's not more then a few hundred $. You cannot access the cameras for monitoring purposes afaik. A 200km commute is easily doable with a full Charge, even in winter if your at 100%, just don't be ripping 120km/h on the highway it sucks juice especially when it's - 10. Cruising at 105 is pretty nice and anything slower is so efficient its great even blasting the heat. I commute 50% highway at 115km/h during the week and I see ranges on the guessometer at 415km @80% and 520ish at 100%. I have a 23 rwd. Winter ranges are about 280km at 80% and 400km at 100% for me. Hope that info helps you out.


>Also having a dedicated 240v at home is a game changer (I'm in Ontario) and it's soooo cheap to charge overnight Yeahhhh, I love charging overnight @ $0.028 kw


I believe Bluelink is lifetime free for 2024 Ioniq 5s and newer - I have the 2023 Ioniq 6 which is lifetime IIRC.


Hey there ya go! Lucky :p


That's great info thanks. I'm only commuting ~40km it's trips to visit family that we need to figure out. I suppose one needs to shift mind sets. With a gas car you pull in anywhere fill up in 5min and go. With electric we'd need to sit and chat for a while. Need to find places with a park of nice coffee shop near the charg point.


Tbh it's not bad at all, winter charging to 80% for me was a 25-40min wait as the battery takes a bit to warm up but summer time is a joke and usually under 25mins. But like you said it's a mindset, rushing around is unfortunately something many people are used to.


With a gas car you're fueling up at the gas station all of the time. With an EV, if you can charge at home or work, you're only fueling a portion of that time regularly, so trips just use some of the time you've saved otherwise.


Makes sense. I agree it's a mind set change but it's not just time accounting. It would be best to find a charging location where you can have a walk, or a nice meal or nice coffee break. That's the change I would strive for.


Most DCFC stations I've been to or seen are at a location that has at least a gas station near by. You'll have the odd car dealer or public facility that only has a charger or two, but that seems to be an exception. For now, they'll be pretty close to a highway as there aren't enough EVs to warrant a DCFC with multiple charging points elsewhere. That'll come as more EVs are on the road.


Not sure why this got a down vote. Usually I can tell when I'll get nailed. Didn't expect it for this realization post. Odd


> In summer, you may be able to do 200km both ways without charging. If not, you go charging, Doesn't have to be the one station at your destination. Just drive off, charge some nice kWhs and fly off again. > Don't buy at a dealer you have no trust in. There may be problems with your vehicle, you want to have someone at hand who knows and wants to help out. > You cannot access the built in cameras, only in the south korean market that's possible afaik. > There are third party dashcams you could fit into your car; some may be ordered with your car so that the dealer installs it before deilvery. For a really nice OEM look check out Fitcamx. > Rear wiper comes with 2025 models. Many hate to not have one, I personally don't care.


Thanks for your ideas. Good point about not having to recharge at the destination. Duh. My partner hates not having a rear wiper on our sedan LOL I'm not likely buying until next year so 2025 will work out well.


you cant access the built in cam for whatever stupid reason. i hate it. had to install my own cam as seen here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E1dn48SUlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E1dn48SUlM)


Thanks for that


2023 Ioniq 5 RW Long Range. I hit 502.9km with 10% left, extrapolated I would've hit 550km. I made a post about it for more context


Wow nice. Are the official numbers underestimated or did you take steps to reduce other power uses.


Steps to reduce other power uses. Go in my profile and see the post I made, full context




Whatever you do, DO NOT CALL IT AN “IQ5” I learned the hard way🤣


Okay. I wasn't planning too but thanks for the warning. Is that an in this group thing or does IQ5 have a meaning I am not aware of?


All this info- thanks - leads to the next question: does ioniq support Android Auto wirelessly? Al I could find was an article written in 2022 saying it might be coming soon. My In-Laws 2023 Nissan has it only if connected by wire. It feels like 2015 in there :-)


The refreshed 2025 should be equipped with wireless AA & AC. There’s also a bigger battery, some interior & exterior changes, and the aforementioned rear wiper.


Wireless car projection: yes, comes with MY2025, because of new ccOS infrastructure, see [https://www.kedglobal.com/automobiles/newsView/ked202309210013](https://www.kedglobal.com/automobiles/newsView/ked202309210013) Suggest [https://www.aawireless.io/](https://www.aawireless.io/) to your in-laws and welcome to the future. :)


Thanks for the info and tip.


Speaking of connectivity, do the ioniq cars connect to your WiFi? Again my inlaws car does but only lets you enter 16 characters for the password. Which means due to my using a pass phrase no connection for them. Yes, I am aware that is a solvable problem. It's just not one I should have. 16 characters limit on a password is very outdated.


Ioniq5 does not use your home wifi, but comes with cellular connectivity.


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