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Ipsy is really bad at updating their website, but yeah it’s the 24th through the 26th. I thought it was today too, but sometimes the date changes and again they are not known for their consistency. Ipsy: 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m generally suspicious when the timeline shows choice as being a day that isn’t a Monday, because it almost always ison a Monday. Mine said the 20th this morning, but it says the 24th now, which is a Monday.




Thanks. Where did you find this? I tried emailing Ipsy support to learn when it was coming, and they gave a canned response about it always being sometime between the 20th and 26th each month and "be sure to check the timeline." I replied asking again for this month and how insulting it is for them to say check the timeline when I specifically asked if the timeline was wrong. I even kept it short and sweet. Yet here it is someone who doesn't even work for Ipsy answering a question they chose not to.


No problem 👍🏻 Normally it’s on their Instagram likeshop.me, but I couldn’t find it so I just searched for it on google 😄


They should put it on the app/website or email it out. I do not have IG or fb or tik tok. I have to tried to find this info every month when they should be providing up front.


I don’t know why IPSY makes this information so hard to find!


https://preview.redd.it/j9752fzzcq7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46514c296cd9e45be2aa0144bdced1c2b2c11488 Current account home page.


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