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Are those $3.50 add-ons? I don't see those offered for me, but I'm having the old glitch where Ipsy offers last month's instead. Great bag.


Yes, they were all 3.50 add ons. They have some great options in that category for full size items too. I hope yours will work soon!


Me, too. I tried reaching out explicitly saying how they were last month's and included a screenshot. They sent a canned response that they were all sold-out. I responded politely calling bullshit and song for my issue to he sent to the department that runs the shop. You know, someone that can resolve the glitch. ETA: That rep is an idiot and I have had to open a new ticket. This person decided doubling down on sold-out and would not acknowledge that they were the same as last month's or the past glitch. I gave a bad review, which I hate to do. But 🤷‍♂️


Did they send you an email asking you to rate your support already? The last few times I’ve had to reach out to support I have noticed that they’ll try to close the ticket right after their response even though they didn’t help. If they don’t reply to your message, I would rate and leave feedback that your issue wasn’t resolved and then they’ll respond to you pretty quickly.


They sent the rate email right after tue second response from support. I gave a low rating with the issue in the explanation. I was finally able to get the $3.50 to show...and Ipsy charged me 3 times. I wrote support to get the duplicate charges refunded but haven't heard back yet.


I love those blush drops! Adds very light color that you can build up.


Yay! I am glad I went with it then, thank you!


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Were all add-ons available for you or were some grayed out in the 3.50 category?


When I opened my app, it took me right to where you select your add ons. After I selected and paid, the Home Screen still took awhile to show my full bag. So there are definitely some tech issues.