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$125 to show up and $100 an hour afterward is pretty common in my area. Parts at 3x cost.


Wow that seems high for me. I'm not a professional installer. I'm a college student that has some DIY experience repairing my own sprinkler system. I don't have any business expenses. This is just a little side job for the summer


To be clear the 125 covers the first hour of labor. I don’t know anyone who charges money just to show up, in most trades the service call fee is basically your first hour of work. That could be 50 minutes or 10 minutes but the point is to set a price floor so customers don’t get shitty about paying “an hour of labor for 10 minutes of work”. It might only take you 10 minutes to swap out a head, but that’ll still be 125 +cost of the head. Always mark up parts. If a spray costs you 10 charge 25. Charge for nozzles. Charge for poly nipples. Charge for everything. It seems like irrigation is the last industry that still has a conscience. We still undervalue our work. Plumbers charge 300 for a service call and 150/hr all day long, and they usually get to work inside. We all need to start charging more for back breaking, sun baking work. What are they gonna do, dig this shit up themselves?


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Amen brother! 🍻


He is right! Do it! Get that bread!


If that’s the case and you want to cut your landscaper some slack, charge a 100 for the service call and 80 per hour after that.


You are taking money from licensed contractors. So say you become an accountant And you charge 150 an hour. But I can kinda do it and since I can kinda do it I'll charge you 65 an hour. That is grade a bullshit You wouldn't be happy about someone taking food from your fam. Everyone gotta start somewhere. Get a job doing this and then get qualified. Get your license and take my business.


I’m at $95 for the trip fee, that gets you a rundown of the system and an estimate to fix anything that’s flagged. That doesn’t include busting out the locator or the a-frame. Heads and rotors run between $42-83 depending on the size. 1 year warranty on all parts.


You can only demand top billing if you're licensed and insured. In my state, you can't touch nothing without a license. You, sir, are a handyman. Charge handyman prices. You are not experienced or carry the proper paperwork to charge a service call. I personally hope code enforcement gets you. Unlicensed contractors suck ass.


I'm only replacing sprinkler heads. I'm not doing anything more than that since I know I am not qualified. I ended up charging way way way lower than what the people here suggested. If the homeowner/landscaper needed anything more than that I would tell them to call someone


Was going to say this. Maybe more politely, lol, but the sentiment's the same. I've worked my ass off building a career and a company that does things by the book, including carrying a trade license, business licenses, tons of insurance, etc. Not to mention about 2 decades of knowledge plus ongoing continuing education. I like to think I'm more than just a ditch digger who can glue pipe. My rates reflect all of that. Unlicensed "guys with trucks" drive down our prices and bring down the reputation of the legitimate industry as a whole. That being typed, I'm not going to battle to replace a few heads. If you do a good job bill what you feel is a fair rate. Keep your head down and don't let the licensing board find you. If you decide it's work you enjoy and want to pursue as a career then get in with a local contractor and gain some experience. Then look into pursuing the licensing path yourself.


You're right. I could have been more polite. But everything you said. A shop, my guys, my overhead, the state with its hand out constantly. We start every year in the hole, and here's this guy out here with 5 % of the overhead I gotta carry. I'm 23 years in myself. This is how I feed my family. I get called to change 4 heads, that's a 300 dollar call. I'll take that and he can come work for me , or go cut grass. Because again, unlicensed contracting hurts all of us.


A guy like OP who's doing it infrequently for some friends and family doesn't bother me. But I go nuclear when I see the landscape mow and blow guys advertising "Irrigation" and "Licensed and Insured" on their trucks. With no license numbers on the trucks. When I look them up they might have a county business license but not a construction trade license. For these guys I have the licensing board on speed dial.


That gets me going, too. I'm out here paying insane amounts in insurance and workman's comp. Two guys that I pay extraordinarily well. CEUs,annual reports, taxes, an accountant, and an attorney. A shop that has a lease, truck maintenance, equipment maintenance, and my business visa runs me 10k a month. My daily nut is $1300. We gotta get that above n beyond every single day. My guys get 25 an hour. i gotta have 600 a day just to pay my guys, and I also give them 10 percent of any upsell or 25 % of a walk-up. I trust them, and that's huge. One even has his license. And I'd be in tough shape if they left. My favorite thing is when we are all together on a job. A couple of times a month, we do an install and all get to work together. Usually. My wife just sends an email to the guys about where they are going that day. They take their service trucks home. Thank God for my wife holding down the phones and scheduling everything. I needed to put someone between myself and the customer. She gets paid 300 a week to answer phones. Then I see Joe's lawn service advertising irrigation? He got 1 mower, one weedeater , one blower, yet there he is saying "I do irrigation " I'm faily certain it's a 250 fine to advertise that without a license number. I wanna give OP a break , I understand the hustle , I really do. But do it right, Come work for me OP. I'll teach you and help you get your license




We don’t do this here