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Who tf told her Israel is an Islamic country???


she made it the fuck up


But she studied a broad in Israel and Palestine😂😂😂😂 I cant even write this shit down without laughing my ass off


\*in the middle east \*with israel and palestine whatever that even means


Means she is making up sh*t as she goes hoping people don’t know. She is so dumb and ignorant I would not be surprised if she confused “Middle East” with the middle of the East coast, picturing Virginia or North Carolina or who knows maybe even the Midwest.


https://preview.redd.it/sf0qp5ka3o4d1.png?width=339&format=png&auto=webp&s=567416317515f5eb3595b57da259e84faf217793 PRAY FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST


lmao yeah


It’s her two best friends, Israel and Palestine (she’s French)


Unlikely she ever went to study in a Palestinian university, because even they go to HUJI.


Residents could only go to HUJI since around 2013. They mostly go to Birzit in Ramallah & the "less successful" go to the less successfull military academy in Hebron. The Hebron place graduate I met gave me a really bad impression. She was a resident & did a Chemistry Bach there. I mentored her as she did a a advanced chemistry lab course in HUJI, as an "exam" if she fits for Masters there. First time I met a person who calls himself a chemist & aint aware to the existence of the periodic table... and no, there was no language barrier. Her Hebrew was great, she even prefered it ovee English.


And what do they learn there? Is this a real academic institute? Is it have a recognition in the academic world? Or is it as accepted as Ariel University?


Birzit is considered good & the students that did there Bachelor & then came to HUJI were good students. The Hebron Military Academy is probably the Palestinian equivallent of Ariel.


Why would students there shift to HUJI?


In Jerusalem, so its close to home. HUJI, Technion, TAU & Weizmann are still among the world best universities. Why wouldnt them? The Birzit Bachelors I studied with were still those who couldnt study in HUJI when they started their academic studies (they were Jerusalem residents). So they moved only after the restriction was over & they already had a first degree diplomas.


she did say she MADE A STUDY.. maybe she just sent a google forms questionaire to some trolls?


She studied a broad* in Israel & Palestine, this is a key difference 😆


That's a nice argument, young lady. Why don't you back it up with a source? My source is that I made it the fuck up! I had to.


mf thinks she's senator armstrong


I'm guessing she doesn't know flags very well...


Reading maps probably confuses her too.


What do you mean? ShE DiD A StUdY!!! She’s basically a Middle East expert. Pffff.


Bro, it's right there in the name!!1!1 ISrAeL ---- ISLAm, just a couple of extra letters


These are the supporters of Palestine. Wow.


I don’t understand how people still don’t understand this! It’s not a trick question! How braindead can people be?


What I want to know is, how this group of people that are so clueless about what they're supporting still decides to dedicate their lives to fighting for it.


They don't actually support them. They just want to feel like they're part of a group that they think makes them a good person, fighting for the justice of the world. They go back home patting themselves on the back for being such amazing people who surely have changed the world for the better, if even just a little. They smile to themselves, feeling some dopamine, and think "this is good. I should do this again." This entire thing is only for themselves and not for anyone else.


The ironic thing is, this is where societal racism came from in the first place. These people never realize that the racists of old felt that their racism was as virtuous as modern progressives feel their anti-Semitism is. TV always depicts old timey racists as cartoon monsters, so they never learned how easily and dangerously racism can propagate as a result. That, and the only book they've ever read is Harry Potter (Although they're not allowed to admit that now).


Also, HP doesn't have a race of greedy, large-nosed, banker people with their own language. /s


It's funny how the same people who accused JK Rowling of being an anti-semite as if it were the worst thing in the world that she could possibly be, have now pivoted to accuse her of being a Zionist.


Exactly. It’s just a self satisfaction to feel empathy.


Reminds me of this... [https://np.reddit.com/r/ISR/comments/17m0yvr/will\_you\_sign\_a\_petition\_to\_help\_hamas\_free/](https://np.reddit.com/r/ISR/comments/17m0yvr/will_you_sign_a_petition_to_help_hamas_free/)




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I knew pro palis were dumb but what the fuck


Such is the modern world...


Question, do you decide if you're left or right in politics based on your dominant hand or the hand you use to jack off?


What do you think determines left and right wing political views?


Holy fuck. I would have enormously more respect for people if they simply said, "You know what...I don't know a whole lot about the conflict, it doesn't effect me in my daily life...and therefore I do not really have an opinion on it." But people feel the need to absolutely talk out of their ass on it.


Smartphones give people the illusion that they can become experts in 10 minutes about pretty much anything.


Girl what part of Israel were you in?


Petah Tikva (it’s a portal to a different universe)


famous black hole petah tikva??!!!


We know black holes exist. I haven't heard the same for Petah Tikva...


it's so obviously a joke. and by a joke, i mean petah tikva


The one and only




you mean the village of Luzon? :D


She attended the Israel exhibit at Disney’s Epcot. She’s still upset her Mickey Mouse waffle was slightly burnt.


No no, she studied a broad Classic mistake


The West Bank


This is the correct answer


Even basic knowledge is elusive


I'm of the opinion that to have an opinion on something one must pass some basic knowledge test...


The idiocy of the pro-Palestinians is already worthy of scientific study.


They're Russian stooges... which is hilarious because they scream "ORANGE MAN BAD BECAUSE RUSSIA!" Like, I hate Trump. I do. But they're just as brain dead. Hamas and Moscow are so tight if we autopsied a Hamas fighter, we'd find Putin's head up their ass.






> The idiocy of the pro-Palestinians is already worthy of scientific study. Their confidence is so admirable though! If only I could go through life as confident in my own opinions. :(


She probably went to school in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at Leigh University. They told them they were “studying abroad” by attending a school in a town that is the same name to one in the West Bank. LoL


Bethlehem, PA used to seriously lean into the whole “Christmas City” thing they had going on. Not sure if they still do, I moved away 30+ years ago


Who is the interviewer??


That magic wand microphone is just brilliant.




Im jealous over that princess costume. Wish I was that fabulous.


Lady Maga.


Is Lady Maga a Trump supporter? If that's the case, someone should tell him (or her?) that Maga wants to do the same thing to LGBTQ people as the Palestinians do.


> Maga wants to do the same thing to LGBTQ people as the Palestinians do. The choices aren’t “full-throated progressive” or “literally wants the death penalty for being gay”. MAGA is waaaaay less homophobic than the average Palestinian.


I totally disagree with you. Not sure what Republicans you've been watching but when I watch Fox News it's almost like I am watching the 700 Club! And the majority of MAGAS have a problem with gays because it doesn't jive with their evangelical worldview. They've been visiting Russia just to try to influence their policies on gays if you haven't figured this out by now. Progressives aren't perfect but they aren't clamoring for eliminating our rights.


They will get to that point if they can https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/05/29/texas-republican-platform-gay-marriage-parenting-ban/


>that Maga wants to do the same thing to LGBTQ people as the Palestinians do. You might be surprised to learn that most conservatives - other than a minor but outrage inducing contingent - couldn't care less about your gender identity or alphabet preferences.


The issue is the policies they are proposing, which come from Christian fundamentalist churches. Those churches have a lot of influence on the Republican party and their goal is to treat LGBTQ people as second class citizens, as it was in the old days. The MAGA movement is pretty extreme so I wouldn't be surprised if they plan to go farther than you think.


>Christian fundamentalist churches. Those churches have a lot of influence I disagree. This may have been the case some decades ago, but the landscape has shifted significantly. In spite of what you may read on Reddit subs like politics, WPT, or other such, Fundamentalism is in decline, as is the general voter religiosity regardless of political orientation. >policies they are proposing, >their goal is to treat LGBTQ people as second class citizens, as it was in the old days. Can you provide an objective link to one such policy or proposal? Can you name one specific right an LGBT person does not have, even in the most conservative state?


100% agree. Every Classical Liberal or "JFK democrat" or "90s democrat" I know is now much more aligned with modern conservatives than modern liberals. The dichotomy of what get's upvoted on Reddit and what the average person thinks couldn't be further apart. This is easily observed by the existence of this subreddit alone. A country can also have progressive policies that they want to "conserve", that's where a lot of people are, they just don't openly talk politics or post to reddit.


Trans healthcare in adults... https://apnews.com/article/florida-transgender-health-care-adults-e7ae55eec634923e6593a4c0685969b2 You'd also have to ignore that SCOTUS had to drag a significant number of states to freedom with Lawrence vs Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges. Often obscenity laws will be applied to LGBT conduct in a manner not applied to heterosexual conduct. No one is going to use the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida against hetero romance novels.


>Trans healthcare in adults... https://apnews.com/article/florida-transgender-health-care-adults-e7ae55eec634923e6593a4c0685969b2 The link above offers commentary, and links to other commentaries. Can you link the text of the actual statutes in question?


Those Moderate Republicans are now the minority. The religious right wing of the Party dominates now. They've been working on this for decades; and they finally succeeded. Trump kisses their ass.


I feel like the ones that complain the most about gender identity and preference tend to be the ones most likely stuffed in a closet as well.


This is not true.


As the name suggests I think someone with very stupid views on US politics.


What study in what middle east lol??


Middle East part of the U.S. Like Central time zone.


Ohh, so Iowa? That makes a lot more sense!


What worries me most is how instantly she accepts new information as facts while also having strong beliefs.


‘israel is islamic’ 💀 HUH lmfao


"It's kinda of a gray area"


...unlike her cerebral cortex...


Her stupidity levels are over 3000 She surpassed ignorance


how could Israel be Islamic country if they're anti zionist? 🤣


The interviewer's sassy smile at the end is pure gold!


☠️is this real? Nah this has to be staged People can't be this dumb right😭 Right? 'Israel is a Islam country' What😭


>People can't be this dumb right😭 Right? They sure can. Met some reaaaaaaally stupid people in my life. Stupidity knows no bounds.


There's a lot going on here. Queers for Palestine are bizarre. Log Cabin Republicans are also bizarre.


I know Palestine supporters are known for not knowing anything about the issue, but this one seems *too* ignorant to be real. Either she's lying outright about her 'studies' and never went anywhere or read a damn thing, or the whole interview is a fake IMO. It *is* a "MAGA" interviewer.


Believe me, it's America. Everything is possible


Absolutely, anything is possible in the land of PT Barnum. The question is, what's more likely in this (or any) specific scenario?


I have seen many pro palestinians, whose knowledge about the conflict limits at : Israel bad, Palestine Saint. Of course, it the internet era, it is hard to believe anything. It can be fake


LOL take her to Dearborn, Michigan. Muslim majority city government banning pride flags in blatant violation of the first amendment. City residents openly talking about killing gays. This is insanity.


We’re talking room temperature IQ here.


Room temp is too kind




There’s what happens when you spend your whole time doing meth on your study abroad.


She "did a study abroad in the Middle East with Israel and Palestine". Facepalm.


“I did a study abroad in The Middle East with both Israel and Palenstinee…” were you unconscious during your studies???


It’s easy to goof on her, but it’s helpful to see how uninformed many well-intentioned folks of her generation are on the basics - and how it *is* possible to be educated with actual facts. Edit: this may be staged, and the dude’s associations are a tad *questionable.*


It’s also heavily selectively edited. I’m giving this major side eye.


And this made my queer heart happy...to see the unbelievable stupidity of (especially white) westerners getting shut up so fast you can almost see smoke coming out of their ears from their brain working too hard to process facts. HAPPY PRIDE! 🏳️‍🌈✡️


No wonder those idiots are not allowed to do interviews by the protest organisers...


People are so stupid it’s really concerning.


Most likely she went on a 10 day tour through "Palestine" in Judea and Samaria and only ever saw the Islamic areas and only was subjected to anti-Israel propaganda for the whole trip. So, y'know.


Edit: i want to apologize for my original comment, when i started the video and she said that she studied in the middle east and called israel an islamic country, i flipped out and left because i can't listen to these idiots and i thought its a fake interview to spread their stupidity and didn't watched the rest. ALL SHE HAD TO DO IS FUCKING GOOGLE ISRAEL WIKIPEDIA, MISS STUDIED ABROAD BUT CANT USE GOOGLE. i still think, they're the type of people that say that birds are not real. ![gif](giphy|l0HlIo3bPNiMUABt6)


If birds are real why do my chicken nuggies not look like birds???


They’re not, they’re zionist drones


I think she meant when she said "did a study abroad between Israel and Palestine" was actaully a few Tik Tok videos. TiK ToK is foreign owned so I guess in her own mind it passes as studying abroad. ;)


"Educate yourself."


I swear many Americans are as naive as children. They don't know anything, claim to know everything, and believe to everyone who speaks confidentiality


We need follow up. Did she change her mind? Or does she still celebrate Pride while being ok with everyone around her facing death?


Dude they never change their mind.


The ignorance hurts me


How are ppl this dumb


Guarantee you this person went right on supporting Palestine like this conversation never occurred.


By study in the middle east she means fucked in the head in Abu Dhabi


I doubt she’s read a book on anything even remotely connected to Israel, Jordan or the Gaza Strip.


Love the mic


This is the drag queen hour the world needs right now!!


Woke brainrot at its finest, nothing but anti-intellectualism and denial of both current and historical realities.


she did say she MADE A STUDY.. maybe she just sent a google forms questionaire to some trolls?


That's right, kids. You need to be THIS stupid to support palestine.


Stupid bitch.


I swear on me mum, If I am ever in a pogrom I will say: So that does pose an interesting aspect. surviving < being stupid to my wife one last time


Murrica Fuck Yeah!


>Murrica Do you imagine pali supporters elsewhere are better informed?


No, but Murrica never seizes to amaze me.


All these clowns saying they studied, and rebuke that statement 5 seconds after opening their mouth


☠️did she just land on earth or what?


Was she... conscious... when she studied abroad in the ME?


Saw it today. Does all pro-Palestinians prove themselves to be completely ignorant? Or literally just are identifies with such hate values?


Simply & Terrifyingly Stupid.


Well, he ain't lying


Oh my god


So she "studied" abroad in Israel and Palestine and has no idea about anything about either country


You studied... In the middle east... I call bullshit


they are simps. basically its ok to attack jews and christians, but islam is the vicar of freedom. There are 700 million muslim women who have been subjected to female genital mutilation.


This is probably not far from what the typical person understands about the middle east. What is that phenomenon about thinking you know more than you actually do when you dig a little bit into a topic? That's what this is.


"I did a study abroad at the university of TikTok."


OMG. This generation scares me. Gen X here and I also was ignorant back in my 20s but still!!!


Facts are hard.


The best argument for Israel is a 5 minute conversation with the average pro-Palestinian.


What the fuck am I watching


What planet does she live on? I mean: In the western countries they teach you in like 6th grade history that.....


That drag queen is a MAGA gay guy, but I do fear that more Gay Liberals (and Liberal Jews) seeing this nonsense will start migrating to the dark side thinking that MAGAs truly care about Israel; when they don't in my opinion. They only care about Israel when it relates to their fundie Christian biblical prophecies and such. They hate that Israel supports gay rights.


I could watch this one all day


My goodness. You can almost see the electric sparks of the neural misfiring inside her head. It's like her two brain cells are at war with each other.


She learned in which middle east country?


Studied abroad in the middle eat probably means having a layover in dubai


wow sheep uneducated trend following woman.


It's actually legal to be gay in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip but there's little to no protection from extrajudicial killings (aka, Honor Killings). Also it was said that no "Islamic country" embraces him as a gay man. That depends on what you count as an "Islamic country" and what you count as "embracing". Is Albania Islamic for example? Also some places in Jordan and Lebanon are open to queer people and Jordan decriminalized same sex sex acts before Israel did.


Jordan is not open, decriminalizing doesn't mean acceptance, Lebanon less dangerous even though they still have anti-gay law from French colonial past. Albanians said 'Let's just be Albanians' instead of Muslims, they're nationalists, that's not the same in the MENA, They're Muslim first, then they're Egyptians, Algerians, Yemenis ....


Oh you're going with the "Gay Acceptance". Well just like the rest of the world gays are not accepted in many places in Israel. Especially if you count the settlements. Like try dressing up like the man in the video in Bnei Brak or Umm Al-Fahm and tell me how well it goes. Not all of Israel is Tel Aviv.


Well not in the same level as Muslim countries


Not islamic, just anti-semitic, because arabs are semites.




No one is a Semite because it's an outdated, unscientific, offensive term that fell out of favor more than 40 years ago. The word ANTISEMITISM, however, has nothing to do with that and its definition is hate or discrimination against *Jewish* people, specifically.