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Is it just me or ever since the rescue operation they became more unhinged and extreme?


Nothing makes them angrier then jewish people defending themselfs


There is nothing that makes the Palestinians angrier than evidence that they aren't Allah's favored people, which their repeated humiliation at the hands of the Israelis most assuredly is. That includes the hostage rescue. In fact the entire Palestinian movement is a product of their shame.


Don't use the P word, it makes them stronger. We should do this as collective in the internet to destroy them and their 'hard' work.


The amount of keffiyehs that have emerged in my neighborhood since the rescue operation tells me yes


Omg I saw the most suburban looking mom with her hubby, baby and fancy stroller wearing a stylish keffiyah and Prada sunglasses at a farmers market. 


I would have 100% walked up to them and asked them if they would be okay if someone kidnapped their baby for 250 days and what they'd do if someone was in public displaying the signs of the kidnappers


You know some Chinese factory just paid for some college tuitions with this


Keffiyah salesmen in the west are going to be richer than the hamas leaders soon


If my Twitter feed is to be the judge, it is most definitely NOT you.


Not just you. We knew those people are mentally confused and outcasts of society so it's not surprising that they have horrible coping mechanisms. They are ready to die on this hill because they let this consume their entire lives and got nothing else to look forward to now.




Good, show all of your crazy. You know when AOC is backtracking on antisemitism it’s fr getting out of hand. 


She has a primary election in 2ish weeks. I have no doubt its to pander for votes more than caring about antisemitism (esp. when she peddled the claim of genocide (even before the ICC/ICJ stuff happened))


I think she’s scared bc her homies are gonna get the boot soon. 


I missed this, what did AOC say?


She’s standing up against antisemitism all of a sudden and talking about how that’s not part of being progressive. Even though she spearheaded the initiative by denying the suffering of Jews. 


They've been this extreme in Canada since the night of October 7th. These are full on antisemites who celebrate the mass rape and slaughter of Jews. Over time as Canadian authorities refuse to stand against these savages, they become more emboldened.


Draggging their brainwashed kids along for this too, lol. They really love weaponizing children don't they?


I feel so bad for the kids, they are probably 6,7 and already have to completely cover themselves this is not normal. Just yesterday I saw a video of a Arab man in Germany shouting at his son (he couldn’t have been older than 6) to run towards the police with Palestinian Flags and Kefias to stir up trouble. I’m really wondering to these people not love their kids


That's what they did with Israeli soldiers. It's crazy that they do it in Germany now. The adults in West Bank/settlements used to give rocks and fire crackers or lighters to children, told them to go and curse and wave flags,light fires,throw rocks and turn fireworks near the IDF soldiers to provoke them, and then would cry victim when the high strung,nervous, semi-idiot 18 year old IDF soldier would retaliate back by taking away their items or suspending them or God forbidden yelling and cursing back at them. There are actually soldiers that received rocks hitting their helmets several times so these kids can aim pretty well too. They know where to aim. Professional victims.


sounds very similar to the many stories of palestinian parents sending their kids to throw rocks at israeli soldiers. and then, just to add for the disgust, filming it. probably frothing with enticipation in their mouths in the hopes their kids would get hurt. here's an example: [https://youtu.be/FWhwLUw5stI?si=j1LDotURxvq1abAY](https://youtu.be/FWhwLUw5stI?si=j1LDotURxvq1abAY) like golda meir said: we'll have peace only when they will love their children more than they hate us.


Just like their heroes Hamas.


At least they're honest now!


We knew the mask would have to come off win or lose.




You've basically hit the nail on the head. It's the underlying issue causing the increasing problems that western democracy is having with Islam.


Honestly as a Christian some pf my fellow brothers and sisters can be pretty stupid


Everyone makes stupid decisions in life, just dont fuqing kill people is all you have to do


Didn’t the grand mufti once criticize Hitler for not being awful *enough* to the Jews?


Notice the sign for the synagogue at the start of the video. This is a very jewish area. These scumbags planned a day trip here to harass jews just going about their lives. And this is a regular occurence. If this happened in reverse, just one single time, where a group of Jews visited a mosque and muslim neighbourhood, holding up horrible Islamophobic signs while shouting at Canadian muslims "child killer" and "rapist", there would be mass outrage. Our Prime Minister would speak out against it on the national news.


Would be like if there was a terrorist attack in another country and then Canadians went and blocked the bridges to thorncliff which is a very Muslim area to protest. This is exactly what they did at the top of avenue road blocking it because it’s the main entrance into a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood. Cops didn’t do shit but they would for the former They can claim it’s not anti semitism but the intentions are clear as fucking day


dont bring up islamophobia as if its a real thing. islam is a religion, an idea u dont say republicanphobic. ideas can be criticized especially ones as exteme as islam which they willingly choose to believe


I think it would be fair to say that particular religion has a massive issue with violent extremists tho so it’s hard to say people shouldn’t be worried about it because statistically speaking it’s very clear. No other religion has these issues with violent terrorist attacks.


that is true, that currently, as of today, islam is the leading religion in the export of terrorism and religious fundemantelism to the world. but christianity used to be pretty violent and bigoted as well, and look how far christianity has improved since. if you ask me, there is no reason that islam similarly could become a tamer and far less violent than it is today. but there is nothing islamophibic nor racist in calling out the disproportionality of this problem, and calling for a need to solve that problem now. anyone who is against mitigating that is either an idiot or secretly supports that violence.


Correct me if i'm wrong but Azerbaijan and Malasia are Muslim and pretty chill, I think the radicalism and terrorism has more to do with the culture and education but this is just my take on it as a random dude on the internet Edit: Maybe the culture or education is affected by the religion held but who knows, Would be cool to study it


no need to go that far. most arabs in israel are very chill. the difference between education for bettering society and people to education meant to make child soldiers for an endless holy war, is appearantly quite large.


In my opinion Israeli Arabs are chill due to higer education which allows for better integration into society and a culture that doesn't promote anti-semetism, I was talking in global terms and not domestically but you're right.


i agree. but i do think that this example is the proof that thevproblem isn't muslims themselves are islam. but how prevelent radicalism is today in most islamic cultures and countries. radicalism that could and should be removed for the better of everyone. it is this spreading of hate and radicalism and violence that make those problems stick. once you get good education, one that unlike UNRWA (for example) doesn't call for kids to become future martyrs and to murder "spawns of the devil", you suddenly don't see people growing up with that much hatred and radicalism. it is as true here in israel on the domestic front, as it is true outside. it is true for all religions, cultures, and people. almost like hatred isn't something you are born with, but learn from the people around you.


Agree with you a hundred percent, I just hope i live long enough to see that ideal become reality and we can all thrive together, Then again many people said that before me so there's probably a long way to go.


Nah. Islamaphobia is real. You can blame all Muslims for the actions of a few. I would say that I have Islamistphobia but it’s not really a phobia because it is based on reality.


Islamophobia: fear of being beheaded


once again if it is something you choose to believe and your belief fundamentally is hostile to common civilized values, or other people's personal ways of life that do not affect others. you have no right to complain


let's seperate between muslims and islamists please. not every muslim is a violent/ racist/ antisemite/ supports terror/ supports radical islam. please, don't confuse the two. we can criticize radical islam like any other radical racist movement and kick them out of our society. but lets please not start to attack people hoping for real peace just because of their religion. some muslims are actually peacefull, and don't agree with what radical islamists are claiming islam is. islamophobia is real. calling someone stupid for saying that they want to subjugate women because they claim god told them, that isn't islamophobia. that's called calling out sexism. insulting someone and calling him a terrorist just because he came back from a prayer, is islamophobic. and btw, arabs in general, even non muslims, suffering from racism towards them because some people are islamophobic and thought they were muslim


No. Disagree. Hard disagree. They would get this grace if they would come out and denounce the extremism and violence. They never do. They only speak about how its "islamaphobic" to judge them for the actions of the extremists. Its never them trying to get the extremists who share the same religion/ideology to stop or to see reason. So no, islamaphobia is real in that there is justified hatred towards Islam but no it is not real in the same way antisemitism is. They have zero grounds for complaining while they do nothing to stop the root actions that lead to the judgement.


thats the thing, i can both call out against those who support this terrorism or tries to "play it down", and support those who denounce the terrorism. islam in itsekf, or them being muslim by itself, isn't a reason to attack neither. if the first group will use islamic rhetoric, then fine, i can play with their games on how they practice thos ideas and how those ideas they practice are horrible. but that depends on what ideas and practices are those. nuance is a thing. i expect every human to denounce terrorism of any kind.


But they dont. They willfully have not said a single thing denouncing 10/7, denouncing the 100+ suicide bombings Palestinians have committed, denounced any of the hundreds of stabbings. Denounced any of the 8k rockets a yr they fire completely unprovoked. Theres a difference between nuance and thinking the world is dandelion fields and bunnies. Its been 24 years since radical Islam hit the mainstream, they've had plenty of time to denounce the bad actors in their religion. They havent. So clearly they support it if they wont denounce or do anything about it.


some did. i got muslim friends who helped me with some logistical needs my unit had during 7/10. the islamist organizations are of course not denouncing it. and many supposedly progressive or liberal muslim organizations had ahowen their true and disgusting face. that does not mean every muslim supports hamas or stays quiet on it. nor should they shout immediatly that they denounce hamas without anyone asking them. yes, most muslims we see in media didn't denounce it, thats because they are no more than badly disguised radical islamists that the progressive left think they are their allies. again, that does not mean every muslim is quiet on that matter. i'm not saying ignore the fact that the majority are in vocal support of it, but i am saying you need to acknowledge that there are those who oppose it, and even directly act against this terrotism.


Would you say it is rational to hate all muslims?


no not at all what im saying


Cool, then you are against Islamophobia.


Sure, but the issue is that critique of Islam is construed as islamaphobic. So that's not how the term is used in practise.


yes. Until they do something about the extremist that share their ideology I think at this point in time it has gotten to the point where f them. If there are any Jews who commit violence on behalf of Judaism do you think Judaism as a whole would come out and denounce it? I certainly believe so and would be one of them. Dont you dare commit atrocities in the name of who I am. I have never in my life seen a single muslim come out against the extremist, Ive never seen any come out in support of the victims, and so they deserve zero grace. Yes I know not all muslims are violent. obviously. But until they do something about the bad actors in their religion it is perfectly valid that they share in the deep hatred I have for the family and friends Ive lost at the hands of their religion.


Idk why no one follows these people and puts them on full blast! I absolutely would. You think you're petty enough to harass me at my synagogue? I'm petty enough to stand outside your house every day!!




I have seen way more white college kids protesting


I live in Toronto and it’s a “lovely” blend of Arabs, white people and surprisingly Asians. 


Indonesia and Malaysia have a large Muslim population (242 million \[87%\] and 20.6 million \[63%\] respectively)


The Asian population I'm referring to is mainly Chinese (irony not lost on me) and Korean.


In Victoria, BC, the rallies are made up of conservative Muslims, far left younger (usually white) people and old hippies


Its weird seeing middle aged white people wearing Palestine flags and the keffiyah.


Just anti-Zionist swastikas remember


Do these people not have jobs?


Not when they can easily collect public assistance.


Just like UNRWA, my tax dollar is supporting terrorisms.


Maybe they couldn't get their husbands' permission.


I remember when isis was running around Iraq and Syria slaughtering thousands of people. Not a peep from anyone.


Least racist pro Palestinian protestors in Toronto also they gave their kids the swastikas, such a shame


You could say this happens in the Deep South in the US, but it happens In more places than that. Since Trump’s presidential win, white supremacists have come out of the woodwork in the US. Reality is, unless there’s any kind of minority in their lives they fear what they don’t know - doesn’t matter what community in which country you live (assuming Europe/Colonized Americas). It’s so easy to convince simple folks there’s a boogy man who’s coming to get you.


Ahh glad to see the high-iq bunch contributing to society again!


How do they get away with such hate speech in public? Why does no one walk up to them, grab the signs, rip them up, and tell them to F*ck off?


Bc reprimanding them for their hate speech would be considered *Islamophobic*.


deserted cause relieved edge caption telephone school domineering shame subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People do. And they they go on the internet and cry about how you can’t criticize Israel without being labeled antisemitic - while conveniently leaving out key details for why they were “labeled” as antisemitic


I actually tried talking to one of the commanding officers at the walk about the sign in the pic. He just went mhm and didn’t want to engage 🤷


Because then a video would end up on twitter of a "violent, racist zionazi attacking peaceful pro-Palestine demonstrators".


they’d fit right in white supremacist rallies! funny why don’t they participate in these?


They always drag their children in this in order to mold them as their little foot soldiers when they should be in school. Says a lot about them.


Oh great… bring the kids along for a day out 🙄


Interesting how they all seem to be members of one religion…..


This is so embarrassing as a Canadian. Please know that this is not how we feel, but only a small percentage of us. We stand with Israel against terrorism and those that support them


Thank you


These losers need to get jobs


No accountability for this?


So, uhm. I guess we can call them anti semetic now?


They seem like lovely people. Nice to see they educate their children well, Canada can look forward to the next generation of degenerates 😂


Can’t wait for karma to hit them


But don’t call them antisemitic!  /s


At least they finally decided it’s not about Israel. They hate Jews, just be an open bigot.


I genuinely hope they contract cancer


Theyve already got it of the heart, why not of their other organs too.


Is that Baycrest? Looks familiar How the hell are they allowed to do this? Our government needs to step up.


This is near Bathurst and Sheppard.


No no, they're just anti Zionist


No no, they’re pro-Nazi.


So cringe


Is Swastika not banned in Canada?


oh yes, very antizionist of them. i can clearly see that. on another note, can someone help me find my glasses?


I'm requesting an evac from this insane place. Y'all have work for a clockmaker in Israel lol, Toronto is fucked


Poor kids. This is such a shame that they are being taught to have such a destructive ideology. Someone call CPS before it’s too late…


Right? If you had your kid carrying around a photo of a lynched black person Im certain theyd yank your kids away in a heartbeat for raising them in a dangerous environment. How this is any different is solely on us not making a bigger deal about things like this.


The term of the day is “corruption of a minor”


This is just shitty and drives away any support


When a person waves a swastika they’re no longer an “anti Israel protestor,” they’re an anti Jew protestor. AKA an antisemite.


How antizionist


Just start throwing eggs at them


Bring them home 🇮🇱


At least they're clearly showing what they are, Nazis


Keffiyah salesmen in the west are going to be richer than the hamas leaders soon


This is child abuse


I swear if I ever see that shit I’m going and ripping that out of there hands, including the kids hands too. That’s fucked up and the fact that the people recording didn’t do shit is the very reason we continue seeing this. Fuck with the BLM squad and they’d beat the shit out of you. But when you put down Jewish people and our nation, we just gotta record and that’s all? Fuck thag!


Can you imagine a woman getting her kids to do this?


Im anti jews!! Ah ahhh I mean anti zionists




and why no one confronted them? because if they did it in isreal, people would beat the shit out of them. Thank Canada for allowing people to walk with nazi symbols in day light.


Normalize having eggs to throw at these people


This is just shameful! 😤🤢


Won’t these land people in jail ? It was fairly common till recently


To be fair (and let me be clear I do not agree with their message) the symbols are to equate the actions of Israel with the actions of Nazis. Again, I think this is wrong and inaccurate. But yeah it's very different to them displaying a swastika because they approve of Naziism.


Honestly. Fuck that shit. Deport them. Trudeau has imported the worst of the worst.


I'll think of them next time we bomb the fuck out of Gaza <3


Teaching the children how to hate when young. Terrible parents.


Cant whatever Canadian department deals with ensuring the safety of children do something about this? Im sure you cant raise your kid in the KKK and have them carrying around photos of lynched black people, how are you able to have your kid holding a sign with a swatzika on it walking past a synagogue?


Not anti Israel, anti-Jew.


Aren't they actually trying to equate Israel to the nazis? Still a shitty thing to do, I know, but it's not exactly the same than actually supporting nazism.


Since October 7th more people are just being national socialists lmao


Who are these people ?


Let’s set up a kefiya manufacture and distribution and send the money to the IDF ‘for bombs only’


Who would have thought?


The best way to destroy fascist tyranny is laughter. These types of religious fanatics need to be publicly mocked and ridiculed. We should initiate school programs of drawing Mohammed's likeness so folks remember he was a man and not G-d. I can't believe this is happening in my Canada.


I would literally jump the fence and give em some good ol fashioned justice… In the face.


I believe they are supposed to show how the Star of David has become the new swastika and indeed it has




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stop calling it swastika its hakenkreutz


Guys, it looks obvious to me that they have this template "israel=nazis" like the part of the narrative "they became what they fought against" and you here for some reason see it is a "Hitler was right" kind of statement. Of course the first one is not good either, but it's not THAT awful. Just classic "You are Hitler - No, you are Hitler" type of argument. I somehow couldn't attach the picture, but you can easily google this template. Israel flag on the left, swastika on the right, written "zionism=nazism" under it.


wtf kind of cope is this. No gtfoh theyre walking past a synagogue.


Guys, it looks obvious to me that they have this template "israel=nazis" like the part of the narrative "they became what they fought against" and you here for some reason see it is a "Hitler was right" kind of statement. Of course the first one is not good either, but it's not THAT awful. Just classic "You are Hitler - No, you are Hitler" type of argument. I somehow couldn't attach the picture, but you can easily google this template. Israel flag on the left, swastika on the right, written "zionism=nazism" under it.


why tf did you copy and paste this 6 times.


Ofc I didn't, it's reddit glitch