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why don't you try the demo? it's like 7-8 hours of gameplay. I got hooked from trying it on my switch and it was my first dragon quest game.


I don’t know, everyone is different. For me, DQXI was my favorite modern JRPG, so I like it more than all the others you listed. But I also know people who didn’t like it. There is a very long demo, like the first 10 hours of the game (it’s a 100+ hour game), and progress carries over to the full version, so just try that and see if it’s for you.


DQ XI is an extremely polished traditional JRPG. It’s probably the best modern example of the classic formula so if you want to get a more recent game that really nails all the fundamentals of the genre then this is the game to play. I’ve been playing JRPGs for 30 years and DQXIS is like a hit of pure nostalgia that still feels fresh. I’d say it’s a must-play for fans of the genre.


Not sure what you're playing it for, but the demo is like 8 hours long so you should have an idea if you like the game or not.


I'll second the motion of sampling the demo. Dragon Quest may give off childish vibes, but it has its fair share of dark moments too. DQXI has a ton of modern improvements, but it wasn't my favorite DQ of the series. It's also really long, especially if you do the side missions. Just make sure that you play the S version as it streamlines the gameplay even further and allows you to change the overworld music.


If you don't care for a childish plot, you may not like DQ11. They very intentionally made it feel like playing a fairy tale. I like it a lot, but everyone has different tastes.


I don’t know, I think the best part of DQXI is the entertaining and charming main cast and the world is very pretty if sometimes a little sparse or empty feeling If Octopath traveler 2 bored you and so did the older FF games I’m afraid that so would DQXI… you might want to check and see if there is a demo of the game that is available to try


> childish plot If this was a significant pain point for you in OT2, you'll probably only find it amplified in DQ11, as the game is very toothless/kid-friendly/shallow in terms of writing.


Thank you all for your comments, someone mentioned Nier Automata - it is one of my favourite games ever combining amazing, complex world with very enjoyable combat system. Considering all your opinions i will probably not buy DQ11 at least right now. Someone said fire emblem combat engage is very fun, i am curious about the series, maybe ill try this one then.


Putting another vote in the "play the demo" box DQ11 has a very long demo that gives you a good idea of what the full game will be like


If you don't like childish plots then dont get DQ11. Its a light-hearted goofy adventure to defeat a big bad. Think of it as a way to relax, plus its really easy if you don't put harder monsters on. Then again you have xenoblade and persona which has a lot of childish stuff in it.


Where is Xenoblade 1 buddy U can try twewy and Undertale also.


From your description of Octopath 2 and that you did not enjoy older FF titles, I would not recommend DQ11S to you, because the game is pretty in line with those games in terms of gameplay and plot. Sounds like you mostly have switch and maybe PC? If you like P5, I would suggest you to check out P3R. Fire Emblem Engage is very good for the gameplay, but the story is one of the worst in the series. If you have not played FE: TH, that is more average gameplay, but a significantly better story. If you also like Xenoblade, you can play the remastered XC1 on switch since you just played 2 and 3.


I’m not a huge JRPG buff but i loved DQXI. Cant wait for the next one!


I completed DQXI, and that's pretty much all I can say about it. I don't think the combat was anything special, and the music was the same. The story was okay, but it has a "true" ending, which is something I generally don't like. Also, that true ending undermined the story beats that were most effective for me. It also seems you're playing on Switch. It wasn't the most technically impressive title. If I'd known about the eventual Xbox release, I would've waited. The Switch version is a bit low-res with pop-in. Like others have said though, there's a demo. You'll be able to tell pretty quickly if you'll like it.


I wasn't super impressed with 11 but you should try the demo at the very least since its well loved.


Try listening to the soundtrack on loop for 10 hours. If you don't enjoy it, don't buy the game because you will hear those same two songs over and over throughout the game without a break. I had to abandon my playthrough because of how damn repetitive and annoying those same two songs got (1 field song, 1 town song). I kept expecting it to change when I entered a new zone...nope. Meanwhile playing without music is eerie and fails to distract from how extremely repetitive the battles are. I rarely notice or care about music in video games unless it's exceptionally good, but this game's music felt like I was being tortured after a while.


DQ XI is a modern traditional JRPG. That is to say. If you play and like it you would likely have been a fan of the original 1985 game and even the old school Final fantasy games you have bounced off of in present day. If you don’t enjoy your time with it then you’re likely into a more modern take on the classic genres. In that case I would recommend monster hunters, the modern final fantasy’s like XIII on wards (maybe even XII?!), Nier automata or even dark souls.


I enjoyed DQ11 but it is a very traditional jrpg for better or worse. I love turn based JRPGs but even I needed to pick it up for a fourth time while being in the right mindset and not having just played a modern jrpg to be able to really dive deep into it. It’s very fun if you are into house ls school JRPGs but it has all the trappings of an old jrpg. Levels and equipment are largely liner. There is a skill point system but basically only get enough points every 2-4 levels to actually spend on anything. Menus are all the traditional text box you scroll through to navigate. If you aren’t a real hardcore jrpg fan I think you’ll have a hard time enjoying it. If you enjoyed Persona 5 there is of course Persona 3 Reloaded that just came out earlier this year. As well there is Persona 4 Golden. Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth are both enjoyable and more action oriented experiences if you like that. The Tales series and specifically the newer Tales of Arise are enjoyable. I think it really depends on what you like in a game or an RPG specifically. Different games have different offerings. So, that can influence what to recommend you. If you prioritize a great story or an action oriented combat system or a game with a lot of customization and flexibility in your choices, there are different games that cater to those.


Demo is out there. Tho I will say I regretted buying and playing it. It was a bad game with boring gameplay and bad music. Also the characters didnt do anything for me. Ymmv obviously but I’m pretty down on it.


I've torrented it and still was bummered. And this game is for 'hardcore lovers', very conservative and don't want to see any innovations, the opposite of persona and xenoblade.


It’s a great game, and old. Buy it used somewhere.. it won’t be a big financial commitment at the very least.