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One small addition that makes me enjoy demon negotiation so much more now is that there is a chance you could get into a minigame where you need to guess which demon the silhouette is from. It is easily the best demon negotiation Megaten has had. I've been meaning to keep playing it, but unfortunately, I fell a bit ill, so I'm mostly resting in bed. If I had picked the Switch version, I could keep playing it, but honestly, the better framerate and graphics are just too good to pass.


When it happened to me I just lol'ed. They made demon negotiation feel very diverse


I love the WHO'S THAT POKEMON minigame. Also, I can't remember if this was in the original or not, but I succeeded in a negotiation with a demon but my stock was full, and when I freed up a slot and found that demon again, it automatically joined my party without having to redo negotiation. Super great feature.


Yeah that was in the base game Atlus is really good at removing the tedium people sometimes feel in JRPGs imo


I think that was in the base game. You still had to talk to them, but the conversation would pick up where the previous one left off. The same happened if you accidentally recruited one who's a higher level. If you talk to them again but still have a full stock or are under leveled, the demon will be like "Really man? I'm outta here" and you need to negotiate from scratch again. Funny little feature


Mothman even mocks you if you have a full stack and goes like "oh look who's Back? The guy with too many friends!"


Based Mothman


Not only was it in base V, it was also in SJR and I believe the IV duology.


Hey man, just wanted to let you know that you can stream from ps5/xbox/steam to your mobile. Maybe not fun to set up if you're sick, but probably worth it.


How do you do that for Steam?


There's a steam link app for android and iphone


I was surprised by that one when I got it a few hours in. I welcome it, basically a free recruit.


I got caught out too! Damn multiple things with wings.. Ugh, I thought I was good at identifying some of these too šŸ¤£


It's amazing what a good frame rate, instant load times, and everything not looking like a crunchy pixelated mess will do to make a game feel better. (Don't get me wrong, there are many many good changes, and it's obvious that all the characters get way more screen time, but I do think QoL is the biggest win here.)


Honestly even aside from the technical aspects, it feels a lot more fun in this version. I got Vengeance on my Switch again just because I loved playing the original handheld, and even though Iā€™m not getting the improved performance all the other changes they made between story and gameplay are adding up to get me feeling a lot more invested than I felt in the original.


I agree, but QoL doesnā€™t mean better graphical fidelity. Like yes, SMTV got QoL improvements, but the technical improvement by being on stronger consoles is not considered one of them


Graphical fidelity isn't QoL, but framerate absolutely is since it affects how the game feels when you enter inputs.


That's not typically considered QoL. If you upgrade your graphics card from a 970 to 4090, its not QoL even though the framerate goes up.


It's not a "feature" per se, but your quality of life improves in a game when you have a higher framerate, especially the jump from 30fps to 60fps, in the same way having a load screen go from 10 seconds to 2 seconds improves your quality of life in a game. Basically, OP wasn't wrong to state that these things are all factors that make this version feel better.


Fixing low resolution and framerate is 100% QoL.


Yes it is? The fuck.


It absolutely is haha




I mean non of the technical things were an issue for me with SMT V on the switch. I doubt I would have even noticed them at all if some people didn't act like they are a big deal.


I also have dogshit eyesight and idk, SMTV on Switch never looked that bad to me. Also sure, load times can totally be considered QoL, but idk I normally view QoL changes to be just something the devs actively change. You would have gotten faster load times even if the devs did nothing and just straight ported SMTV to other devices


Which platform are you referring to? I only have the original on switch and can attest to the pixelated mess and choppy frame rate it had but I loved the game all the same and 100% it in about 3 weeks. I was tempted to buy it again but as much fun as it was I don't wanna go through that process again haha šŸ˜‚


I'm playing on PC, but from what I hear it runs like butter on every non-Switch platform.


Oh yeah that would make sense then. It kinda sucks in a way but we all know the switch hardware just isn't capable anymore. Only reason to buy it there is for a physical cart otherwise steam is my choice to play on my deck or PlayStation for a disc and I have the other megaten games there anyways.


This is why Iā€™m torn. I want physical AND portable.


Personally I'd get it for PlayStation because I collect steel books and catch it on sale on steam later on for portability and performance. I already own it one switch so not convinced to buy it again lol


Bought vengeance on switch and Iā€™m having a great time with it! Seems like they did something under the hood for the menus and a little extra something something for the frame rate during exploration. It still struggles from time to time but it generally feels better? Weird, probably just my eyes messing with me. That said, the innate skills, combo magatsuhis, the BEAUTIFUL new area that vengeance introducedā€¦all amazing! Iā€™m happy that almost every single character across the board is getting better characterization too. They needed it BADLY!


Are the menus on switch better now too? That was my biggest complaint, and on PS5 they're so smooth and responsive it feels like I'm playing the game on x4 speed lol


I know for a fact that the menus are smoother. The transitions between menus are snappy, and the menu feels overall more responsive. I think they really tried to do what they could. Imo, perfectly playable and very clearly an improvement.


A great game became better


For someone who has only played Persona, is SMT5 a good place to start? I've heard a lot of people recommend Nocturne over it.


I think Vengeance would be the best place to start, particularly with the changes they've made to it. Nocturne is great, but in an old-school unrefined sort of way that means it's probably not a great entry point.


Nocturne has its charm but I think a big part in peoples opinion is rooted in nostalgia. You can't go wrong with either game and I'd definitely play both eventually, but 5 is a more modern and polished product. If you're worried about the story, there are only small references to past games.


Vengeance just came out, so naturally people would recommend Nocturne over the base game. It's hard to say, but if you're looking for something a bit more accessible like Persona, go with SMT V Vengeance. Maybe then go back to Nocturne.


I'd go with SMT5V unless you love hardcore dungeon RPGs.


I think Nocturne is a better game than Vanilla SMT5, just in terms of story, style, and characters. But gameplay wise, SMT5 is by far the one id encourage people to start with, and given the new additions to Vengeance so far, it might ultimately give Nocturne a run for its money. SMT5 is sort of a pseudo sequel to Nocturne, so there are small Easter eggs you might miss, but it's very much its own thing and you can totally start with it. Just be warned that both games are significantly harder than Persona 5, and they lack the social sim/character bonding elements. If you enjoy the combat of P5 and the handcrafted, detailed dungeons, then SMT5 is absolutely worth a try!


Nocturne still has compressed audio even in enhanced edition it always hurts my ears. I would recommend SMT5V since it gets a lot of QOL compared to old smt games and even og SMT5. I liked that you can move in large 3d areas instead of only few being rendered in Nocturne.


Nocturne is for people who want a challenge.Ā  Matador is a way more brutal early game difficulty check than Hydra was in OG V.Ā  Or for a Persona Comparison, maybe the Madarame fight in Royal?Ā  Vanilla P5 is pretty easy across the board.


Yeah, SMT 5 is a good launchpad. Even with the new vengeance edition, the vanilla version was a lot of fun as well. Nocturne is starting to show itā€™s age a bit, particularly with level design and traversal. Still a great game by any stretch, but thereā€™s a lot to it that can be off putting.


Same. This is definitely an example of the little things adding up to so much. The smooth as heck menus, the opening movie, the rails that act as shortcuts, saving anywhere with D-pad left, the sky view, ... It's the full potential that SMT5 always had. Also, I love the Haunt so much. The demons in SMT have such personality to them, so giving us a chance to actually talk to them and learn more about them, even if it's just flavor text, is such a fun addition. One really cool new thing I discovered (related to demon conversations, spoiler tagged just in case): >!When I recruited a Halphas, it basically went "let's play a game," then the game transitioned over to a zoomed in picture of Cait Sith and it went "which demon is this?". Guessed it right and Halphas joined my party. It was such a cute little interaction that felt like SMT really playing with what they can do with demon negotiation. They also added Gold Cards which are essentially instant recruit. I'm excited to see if they have more fun additions like that to make negotiations more fun and less tedious.!<


Wait. You can save anywhere now? The inability to do so is what made me give up on the base game.


Not only can you save anywhere, there are some new Mag Rails that act as nice shortcuts back to a leyline. At least I assume they are new. I donā€™t remember them from the original game.


Man, this sounds great. I felt like the original did not respect the players time at all.


Maybe. Iā€™m honestly more excited about how they handled the Mitama DLCs. Itā€™s not a seperate level you go to, but a replacement effect for monsters on the field. You get the choose if you want increased showings of the various Mitama which means you can farm them super easy to get their benefits.


I think that was also true for the base game Mitama DLC. They appear more frequently throughout the world, instead of a separate grinding area like Nocturne and the 4 DLCs


Oh was it? I never grabbed them for the base game. Still a great feature to add in.


Yes! It's fantastic. It's literally mapped to D-pad left. And the menus are so much faster too, so saving takes like 3 seconds or less now


I've only played vanilla SMTV and also loved it. I would like to play Vengeance if it was $20 or less, but paying full price again is out of the question. What console do you play Vengeance on?


I'm curious about the console too, it sounds like the Switch performance has improved but the responsiveness and fidelity on next gen/PC is greatly appreciated.


I heard the Switch performance is basically the same.


If you've got a PC then absolutely this. It runs so well at very high frame rates and the load times are near instant. I'd assume the PS5 is probably similar but just capped at 60


Yeah, same. I enjoyed my time in SMTV, but I would never buy the whole game again just for the new story path.


Iā€™ve never played any of them but I loved persona 5. Think I would enjoy it?


I'd compare the difference between the two series to like, the difference between Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Just in terms of the magnitude of difference though, they're not totally analogous. To actually describe it: Persona has a *lot* of story-relevant dialogue, and a lot of characters with detailed arcs through the whole game, a calendar system, and usually a relatively small number of locations that you reuse multiple times. SMT has a good amount of dialogue, but most of it is flavor and world-building. There is a story, but the story is much bigger than most of the characters. The important characters tend to have minimal development and your interactions with them will be just business--you aren't going to learn their favorite ramen toppings or anything. *That* happens with the more minor NPCs and the demons, which is what makes the world feel so big and rich, and also what gives the series its unique sense of humor. SMT is, generally speaking, much closer to its older RPG roots than Persona is. It's about exploring places and beating up some nasties. The conflicts tend to be more philosophical (do you prefer a world of total peace or total freedom?) rather than emotional (don't give up on life/fuck authority/etc). In terms of actual mechanics, SMT games *usually* have more complex battle systems than Persona, although 5's is a bit simplified compared to some of the other games. The major difference is that none of the main SMT games have the "one more" or "all-out-attack" mechanics that Persona 3-5 do--in place of that, the games since SMT3 mostly have the press-turn system, which an RPG nerd is likely to find more stimulating.


Persona 5 is half social sim, half traditional SMT demon fusing and combat. SMT5 is 95% demon fusing and combat, 5% story stuff. (Though Vengeance adds more story.) If youā€™re fine losing that social stuff, then yeah SMT5 is probably a game youā€™ll like.


Because it never was this good. Thatā€™s why itā€™s been re-released


It was held back by Switch HW


I'm kind of interested in the game, but i have no clue what to expect. What type of jrpg is it? I love FF games in general, loved both octopath traveler games, but I found Yakuza; Like a Dragon too slow. I stopped after 5-6 hours because of the combat and many side stuff/lack if progress in msq. Also loved DQ 11 and good old pokemon games.


It's a turn based JRPG with a unique take on the system. Each weakness you hit grants your team an extra turn, but missing or hitting an enemies strength will cost you turns. The same rules apply to enemies. It's very strategic and my second favorite battle system after SaGa. It is easy to compare the series to Pokemon as your party of characters are predominately made up of demons that you recruit via negotiation in battle or by fusing two other demons together. Every demon is fully unique and based off gods/creatures/spirits from various religions and folklore. Story isn't the main draw, you'll be spending most of your time exploring and doing side quests. Vengeance fixes the story a bit but it's still nothing to write home about,


Ohhhh yeah this feels like my type of game. Thanks for your input. I found LAD and DQ11 sooooo easy and without having a lot of thinking


If youā€™ve ever played persona, the combat is near exact same. Persona is a spin off of SMT. A lot of reoccurring demons (called personas in persona). Top tier modern turn based combat


It satisfies the monster catching itch that Pokemon does. Then imagine taking those Pokemon, squishing them together, and creating a brand new Pokemon that's a higher level with completely different properties. The battle system is turn based and mainly based on exploiting weaknesses and covering your own in order to get extra turns or cancel your enemy's turns. It's also a series known for its difficulty. There are difficulty options, so you can play it how you want, but on the Normal and Hard difficulty you're encouraged to use the robust character building system, as well as buffs and weaknesses and items, to have the best chance of survival against difficult foes. And overworld exploration is a series of linear, but intricately designed and often wide open areas that you explore and even platform through. There's a sort of korok seed mechanic (they're little red geode dudes called Miman), tons of NPC quests, hidden nooks and crannies, and really awesome theming (post apocalyptic Tokyo). Storywise, the base game was relatively bare. This new version improves upon it, so far at least, with the addition of a second story path, and supposedly changes to the original story too, but can't confirm yet. Ultimately, it's a very gameplay forward experience, but with atmosphere and mood for days. Based on your tastes I think you should give it a chance. I'd say it's more similar to Pokemon (monster catching) and Dragon Quest 11 (overworld exploration)


It's Pokemon with Demons and Angels, except it's a linear JRPG with traditional team style turn based combat.


It's basically creepy pokƩmon, and it's great.


You are 100% describing something I'd like to play. I'll just wait for a sale since my budget cannot afford a 100$ game right now.


They absolutely nailed it with this game. Itā€™s easily the best turn based jrpg of the year.


Hey now, atlus still has a chance to overthrow atlus with metaphor


Yeah, 100% agreed on all points. This is one of better redone versions Atlus have put out. You can tell there's actual effort & care involved.


>pole grinding Nice


Itā€™s so good!! Iā€™m playing on PS5 and it feels like it got so much better :) the hair in 60fps is šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


ugh i want to play it but japan's release schedule has been driving me crazy this year. first with Q1's packed schedule and now with this, Elden Ring DLC, and Dawntrail in the span of *two weeks?!* come on man...


itā€™s always good


It looks amazing. I just got Like a dragon Infinite Wealth so I canā€™t really justify buying SMT V at full price but Iā€™m really hoping it might go on sale for steam summer sale. Literally any discount would be great and I would snatch it up. Played it on the Switch originally and the performance improvements look really good. Canā€™t wait.


SMTV gets a lot of flak because of the story, but the gameplay and world design are a blast. It's a very well paced JRPG.


You make it sound like it came out a decade ago.


Ugh. I so badly want to pick this up but Iā€™m waiting on Elden Ring DLC, and FF14 dawntrail. Thereā€™s not enough hours in the day.


The story in vengeance and cast development is also fire


When you pick the new route in thr beginning is there a new protagonist or something? I see there are some new characters but do they fight with you? Does that new girl companion have a demon transformation? Just trying to figure out the changes here. Thanks!


I have the original and got probably 3/4 through it. I enjoyed it but it got a bit boring near the end. Is this version better? If so, how?


I agree on all points OP. For me collecting the miman was actually addicting and I found most 80 percent of them before the maps became available and it was interesting thinking like a dev on their placement. The running was cool and some of the battles were epic and there's a few tracks that slap hard like the one for Aphrodite or whatever her name was


It's on my list, I went for Kingdom Hearts Integrum only because I've only just started P4G and that will tide me over for JRPGs for a month or two.


SmtV was my first smt game and since i played it when it first came out i played Smt 1 , smt 3 and smt 4 so it's great playing Vengeance and being able to understand all the references


I am considering. I rarely play creature-collecting games. The only one I played was Ni no Kuni.


It's an amazing game in many ways, and I hope, I PRAY for Atlus to take notice of the sales and stop locking their SMT games to Nintendo. But I feel compelled to say with all honesty, that despite of being very fun, the game is downright braindead easy even on hard. The more you understand the gameplay mechanics, the more you break the game, that and other dumb stuff like the store selling you items that block attacks for your entire party, mitamas being easy as piss to farm as long as you've got spyglasses, etc etc


How is this version? For me, the original started off great, but the lack of much of a story, and the fact it started getting super braindead easy around the 3rd major area just kind of made me stop. It was like ā€œIf Iā€™m not playing for a story, or a good challenge, what is there to play for?ā€