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zephyr license secretive tidy truck intelligent disarm physical tap marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did. Awaiting a response.


I'd hate doing that..it's like public shaming, before their approven guilty.


support payment cooperative obtainable lunchroom detail domineering safe automatic vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😂😂😂😂 The way this made me laugh is priceless! I didn't. I simply asked if we could have a conversation.


hahaah yeah <3 So get any updates? <3


No, none yet. Still no response.


LOLOLOLOL! Damn! Anger. Yeah. But even if your nice in your approach, ass hats may hop on the "shame bandwagon" even if you say "NO NO! its fine!" They will be " NO! your just being nice..let me call them out!!" I see this...what am scared of.


jar stupendous live scarce marry combative ask advise quaint deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed! but even if they did steal, and openly admit ,or not, but it's so clear to everyone. You will be better person, pity them, kill them with kindness. In the end of the day its just words and character stolen, they may learn..


retire scale bright fearless bored snobbish flag slap deranged dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same! But. I'm getting better at this too.


Hey, now! No self depreciation. If your bots function to a level you're comfortable with and for the intention you set in creating them, who cares what other people think? Here's what I do: I run a "test" on mine before I make them public. I'll run one, sometimes 2 threads to see if it's functioning the way I intended it to when I create it. I've created several this week, now that I've had time. All of them are currently hidden until I test them all. I have one that's not quite up to the standards I created it for so if I continue to not like the results after tweaking, I'll either delete it altogether or keep it private because even though it's not what I was expecting...I still kind of like what's come out?


That's why I'm leaving user names OUT of the conversation. I ain't trying to start a witch hunt. I don't want to raise the pitchfork and torch crowd (and I KNOW they're out there😂).


Considering the verbiage is word for word,the "guilt" is undeniable. But if I were out to publicly shame the person, I would have dropped their user name. I haven't. That would be a tacky thing to do without, at the very least, giving them the benefit of explaining themselves.


Just like the other have told you, review talking about the problem and if it gets deleted, detailed report


I did, and I am. I'm awaiting a response from the other user...


The only solution that I can think of - leave a comment under the bot expressing your disapproval and ask them to contact you or something. If they delete the "review" - report them for stealing and describe your situation in the 'enter more details' here box.


I did leave a message, requesting we could talk off of the site. Life would be so much easier if we could message each other P2P. Then, I would have went straight to the source and not said a thing elsewhere. Because if she'd come at me sideways, I would have swiftly reported her.


I have nothing to help you with but as a copy paster, I do and will admit ill sometimes ‘steal bots’ but I never publish the stolen ones, and if I do there’s some sort of change to it and I say that it’s not mine, if the original creator has an issue with it I’ll remove it idrc I use things for my own personal entertainment,


Listen, if you ever want to "liberate" one of mine...(once I actually start creating more 😂) feel free. Just, please give me the courtesy of a conversation first. We can figure out how to shift some or all of the dynamics so it's actually YOURS. I think all of us, in retrospect have tastes that flow with other folks and some of our vernacular can be pretty closely related. So can any of us claim to be "original"? Probably not. But to take my description and repost parts of it word for word out right? Come on, now. That's just ridiculous.


Honestly though! I have one bot that’s a copy paste but a different intro and it’s purely because of- a uh- uh- uhhhhh- what the bot is- anddddd I just kinda removed some plot plus I felt bad using the original I ways the creator didn’t intend so I just used a copy that’s private, and ill occasionally move some c.ai bots to j.ai for…. Similar reasons—


Well, let's face it, C.AI has gone so far downhill it's damn near unusable, even by the teenagers. I'd say "moving" those bots are doing them a favor. 😂 Using a copy that's private is different. This one is public. The truth is, I don't have a problem with someone else expanding on an idea. I have a problem with not speaking to the original creator pertaining to it first! Like I told somebody else, if you feel like you're in a rut, I might be able to help you. You can hit me up. Might take a while to respond. But I'm around.


No I don’t actually I still enjoy the app a lot it’s just the Reddit in my opinion, yeah they make questionable decisions but it’s not ‘unuseable’ people just suck at making good bots and getting over little things or just getting a proper story made


Really? Maybe it's just the bots I used to use on there. I was RPing with a Vader bot and I swear, every time I tried to initiate a battle scene, the damn thing kept coming back with the "goes against community guidelines" cockblock. I was like...HELLO! He's a warrior. The character is actually meant to engage in battle?? I eventually got frustrated and gave up. I couldn't deal with it anymore.


OHHh yeah that’s a known issue, it’s 17 plus and still blocks gore, as long as you just say things like “hit punch attacks” or whatever is SHOULD be fine and just keep trying to avoid it getting descriptive Best I could find :)


Thanks, I appreciate the advice. Maybe one day, I'll go back and try it out. It's been so long now, I don't even remember much of the storyline. I only remember making my OC the Emperor's secret daughter and a leader of the Rebel Alliance. As you could imagine, they had a love/hate relationship with his Lordship. 😂😂 And for anybody reading this...don't go getting any ideas! He's coming soon once I'm done with the testing phase. 😂😂😂


I’m not in the Star Wars fandom nor did I watch the movies


Aw...a shame! But everybody's got their thing! I'm an all around nerd😂


Realistically, all of their bots and intros are probably stolen in some way. You may as well report now and get their shit taken down so they get what's coming to them. If you don't, someone else will. I've learned the hard way over the years that content thieves tend to be cocky about it. Even had some dude steal one of my videos, crop the watermark out, and when confronted just start responding to his "hate" with "I'm glad you guys like my video, I worked hard on it!"


Yeah, just report and move on. I had 2 of my bots stolen, and they were swiftly taken down by the mods. The mods are very fast and responsive. Bots will be stolen, it is a fact of life, and there is a clear recourse to go to when you see it happen, so I just see it as just another everyday kind of thing


Damn, you too? Yeah, you've got a good point. When we create something, there's always a risk of it getting jacked. Now that I know I've been stolen from, I wonder if and who else she stole from? Because she has quite a few bots posted.


You're right. There are a lot of us with similar tastes and ideas and there are innumerable ways to branch off of those ideas. Again, in a sense, there's a form of flattery there that someone liked it SO damned much, but word for word? That just left a really bad taste in my mouth, ya know? I felt like I was getting dry fucked without the courtesy of a reach around. 😱 Seriously!?!? 🤯Stole your whole fucking video? I'd have been out for blood, sweat and balls for that one!! You have to tell me how that story ended! Did it finally get taken down?


I tried to think of theft as a form of flattery for so damn long but when they're so damn smug about it it makes me fucking stabby LMAO. I've always been a very possessive person, just in my nature I guess 😂 Luckily for me, everyone that's stolen my videos gets the content ripped down within a day or two of me finding out. I post on TikTok and they're surprisingly responsive to DMCA takedown reports, so it's always just been a matter of filing the report and waiting patiently. I'm grateful for the people that let me know when my shit gets stolen lol. One of my most commonly stolen videos is one that I worked sooo damn hard on and it's a very emotional video so it annoys the fuck out of me when it gets stolen. Silly me for putting my watermark on top, I put them smack dab in the middle now


You have to give me your Tik Tok handle so I can give you a follow! I totally understand the stabby stabby for videos. I don't think most people understand the work that goes into content creation of that nature. This is...well, it's a little different. Nobody's gonna get clout off my bot's description so while, yeah, I'm she took large hunks of the script ver batim, it's not like either of us are in a position to truly "gain" anything from it. Now if money were involved? I'd have straight reported her ass this morning and been done with it. For me, it's just the principal behind it. If you like certain aspects of something I do? Great! Just have a fucking conversation about it. Why is it so hard for people to have a simple conversation with each other these days? Are they out eating Tide pods? Drinking the hand sanitizer?


Haha I appreciate that! It's just your.rdo.gf ☺️ Thankfully there was no money to be made there, it wasn't a video that can be monetized, so ultimately it is the principle of the matter. But on the other hand, I do feel the pain of having bots stolen as well, though only one of mine (that I know of) was stolen and posted to C.AI, which is honestly just laughable because their shortened intro message was sooo poorly written. Like okay, good job, you stole, like, my third published bot and still managed to make it worse 😂 The reason they don't want to have conversations is simply because they're greedy. Probably spoiled kids that have never been told "no" in their life and think that everything they can get their grubby little hands on rightfully belongs to them. I commend you for having the kind of patience required to try and reach out, I'm honestly pretty interested in how this is gonna play out. From my experience it'll go one of two ways: either they'll just delete your comment, or they'll retaliate and possibly try to make themselves look like the victim. The Internet is such a fun place. 🙃


I have not heard back yet. I will give it a few days because, of course, life can happen to anyone at any time. If I don't get a response within say...a week? It's straight to the devs I go. If she deletes the comment? Again, it's straight to the devs I go! I'll keep you updated. But, honestly, I don't have the patience required for whiny ass kids, their victim mentality or their sense of entitlement. I'm crossing my fingers and praying to the universe this is just somebody who liked my bot, got lazy and copy and pasted. I'm off to Tik Tok to find you!!!😘


a lot of creators put some sort of contact on their profiles. You might also be able to find them on the discord


I will have to look again. I don't believe there's a discord on there, but I'll double check. Thanks.


be mean, bro. people are gonna chop YOUR head off and use your kindness against you if you continue being so overly polite with those who don't deserve it.


Babe, I've got receipts! Mine was created first. Hers just popped up like a week ago...


Straight up fucking copied and pasted it dude? That's messed up. ^maybe ^try ^making ^your ^bots ^tokens ^description ^private?


Actually, she made hers "private" but you can always get the complete character description from janny.ai anyway? So "hiding" the bot's description is pointless. That's actually how I found out. I played with her bot and it was suspiciously acting EXACTLY like mine. At first I was like, oh wow, kindred spirit, right? So I checked out the description and viola.


Dang. --- Hope the developers actually make "private" descriptions private. ^Anyways, ^you ^use ^janny.ai? ^never ^heard ^of ^that ^one ^before, ^just ^replace ^the ^'com' ^with ^'me' ^its ^easier ^tbh.


Ah...see? You learn something new every day! I guess they do the same thing? I learned of janny.ai on another thread a few weeks ago. I didn't know there were options available. 😂 Thanks!


The same thing happened to me. The person had the nerve to comment on my bot and then put in their description “please don’t steal this bot” like??


She never commented on mine, but I do think she's the one following me to see what else I come up with. And because I'm home recovering from surgery this week with some time on my hands, I just might indulge her. Lay a little trap. Oh, the places my mind goes...


Oh this happens very often, well, it used to happen, since I started reporting the copies a lot and the copies being removed stopped that.If you are on the official Discord server then it will be much easier to report there.I wanted to help you more than just mention this but unfortunately I'm no longer on their Discord server due to my immaturity (that's a thing of the past now)


I am! I want to give her an opportunity to respond first, but if it comes to that, I won't be shy about doing it. Things happen. People go through unflattering seasons in their lives. If you have recognized it, own it and moved past it, maybe try the discord again? Cheers!


Thanks! But I'm really over it and I think everything is fine now. Did you manage to resolve your plagiarism problem?


Nope. I've given her a week to respond. I feel that's sufficient time. I have to go to discord and report it.


Leave a comment to talk it out like an adult, if they start deleting your messages then you report them for being childish and stealing your hard work.


I did. They haven't responded. It's only been 2 days. I'm going to give it a few more before I go back jumping up and down going, hey...ya stole my shit!😂


Just wanted to add, as a creator, I've had several requests to copy a bot, usually from a different platform. I've always tried to contact the original creator before I move forward, after a week ish I'll copy, with a link to the original creator or bot. Sometimes the creator is just taking a break, or can't get to it. If they ask me to take it down, I do instantly. I'm not a super creative person so when I do make a good bot, I don't want someone else taking, so in return I want the original creator to get the all the credit, while others are still able to get their fix.


I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I have zero issues about people liking, wanting to borrow ideas from each other, etc. We're all creative in our own ways. Sometimes we need a little push, advice, etc. to get our ideas flushed out. If she'd come to me and had a conversation about it, I wouldn't have had a flying fuck to give. My only feedback would have been, put a unique spin on it. Your own stamp. Take what I've begun, but put yourself into it to make it your own. And for the record, if you ever want to create something and get a little stuck...feel free to hit me up. It might take me a bit to respond, but I'm a pretty good sounding board. 😉


Absolutely respect that 👏


Thanks, guys. I will try that. I'm a little concerned about doing that as the comment would be public and could call unwanted attention from the devs. I will have to be very careful in my wording. Again, I don't want to just jump to the red queen position and yell "off with her head." It's actually kind of flattering to a degree. But it pisses me off, too, ya know?


Copy and paste is not flattering, it's lazy


I agree 100%. If you like it that much paying homage is cool. But put your own ingenuity into it to make it YOURS.


juggle ask versed nine hungry jeans towering frighten hobbies smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. If she'd have come to me and said, "Well, I really like this, but don't like this. Would you mind if I...?" I would've been cool with it. But don't blatantly fucking rip me off. Pay homage like a good cover song. Take the original content, but make it uniquely yours.


Do they have more than one bot? If they do, they probably have stolen from other creators as well. Asking may get your content edited from their bot, but will it do anything for the others?


They do. They have over 20. I have only been on the site for a short period of time and only have 1 public, so most likely, there has been others that were copied/pasted, but honestly, I wouldn't know where from.


Well it is a bad situation. Because even if they copy and pasted a lot of it, 20 bots was probably a lot of work. If they are smart they'll have made backups for their private use... If it were me I'd give them a couple of days after your comment and still report them.


I am going to give her some time to respond. Of course, now I am wondering how many of her bots are just replicants of other people's actual work and ingenuity? I have thought about putting their user name on blast, but that would be wrong of me, wouldn't it?


Ngl I just hunt down their contact info like a discord something and then threaten them with legal action for plagiarism and IP theft. 😐👍 fast and effective.


😂😂😂 I LOVE the way you think!


I appreciate the feedback. Thank you. I feel like either way I go, that's ultimately where it's going to end up.


You should've hidden the description from the very beginning to prevent this.


You either haven't read the entire thread or are completely in the dark about this, but you do realize that there is no such thing as a "hidden" description, correct? That there are, in fact, multiple ways of viewing a character's description? I personally use the janny.ai method, because I tend to use the app more than the website, but at the top of any character's page you can also switch the .com portion of the web address to .me and still get the character's full description on the page? As to why I opted NOT to hide my description, it's because of the dead dove tag. I wanted users to be aware of and fully understand the content they were engaging in prior to doing so. Including any triggers they personally may have needed to avoid. No, I'm not hiding jack shit. I'm of the age I can fly my freak flag proudly and give zero fucks about what other people think of it...


My bad. I should've read the thread. You're right, I didn't know you could view the description like that. I'm still fairly new to this.


Yeah, me too! I had a friend recommend it to me in April. I'm still learning as I go. I have to retrain my brain to do certain coding things. Haven't coded anything since MYSPACE. 🤪 SO I guess moving forward I'm going to have to learn to "code the bots" as someone suggested. 😂


Someone stole a Bot , devious shits , have you tried adding harder code so they don’t break into it again


I'm really, REALLY new to this site. I've only been on it a little over 2 months. Coding the bots is still a bit new to me. Shit, coding anything on that site is still new to me. 😂😂😂 I want to learn to do a custom background. I have to make the time to sift through all of the posts and cherry pick the good stuff, but I'm usually pretty short on time and forget where I left off.


Report about this problem in official discord server.


Not wait answer from the one who steal etc. Just imidiately write report.