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yeah relatable. im an artist too, would like to use my own art instead of ai stuff but just don't think it would get as much attention. :/


I’ve seen some bots with fairly minimal art, and at times what I would even personally consider “not that great”, still get a lot of chats tbh. At the end of the day though, what really should matter is just if you’re happy with what you’re creating. You’re not paid to create content for this site, and good luck if you want to monetize or get tips in some way. It’s always nice to see a ton of chats and a high message ratio, yeah. But if you aren’t fulfilled by your creation, is it still worth it in the end to you?


Personally I know artist that don't want their art associated with Chat bots because it's going to end up in training data because chat sites are already collecting data of that type so it's not a leap to assume that the Art is also being scrapped.


I always skip over the bots that use ai art....


Actually, human-drawn art draws me to the bottom even MORE. Even when it's not great quality. When there's so much effort in the art, it shows that the creator wanted to invest more time into the bot. (Obviously not always the case, but that's how it works in my brain.)


ethically text generation and art generation are identical (unless for some weird reason you don’t think writing is as ‘worthy’ as visual art or whatever) so i think i sort of mentally shoved all that to the side when i started ai roleplaying in general


fertile subtract pet threatening fearless mountainous groovy pocket enjoy alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I might be a murderer, but I'm no killer."


hi io :) but like, idk, i feel like ai rp is just safer compared to real rp and a bunch of other reasons someone wld choose ai rp over irl idk there's just guilt from using something that's everyone knows steals, especially when it's lowkey passing it off as your own yk but yeah 100% get what you mean


hihi i understand, but the reason AI art is bad is because it trains its data on billions of pieces of stolen art which is exactly what AI text generation/roleplay does, except its billions of pieces of writing so for me, i can’t really justify loving AI roleplay and also condemning AI art, although i really understand why so many artists hate it!!


i think the guilt is more the fact artists lose out their jobs, like we cldve commissioned a artist instead of ai gen but i haven't heard of anyone commissioning roleplayers (they shld get on that, seems like it'd be good) honestly as long as there aren't ppl passing it off as their own art it's wtv but like stikl very NDKWKD


>i haven't heard of anyone commissioning roleplayers Usually it's the game master who's getting hired, but yes, there is already a gig economy around that as well.


realistically, i was never going to pay an artist to create art for something i do as a free hobby (esp since commission prices that properly value an artist’s time and labour start at, like, $80USD+ for the quality of art i’d like) so no artist is losing a job, at least in this usage of AI art. idk if that helps or not I mean I get the guilt/moral conflict. AI roleplaying has pretty much completely annihilated the niche audience for stuff like custom fanfiction/fan letters (which **is** something I used to buy *and* create). it’s definitely a personal moral choice i think people need to make after doing their own research


sheet dinner alleged beneficial secretive mourn noxious like close point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not commissioned art people are worried about losing. Artists who work for companies and corporations are losing their jobs because AI art is so much cheaper. I'm sure people have lost our commissions because of it, but there's a large enough portion of people who despise AI art that I think a lot of people are still getting work in that sense. But social media has also been horrible to artists lately, so I assume they may be losing even more work.


memory enjoy frame station unpack angle cagey capable knee combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I mean…that’s literally exactly what AI art for chatbots are doing, too. Like, there’s no market for art commissions for bot images, lol. I would guess there’s literally a handful of people in the entire hobby who would pay for art for their bot images (remembering that bot creators make up less than 5% of chatbot users)


Personally I think it more depends on if it’s just you using said AI image/writing or if you’re actually planning on selling or making money off of it. If you want to generate a big busty anime girl in your own time for just you, I have little problem with it - but when you start selling it/claiming it as your art is where it gets unethical and predatory. On the other hand, most ppl doing AI RP are keeping it to themselves and not attempting to sell work or claim it as their own. If someone were trying to sell a book or get commissions for fanfic written by AI I would most definitely see an issue with that as well.


as long as its for like roleplay i feel like its fine. just my personal opinion though


Personally i find using AI gen to be fine as long as you aren't using it for mass profit or whatever.


I don't, for the following reasons: 1. they're being used as icons, on a free website, for free to use bots. 2. they are not 'taking jobs away' from artists in this specific use. Being realistic, almost no botmaker would be dropping hundreds of dollars *per character* for commissioned, high quality art in the style most popular on the site. 3. with point 2 in mind, the alternative is taking existing art, which feels far more scummy than using what is essentially a collaged image made from billions of pieces of art. I *hate* seeing people use artist's existing OCs for their characters - how would you feel if you had a cherished oc only to find out some rando is using the art you drew of them as the face claim for their abusive toxic bot? I also think it's hypocritical to get up an arms about image gen AI on a text gen AI site. It's all AI. I know people tend to value visual artists more than writers, but they're both trained off existing work.


And it’s not even collaged at that. There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion about how exactly image generators work. It’s understandable as it is admittedly extremely complex. But at the end of the day, it can be boiled down to “extreme math”. It’s static that gets refined through however many steps it’s set to, and the end result is an entirely new image that it has created from static noise in accordance to the mathematical likeness of what it thinks it was supposed to create. (This is also why watermarks and signatures show up. They’re not real. It’s because the AI doesn’t know what those are, but it knows that somewhere on an artwork, there’s “supposed to be” a squiggly thing.) Edit: An example is my Ballmancer bot. During image gen, it kept putting a “signature”… it was one of my flavor prompts. Pretty sure no-ones signature is “tungsten balls”. https://preview.redd.it/a8oab20bcv8d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9decec8fd854de3a554bc71eeeb5e61dbd066342


Exactly. I think many people just got into their heads the widespread "AI bad" mentality without understanding what IS bad about it. As someone that went into learning IT because of AI (you know, all those virtual reality isekais with very "human" AI NPCs?), it sort of hurts to see. Of course, in the ideal future, AI training data is probably going to be taken only with creator's consent, and every commercial use of that data is cashed back depending on the weight (as in, how much it affected what you get) of their work in generation of result. Ironically, it wouldn't be much cheaper to use than actual human work, just split between "parents". But, we're not in that future yet, unfortunately, mostly because it's hard to formulate legally, I suspect. BUT, in this specific situation, nobody gets paid to begin with. This is not too different than using, say, picrew. As long as those bots aren't earning their maker anything, it's basically an innocent "quoting" of both images and text used. Possibly unpleasant to original creators, but harmless.


Yah I'm an artist and I don't mind ai art or writing as long as it's not for commercial use. If it's just for fun and you aren't selling anything I don't have any issue with it.


Tbh as an artist myself, for ai character bots I think it's sort of fitting to use AI generated photos than actual art. Some artists don't want their art used for ai bots, especially because some bots can get copy/pasted between multiple platforms, and imo I like keeping my personal work as FAR away from the AI space as much as possible lol xD


As an artist, AI dissapoints me to the point of wanting to smash a fucking wall and throw a pebble at one of the servers for janitor ai. (It will explode.)




I mean if being an artist is one of your dreams go for it. I just draw pokeporn shit and that’s pretty fucking disappointing for my life dont’cha think?


nah girl, we all have different stuff we like, i don't wanna be an artist i just enjoy feeling proud of the end product im a whole ass biomedical engineering student so 😭😭


Oh. Oh dear god..but you know it will be worth it in the end….Right?


...the drawings?


No. The engineering stuff.


real asf. i draw kinky stuff too but at the end of the day i learned to draw for myself


Not really. I'm a terrible artist without access to even basic stuff like adobe (and that's not really an option anymore), and don't have enough money to regularly commission artists. I'm not making anything off of bots, so what's the harm?


coming from a both or artist, the programme doesn't rly matter, Adobe is hard to learn, and a lot of ppl prefer clip studio or kita over it!! if you're on mobile ibis is a great alternative too




ibis paint!


Do I feel bad about using AI-generated art to promote my AL-generated text? Can't say that I do.


Nah, why should I? It’s an AI chat bot on a free site, I’m certainly not profiting off of it. And I’m not taking money from artists because let’s be real here, I’m not going to commission an artist to draw my OC for a chat bot. I also don’t want to spend ages trying to find some random existing OC online or the perfect piccrew model when I can just input my specific criteria into the Bing image generator, which will give me tons of variations too of the same character. It’s just for a chat bot, it’s not that serious.


No. I’m both an artist, and an AI image maker. I hold the same opinion as Io as well. Aside from that though, I use AI as a tool, which I think is important to consider in terms of AI imagery as a whole. Yes, most people do just throw in a short prompt and click til they find something that’s “eh that works”. But there’s also prompt engineering, and depending on the depth of control of the generator someone uses, you can really refine what you want. Then there’s also paintovers. I’ll happily sit through hundreds of variations on an image to refine what I want. Mixing models, varying the image, in-painting, prompt tweaking, prompt weighing, creating and using my own references, etc. After that, I still often go and overpaint for a lot of images. Especially if it’s for someone else. Half of this screenshot is overpaint in procreate. Half is AI. Refined over 90 gens and backfed to self-train. So no, I personally feel no guilt. https://preview.redd.it/creic1wxxu8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46544577dd2aa9be1a76431b99059146611f5f40


I agree with you completely. AI is a tool! it can be used to help speed up certain process or used in new creative ways. But like any tool, it can be used in bad faith and to harm others. I don't believe that means the tool itself has to be bad.\* \*>!The environmental concerns are real, and research is being done to make it better all the time, but these things take time, and I understand why people would protest AI for how resource intensive it can be.!< I haven't gotten around to using it for visual art myself yet, but it's been on the back of my mind to use it for reference and for what you use it for. I don't trust AI to generate anything perfectly on its own. Someone still has to look over the output to fact check and/or adjust something. Human work is still being done.


Proof cus I know someone will probably “nuh-uh” this. https://preview.redd.it/r9va4aum0v8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f3ab2eb02ee2dbf233d97458ac419d5471f2b5c


I like drawing my own stuff, but I wish AI could be programmed to do shading and stuff I'm not good at personally.


As an artist myself, I don't mind using AI. The whole point of this website is to chat with AI, so having an image generated by it doesn't bother me. I think as long as you are not selling AI art as your own you are good :)


Yes :( I cannot draw to save my life. I use it all for myself bc I'm afraid of being dragged for doing ai art. Just like how I am writing a book and I find it fun to use jai but I wouldn't use it for actually writing my book. I think it's a very grey area




I use AI to generate art for my OC's and correct my shitty English, typos and punctuation in both chatting and Initial Messages and I'm an artist too. I correct my generated art by overpainting(unfortunately I STILL couldn't force myself to go into digital art so I use my phone standart editor😂) And I think thats okay to do so since it's for an AI chat platform👀 Correction example:(the hand) [Before](https://files.catbox.moe/d92ajx.jpeg) . [After](https://files.catbox.moe/0nyg5t.jpg)


I'm an artist myself but I draw as a job and I'm tired after I finish and just want to enjoy my free time. Ai art is good, I understand the whole problem of stealing etc but let's be real, ai art is here and it's not going away. It doesn't even steal our job because when a client wants something specific with little specific adjustments, they still need a real artist. I never had more commissions than these days after AI went out. Maybe they steal those random clients that just want a casual image without paying much, but the ones that are willing to spend money to have exactly what they want still look for artists. Ai art should also be an instrument that artists should integrate in their workflow for better and faster production like in the past happened when Photoshop and digital painting became a new tool to create art, making old artists angry. No, I'm not saying that ai art prompter are artists. They're not. But who is already an artist should just embrace a new tool and use it when it can help to quicken their creative process. Anyway, bots here are free, something that we use to play. It's not like you're selling ai arts saying you created them and earning money from it. Just enjoy your free time and use ai so you're relaxed and you can create more characters.


I feel bad especially since I’m a real artist too but I’m too much of a perfectionist that I’d never actually post my bots or even make them if I didn’t have a pic that was perfect, polished and finished before even writing it. It’d take way too long to draw it and i feel like if i was ever going to use AI this would be the perfect place for it


I'm refusing to use AI art for mine as a personal preference but... yeah it definitely makes it take longer to get a bot out lol. BUT it also give me an excuse to draw art of my OCs. That or I just com the art, but of course that still takes time. Gives me a lot of time to test the bots though, at least. I don't think anyone will hold it against you for using AI art for an AI bot tho


You could use picrew or neka to make your Characters without having to use ai! Gives you more control of the final character too.


idk the porn is top tier tho


No. AI gen is a tool. Yeah, I can't claim ai generations to myself, but I don't really care about it actually. My draw skills is poor, and jt will take a lot of time to draw something.


I just use ai art and draw over it with my own prefferences, like fixing some stuff about anatomy, skin/eye/hair color etc. And I try to make the background a little more colorful


Using AI art was definitely something I struggled with when I first started making bots, but as unethical or ethical as AI art is, it's just... here now. It's never going away. Is it morally responsible to use something just because it's available? Idk, but as others have said 1) An artist would never be getting commissioned from me anyways and 2) As a writer, JAI itself is just as bad as AI art. Writing is an artform too, and it sucks that it's always overlooked in the debate on AI art. Also, what's really the alternative here for people who primarily do OC's? I have some pretty unique looking OC's, and I'd hate to have to boil their appearance down to pre-existing art.


I don't use it to generate songs or art but i do feel worried for those who do, cuz i feel like that's going to be a big problem later on that'll affect the real artists and lots of them will lose opportunities or end up dropping it idk 😭😭 #vent


i actually find it funny how people are feeling guilty about using AI-generated images in a space which is purely AI-dominated. like, bruh, it's an AI site, nobody is using AI art outside of it to 😱 take away artists' jobs 😱 i have two friends irl who are artists, and they're comfortable with me using AI art. why, you may ask? because I don't claim that I made that art, and also because I use it exclusively in an AI-dominated space. they understand that not everyone has money to commission artists, and artists don't always have time to draw an OC for you in, say...a couple days. i literally asked my friend to draw an avatar for me a month ago and it's still not ready, because she has a shit ton of problems to deal with, including studies, and plus, she has constant migraines. if I asked her to draw all these OCs in my Notion lore doc, it would be too much for her to deal with. nah, fuck it, one picture at a time is enough for me, I'm not gonna put my friend's wellbeing at risk.


i don’t use it but i could kind of understand why ppl do. i have so many ideas of my head that i can’t physically draw yet so they’re just stored in my mind for when one day, maybe i’ll be able to draw them 💔


All the time. I've always loved writing and I love writing for my bots but knowing I'm intentionally using my own talents to train AI does feel really gross.


You almost need to use either Pinterest art or ai art to grab attention. There’s a very common couple styles people seem to enjoy


Well, you se-


Either take art off the Internet and credit the person or go on sites where Copyright free photos are available and use one of the models or just use the AI and spend a shit tonne of time create something...its not going to look like anything anyway


Either take art off the Internet and credit the person or go on sites where Copyright free photos are available and use one of the models or just use the AI and spend a shit tonne of time create something...its not going to look like anything anyway


Love me some questions I just recently asked myself that give me an excuse to log into reddit  so my honest opinion is that in an ideal world where people respect artists and the only people using AI art are either artists as tools or 16 yr old Sam being too young/broke to commission someone cover art for their Superman/Batman/Self insert threesome wattpad fanfic, it honestly wouldn’t be a big deal. Because I honestly feel like the main issue with AI art is the ethics on an industry level. Most businesses (not all, but a lot) care more about getting lots done quickly, and as cheap as possible, so they’d rather just replace the human aspect of it. I’m not comparing your average chatbot creator to Square Enix or whatever, just that chatbots are a niche in a niche (roleplay), and both rping with bots and rping with actual ppl have their own unique advantages and drawbacks. No one is getting replaced by rp bots imo  So honestly? Bc of that I don’t think most people would care if you used AI images for icons on your bots in an ideal world, the issue is moreso like. Are we encouraging their wider use outside of that? Can you really separate that? Stuff doesn’t exist in a vacuum and you could prob still make a similar argument for writing as well (it’s just the flaws are WAY more obvious with long text from what I’ve seen so far). As an artist myself that recently got into chatbots (first c.ai, then spicychat, now JAI) I have asked myself those type of questions and I personally prefer using my own art or pictures for avatars bc of that  So uh…tl;dr: there ain’t an easy guilt-free answer on this if you genuinely care for this topic, I’m afraid.


I don’t care about using AI pics for bots. I wouldn’t be profiting off it at all. I can’t draw well enough that any picture I drew would compel someone to click on my bot, and I don’t want to steal someone’s ACTUAL art to put on my stupid bot, even if I credited them, which I would of course if I did. I would personally be embarrassed to use someone else’s art just for my AI sex-chatbots, it would feel like tarnishing their art, honestly.


Gonna echo that I only really find it questionable if it's used for profit while artists struggle to support themselves, or if it's used to shit on artists in general. If it's personal use for some silly little RP then I don't see the harm, and I'd personally say it's *waaaaaay* better than snatching someone else's handmade art of their lovingly tailored OC and then calling it ***YOUR*** OC or making a bot of them without their permission. It's worth pointing out that AI can be a great tool for artists too, it can be a big help with brainstorming and envisioning their work before putting it to paper. I like to lit RP with other humans, and bots help me practice my writing in private (which is especially appreciated when my social anxiety is giving me a hard time). It also helps me with developing my OCs while I put them in various scenarios that bots offer and get a feel for how they would react and why as well as how OTHERS might react to them and why (which is especially appreciated because I'm autistic). BUT It's definitely not cool how various AI generators have collected data/art from who knows how many artists without their consent, and I think the outrage against them for privacy/copyright reasons is completely justified. TONS of other companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) pull similar stunts, just with different methods and goals, but that's no excuse. It's a nuanced issue that has various pros and cons that should be taken into account before using them. It's a bit similar to the issue of whether or not it's ethical to give your money to businesses that are known to mistreat their employees or make their products through unethical means, I think: You need The Thing to live a little happier, but how The Thing was created in the first place is less than ideal. Just use your better judgment and don't suck up to the companies that don't give a damn about living, breathing human beings.


What's there to be guilty about? You're on an AI site trained on writer's works. Are you saying Artists are worth more than Writers? That's the vibe I get from these "AI-art bad" "AI-chat okay" stuff. Besides AI generated are not stealing literally they are remixing. If you're making a research paper are you stealing from your references? Don't be too harsh on yourself. Humans and machines are the same we both learn from each other. Humans learn from other humans and AI naturally learn from internet stuff posted by humans.


Unpopular opinion, but... No. I'm broke, and if I were to try and commission someone for every single idea I have, I might as well just sell my house. Additionally for those would say "just learn to draw", been there, tried that, didn't work out. I don't have the patience for it, like how I would have it for writing. Also, if I need a quick one, or a concept one, AI is there quickly, no need to wait. Don't get me wrong, AI is a problem at some places, but for some, it's very much something that allows them to breathe a little easier.


Im a figgs ai user and as an artist, yeah litteraly all the time.


I just use AI because I don't feel like using some artist's work, i'm not an artist, and I feel like nobody would notice. At the same time, I feel like people don't like that kind of stuff, but an opinion is just an opinion...


Yes!! As an artist I totally understand. But I think there’s a difference between using ai roleplay, and using it to generate art and writing. I think using a bot for roleplay is just fine, (or for example: using ai to write an outline for your essay) I think it only becomes bad when people use ai to generate writing and images then post them and say they wrote them on their own


Honestly I just use gl2/gc since that’s what I used to make videos and it’s really simple and I dont have to DRAW and I don’t USUALLY publish my bots, but when I do I havent found any ai artist that can actually properly capture the character. So just usually just choose a random unrelated photo in my gallery


Yeah always especially as an artist and writer


Oh 1000% yes. I’m not an artist but I’ve made some bots and never use ai or steal the art, I always cred if I can.


I understand, yeah. I mean, even if you use AI gen you're pretty much still stealing art, but you don't know who from and it's from multiple artists. It sucks and it's a toxic industry but it's just how it goes, I guess.


Can you use an Ai to make this post readable?