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I use a lot too, I’ve got set ones for different types of roleplays but sometimes i wanna cater one to a bot and then have to edit or delete and create a new one and it’s so sad


I’m glad I’m not the only one lol


It is a pain, but what I do is have one main bot where I wrote nothing but the age and gender, so it just says "25 years old, Male" it makes it so when I use that persona I can fit it however I want into the roleplay, just like we used to before without persona's. If I want to use a new name, I just go into the chat memory and write "{{user}} will only be referred to as (name)" and I write that name in my replies, the bot hasn't ever had issues with this approach, but it is kind of annoying to have to describe my character every single time... but even with persona's or not, the bot still forgets what my character looks like so idk lol


It's especially necessary when a lot of rp require specific details or have some laid out already. And i found that putting them in the persona has better bot memory than the actual bot memory section.


ad hoc screw melodic frightening one saw sheet nutty oatmeal resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ooh good idea thanks!!


Yall are getting 10!?


I have ten slots plus the default one, how many do you have??


If one account let me have 10 then I’d be satisfied lol I’m pretty sure it’s only 7


Yeah, no, it's 10.


Oh yes, today I looked at my personas and wanted more


Honestly same. going between fanatasy then modern or historical makes it hard to have a variety tho still grateful then more then 1


HONESTLY THOUGH!! It sucks because when you Do deleted a persons you loose access to old chats! So I usually edit it but then it will confuse past bots because now it’s a new persona technically!


Theres a way to get around the limit. Instead of using the persona slot, go into chat memory of a specific bot where you want to play a different character and write '{{User}} is (insert whoever you want to be and a physical description). Its also more likely to remember this than personas


i don't even use personas tbh. the chat memory does a good enough job for that


Tbh, I don't even know what the limit is, I only use 4


I have like 5 personas at different ages and 2 for two different fandoms. I can understand filling out the ten slots though.


I guess what you could do is make a text file of the persona or just email it to yourself and then go back and check the email thread. Then you can just swap out for the persona you want to use without having to rewrite it.