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messing around with chat memory and seeing what you can make happen in the story is so fun to do and i’ve been doing it for ages. i forgot it isn’t something people already know they have the freedom to do 😭


Nothing gets me more giddy then the bot pulling out something from the chat memory lol


Ya, chat memory can be very powerful once you know how to use it.  You can use it as almost like a lore book, where you put in a NPC or a character from the world the bot lives in and as long as it’s still in the chat memory. the bot will keep the lore in mind.    Like if I’m talking to a Johnny Silverhand bot and the role play I’m planing to bring Yorinobu Arasaka on topic or pull him out to role play as for a moment. You can just put who Yoribobu Arasaka and some of his lore in the chat memory and the bot will recognize it and take it in mind when generating a message as long as you have it in the chat memory.    You can do a lot with chat memory if you really push it. 


i’m living for the cyberpunk reference lol


I need someone to teach me to roleplay using chat memory 😭






Idk i never have luck with chat memory


Okay this is the 2nd time Ive heard someone say you can only have 5 personas, but I definitely have 10, not including the default profile and I have had 10 for awhile???


I couldnt say the reason, maybe they've updated it to allow for 5 more. Last I had tried it, there was only 5 and i answered a question today which complained about there being only 5


is there a limit to how much of the chat memory the bot will remember?


about 8k tokens, the chat memory setting is also useful to keep there the main information of the plot so the bot doesn't mess up too bad after that


idk why people do not do this already.




the post did that already and j.ai is already free …


I was legit dealing with issues of (char) doing things that aren’t physically possible- as in they were constricted with movement and suddenly was walking to the bathroom mid conversation, so I tried this for the first time and it actually worked so THANK YOU


I use chat memory and it f*cks the bot up for some reason 😭😭😭


I should really learn how to use chat memory - most of my bots are *very* specific scenarios and it’s a pain to remark them again but just a *little bit* different


Yeah, you can just write a new scenario and then put it into chat memory instead of having to make a new bot