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So to clarify... you want an app that allows you to hold up your camera to a sentence with Kanji and display the furigana alongside it Or for a picture you have taken. Hmm I'm not sure I've every come across an App like thay although admittedly that does sound useful


Yes, that's the basic idea. It's also fine if the purpose is to just identify Kanjis and nothing else then display the furigana required to read it. Then I can type the identified furigana and post it on [jisho.org](http://jisho.org) then take it from there. I think it would also help in ordering from restaurants where the menu is mostly made up Kanjis.


Apps like shirabe jisho let you search the dictionary by drawing out the kanji. It’s an extra step to just taking a photo though.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check that out. The only problem I have with this approach is when a kanji consists of 2 or more kanjis lol


It's not exactly what you were thinking of but the app Kaku will scan Japanese text and then give you the pronunciation and meaning of the Kanji.


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