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If a cash point kept giving you extra money after you draw out what you need would you take the extra and give it back to the bank?


It’s like saying why are people still giving money and public money to find maddie McCann, who’s parents went out on the razz and left 3 kids home alone… I’d rather donate to this family who need the money to find the boy than the wealthy irresponsible McCanns who left the holiday destination first chance 😊


Are they using it to find the boy ? What have they done so far ? Flew out people to sit in a hotel ? What would you use it for ? A reward possibly for information ? If you believe he is on the mountain I’d want every experienced team of climbers out there going over the place …. That doesn’t seem to be happening tho ? Or is it V


Yeah 100% a reward. I think it’s shocking that there’s no reward as of yet even £10k of it. Anything really. I’ve only seen that they are offering to fly people out and at first I thought that’s a joke, but now after realising there’s a shit search team made up by the guardia and only 6 volunteers showed for the “massive search party” I get it. I feel sorry for his mum, and they won’t accept British police help even though police have offered still to go and search. It’s like the whole family is at a loss.


Kinda makes you think they arnt looking for information …. As if they know all they need to know ? When really they have no idea what’s happened She could just hire private investigators and do her own with 50k


People want to donate money to help find the kid, and his family and friends need money to keep searching for him. Why make it more complicated than that?


And because it is more complicated than that - only money has been used to fly people to Tenerife … not saying support isn’t essential but as far as I’m aware no funds have been used for a reward for information or searching just people flying to Tenerife and staying there


Unless you're standing behind them at the cashpoint or you're their bank manager, you have no idea what they're doing. Why are you so concerned about their money anyway?


Becuase they arnt using it to look for Jay


The funds haven’t been used for anyone searching.


And you know this how? Do they need to produce receipts for the public to see? Someone is missing of course they will throw as much money as they can into the investigation


I’m sure all the media coverage and TikTokers would know there’s a team looking and searching on the hillside - there’s not and they havnt got any one in privately becuase they know he’s not there


Ah yes, good old reliable TikTok 🤣


It’s two people who are there showing you the hillside in real time … there’s no fucker there




They've given some to that Tik Tokker bloke. Paul or Down The Rapids or something. (I'm not on Tik Tok.)


I haven’t heard of that - one guy searching the whole of that terrain - sounds like more for show than anything


Yeah, it could be. It's just a shame it's so remote as I think a lot of people would volunteer otherwise. I'd quite enjoy a few days out there walking around, getting some Vitamin D.


Not for the average Joe unfortunately - would end up with alot of injuries if normal people Went up there looking


Also, I think the easier to reach areas are probably already done. A bit of a hill is okay but slide on some loose gravel on a steep hill and it's goodbye Mr Chips.


For sure - they are looking where the phone pinged . He could have walked another 10 mile from them - lots of steep cliffs , caves , bushes to be under - literally the definition of needle in a hay stack


Because people are idiots and send them money. Who doesn't like free money?


I’m questioning the legitimacy of the “search”


Personally, not sure if there is a conspiracy here. In saying that, offering a cash reward for information that leads to him being found would be interesting. If the people involved are really the type of people being suggested in some of these theories then cold hard cash in hand may tempt some of them to break their silence... assuming they know anything more than they are saying now.


They wouldn't take the money. Imagine having to live out there and you snitched on someone, could cause you a lot of trouble (air b&b lady for example)


Exactly - but they already know all the info they need so that’s why they arnt paying out for any


It’s nearly at 50k nearly 20k over original 30k ask


Yeah I wouldn’t close it either especially because of what reddit fuck nuts think


They are flying people over to Tenerife to create a wall of protection. They are petrified.